예제 #1
        public static object[] GetChartData()
            ProductServiceClient prodService;

            Invoice[] invoices;
            prodService = new ProductServiceClient();

            invoices = prodService.GetAllInvoices();
            List <Invoice> data = new List <Invoice>();

            data = invoices.ToList();

            var chartData = new object[invoices.Count() + 1];

            chartData[0] = new object[]
                "Invoice Type",
                "Total Price"
            int j = 0;

            foreach (var i in data)
                chartData[j] = new object[] { "Type: " + i.Inv_Type + "(" + i.P_Code + ")", i.Quantity, i.Total_Price };

        public static object[] GetChartData()
            ProductServiceClient ProService;

            Invoice[] invoice;
            ProService = new ProductServiceClient();
            Product[] product = ProService.GetAllProducts();
            invoice = ProService.GetAllInvoices();
            List <Invoice> data = new List <Invoice>();

            data = invoice.ToList();

            var chartData = new object[invoice.Count() + 1];

            chartData[0] = new object[]
                "P_Code: ",
                "Product Quantity",
                "Invoice Quantity"
            int j = 0;

            foreach (var i in data)
                foreach (Product u in product)
                    //task per user
                    int taskcount = 0;
                    foreach (Invoice t in invoice)
                        if (u.P_Code.Equals(t.P_Code))

                    //tasks done per user
                    int donecount = 0;

                    foreach (Invoice t in invoice)
                        if (u.P_Quantity.Equals(t.Quantity) && t.Inv_Type.Equals("dispatch"))

                    foreach (Invoice t in invoice)
                        if (u.P_Code.Equals(i.P_Code))
                            chartData[j] = new object[] { u.P_Code + ": " + i.Inv_Type, taskcount, donecount };
예제 #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            userClient = new UserServiceClient();
            prodClient = new ProductServiceClient();

            tasks.InnerHtml = userClient.GetTasks().Length.ToString();
            users.InnerHtml = userClient.GetAllUsers().Length.ToString();

            int incomingcount = 0;
            int outgoingcount = 0;

            Invoice[] invs = prodClient.GetAllInvoices();
            foreach (Invoice inv in invs)
                if (inv.Inv_Type.Equals("incoming"))
                    incomingcount += inv.Quantity;
                else if (inv.Inv_Type.Equals("dispatch"))
                    outgoingcount += inv.Quantity;

            string display = " ";

            Invoice[] invoices = prodClient.GetInvoicebyType("dispatch");
            foreach (Invoice inv in invoices)
                Product pro = prodClient.SearchProduct(inv.P_Code);
                User    u   = userClient.GetUserbyID(inv.UserID);
                display += "<tr>"
                           + "<td class='text-truncate'>" + pro.P_Name + " " + inv.P_Code + "</td>"
                           + "<td class='text-truncate p-1'>"
                           + "<ul class='list-unstyled users-list m-0'>"
                           + "<li><span class='avatar avatar-busy'>"
                           + "<img src='" + u.pphoto + "' alt='avatar' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='right' title='" + u.Name + "'><i class=''></i>"
                           + "</span></li>"
                           + "</ul>"
                           + "</td>"
                           + "<td class='text-truncate'>" + inv.Quantity + "</td> "
                           + "<td class='text-truncate'>" + inv.INV_Date + "</td> "
                           + "</tr>"
            ordertable.InnerHtml = display;
            incoming.InnerHtml   = incomingcount.ToString();
            outgoing.InnerHtml   = outgoingcount.ToString();
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            userService = new UserServiceClient();
            prodService = new ProductServiceClient();
            Invoice[] invoices = prodService.GetAllInvoices();
            Product[] products = prodService.GetAllProducts();
            User[]    users    = userService.GetAllUsers();
            string    display  = "";
            Product   pro      = null;
            User      u        = null;

            //foreach (Invoice inv in invoices)
            for (int i = invoices.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //User u = userService.GetUserbyID(inv.UserID);
                foreach (User us in users)
                    if (us.UserID.Equals(invoices[i].UserID))
                        u = us;
                foreach (Product p in products)
                    if (p.P_Code.Equals(invoices[i].P_Code))
                        pro = p;
                if (pro != null)
                    display += "<tr>"
                               + "<td><input type='checkbox' class='input-chk'></td>"
                               + "<td>"
                               + "<p class='text'>" + invoices[i].INV_Date + "</p>"
                               + "</td>"
                               + "<td><span class='badge badge-primary'>" + pro.P_Name + " " + invoices[i].P_Code + "</span></td>"
                               + "<td><p class='text'>" + invoices[i].Quantity + "</p></td>"
                               + "<td><span class='badge badge-danger'>" + u.Name + "</span></td>"
                               + "<td><span class='badge badge-primary'>" + invoices[i].Inv_Type + "</span></td>"
                               + "</tbody>"
            trans.InnerHtml = display;
        private void getData()
            ProductServiceClient prodService;

            Invoice[] data;
            prodService = new ProductServiceClient();

            data = prodService.GetAllInvoices();

            string lowstock = "Suggestion: ";

            foreach (Product u in prodService.GetAllProducts())
                foreach (var i in data)
                    if (i.P_Code.Equals(u.P_Code))
                        bool isdone = true;
                        foreach (var j in data)
                            if (!i.Inv_Type.Equals("dispatch"))
                                isdone = false;
                        if (isdone)
                            lowstock += u.P_Name.ToUpper();
            if (!lowstock.Equals("Suggestion: "))
                lowstock += " Sells the fastest (:- should get the next jobs !!!";
            suggestiontask.InnerHtml = lowstock;