/// <summary> /// Loads the current profiles from a file. /// </summary> public void LoadCurrentProfiles() { // The on error action when loading the file: Action onError = () => { UserProfiles = new ProfileData[CoreManager.MAX_PROFILES] { new ProfileData(), new ProfileData(), new ProfileData(), new ProfileData() }; }; // Find if the profiles file exists: var dataPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, PROFILES_FILE)); if (File.Exists(dataPath)) { // Try to load the descriptor: var descriptor = LoadXml <ProfilesXml>(dataPath); if (descriptor == null) { onError(); } else { // Create the current profile data: UserProfiles = ProfileData.Create(descriptor); } } else { onError(); } }
private void Save(string strLink = "") { try { //gán lại session _getCookies.getCookiesNew(); string img = string.Empty; string pathfile = string.Empty; string fullpathfile = string.Empty; string path = string.Empty; int type = Utils.CIntDef(ddlType.SelectedValue); if (_id == 0) { /*--------------File-------------*/ if (fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName != null) { img = fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName; } /*------------------------------*/ PROFILE_NEW i = new PROFILE_NEW(); i.PROF_TYPE = type; i.PROF_FILE = img; i.PROF_COST1 = Utils.CDecDef(txtTongPhi.Text.Replace(",", "")); i.PROF_COST2 = Utils.CDecDef(txtDaThu.Text.Replace(",", "")); i.PROF_ACTIVE = 1; i.PROF_STATUS = 1; i.PROF_LEVEL = 1; i.PROF_DATE = DateTime.Now; i.PROF_DATE_COST = txtFromDate.Value != "" ? fmDate(txtFromDate.Value) : i.PROF_DATE_COST = null; i.USER_ID = Utils.CIntDef(Session["Userid"]); if (type == 2) { i.PROF_NAME = txtChTenCty.Text; i.PROF_ADDRESS = txtChDiaChi.Text; i.PROF_TAXCODE = txtChMST.Text; i.PROF_PHONE = txtChDienThoai.Text; i.PROF_NOTE = txtChContent.Text; i.PROF_EMAIL = txtChEmail.Text; if (_CongNoData.CheckByMST(txtChMST.Text)) {//Chỉ gửi mail cho bên kế toán là hồ sơ có thay đổi if (_CongNoData.GetIdKeToan(txtChMST.Text) == 0) { SendEmailNVKeToanCongNo(txtChMST.Text, _CongNoData.GetIdKeToan(txtChMST.Text)); } SendEmailChangeCongNo(txtChMST.Text); } } else { i.PROF_NAME = txtTenCty.Text; i.PROF_TRANSACTION = txtTenGiaoDich.Text; i.PROF_ATC = txtTenVietTat.Text; i.PROF_ADDRESS = txtTruSoChinh.Text; i.PROF_TOTAL_CAPITAL = Utils.CDecDef(txtTongSoVonGop.Text.Replace(",", ""), 0); i.PROF_CAPITAL = Utils.CDecDef(txtVonPhapDinh.Text.Replace(",", ""), 0); i.PROF_PHONE = txtDienThoai.Text; i.PROF_EMAIL = txtEmail.Text; } _ProjectData.Create(i); SendEmail(type); var getlink = db.PROFILE_NEWs.OrderByDescending(n => n.ID).Take(1).ToList(); if (getlink.Count > 0) { if (type == 3) { Save_Employ(getlink[0].ID); //Nếu ở giai đoạn 3 mới cho người nhận là NVXLHS } SaveTypeReg(getlink[0].ID); //Save TypeReg if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName)) { pathfile = Server.MapPath("/File/Profile/" + Utils.CStrDef(getlink[0].ID)); path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URLWebsite"] + "/File/Profile/" + Utils.CStrDef(getlink[0].ID + "/" + img); fullpathfile = pathfile + "/" + img; if (!Directory.Exists(pathfile)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathfile); } fileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(fullpathfile); } strLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLink) ? "chi-tiet-ho-so.aspx?id=" + getlink[0].ID : strLink; } } else { /*--------------File-------------*/ if (fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName != null && fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName != "") { img = fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName; string pathfileOld = Server.MapPath("/File/Profile/" + Utils.CStrDef(_id)); string fullpathfileOld = pathfileOld + "/" + _ProjectData.GetById(_id).PROF_FILE; /*Trước khi Update file mới ta phải xóa file cũ*/ if (File.Exists(fullpathfileOld)) { File.Delete(fullpathfileOld); } /*=============================================*/ }/*------------------------------*/ var list = db.PROFILE_NEWs.Where(n => n.ID == _id).ToList(); foreach (var i in list) { if (img != "") { i.PROF_FILE = img; } i.PROF_COST1 = Utils.CDecDef(txtTongPhi.Text.Replace(",", "")); i.PROF_COST2 = Utils.CDecDef(txtDaThu.Text.Replace(",", "")); i.PROF_DATE = DateTime.Now; i.PROF_DATE_COST = txtFromDate.Value != "" ? fmDate(txtFromDate.Value) : i.PROF_DATE_COST = null; i.USER_ID = Utils.CIntDef(ddlNameUser.SelectedValue); if (type == 2) { i.PROF_NAME = txtChTenCty.Text; i.PROF_ADDRESS = txtChDiaChi.Text; i.PROF_TAXCODE = txtChMST.Text; i.PROF_PHONE = txtChDienThoai.Text; i.PROF_NOTE = txtChContent.Text; i.PROF_EMAIL = txtChEmail.Text; } else { i.PROF_NAME = txtTenCty.Text; i.PROF_TRANSACTION = txtTenGiaoDich.Text; i.PROF_ATC = txtTenVietTat.Text; i.PROF_ADDRESS = txtTruSoChinh.Text; //i.TRADES_ID = Utils.CIntDef(ddlNganhKD.SelectedValue); i.PROF_TOTAL_CAPITAL = Utils.CDecDef(txtTongSoVonGop.Text.Replace(",", "")); i.PROF_CAPITAL = Utils.CDecDef(txtVonPhapDinh.Text.Replace(",", "")); i.PROF_PHONE = txtDienThoai.Text; i.PROF_EMAIL = txtEmail.Text; //i.PROF_REG1 = Utils.CIntDef(rdbTypeReg.SelectedValue); } _ProjectData.Update(i); } db.SubmitChanges(); SaveTypeReg(Utils.CIntDef(_id));//Save TypeReg if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUpload.PostedFile.FileName)) { pathfile = Server.MapPath("/File/Profile/" + Utils.CStrDef(_id)); path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URLWebsite"] + "/File/Profile/" + Utils.CStrDef(_id + "/" + img); fullpathfile = pathfile + "/" + img; if (!Directory.Exists(pathfile)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathfile); } fileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(fullpathfile); } strLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLink) ? "chi-tiet-ho-so.aspx?id=" + _id : strLink; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLink)) { //Response.Redirect(strLink); string strScript = "<script>"; strScript += "alert('Hồ sơ đã được cập nhật thành công!');"; strScript += "window.location='" + strLink + "';"; strScript += "</script>"; Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("strScript", strScript); } } }