public Product GetProduct(int id) { ProductBDO productBDO = null; try { productBDO = productLogic.GetProduct(id); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = e.Message; string reason = "GetProduct Exception"; throw new FaultException <ProductFault> (new ProductFault(msg), reason); } if (productBDO == null) { string msg = string.Format("No product found for id {0}", id); string reason = "GetProduct Empty Product"; throw new FaultException <ProductFault> (new ProductFault(msg), reason); } Product product = new Product(); TranslateProductBDOToProductDTO(productBDO, product); return(product); }
public Product GetProduct(int id) { ProductEntity productEntity = productLogic.GetProduct(id); if (productEntity == null) { throw new Exception("No product found with id " + id); /* * if (id != 999) * { * } */ } Product product = new Product(); TranslateProductEntityToProductContractData(productEntity, product); return(product); /* * Product product = new Product(); * product.ProductID = id; * product.Color = "fake color from service layer"; * product.ListPrice = (decimal)10.0; * return product; */ }
public ActionResult GetProduct(int id) { ProductLogic proLogic = new ProductLogic(); Product pro = proLogic.GetProduct(id); return(View(pro)); }
public Object GetProduct() { List <Product> list = _productLogic.GetProduct(); return(new { success = true, Product = new { Record = list, TotalRecords = list.Count } }); }
// Deletes order from database public Order DeleteOrder(Order o) { foreach (OrderLine ol in o.Orderlines) { Product p = productLogic.GetProduct("productID", ol.Product.ID.ToString()); ol.Product = p; orderLineDB.DeleteInDesktop(ol); } return(orderDB.Delete(o)); }
// Get an user with orders and orderlines, builds products on orderlines public User GetUserWithOrdersAndOrderlines(string email) { User user = GetUserWithOrders(email); foreach (Order o in user.Orders) { o.Orderlines = orderLineDB.GetOrderlinesByOrderID(o.ID); foreach (OrderLine ol in o.Orderlines) { ol.Product = productLogic.GetProduct("productID", ol.Product.ID.ToString()); } } return(user); }
public Product GetProduct(int id) { var productEntity = _productLogic.GetProduct(id); if (productEntity == null) { if (id != 999) { throw new FaultException <ProductFault>(new ProductFault("No product found with id " + id), "Product Fault"); } throw new Exception("Test Exception"); } return(TranslateProductEntityToProductContractData(productEntity)); }
public Product GetProduct(int id) { /* * // TODO: call business logic layer to retrieve product * Product product = new Product(); * product.ProductID = id; * product.ProductName = * "fake product name from service layer"; * product.UnitPrice = 10.0m; * product.QuantityPerUnit = "fake QPU"; * return product; */ ProductBDO productBDO = null; try { productBDO = productLogic.GetProduct(id); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = e.Message; string reason = "GetProduct Exception"; throw new FaultException <ProductFault> (new ProductFault(msg), reason); } if (productBDO == null) { string msg = string.Format("No product found for id {0}", id); string reason = "GetProduct Empty Product"; if (id == 999) { throw new Exception(msg); } else { throw new FaultException <ProductFault> (new ProductFault(msg), reason); } } Product product = new Product(); TranslateProductBDOToProductDTO(productBDO, product); return(product); }
public void LoadDataGrid() { productGridView.DataSource = _productLogic.GetProduct(); if (productGridView.Columns.Count > 0) { productGridView.Columns[0].IsVisible = false; productGridView.Columns[6].IsVisible = false; productGridView.Columns[7].IsVisible = false; productGridView.Columns[8].IsVisible = false; productGridView.Columns[9].IsVisible = false; productGridView.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Part Number"; productGridView.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Name"; productGridView.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Description"; productGridView.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Price"; productGridView.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Class"; productGridView.Refresh(); } }
public Product DeleteProduct(int id) { Product p = productLogic.GetProduct("productID", id.ToString()); return(productDb.Delete(p)); }
// GET: api/Product/5 public ProductJson Get(int id) { var product = productLogic.GetProduct(id); return(product); }
public void FindProductTest() { Product p = productLogic.GetProduct("productID", 1.ToString()); Assert.IsNotNull(p); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var finalizar = false; var connectionString = "Server=DESKTOP-RCIFPVC\\SQLEXPRESS; Database=Tienda; User Id=labUser; Password=Password01.;"; IProductLogic logic = new ProductLogic(new ProductDataAccessDatabase(connectionString)); while (!finalizar) { Console.WriteLine(@"Las opciones disponibles son 1 listado de productos 2 alta de producto 3 eliminar producto 4 modificar producto 5 Obtener productos filtrados 6 salir "); var entrada = Console.ReadLine(); switch (entrada) { case "1": { Console.WriteLine("listado"); var productos = logic.ListProducts(); if (!productos.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("No hay productos"); } foreach (var producto in productos) { Console.WriteLine($" id {producto.Id}, Nombre {producto.Name}, Descripcion {producto.Description}, Precio {producto.Price}"); } break; }; case "2": { Console.WriteLine("alta"); Console.WriteLine("Ingrese id"); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int id)) { Console.WriteLine("Id incorrecto"); break; } var newProduct = RequestProductData(id); if (newProduct != null) { try { logic.CreateProduct(newProduct); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("hubo un error al ingresar el producto"); } } break; }; case "3": { Console.WriteLine("eliminar"); Console.WriteLine("Ingrese id"); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int id)) { Console.WriteLine("Id incorrecto"); break; } try { var success = logic.DeleteProduct(id); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("Producto eliminado"); } else { Console.WriteLine("No se encontró el producto"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("hubo un error al eliminar el producto"); } break; }; case "4": { Console.WriteLine("modificar"); Console.WriteLine("Ingrese id a modificar"); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int id)) { Console.WriteLine("Id incorrecto"); break; } try { var product = logic.GetProduct(id); if (product == null) { Console.WriteLine("El producto no existe"); break; } else { var newProductData = RequestProductData(id); if (newProductData != null) { newProductData.Id = id; logic.UpdateProduct(newProductData); Console.WriteLine("Producto actualizado"); } } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("hubo un error al modificar el producto"); } break; }; case "5": { Console.WriteLine("Obtener producto filtrado"); Console.Write("PageIndex: "); int pageIndex = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("PageSize: "); int pageSize = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("CategoryId: "); int categoryId; int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out categoryId); Console.Write("OrderByNameOrPrice: "); string orderby = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("AscOrDesc: "); string asc = Console.ReadLine(); var products = logic.GetProductsPaginated(pageIndex, pageSize, name, categoryId, orderby, asc); foreach (var producto in products) { Console.WriteLine($" id {producto.Id}, Nombre {producto.Name}, Descripcion {producto.Description}, Precio {producto.Price}"); } break; }; case "6": { Console.WriteLine("salir"); finalizar = true; break; }; default: { Console.WriteLine("Opcion incorrecta"); break; }; } } }