private void NotifyValidatedProduct(long companyID) { string query = @"SELECT a.ID, a.Domain, a.TotalProduct, a.MaxValid, b.MinProductToWarning, b.MaxProductToWarning FROM Company a INNER JOIN Configuration b on a.ID = b.CompanyID WHERE a.ID = @CompanyID"; DataTable tbl = _productAdapter.GetSqlDb().GetTblData(query, CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter[] { SqlDb.CreateParamteterSQL("CompanyID", companyID, SqlDbType.BigInt) }); if (tbl != null && tbl.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = tbl.Rows[0]; int totalProduct = Common.CellToInt(row, "TotalProduct", 0); int maxValid = Common.CellToInt(row, "MaxValid", 0); string domain = Common.CellToString(row, "Domain", ""); int minProductToWarning = Common.CellToInt(row, "MinProductToWarning", 0); int maxProductToWarning = Common.CellToInt(row, "MaxProductToWarning", 0); var objData = new MssNoValidTotalCompany() { CompanyId = companyID, Domain = domain, MaxValid = maxValid, MaxValidWarning = maxProductToWarning, MinValidWarning = minProductToWarning, TotalProduct = totalProduct, MssNoValid = "Valid total" }; if (totalProduct == 0) { objData.MssNoValid = "Total product = 0"; _producerNoValidTotalProduct.PublishString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objData)); } else if (maxValid > 0 && Math.Abs((maxValid - totalProduct) / maxValid) > 0.2) { objData.MssNoValid = "Over 20%"; _producerNoValidTotalProduct.PublishString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objData)); } else if (minProductToWarning > 0 && minProductToWarning > totalProduct) { objData.MssNoValid = "MinProduct Warning"; _producerNoValidTotalProduct.PublishString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objData)); } else if (maxProductToWarning > 0 && maxProductToWarning < totalProduct) { objData.MssNoValid = "MaxProduct Warning"; _producerNoValidTotalProduct.PublishString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objData)); } _log.Info(string.Format("Company: {0} {1} TotalProduct: {2} MaxValid: {3} MaxProductToWarning: {4} MinProductToWarning: {5} Mss: {6}", companyID, domain, totalProduct, maxValid, maxProductToWarning, minProductToWarning, objData.MssNoValid)); } }
public static void RePushThumb() { SqlDb sqlDb = new SqlDb(ConfigImbo.ConnectionProduct); ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigImbo.KeyRabbitMqTransferImbo), "Img.Product.Thumb"); sqlDb.ProcessDataTableLarge( @"select ImageId, Id from product where valid = 1 order by Id", 10000, (rowData, iRow) => { string imgId = Common.Obj2String(rowData["ImageId"]); long Id = Common.Obj2Int64(rowData["Id"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgId)) { producerBasic.PublishString(new JobUploadedImg() { ImageId = imgId, ProductId = Id }.ToJson()); } return(true); }); }
public void RePushJob() { sqlDb.ProcessDataTableLarge(@" SELECT News_Image, News_ID FROM [ReviewsCMS].[dbo].[NewsPublished] a WHERE ISNULL(ImageId, '') = '' AND ISNULL(News_Image, '') <> '' and ISNULL(ChangeImage, 0) = 0 ORDER BY News_ID ", 10000, (row, iRow) => { string newsImage = Common.Obj2String(row["News_Image"]); long newsId = Common.Obj2Int64(row["News_ID"]); if (!newsImage.Contains("http")) { newsImage = @"" + newsImage; } pb.PublishString(new JobPublishedWaitTrans() { Id = newsId, Url = newsImage }.ToJson()); return(true); }); }
public void ProcessJob(string str) { try { JobUploadedImg job = JobUploadedImg.FromJson(str); string imageIdOld = _imgAdapterSql.GetImageId(job.ProductId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageIdOld)) { _producerDelImbo.PublishString(imageIdOld); } MongoDB.Driver.IMongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://"); var collection = mongoClient.GetDatabase("imbo").GetCollection <BsonDocument>("image"); var filter = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("imageIdentifier", job.ImageId); var cursor = collection.FindSync(filter); while (cursor.MoveNext()) { int x = Convert.ToInt32(cursor.Current.ElementAt(0).GetValue("width")); int y = Convert.ToInt32(cursor.Current.ElementAt(0).GetValue("height")); _imgAdapterSql.UpdateImboProcess(job.ProductId, job.ImageId, x, y); break; } //PushChangeMainInfo RabbitMQAdapter.Instance.PushProductToQueueChangeMainInfo(new List <long>() { job.ProductId }); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } }
internal void PushQueueUpdateAlexaSeoSystem() { SqlDb _sqlDb = new SqlDb("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=QA_System;User ID=sa;Password=123456a@"); string queryCompany = @" select ID, Name as Domain From Web where LastUpdateAlexa is null --where IsCrawler = 1 "; ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigRun.KeyRabbitMqProduct), "UpdateAlexaCompanySeo"); DataTable tblCompanyTable = _sqlDb.GetTblData(queryCompany, CommandType.Text, null); foreach (DataRow variable in tblCompanyTable.Rows) { producerBasic.PublishString( Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new MssUpdateAlexaCompany() { CompanyId = Convert.ToInt64(variable["ID"]), Domain = Convert.ToString(variable["Domain"]) })); } _log.Info("Pushed all job"); }
public static void PushParseFromNoSql(IEnumerable <string> domains) { NoSqlAdapter noSqlAdapter = NoSqlAdapter.GetInstance(); foreach (var domain in domains) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { int iCount = 0; var producerBasicWaitPs = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigStatic.KeyRabbitMqCrlProductProperties), ConfigStatic.GetQueueParse(domain)); noSqlAdapter.ProcessAllIdProductByCompany(domain, (obj, productId) => { iCount++; producerBasicWaitPs.PublishString(new JobParse() { Id = productId }.GetJson()); if (iCount % 10 == 0) { log.Info(string.Format("Pushed {0} mss of {1}", iCount, domain)); } }); log.Info(string.Format("Pushed all data for company {0} {1}", domain, iCount)); }); } Thread.Sleep(10000000); }
public void SendImageIdToDelImageService(long productId, string idImageImbo, ProducerBasic producerDelByImageId) { int index = 0; while (true) { try { producerDelByImageId.PublishString(idImageImbo); break; } catch (Exception exception) { Thread.Sleep(1000); Log.Error( string.Format("Product: ID = {0} Send message to service check error download image. Thread Sleep 10p", productId), exception); if (index == 5) { break; } else { index++; } } } }
public override void ProcessMessage(BasicDeliverEventArgs message) { try { var pt = ProductEntity.GetFromJson(message.Body); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pt.Session)) { _noSqlHistoryCrawler.InsertProduct(pt); _producerHistoryProduct.PublishString( Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new HistoryProductSorl() { DateUpdate = Convert.ToInt32(pt.LastUpdate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")), CompanyId = pt.CompanyId, Id = pt.ID + ":" + pt.Session, ProductId = pt.ID, LastUpdate = pt.LastUpdate.Ticks, Session = pt.Session, DetailUrl = pt.DetailUrl, TypeRun = 1, })); } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); } this.GetChannel().BasicAck(message.DeliveryTag, true); }
//public void ThumbImageService(long productId, string idImbo, ProducerBasic producerThumbImage) //{ // int index = 0; // while (_isRunning) // { // try // { // producerThumbImage.PublishString(new JobWaitThumb() // { // ImageId = idImbo, // Sizes = _widthHeightImages // }.ToJson()); // break; // } // catch (Exception exception) // { // Thread.Sleep(600000); // Log.Error( // string.Format("Product: ID = {0} Send message to service check error download image. Thread Sleep 10p", // productId), exception); // if (index == 5) // break; // else // index++; // } // } //} public void UpdateImageIdSqlService(long productId, string idImageImbo, ProducerBasic producerUpdateImageIdSql) { int index = 0; while (_isRunning) { try { producerUpdateImageIdSql.PublishString(new JobUploadedImg() { ImageId = idImageImbo, ProductId = productId }.ToJson()); break; } catch (Exception exception) { Thread.Sleep(600000); Log.Error( string.Format("Product: ID = {0} Send message to service check error download image. Thread Sleep 10p", productId), exception); if (index == 5) { break; } else { index++; } } } }
public override void ProcessMessage(RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs message) { var jobDownloadHtml = JobDownloadHtml.FromArByte(message.Body); if (jobDownloadHtml != null) { var url = jobDownloadHtml.Url; var html = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(GABIZ.Base.HtmlUrl.HTMLTransmitter.getHTML(jobDownloadHtml.Url, 45, 2)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { _noSqlHtml.SaveHtm(jobDownloadHtml.Id, jobDownloadHtml.CompanyId, html, jobDownloadHtml.Url); _producerAfterDownload.PublishString(new JobWaitAS() { Id = jobDownloadHtml.Id, CompanyId = jobDownloadHtml.CompanyId, Url = url }.ToJson()); _log.Info(string.Format("Download html for job:{0}", jobDownloadHtml.ToJSON())); } else { _log.Info(string.Format("Can't download html of job:{0}", jobDownloadHtml.ToJSON())); } } else { _log.Info("JobErrorParse"); } GetChannel().BasicAck(message.DeliveryTag, true); }
public void PushBack(string imgId) { pb.PublishString(new JobDelImgImbo() { ImageId = imgId }.ToJson()); }
public static void PushDownloadHtml(IEnumerable <string> domains) { SqlDb sql = new SqlDb(ConfigStatic.ProductConnection); ProductAdapter productAdapter = new ProductAdapter(sql); foreach (var domain in domains) { ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigStatic.KeyRabbitMqCrlProductProperties), ConfigStatic.GetQueueWaitDownloadHtml(domain)); string queryData = string.Format(@" Select Id, DetailUrl From Product Where Company = {0} Order by Id " , productAdapter.GetCompanyIdByDomain(domain)); sql.ProcessDataTableLarge(queryData, 10000, (Row, iRow) => { producerBasic.PublishString(new JobDownloadHtml() { ProductId = Convert.ToInt64(Row["Id"]), DetailUrl = Convert.ToString(Row["DetailUrl"]), Domain = domain }.GetJson()); }); } }
private void btnPushCompanyInfo_Reset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { long companyInfo = QT.Entities.Common.Obj2Int64((this.gridView1.GetRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle) as DataRowView)["ID"]); string Domain = QT.Entities.Common.Obj2String((this.gridView1.GetRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle) as DataRowView)["Domain"]); ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigRun.KeyRabbitMqProduct), ConfigRun.QueueUpdateCompanyInfoToWeb); producerBasic.PublishString(companyInfo.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Pushed company: {0}", Domain)); }
public void PushJobToTest() { var producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigCrawler.KeyRabbitMqCrawler), ConfigCrawler.QueueVipCompanyFindNew); producerBasic.PublishString(new JobCompanyCrawler() { CheckRunning = true, CompanyId = 2102811518945449457 }.GetJSon()); }
private void PushResetCacheCompany(object sender, EventArgs e) { var lstCompany = eventGetCompanys(); ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigCrawler.KeyRabbitMqCrawler), ConfigCrawler.QueueResetCacheProduct); foreach (var item in lstCompany) { producerBasic.PublishString(item.ToString()); } MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Pushed {0} companys", lstCompany.Count)); }
private void ClickUpdateCompanyInfoToWeb(object sender, EventArgs e) { var companyIds = eventGetCompanys(); ProducerBasic producer = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigRun.KeyRabbitMqProduct), "UpdateCompany.ToWeb"); foreach (var companyId in companyIds) { producer.PublishString(companyId.ToString()); } MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Pushed {0}!", companyIds.Count)); }
private void PushQueueCrawlerReload(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProducerBasic producerReloadCompany = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigCrawler.KeyRabbitMqCrawler), ConfigCrawler.ExchangeCompanyReload, ConfigCrawler.RoutingkeyCompanyReload); foreach (var item in eventGetCompanys()) { producerReloadCompany.PublishString(new JobCompanyCrawler() { CompanyId = item, CheckRunning = false }.GetJSon()); } }
private void AnalysicHtmlForCompany(JobWaitAS job, HtmlDocument document) { List <Comment> lstComment = _pareseComment.ParseComment(_configuration, document, job); if (lstComment.Count > 0) { _producerComment.PublishString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lstComment)); //_noSqlHtml.SaveComment(job.Id, job.CompanyId, lstComment); string url = (job.Url == null) ? "" : job.Url; _log.Info(string.Format("Extract {0} comment from id {1} {2}", lstComment.Count, job.Id, url)); } }
public void PushResetCompany() { string arCOmpanyId = GetStrCompany; ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigRun.KeyRabbitMqCrawler), ConfigCrawler.QueueResetCacheProduct); foreach (var VARIABLE in arCOmpanyId.Split(Common.arSplitToList, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { producerBasic.PublishString(new JobCompanyCrawler() { CheckRunning = false, CompanyId = Convert.ToInt64(VARIABLE) }.GetJSon()); } }
private void Crawl() { try { LoadQueue(); while (true) { Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if (_linksQueue.Count == 0) { _typeEnd = TypeEnd.Success; break; } else if ((DateTime.Now - _timeStart).TotalHours > MaxHourReload) { _typeEnd = TypeEnd.OverTime; break; } else { var job = _linksQueue.Dequeue(); int statusProcess = ProcessJob(job); string strLog = string.Format("ss: {0} cQ: {1} tP: {2} cV: {3} pt: {4} {5} sst: {6} cmp: {7} {8}", _session, _linksQueue.Count, _company.TotalProduct, _countVisited, job.ProductId, job.url, statusProcess, _companyId, (this._company == null) ? "" : this._company.Domain); if (EventReportRun != null) { EventReportRun(strLog); } _log.Info(strLog); if (_linksQueue.Count == 0) { LoadQueue(); } } } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _typeEnd = TypeEnd.Immediate; _producerPushCompanyReload.PublishString(_companyId.ToString(), true, 0); End(); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { _typeEnd = TypeEnd.Error; _log.Error(ex); } End(); }
public void ProcessJob(string str) { JobUploadedImg job = JobUploadedImg.FromJson(str); string imageIdOld = _imgAdapterSql.GetImageId(job.ProductId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageIdOld)) { _producerDelImbo.PublishString(new JobDelImgImbo() { ImageId = imageIdOld }.ToJson()); } _imgAdapterSql.UpdateImboProcess(job.ProductId, job.ImageId, 0, 0); }
public static void PushCompanyUpdateImgImbo(List <string> domain) { int countPush = 0; ImageAdapterSql imageAdapterSql = new ImageAdapterSql(); ProducerBasic producerCompanyImage = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigImbo.KeyRabbitMqTransferImbo), ConfigImbo.QueueCompanyWaitPushProductTransferImage); List <long> companyIds = imageAdapterSql.GetCompanyIdByDomain(domain); foreach (var companyId in companyIds) { countPush++; producerCompanyImage.PublishString(new JobCmpWaitTransf() { CompanyId = companyId }.GetJson()); } }
public void Start() { ProducerBasic producerDelImgImbo = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigImbo.KeyRabbitMqTransferImbo), ConfigImbo.QueueDelImgImbo); _sqlDb.ProcessDataTableLarge( @" select replace(Domain, '.', '_') as Domain, id, LogoImageId from company where TotalProduct>0 order by id ", 10000, (row, iRow) => { string imgIdOld = Common.Obj2String(row["LogoImageId"]); long id = Common.Obj2Int64(row["Id"]); string domain = Common.Obj2String(row["Domain"]); string fullLinkLog = string.Format(@"{0}.png", domain); try { string imgIdNew = ImboImageService.PushFromUrl(ConfigImbo.PublicKey, ConfigImbo.PrivateKey, fullLinkLog, "logo", ConfigImbo.Host, ConfigImbo.Port); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgIdNew)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgIdOld)) { producerDelImgImbo.PublishString(imgIdOld); } bool bOK = this._sqlDb.RunQuery("Update Company Set LogoImageId = @LogoImageId Where Id = @Id", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter[] { SqlDb.CreateParamteterSQL("Id", id, SqlDbType.BigInt), SqlDb.CreateParamteterSQL("LogoImageId", imgIdNew, SqlDbType.NVarChar) }); } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); } _log.Info(string.Format("Uploaded {0} {1}", iRow, id)); return(true); }); }
internal void PushQueueAsDocInfo() { ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigDocMan.KeyRabbitMqWaitDl), ConfigDocMan.QueueDocInfo); DocManAdapter docManAdapter = new DocManAdapter(); DataTable tbl = docManAdapter.GetUrls(); foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows) { producerBasic.PublishString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new JobResetDocInfo() { Url = Convert.ToString(row["Url"]), Id = Convert.ToInt64(row["Id"]) })); } }
private void CheckDuplicate(ProductEntity product) { if (_dicDuplicate.ContainsKey(product.GetHashDuplicate()) && _dicDuplicate[product.GetHashDuplicate()] != product.ID) { product.StatusChange.IsDuplicate = true; _producerDuplicateProduct.PublishString( Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ProductDuplicate() { CId = _companyId, Id = product.ID, Hash = product.GetHashDuplicate(), IdDup = _dicDuplicate[product.GetHashDuplicate()], Url = product.DetailUrl }), true, 0); } }
public static void PushCmp() { var server = RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigCrawler.KeyRabbitMqCrawler); var sqldb = new SqlDb(ConfigCrawler.ConnectProduct); var tupleSetup = new List <Tuple <string, string> >() { new Tuple <string, string>("00", "Vip.Cmp.Crl.Fn"), new Tuple <string, string>("10", "Vip.Cmp.Crl.Rl"), new Tuple <string, string>("01", "Normal.Cmp.Crl.Fn"), new Tuple <string, string>("11", "Normal.Cmp.Crl.Rl"), }; foreach (var tuple in tupleSetup) { Log.Info(string.Format("Push to {0} {1}", tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2)); var producer = new ProducerBasic(server, tuple.Item2); var chanl = server.CreateChannel(); QueueDeclareOk dcl = chanl.QueueDeclare(tuple.Item2, true, false, false, null); if (dcl.MessageCount < 1) { var tblCmpFn = sqldb.GetTblData("[prc_Company_GetCmpToPushCrl]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, new[] { SqlDb.CreateParamteterSQL("@TypeCrl", tuple.Item1, SqlDbType.VarChar) }); foreach (DataRow variable in tblCmpFn.Rows) { long companyId = Common.Obj2Int64(variable["ID"]); if (!RedisCompanyWaitCrawler.CheckRunningCrawler(companyId)) { producer.PublishString(new JobCompanyCrawler() { CheckRunning = true, CompanyId = companyId }.GetJSon()); Log.Info(string.Format("Pushed for cmp: {0}", companyId)); } else { Log.Info("Not push because running"); } } } } return; }
private void RunReportRunning() { var tokenReport = _tokenSource.Token; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { ProducerBasic producerReportSessionRunning = null; try { producerReportSessionRunning = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigCrawler.KeyRabbitMqCrawler), ConfigCrawler.ExchangeSessionRunning, ConfigCrawler.RoutingkeySessionRunning); while (true) { string mss = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReportSessionRunning() { Thread = _nameThread, CompanyId = _companyId, Ip = Dns.GetHostName(), Session = _session, StartAt = _timeStart, Type = "FindNew", MachineCode = Server.MachineCode }); _log.Info(string.Format("Running Findnew {0} {1} {2}'", this._companyId, (this._company != null) ? this._company.Domain : "", (DateTime.Now - this._timeStart).Minutes)); tokenReport.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); producerReportSessionRunning.PublishString(mss, true, 300); Thread.Sleep(20000); } } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { _log.Info("End thread report running"); if (producerReportSessionRunning != null) { producerReportSessionRunning.Dispose(); } return; } catch (Exception ex) { // ignored } }, tokenReport); }
private static void PushJobDownload(string domain) { ProducerBasic producer = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigStatic.KeyRabbitMqCrlProductProperties), ConfigStatic.GetQueueWaitDownloadHtml(domain)); IStorageProduct storageProduct = new StorageProduct(); int i = 0; string DetailUrl = ""; Regex regex = new Regex(@"http://www.+html"); storageProduct.ProcessProduct(domain, (sender, product) => { if (domain == "") { string urlencode = product.DetailUrl; string urldecode = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(urlencode)); MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(urldecode); DetailUrl = matches[0].Value.ToString(); ////string urlencode = product.DetailUrl; ////string urldecode = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(product.DetailUrl); ////char charRange = '?'; ////int startIndex = urldecode.IndexOf(charRange) + 1; ////int endIndex = urldecode.LastIndexOf(charRange) - 1; ////int length = endIndex - startIndex + 1; ////DetailUrl = urldecode.Substring(startIndex, length).Replace("url=", ""); } else { DetailUrl = product.DetailUrl; } producer.PublishString(new JobCrlProperties() { ProductId = product.Id, DetailUrl = UtilCrl.GetUrl(DetailUrl, domain), Domain = domain, ClassificationId = product.ClassificationId, Classification = product.Classification }.GetJson()); i++; //log.Info(string.Format("{0} {1}", i, product.Id)); log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}", i, product.Id); }); }
private void Analysic(JobFindNew jobCrawl, HtmlDocument doc) { if (_company.Status == Common.CompanyStatus.TIN) { var product = new Product(); product.Analytics(doc, jobCrawl.Url, _config, false, _company.Domain); } else { var product = new ProductEntity(); var productParse = new ProductParse(); productParse.Analytics(product, doc, jobCrawl.Url, _config, _company.Domain); if (product.IsSuccessData(_config.CheckPrice)) { product.Valid = false; if (!IsExistsProduct(product.ID)) { if (!_dicDuplicate.ContainsKey(product.GetHashDuplicate())) { product.StatusChange.IsNew = true; PushChangeProduct(product); _dicDuplicate.Add(product.GetHashDuplicate(), product.ID); _crcProductOldGroup.Add(product.ID); _countNewProduct++; } else { _producerDuplicateProduct.PublishString( Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ProductDuplicate() { CId = _companyId, Id = product.ID, Hash = product.GetHashDuplicate(), IdDup = _dicDuplicate[product.GetHashDuplicate()], Url = product.DetailUrl }), true); } } } } }
public void PushQueueAs() { ProducerBasic producerBasic = new ProducerBasic(RabbitMQManager.GetRabbitMQServer(ConfigDocMan.KeyRabbitMqWaitDl), ConfigDocMan.QueueDl); for (int i = 1; i < 100000; i++) { producerBasic.PublishString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new JobQueue() { Deep = 0, Url = string.Format("{0}", i) })); if (i % 10 == 0) { log.Info(i); } } }