public void ensureSameWidthsProducesSameToString() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 14, 8); ProductSlotWidths otherInstance = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 14, 8); Assert.Equal(slotWidths.ToString(), otherInstance.ToString()); }
public void ensureSameWidthsProducesSameHashCode() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 14, 8); ProductSlotWidths otherInstance = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 14, 8); Assert.Equal(slotWidths.GetHashCode(), otherInstance.GetHashCode()); }
public void ensureSameWidthsInstanceIsEqual() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 8); ProductSlotWidths otherInstance = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 8); Assert.Equal(slotWidths, otherInstance); }
public void ensureDifferentRecommendedWidthProducesDifferenceHashCode() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 14, 8); ProductSlotWidths otherInstance = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 16, 10); Assert.NotEqual(slotWidths.GetHashCode(), otherInstance.GetHashCode()); }
public void ensureDifferentTypeObjectIsNotEqual() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 8); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(3, 14, 8); Assert.False(slotWidths.Equals(customizedDimensions)); }
public void ensureDifferentRecommendedWidthInstanceIsNotEqual() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 8); ProductSlotWidths otherInstance = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 9); Assert.NotEqual(slotWidths, otherInstance); }
public void ensureApplyAllRestrictionsReturnsNullIfProductDoesNotObeyRestrictions() { ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("All Products"); Color black = Color.valueOf("Deep Black", 0, 0, 0, 0); Color white = Color.valueOf("Blinding White", 255, 255, 255, 0); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { black, white }; Finish glossy = Finish.valueOf("Glossy", 100); Finish matte = Finish.valueOf("Matte", 0); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { glossy, matte }; Material material = new Material("#001", "Really Expensive Wood", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); Material material2 = new Material("#002", "Expensive Wood", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); Dimension heightDimension = new SingleValueDimension(50); Dimension widthDimension = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>() { 60, 65, 70, 80, 90, 105 }); Dimension depthDimension = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(10, 25, 5); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(heightDimension, widthDimension, depthDimension); Product product = new Product("Test", "Shelf", "shelf.glb", cat, new List <Material>() { material, material2 }, new List <Measurement>() { measurement }, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 4, 4)); Product product2 = new Product("Test", "Shelf", "shelf.glb", cat, new List <Material>() { material }, new List <Measurement>() { measurement }, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 4, 4)); CustomizedDimensions customDimension = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(50, 80, 25); CustomizedMaterial customMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material2, white, matte); CustomizedProduct customizedProduct = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("reference", product, customDimension).build(); customizedProduct.changeCustomizedMaterial(customMaterial); customizedProduct.finalizeCustomization(); RestrictableImpl instance = new RestrictableImpl(); instance.addRestriction(new Restriction("same material", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm())); Assert.Null(instance.applyAllRestrictions(customizedProduct, product2)); }
public void ensureFromEntityWithEmptyUnitUsesMinimumUnit() { double minWidth = 25; double maxWidth = 50; double recommendedWidth = 35; ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(minWidth, maxWidth, recommendedWidth); GetProductSlotWidthsModelView result = ProductSlotWidthsModelViewService.fromEntity(slotWidths, ""); string expectedUnit = MeasurementUnitService.getMinimumUnit(); Assert.Equal(expectedUnit, result.unit); }
/// <summary> /// Converts an instance of AddProductSlotWidthsModelView into an instance of ProductSlotWidths. /// </summary> /// <param name="modelView">Instance of AddProductSlotWidthsModelView.</param> /// <returns>The created instance of ProductSlotWidths.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the provided instance of AddProductSlotWidthsModelView is null.</exception> public static ProductSlotWidths fromModelView(AddProductSlotWidthsModelView modelView) { if (modelView == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(ERROR_NULL_MODEL_VIEW); } double minWidth = MeasurementUnitService.convertFromUnit(modelView.minWidth, modelView.unit); double maxWidth = MeasurementUnitService.convertFromUnit(modelView.maxWidth, modelView.unit); double recommendedWidth = MeasurementUnitService.convertFromUnit(modelView.recommendedWidth, modelView.unit); return(ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(minWidth, maxWidth, recommendedWidth)); }
public void ensureNullCustomizedProductCollectionIsInvalid() { //Creates measurements and a material for the product List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { new Measurement(new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 })) }; //Creates colors and finishes for the product's material list and customized product's customized material Color color = Color.valueOf("Blue", 1, 2, 3, 0); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { color }; Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Super shiny", 90); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { finish }; Material material = new Material("123", "456, how original", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); //Creates a product for the customized product collection's customized product Product product = new Product("0L4", "H4H4", "goodmeme.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), new List <Material>() { material }, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new CollectionProduct(null, CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("reference", product, CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(500.0, 500.0, 500.0)) .withMaterial(CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish)).build())); }
public void ensureFromEntityCreatesModelViewWithExpectedData() { double minWidth = 25; double maxWidth = 50; double recommendedWidth = 35; ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(minWidth, maxWidth, recommendedWidth); GetProductSlotWidthsModelView result = ProductSlotWidthsModelViewService.fromEntity(slotWidths); GetProductSlotWidthsModelView expected = new GetProductSlotWidthsModelView(); expected.minWidth = minWidth; expected.maxWidth = maxWidth; expected.recommendedWidth = recommendedWidth; expected.unit = MeasurementUnitService.getMinimumUnit(); Assert.Equal(expected.minWidth, result.minWidth); Assert.Equal(expected.maxWidth, result.maxWidth); Assert.Equal(expected.recommendedWidth, result.recommendedWidth); Assert.Equal(expected.unit, result.unit); }
public void ensureApplyAllRestrictionsReturnsNullIfCustomizedProductArgumentNull() { ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("All Products"); Color black = Color.valueOf("Deep Black", 0, 0, 0, 0); Color white = Color.valueOf("Blinding White", 255, 255, 255, 0); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { black, white }; Finish glossy = Finish.valueOf("Glossy", 100); Finish matte = Finish.valueOf("Matte", 0); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { glossy, matte }; Material material = new Material("#001", "Really Expensive Wood", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); Dimension heightDimension = new SingleValueDimension(50); Dimension widthDimension = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>() { 60, 65, 70, 80, 90, 105 }); Dimension depthDimension = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(10, 25, 5); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(heightDimension, widthDimension, depthDimension); Product product = new Product("Test", "Shelf", "shelf.glb", cat, new List <Material>() { material }, new List <Measurement>() { measurement }, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 4, 4)); Assert.Null(new RestrictableImpl().applyAllRestrictions(null, product)); }
private Product buildProduct() { List <Material> materials = new List <Material>() { buildMaterial() }; Dimension height = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(40, 300, 1); Dimension width = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(40, 300, 1); Dimension depth = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(40, 320, 1); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(height, width, depth); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement }; ProductSlotWidths productSlotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(20, 50, 30); Product product = new Product("001", "This Is a Product", "model.obj", buildCategory(), materials, measurements, productSlotWidths); return(product); }
private Product buildValidProduct() { Dimension firstHeightDimension = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(50, 100, 2); Dimension firstWidthDimension = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>() { 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 120 }); Dimension firstDepthDimension = new SingleValueDimension(25); Measurement firstMeasurement = new Measurement(firstHeightDimension, firstWidthDimension, firstDepthDimension); Dimension sideDimension = new SingleValueDimension(60); Measurement secondMeasurement = new Measurement(sideDimension, sideDimension, sideDimension); ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(25, 50, 35); return(new Product("#429", "Fabulous Closet", "fabcloset.glb", buildValidCategory(), new List <Material>() { buildValidMaterial() }, new List <Measurement>() { firstMeasurement, secondMeasurement }, slotWidths)); }
public void ensureFromEntityWithUnitConvertsValues() { double minWidth = 25; double maxWidth = 50; double recommendedWidth = 35; ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(minWidth, maxWidth, recommendedWidth); string unit = "dm"; GetProductSlotWidthsModelView result = ProductSlotWidthsModelViewService.fromEntity(slotWidths, unit); GetProductSlotWidthsModelView expected = new GetProductSlotWidthsModelView(); expected.minWidth = MeasurementUnitService.convertToUnit(minWidth, unit); expected.maxWidth = MeasurementUnitService.convertToUnit(maxWidth, unit); expected.recommendedWidth = MeasurementUnitService.convertToUnit(recommendedWidth, unit); expected.unit = unit; Assert.Equal(expected.minWidth, result.minWidth); Assert.Equal(expected.maxWidth, result.maxWidth); Assert.Equal(expected.recommendedWidth, result.recommendedWidth); Assert.Equal(expected.unit, result.unit); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsCantBeCreatedIfMaxWidthIsPositiveInfinity() { Action positiveInfinityMaxSlotWidth = () => ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(9, double.PositiveInfinity, 15); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(positiveInfinityMaxSlotWidth); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsIsCreated() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 8); Assert.NotNull(slotWidths); }
public void ensureSameInstanceIsEqual() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 8); Assert.True(slotWidths.Equals(slotWidths)); }
public void ensureNullObjectIsNotEqual() { ProductSlotWidths slotWidths = ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(3, 14, 8); Assert.False(slotWidths.Equals(null)); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsCantBeCreatedIfRecommendedWidthIsPositiveInfinity() { Action positiveInfinityRecSlotWidth = () => ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(9, 21, double.PositiveInfinity); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(positiveInfinityRecSlotWidth); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsCantBeCreatedIfMinWidthIsNaN() { Action nanMinSlotWidth = () => ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(double.NaN, 21, 15); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(nanMinSlotWidth); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsCantBeCreatedIfMinWidthIsNegativeInfinity() { Action negativeInfinityMinSlotWidth = () => ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(double.NegativeInfinity, 21, 15); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(negativeInfinityMinSlotWidth); }
public void testToDTO() { //Creates measurements and a material for the product List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { new Measurement(new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 })) }; //Creates colors and finishes for the product's material list List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { Color.valueOf("Blue", 1, 2, 3, 0) }; List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { Finish.valueOf("Super shiny", 40) }; //Creates a material list List <Material> materials = new List <Material>() { new Material("123", "456, how original", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes) }; //Creates a parent product Product parent = new Product("Kinda bad", "Anakin", "kindabad.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), materials, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); //Creates a child product Product child = new Product("Not so bad", "Luke", "notsobad.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), materials, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); Component component = new Component(parent, child); ComponentDTO expected = new ComponentDTO(); expected.product = child.toDTO(); ComponentDTO actual = component.toDTO(); Assert.Equal(expected.product.complements, actual.product.complements); Assert.Equal(expected.product.designation, actual.product.designation); Assert.Equal(expected.product.dimensions.Capacity, actual.product.dimensions.Capacity); Assert.Equal(,; Assert.Equal(expected.product.productMaterials.Count, actual.product.productMaterials.Count); Assert.Equal(expected.product.productMaterials.Capacity, actual.product.productMaterials.Capacity); Assert.Equal(expected.product.reference, actual.product.reference); Assert.Equal(,; }
public void ensureCreationIsSuccessfulWithValidRestrictionListAValidProductAndAMandatoryOption() { //Creates measurements and a material for the product List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { new Measurement(new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 })) }; //Creates colors and finishes for the product's material list List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { Color.valueOf("Blue", 1, 2, 3, 0) }; List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { Finish.valueOf("Super shiny", 40) }; //Creates a material list List <Material> materials = new List <Material>() { new Material("123", "456, how original", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes) }; //Creates a parent product Product parent = new Product("Kinda bad", "Anakin", "kindabad.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), materials, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); //Creates a child product Product child = new Product("Not so bad", "Luke", "notsobad.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), materials, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); Assert.NotNull(new Component(parent, child, new List <Restriction>() { new Restriction("POIS", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm()) }, true)); }
public void ensureApplyAllRestrictionsReturnsRestrictedProduct() { ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("All Products"); Color black = Color.valueOf("Deep Black", 0, 0, 0, 0); Color white = Color.valueOf("Blinding White", 255, 255, 255, 0); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { black, white }; Finish glossy = Finish.valueOf("Glossy", 100); Finish matte = Finish.valueOf("Matte", 0); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { glossy, matte }; Material material = new Material("#001", "Really Expensive Wood", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); Material material2 = new Material("#002", "Expensive Wood", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); Dimension heightDimension = new SingleValueDimension(50); Dimension widthDimension = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>() { 60, 65, 70, 80, 90, 105 }); Dimension depthDimension = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(10, 25, 5); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(heightDimension, widthDimension, depthDimension); Product product = new Product("Test", "Shelf", "shelf.glb", cat, new List <Material>() { material, material2 }, new List <Measurement>() { measurement }, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 4, 4)); Product product2 = new Product("Test", "Shelf", "shelf.glb", cat, new List <Material>() { material, material2 }, new List <Measurement>() { measurement }, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 4, 4)); CustomizedDimensions customDimension = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(50, 80, 25); CustomizedMaterial customMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, white, matte); CustomizedProduct customizedProduct = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("reference", product, customDimension).build(); customizedProduct.changeCustomizedMaterial(customMaterial); customizedProduct.finalizeCustomization(); RestrictableImpl instance = new RestrictableImpl(); instance.addRestriction(new Restriction("same material", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm())); WidthPercentageAlgorithm algorithm = new WidthPercentageAlgorithm(); Input minInput = Input.valueOf("Minimum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Input maxInput = Input.valueOf("Maximum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Dictionary <Input, string> inputs = new Dictionary <Input, string>(); inputs.Add(minInput, "0.8"); inputs.Add(maxInput, "1.0"); algorithm.setInputValues(inputs); instance.addRestriction(new Restriction("width percentage", algorithm)); Product returned = instance.applyAllRestrictions(customizedProduct, product2); Assert.True(returned.productMaterials.Count == 1); Assert.True(returned.productMaterials[0].material.Equals(material)); Assert.True(returned.productMeasurements[0].measurement.width.getMinValue() == 65); Assert.True(returned.productMeasurements[0].measurement.width.getMaxValue() == 80); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsCantBeCreatedIfMaxWidthIsNegative() { Action negativeMaxSlotWidth = () => ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(9, -1, 15); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(negativeMaxSlotWidth); }
public void ensureValidRestrictionCanBeAddedToTheComponentsRestrictionsList() { //Creates measurements and a material for the product List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { new Measurement(new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 })) }; //Creates colors and finishes for the product's material list List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { Color.valueOf("Blue", 1, 2, 3, 0) }; List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { Finish.valueOf("Super shiny", 40) }; //Creates a material list List <Material> materials = new List <Material>() { new Material("123", "456, how original", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes) }; //Creates a parent product Product parent = new Product("Kinda bad", "Anakin", "kindabad.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), materials, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); //Creates a child product Product child = new Product("Not so bad", "Luke", "notsobad.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), materials, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); Component component = new Component(parent, child, new List <Restriction>() { new Restriction("FUNCIONE", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm()) }); Action addRestrictionAction = () => component.addRestriction(new Restriction("FUNCIONOU", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm())); Exception exception = Record.Exception(addRestrictionAction); Assert.Null(exception); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsCantBeCreatedIfMaxWidthIsZero() { Action zeroMaxSlotWidth = () => ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(9, 0, 15); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(zeroMaxSlotWidth); }
public void ensureNullChildProductIsNotValid() { //Creates measurements and a material for the product List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { new Measurement(new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 })) }; //Creates colors and finishes for the product's material list List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { Color.valueOf("Blue", 1, 2, 3, 0) }; List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { Finish.valueOf("Super shiny", 40) }; //Creates a material list List <Material> materials = new List <Material>() { new Material("123", "456, how original", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes) }; //Creates a parent product Product parent = new Product("Kinda bad", "Anakin", "kindabad.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), materials, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new Component(parent, null)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new Component(parent, null, true)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new Component(parent, null, new List <Restriction>() { new Restriction("ISTO É", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm()) })); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new Component(parent, null, new List <Restriction>() { new Restriction("ISTO É", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm()) }, true)); }
public void ensureProductSlotWidthsCantBeCreatedIfRecommendedWidthIsNaN() { Action nanRecSlotWidth = () => ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(9, 21, double.NaN); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(nanRecSlotWidth); }