예제 #1
        public ActionResult AddProductToCart(ProductPartOrderViewModel partOrder)
            // Get the login from session and check if a person is set, is not return a site with a javascript

            var login = (Login)Session["Login"];

            if (login.PersonId == 0)
                return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Du skal være logget ind får at tilføje til kurv :)');</script>"));
            // Get the cart from Session
            var cart  = (Cart)Session["ShoppingCart"];
            var proxy = new BestilNemtServiceClient();
            // Get the product by a partOrder product id.
            var product = proxy.GetProduct(partOrder.Product.Id);
            // Make the PartOrder object
            var po = new PartOrder
                Product   = product,
                Amount    = partOrder.Amount,
                PartPrice = product.Price * partOrder.Amount,
                Cart      = cart
            // Get all PartOrders from cart
            var partOrders = cart.PartOrders;
            // There is a partOrder
            // isFound is used to check if a partOrder is allready added
            var isFound = false;

            // Loop for every partOrdeers
            foreach (var partOrderLoop in partOrders)
                // If the product ids not match
                if (partOrderLoop.Product.Id != partOrder.Product.Id)
                // Update the amount
                partOrderLoop.Amount = partOrder.Amount + partOrderLoop.Amount;
                // The PartOrder is found
                isFound = true;
            // If the partOrder is not allready added, add it
            if (!isFound)
                // Add the partOrder to the list
            // Save the list of PartOrders to the cart
            cart.PartOrders = partOrders;
            // Update the session of Cart
            Session["ShoppingCart"] = cart;
            // Get the shop from session
            var shop = (Shop)Session["Shop"];

            // Return the view to Product with the Shop id
            return(RedirectToAction("Product", new { id = shop.Id }));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a view of a specific product with a product id
        /// The id is a Product id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ProductPage(int?id)
            // If no id is set redirect to frontpage
            if (id == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
            var proxy = new BestilNemtServiceClient();
            // Get the PartOrder with a product by a product id
            var pvm = new ProductPartOrderViewModel {
                Product = proxy.GetProduct(id.Value)

            // Return the view