public bool Post(ProductNew item) { try { List <Product> list = Get(); Product cate = new Product { auctiontime = item.auctiontime, bigimage = item.bigimage, brand = item.brand, catename = item.catename, idpro = Guid.NewGuid(), name =, note = item.note, smallimage1 = item.smallimage1, smallimage2 = item.smallimage2, smallimage3 = item.smallimage3, warrantyperiod = item.warrantyperiod, }; this._context.PdbProduct.Add(cate); this._context.Entry(cate).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Added; this._context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public ActionResult Giay() { var Product = new ProductNew(); ViewBag.ProductNew = Product.ListNewProduct(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult QuanAo() { var Product = new ProductNew(); ViewBag.ProductNew = Product.QuanAo(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult DoNewProduct(ProductNew model) { try { decimal d; var productPdo = new Domain.Entities.Product(); productPdo.PosId = model.PosId; productPdo.CategoryId = model.CategoryId; productPdo.Name = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(model.ProductName); productPdo.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; productPdo.UserId = "gj"; productPdo.StatusId = (byte)Status.Pending; productPdo.InternalCode = model.InternalCode.StartsWith(productPdo.UserId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? model.InternalCode : String.Concat(productPdo.UserId.ToUpper(), "_ES_", model.InternalCode); productPdo.Uid = string.Concat("GJ_ES_", model.InternalCode); if (decimal.TryParse(model.PriceStr, out d)) { productPdo.Price = d; } _productRepository.Save(productPdo); _productRepository.SubmitChanges(); var product = new Product(productPdo); ViewBag.TotalSizes = model.TotalSizes; return(PartialView(product)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public ActionResult Phukien() { var Product = new ProductNew(); ViewBag.ProductNew = Product.Phukien(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index() { var Product = new ProductNew(); ViewBag.ProductNew = Product.ListNewProduct(12); ViewBag.ProductBestSeller = Product.BestsellerProduct(12); return(View()); }
public IHttpActionResult GetProductNew(int id) { ProductNew productnew = db.ProductNew.Find(id); if (productnew == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(productnew)); }
public bool UpdateProd(ProductNew prod_new) { try { return(this.Product_dal.Update(prod_new)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public bool InsertProd(ProductNew prod_new) { try { return(this.Product_dal.Insert(prod_new)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"ProductService:{ex.Message}"); } }
// GET api/EndUserUpdate/5 //original //[ResponseType(typeof(Update))] //public IHttpActionResult GetUpdate(int id) //{ // Update update = db.Update.Find(id); // if (update == null) // { // return NotFound(); // } // return Ok(update); //} public IHttpActionResult GetUpdate(int id) { ProductNew pn = db.ProductNew .Include(i => i.Updates).Where(i => i.ProductID == id) .Single(); //var endUserProducts = new HashSet<int>(endUser.ProductNews.Select(c => c.ProductID)); var abc = PopulateAssignedUpdateData(pn); return(Ok(abc)); //original //return db.EveryBody; }
public void RunNewProduct(ShopifyNewProductImportContext context) { if (MonsterConfig.Settings.DisableShopifyPut) { _logService.Log(LogBuilder.ShopifyPutDisabled()); return; } var newVariants = CleanAndBuildVariantPayload(context.AcumaticaItemIds); var product = new ProductNew() { title = context.ProductTitle, vendor = context.ProductVendor, product_type = context.ProductType, variants = new List <ShopifyVariantNew>() }; var parent = new { product = product }; product.variants = newVariants; // POST new Product via Shopify API // var result = _productApi.CreateProduct(parent.SerializeToJson()); var resultProduct = result.DeserializeFromJson <ProductParent>(); var shopifyProductId =; // Run ShopifyInventoryGet to pull into local cache // _shopifyInventoryGet.Run(shopifyProductId); var productRecord = _syncInventoryRepository.RetrieveProduct(shopifyProductId); // Execution Log entry // var log = LogBuilder.CreatedShopifyProduct(productRecord); _logService.Log(log); // Create Sync Records for the Variants that were created // foreach (var newVariant in newVariants) { var variantRecord = productRecord.ShopifyVariants.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShopifySku == newVariant.sku); CreateSyncRecord(newVariant.sku, variantRecord); } // Update Inventory data // foreach (var itemId in context.AcumaticaItemIds) { RunInventoryUpdate(itemId); } }
/// <summary> /// 取得產品細節 /// </summary> /// <param name="num"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ProductNew GetProductDetail(int num) { ProductNew result = null; try { return(this.Product_dal.Get(num)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(result); } }
public bool Insert(ProductNew product) { { Func <bool> func = new Func <bool>(() => { _entity.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Added; _entity.SaveChanges(); return(true); }); return(_adapter.Catch <bool>(func)); } }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteProductNew(int id) { ProductNew productnew = db.ProductNew.Find(id); if (productnew == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.ProductNew.Remove(productnew); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(productnew)); }
public bool Update(ProductNew product) { { Func <bool> func = new Func <bool>(() => { if (product.Person != null) { product.Person = product.Person.Trim(); } _entity.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified; _entity.SaveChanges(); return(true); }); return(_adapter.Catch <bool>(func)); } }
public bool Delete(ProductNew product) { { Func <bool> func = new Func <bool>(() => { var ProductNew = _entity.ProductNew .Where(e => e.Num == product.Num).FirstOrDefault(); _entity.ProductNew.Remove(product); _entity.SaveChanges(); return(true); }); return(_adapter.Catch <bool>(func)); } }
public IHttpActionResult PostProductNew(AssignedProductData productnew) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var e = User.Identity.Name; ProductOwner po = db.ProductOwner.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Email == e); ProductNew pn = new ProductNew() { ProductName = productnew.ProductName, ProductOwner_ID = po.ID }; db.ProductNew.Add(pn); db.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = productnew.ProductID }, productnew)); }
private List <Update> PopulateAssignedUpdateData(ProductNew pn) { var allUpdates = db.Update; var ownerupdates = new HashSet <int>(pn.Updates.Select(c => c.UpdateID)); var viewModel = new List <Update>(); foreach (var update in allUpdates) { if (ownerupdates.Contains(update.UpdateID)) { viewModel.Add(new Update { UpdateID = update.UpdateID, UpdateIntro = update.UpdateIntro, UpdateDetail = update.UpdateDetail // Assigned = ownerupdates.Contains(product.ProductID) }); } } return(viewModel); }
// PUT api/productNew/5 public IHttpActionResult PutProductNew(int id, ProductNew productnew) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != productnew.ProductID) { return(BadRequest()); } var e = User.Identity.Name; ProductOwner po = db.ProductOwner.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Email == e); productnew.ProductOwner_ID = po.ID; db.Entry(productnew).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ProductNewExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
/// <summary> /// Displays new product form (fro Ajax) /// </summary> /// <param name="id">POS ID</param> public ActionResult GetNewProduct(int id) { try { var model = new ProductNew(); var pos = _organizationRepository.GetById(id); model.PosId = pos.Id; model.PosName = pos.Name; model.CategoryId = int.Parse(Request["categoryId"]); model.TotalSizes = HasRequestParameter("sizes") ? int.Parse(Request["sizes"]) : 0; var category = _productRepository.Categories.First(x => x.Id == model.CategoryId); //.Select(x => new Category { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name }) //.First(x => x.Equals(model.CategoryId)); model.CategoryName = category.Name; return(PartialView(model)); } catch (Exception ex) { Error("Error getting new product form", ex); throw; } }