private static void ProfileDetailsExample() { string userId = ""; string userSecret = ""; var choice = AskFor <int>("Enter 1 to enter custom profile info, or 0 to use the last searched for info: "); if (choice == 1) { userId = AskFor <string>("Enter a User Token to look for: "); userSecret = AskFor <string>("Enter a User Secret to look for: "); } else { userId = searchUserKey; userSecret = searchUserSecret; } if (profileGet == null) { profileGet = new ProfileGet(consumerKey, consumerSecret); } var response = profileGet.GetResponseSynchronously(new ProfileGetRequest() { UserToken = userId, UserSecret = userSecret }); if (response != null && response.profile != null) { Console.WriteLine("Got Profile Details: "); ShowPropertyValues(response.profile); } else { Console.WriteLine("Problem getting profile."); } }