예제 #1
        internal async Task Expand()
            // setup for animation
            this.Opacity = 1;
            ProductPopoverGrid.Opacity   = 0;
            AddToCartButton.ScaleX       = 0;
            BackgroundPanel.TranslationY = BackgroundPanel.Height;

            // animate up the white background
            _ = BackgroundPanel.TranslateTo(0, 0, 200);

            // animate in the Details
            await ProductPopoverGrid.FadeTo(1, 1000);

            // animate the button
            Animation animation = new Animation();

            animation.Add(0, 1, new Animation(t => AddToCartButton.ScaleX = t, 0, 1, Easing.SpringOut));
            animation.Commit(this, "ButtonAnimation", 16, 500);
        internal async Task Expand()
            this.Opacity = 1;
            ProductPopoverGrid.Opacity = 0;
            btnAddToCart.ScaleX        = 0;
            BackgroundPannel.TranslationY = BackgroundPannel.Height;
            _ = BackgroundPannel.TranslateTo(0, 0, 200);
            //[動畫]所有 Detail 依序顯示
            _ = ProductPopoverGrid.FadeTo(1, 300);
            Animation animation = new Animation();

            animation.Add(0, 1,
                          new Animation(t =>
                                        btnAddToCart.ScaleX = t, 0, 1, Easing.SpringOut));
            animation.Commit(this, "ButtonAnimation", 16, 800);

            quantityCount = 1;