void ShowScore() { if (score > finalScore) { finalScore = score; } if (finalScore > PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MemoryScore")) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MemoryScore", finalScore); } else { finalScore = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MemoryScore"); } lives = 5; UI.SetActive(false); Capsules.SetActive(false); Spheres.GetComponent <Randomsphere>().Getclonei().SetActive(false); Spheres.GetComponent <Randomsphere>().Getclonej().SetActive(false); Spheres.GetComponent <Randomsphere>().Getclonek().SetActive(false); scoreBoard.SetActive(true); scoreBoard.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z + 35); Username.GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>().text = FacebookManager.Instance.ProfileName + ": " + score.ToString(); if (FacebookManager.Instance.ProfilePic != null) { ProfilePic.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = FacebookManager.Instance.ProfilePic; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> SaveProfilePic([FromBody] SaveProfilePicViewModel vm) { var user = await getUser(); if (vm != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.imgdata)) { var pp = _context.ProfilePics.FirstOrDefault(x => x.userId == user.Id); if (pp != null) { pp.imgData = vm.imgdata; _context.ProfilePics.Update(pp); } else { pp = new ProfilePic() { userId = user.Id, imgData = vm.imgdata }; _context.ProfilePics.Add(pp); } var purl = this.url + "/account/profilepic/" + pp.guid; if (user.photoUrl != purl) { user.photoUrl = purl; _context.Users.Update(user); } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(Ok()); }
public ProfilePic GetProPicById(int id) { ProfilePic profilePic = null; command = new SqlCommand("spGetImageById", conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter paramId = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@Id", Value = id }; command.Parameters.Add(paramId); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { profilePic = new ProfilePic(); profilePic.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]); profilePic.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); profilePic.Size = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Size"]); profilePic.ImageData = (byte[])reader["ImageData"]; profilePic.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["UserId"]); } } conn.Close(); return(profilePic); }
public string AddEmpWithImage(UIEmp uiEmp) { HttpPostedFileBase imgFile = Request.Files["ProfilePic"]; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(imgFile.InputStream); byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(imgFile.ContentLength)); uiEmp.ProfilePic = new UIProfilePic(); uiEmp.ProfilePic.ProfileImage = bytes; Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.FirstName = uiEmp.FirstName; employee.LastName = uiEmp.LastName; employee.GenderId = uiEmp.Gender.GenderId; employee.MobileNo = uiEmp.MobileNo; employee.EmailId = uiEmp.EmailId; employee.CountryId = uiEmp.Country.CountryId; employee.StateId = uiEmp.State.StateId; employee.Address = uiEmp.Address; employee.ZipCode = uiEmp.ZipCode; mvcDemoEntities.Employees.Add(employee); int status = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); int empId = employee.EmployeeId; if (status > 0) { ProfilePic profilePic = new ProfilePic(); profilePic.ProfileImage = uiEmp.ProfilePic.ProfileImage; profilePic.EmployeeId = empId; mvcDemoEntities.ProfilePics.Add(profilePic); int res = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); } return(""); }
void ShowScore() { fin = true; if (score > finalScore) { finalScore = score; } if (finalScore > PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("CGampScore")) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("CGampScore", finalScore); } else { finalScore = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("CGampScore"); } UI.SetActive(false); scoreBoard.SetActive(true); CGAMPspawnSystem.GetComponent <SpawnCGamp>().enabled = false; StingspawnSystem.GetComponent <SpawnSting>().enabled = false; scoreBoard.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z + 1); lives = 3; Username.GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>().text = FacebookManager.Instance.ProfileName + ": " + score.ToString(); if (FacebookManager.Instance.ProfilePic != null) { ProfilePic.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = FacebookManager.Instance.ProfilePic; } }
public JsonStandardResponse SaveFile(ProfilePic pp) { string error = string.Empty; string URL = string.Empty; byte[] imagebytes = null; JsonStandardResponse objJsonReturn = null; try { objJsonReturn = new JsonStandardResponse(); try { imagebytes = Convert.FromBase64String(pp.profileimage); Image image; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imagebytes)) { image = Image.FromStream(ms); } Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(image); //Saving Image to folder Random objRandom = new Random(); int RandomNo = objRandom.Next(10000000, 99999999); // creates a 8 digit random no. //string path = @"C:\FileManager\"; string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ProfilePicture/"); string datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss"); string fileName = RandomNo + datetime + ".jpg"; string fullpath = path + fileName; // System.Drawing.Image imageIn = base64.ToString(); newBitmap.Save(fullpath); error = string.Empty; if (File.Exists(fullpath)) { new DataAccessController().UpdateUserProfilePic("https://stg-smtshjapp.shj.ae/ProfilePicture/" + fileName, pp.userName); } objJsonReturn.status = "success"; objJsonReturn.data = "https://stg-smtshjapp.shj.ae/ProfilePicture/" + RandomNo + datetime + ".jpg"; } catch (Exception ex) { objJsonReturn.status = "error"; objJsonReturn.message = ex.Message; objJsonReturn.data = string.Empty; new BusinessLogic().CreateLog(1, ex.Message, ex.HResult.ToString(), "FileManager/SaveFile"); } } catch (Exception e) { objJsonReturn.status = "error"; objJsonReturn.message = e.Message; objJsonReturn.data = string.Empty; new BusinessLogic().CreateLog(1, e.Message, e.HResult.ToString(), "FileManager/SaveFile"); } return(objJsonReturn); }
//google has been removed as we cannot get the picture without authenticating ourselves first. public static void GetProfilePicture(Action <Texture2D> callback, PlatformID platformID, string platformUserID) { GameObject profilePicPacket = new GameObject("ProfilePicPacket"); ProfilePic pic = profilePicPacket.AddComponent <ProfilePic>(); pic.callback = callback; pic.GetProfilePicture(platformID, platformUserID); }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (CartButton != null) { CartButton.Dispose(); CartButton = null; } if (ChatButton != null) { ChatButton.Dispose(); ChatButton = null; } if (MyLibraryButton != null) { MyLibraryButton.Dispose(); MyLibraryButton = null; } if (NotificationsButton != null) { NotificationsButton.Dispose(); NotificationsButton = null; } if (ProfileButton != null) { ProfileButton.Dispose(); ProfileButton = null; } if (ProfileButton2 != null) { ProfileButton2.Dispose(); ProfileButton2 = null; } if (ProfilePic != null) { ProfilePic.Dispose(); ProfilePic = null; } if (ProfilePicButton != null) { ProfilePicButton.Dispose(); ProfilePicButton = null; } }
public void ShowProfileForTag(string tag) { ProfilePic profileToShow = new ProfilePic(); foreach (ProfilePic profile in Profiles) { if (profile.tag.Equals(tag)) { profileToShow = profile; } } GetComponent <ArrayAnimatorScript>().Stop(); GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = profileToShow.sprites[0]; GetComponent <ArrayAnimatorScript>().AnimationArray = profileToShow.sprites; }
public int SaveProfilePic(ProfilePic profilePic) { command = new SqlCommand("spSaveImage", conn); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter nameparamName = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@Name", Value = profilePic.Name }; command.Parameters.Add(nameparamName); SqlParameter nameparamSize = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@Size", Value = profilePic.Size }; command.Parameters.Add(nameparamSize); SqlParameter nameparamImageData = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@ImageData", Value = profilePic.ImageData }; command.Parameters.Add(nameparamImageData); SqlParameter nameparamUserId = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@UserId", Value = profilePic.UserId }; command.Parameters.Add(nameparamUserId); SqlParameter nameparamNewId = new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@NewId", Value = -1, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }; command.Parameters.Add(nameparamNewId); conn.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); return(Convert.ToInt32(command.Parameters["@NewId"].Value)); }
public ActionResult OpenPersonalPic(string app_user_id) { PersonalAccount p_acc = db.personalaccounts.ToList().Where(x => x.AppUserId == app_user_id).FirstOrDefault(); ProfilePic ppic = db.profilepics.ToList().Where(x => x.UserId == p_acc.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (ppic != null) { var pic = db.Files.OrderByDescending(x => x.ProfilePicID == ppic.ID).FirstOrDefault(); return(File(pic.Content, pic.ContentType)); } else { return(File("/Content/default.jpg", "image/jpeg")); } }
public string UploadFile(ProfilePic picupload) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(picupload.FormFile.FileName); if (picupload.FormFile != null && (ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".gif" || ext == ".png")) { string filepath = $"{_env.WebRootPath}/images/{ picupload.FormFile.FileName}"; var stream = System.IO.File.Create(filepath); picupload.FormFile.CopyTo(stream); } else { return("Only Images of type .jpg,.gif,.png or .jpeg is accepted"); } return("PROFILE PIC UPLOAD SUCCESSFUL"); }
private void LoadProPic(int userId) { User profileUser = userManager.GetUserById(userId); if (profileUser.ProPicId != 0) { ProfilePic propic = profilePicManager.GetProPicById(profileUser.ProPicId); var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(propic.ImageData); var imgSrc = String.Format("data:image/jpg;base64,{0}", base64); proPicImage.Attributes.Add("src", imgSrc); proPicImage.Attributes.Add("height", "225px"); proPicImage.Attributes.Add("width", "100%"); } else { proPicImage.Attributes.Add("src", "../Images/pollen.jpg"); proPicImage.Attributes.Add("width", "100%"); proPicImage.Attributes.Add("height", "225px"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { FileDialog fldlg = new OpenFileDialog(); fldlg.InitialDirectory = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures.ToString(); fldlg.Filter = "Image File (*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif)|*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif"; fldlg.ShowDialog(); { strName = fldlg.SafeFileName; imageName = fldlg.FileName; ImageSourceConverter isc = new ImageSourceConverter(); ProfilePic.SetValue(Image.SourceProperty, isc.ConvertFromString(imageName)); } fldlg = null; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
protected void uploadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpPostedFile postedFile = profilePicImg.PostedFile; ProfilePic profilePic = new ProfilePic(); profilePic.Name = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); profilePic.Size = postedFile.ContentLength; Stream stream = postedFile.InputStream; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream); profilePic.ImageData = br.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length); profilePic.UserId = loggedInUser.Id; int proPicId = profilePicManager.SaveProfilePic(profilePic); User user = new User(); user.ProPicId = proPicId; user.Id = loggedInUser.Id; userManager.UpdateUserWithPic(user); LoadProPic(user.Id); }
public int SaveProfilePic(ProfilePic profilePic) { return(profilePicGateway.SaveProfilePic(profilePic)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> EditImage(ProfilePic profilePic) { string imagesFolder = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "images"); string tempImage = imagesFolder + "\\" + profilePic.Image; //Scale Bitmap scaledBitmap = new Bitmap(profilePic.Width, profilePic.Height); Graphics graph = Graphics.FromImage(scaledBitmap); using (Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(tempImage)) { graph.DrawImage(tempBitmap, 0, 0, profilePic.Width, profilePic.Height); } // Delete the temp image System.IO.File.Delete(tempImage); //Crop Bitmap croppedBitmap = new Bitmap(300, 300); for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { for (int y = 0; y < 300; y++) { Color pxlclr = scaledBitmap.GetPixel(profilePic.CropLeft + i, profilePic.CropTop + y); croppedBitmap.SetPixel(i, y, pxlclr); } } //Create the new image string imageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".png"; string newImage = Path.Combine(imagesFolder, imageName); croppedBitmap.Save(newImage, ImageFormat.Png); //Get the customer associated with this profile pic string customerId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; Customer customer = await unitOfWork.Customers.Get(x => x.Id == customerId); //Update the customer's profile picture customer.Image = imageName; unitOfWork.Customers.Update(customer); //Save await unitOfWork.Save(); // Send an email if (customer.EmailPrefProfilePicChange == true) { emailService.AddToQueue(EmailType.ProfilePicChange, "Updated profile picture", new Recipient { FirstName = customer.FirstName, LastName = customer.LastName, Email = customer.Email }, new EmailProperties { Host = GetHost() }); } return(Ok(imageName)); }
public ActionResult AddEmp1(UIEmp uiEmp) { string statusMsg = string.Empty; try { int empId = uiEmp.EmployeeId; int status = 0; HttpPostedFileBase imgFile = Request.Files["ProfilePic"]; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(imgFile.InputStream); byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(imgFile.ContentLength)); uiEmp.ProfilePic = new UIProfilePic(); uiEmp.ProfilePic.ProfileImage = bytes; if (empId == 0) { Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.FirstName = uiEmp.FirstName; employee.LastName = uiEmp.LastName; employee.MobileNo = uiEmp.MobileNo; employee.EmailId = uiEmp.EmailId; employee.Address = uiEmp.Address; employee.ZipCode = uiEmp.ZipCode; employee.GenderId = uiEmp.Gender.GenderId; employee.CountryId = uiEmp.Country.CountryId; employee.StateId = uiEmp.State.StateId; employee.StatusTypeId = 1; mvcDemoEntities.Employees.Add(employee); status = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); int id = employee.EmployeeId; if (status > 0) { if (imgFile.ContentLength != 0) { ProfilePic profilePic = new ProfilePic(); profilePic.ProfileImage = uiEmp.ProfilePic.ProfileImage; profilePic.EmployeeId = id; mvcDemoEntities.ProfilePics.Add(profilePic); int res = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); } statusMsg = "Add"; } } else { var lstEmp = mvcDemoEntities.Employees.Find(empId); lstEmp.FirstName = uiEmp.FirstName; lstEmp.LastName = uiEmp.LastName; lstEmp.MobileNo = uiEmp.MobileNo; lstEmp.EmailId = uiEmp.EmailId; lstEmp.Address = uiEmp.Address; lstEmp.ZipCode = uiEmp.ZipCode; lstEmp.GenderId = uiEmp.Gender.GenderId; lstEmp.CountryId = uiEmp.Country.CountryId; lstEmp.StateId = uiEmp.State.StateId; mvcDemoEntities.Entry(lstEmp).State = EntityState.Modified; status = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); if (status > 0) { if (mvcDemoEntities.ProfilePics.Any(o => o.EmployeeId == empId)) { if (imgFile.ContentLength != 0) { var obj = mvcDemoEntities.ProfilePics.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EmployeeId == empId); mvcDemoEntities.ProfilePics.Remove(obj); mvcDemoEntities.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Deleted; int i = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); ProfilePic profilePic = new ProfilePic(); profilePic.ProfileImage = uiEmp.ProfilePic.ProfileImage; profilePic.EmployeeId = empId; mvcDemoEntities.ProfilePics.Add(profilePic); int res = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); obj.ProfileImage = uiEmp.ProfilePic.ProfileImage; status = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); } } else { ProfilePic profilePic = new ProfilePic(); profilePic.ProfileImage = uiEmp.ProfilePic.ProfileImage; profilePic.EmployeeId = empId; mvcDemoEntities.ProfilePics.Add(profilePic); int res = mvcDemoEntities.SaveChanges(); } statusMsg = "Update"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { statusMsg = "Error"; } //return RedirectToAction("jqEmpsList"); return(Redirect("jqEmpsList?status=" + statusMsg)); }