public Stream OpenProdInfo() { IStorage encStorage = ProdInfo.Open().AsStorage(); var decStorage = new CachedStorage(new Aes128XtsStorage(encStorage, Keyset.BisKeys[0], 0x4000, true), 0x4000, 4, true); return(decStorage.AsStream(FileAccess.Read)); }
string PackShowStr(int xuhao, ProdInfo prodinfo) { string str = ""; double liaochang = 0; liaochang = prodinfo.Len / 100; str = "切割序号:" + (xuhao + 1).ToString() + " 料长:" + liaochang.ToString("0.00"); int countId = 1; foreach (int size in prodinfo.Cut) { double sizedouble = (double)size / 100; if (countId > 3) { str += "\r\n"; } str += (" " + countId.ToString() + "段: " + sizedouble.ToString("0.00") + " L" + prodinfo.leftAngle[countId - 1] + " R" + prodinfo.rightAngle[countId - 1] ); countId++; } double wlDouble = ((double)prodinfo.WL / 100); str += (" 余料:" + wlDouble.ToString("0.00")); return(str); }
public Stream OpenProdInfo() { SparseStream encStream = ProdInfo.Open(); Xts xts = XtsAes128.Create(Keyset.BisKeys[0]); var decStream = new RandomAccessSectorStream(new XtsSectorStream(encStream, xts, 0x4000, 0), true); return(decStream); }
// GET: Home public ActionResult Index(ProdInfo prod) { var q = (from s in db.ProdInfoes select s); var result = q.ToList(); return(View(result)); }
public JsonResult Save(Int32 id, Int32 Org, String Name, String Value, String ProductType, Int32 attrSet, Int32 taxcat, Int32 prodCat, Int32 UOM, String UPC, int Parent_ID) { ProdInfo value = null; if (Session["ctx"] != null) { VAdvantage.Utility.Ctx ctx = Session["ctx"] as Ctx; ProductManagementModel model = new ProductManagementModel(); value =, Org, Name, Value, ProductType, attrSet, taxcat, prodCat, UOM, UPC, Parent_ID, ctx); } return(Json(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void SetRation(ProdInfo p) { ration = 0.4098;// len * 100 / (double)p.Len; xmargin = (int)(p.DBC * ration / 100); double het = 0; if (double.TryParse(p.Param16[0], out het)) //材料宽度 { height = (int)(het * ration); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGet(int?ID) { if (ID == null) { return(NotFound()); } ProdInfo = await _db.ProdInfo.Include(m => m.ApplicationUser).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == ID); if (ProdInfo == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Page()); }
// this function will create products while creating incoming goods public void CreateProdAtIG(List <ProdInfo> NewProd) { try { DateTime InDateTime = DateTime.Now; string sqlFormattedDate = InDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); // create new products here foreach (var Prod in NewProd) { if (Prod.ProdName == null) { Prod.ProdName = "غير محدد"; } ProdInfo ProdInfo = new ProdInfo { ProdCode = Prod.ProdCode, ProdName = Prod.ProdName, CostPrice = Prod.CostPrice, RetailPrice = Prod.RetailPrice, WholePrice = Prod.WholePrice, CreatedDateTime = InDateTime, CreatedById = GetLoggedInUserId(), }; _db.ProdInfo.Add(ProdInfo); /// i will have to create prodct in wh later **** // CreateProdInWh(int ProdId, 0, double OpenQty); } // Save changes _db.SaveChanges(); // return true; } catch (Exception ex) { // return false; } }
public ActionResult OnPostCreateProduct() { bool check = _InveTrans.CheckProdCodeExist(ProdInfo.ProdCode).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (check == false) { StatusMessage = "Error!رمز المادة مضافة سابقا"; return(Page()); } var ClaimId = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; var Claim = ClaimId.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); string UserId = Claim.Value; ProdInfo.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; var NewProd = new ProdInfo { CreatedById = UserId, ProdCode = ProdInfo.ProdCode, ProdDescription = ProdInfo.ProdDescription, ProdName = ProdInfo.ProdName, ProdCategory = ProdInfo.ProdCategory, CostPrice = ProdInfo.CostPrice, RetailPrice = ProdInfo.RetailPrice, WholePrice = ProdInfo.WholePrice, CreatedDateTime = ProdInfo.CreatedDateTime }; _db.ProdInfo.Add(NewProd); _db.SaveChanges(); var Prod = _db.ProdInfo.FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.ProdCode == ProdInfo.ProdCode); bool CreateProdInWh = _InveTrans.CreateProdInWh(Prod.Id, 0, 0); StatusMessage = "تمت اضافة مادة جديدة"; // return new JsonResult(StatusMessage); //return RedirectToPage("/Inventory/IncomingGoods/Create"); return(Page()); }
public void ProdDrawPloygon(ProdInfo prodinfo, ref Bitmap bt, int heightId, PictureBox p1, int xuhao) { int count = prodinfo.Cut.Count; SetRation(prodinfo); Point xtop = new Point(OrigninP.X, OrigninP.Y); if (bt == null) { bt = new Bitmap(OrigninP.X + len + xmargin * (prodinfo.Cut.Count + 1) + 100 * xmargin + 100, 2 * OrigninP.Y + (count + 50) * (height + ymargin)); //p1.Height = bt.Height + 100; } Point[] pwl = new Point[2]; DrawLen(bt, heightId, (int)(prodinfo.Len * ration / Constant.dataMultiple), ref pwl); Point[] pArray = new Point[4]; Point[] pLine = new Point[2]; if (prodinfo.Cut.Count > 0) { xtop.X = xtop.X + calcuXMargin(prodinfo.leftAngle[0]); xtop.Y = xtop.Y + heightId * height + ymargin * heightId; pLine[0] = xtop; pLine[1] = xtop; pLine[1].Y += height; DrawLine(bt, pLine); //开始画图 for (int i = 0; i < prodinfo.Cut.Count; i++) { double upSize = 0; double downSize = 0; if (!double.TryParse(prodinfo.Param5[i], out upSize)) { MessageBox.Show(Constant.convertError + Constant.resultTip5 + heightId.ToString() + Constant.resultTip6 + Constant.resultTip5 + i.ToString() + Constant.resultTip7); return; } if (!double.TryParse(prodinfo.Param6[i], out downSize)) { MessageBox.Show(Constant.convertError + Constant.resultTip5 + heightId.ToString() + Constant.resultTip6 + Constant.resultTip5 + i.ToString() + Constant.resultTip7); return; } upSize = upSize * (ration); downSize = downSize * (ration); if (i < (prodinfo.Cut.Count() - 1)) { if (i != 0) { pArray = pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], prodinfo.leftAngle[i + 1], prodinfo.rightAngle[i - 1], (int)upSize, (int)downSize); } else { pArray = pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], prodinfo.leftAngle[i + 1], 90, (int)upSize, (int)downSize); } } else { if (i > 0) { pArray = pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], 0, prodinfo.rightAngle[i - 1], (int)upSize, (int)downSize); } else { pArray = pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], 0, 0, (int)upSize, (int)downSize); } } if (i != 0) { if (prodinfo.Barc.Contains("尾料裁剪")) { DrawPolygon(bt, pArray, 7, ""); } else { DrawPolygon(bt, pArray, 1, ""); } } else { DrawPolygon(bt, pArray, 1, PackShowStr(xuhao, prodinfo)); } } //尾料再换个颜色 List <Point> pwlLst = new List <Point>(); if (pArray.Count() == 4 && pwl.Count() == 2) { pwlLst.Add(pArray[1]); pwlLst.Add(pwl[0]); pwlLst.Add(pwl[1]); pwlLst.Add(pArray[2]); if (prodinfo.Barc.Contains("尾料裁剪")) { DrawPolygon(bt, pwlLst.ToArray(), 8, ""); } else { DrawPolygon(bt, pwlLst.ToArray(), 3, ""); } } if (bt != null) { p1.Image = bt; } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost() { bool check = _InveTrans.CheckProdCodeExist(ProductInfo.ProdCode).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (check == false) { StatusMessage = "Error!رمز المادة مضافة سابقا"; return(Page()); } var ClaimId = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; var Claim = ClaimId.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); string UserId = Claim.Value; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // return Page(); } string newfileName = string.Empty; if (img != null && img.Length > 0) { string fn = img.FileName; if (IsImagValidate(fn)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(fn); newfileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + extension; string filename = Path.Combine(_host.WebRootPath + "/img/", newfileName); await img.CopyToAsync(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create)); } else { return(Page()); } } ProductInfo.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; var Information = new ProdInfo { CreatedById = UserId, ProdCode = ProductInfo.ProdCode, ProdDescription = ProductInfo.ProdDescription, ProdName = ProductInfo.ProdName, ProdCategory = ProductInfo.ProdCategory, CostPrice = ProductInfo.CostPrice, RetailPrice = ProductInfo.RetailPrice, WholePrice = ProductInfo.WholePrice, CreatedDateTime = ProductInfo.CreatedDateTime, ImgFile = newfileName }; AddPhoto = await _db.TempProdImg.ToListAsync(); foreach (var item in AddPhoto) { var AddPhoto = new ProdImg { ImgFile = item.ImgFile, ProdId = Information.Id }; _db.ProdImg.Add(AddPhoto); } _db.TempProdImg.RemoveRange(AddPhoto); _db.ProdInfo.Add(Information); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); var Prod = _db.ProdInfo.FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.ProdCode == ProductInfo.ProdCode); bool CreateProdInWh = _InveTrans.CreateProdInWh(Prod.Id, SelectedWarehouse, OpenQty); StatusMessage = "تمت اضافة مادة جديدة"; return(RedirectToPage("Create")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostProduct(ProdInfo prodInfo) { DateTime InDateTime = DateTime.Now; string sqlFormattedDate = InDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); bool check = _InveTrans.CheckProdCodeExist(prodInfo.ProdCode).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (check == false) { return(new JsonResult(new { success = false, error = "Error!رمز المادة مضافة سابقا" })); } var ClaimId = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity; var Claim = ClaimId.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); string UserId = Claim.Value; prodInfo.CreatedById = UserId; var context = new ValidationContext(prodInfo, serviceProvider: null, items: null); var validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>(); bool isValid = Validator.TryValidateObject(prodInfo, context, validationResults, true); if (!isValid) { return(new JsonResult(new { success = false, error = validationResults.First().ErrorMessage })); } string newfileName = string.Empty; if (img != null && img.Length > 0) { string fn = img.FileName; if (IsImagValidate(fn)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(fn); newfileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + extension; string filename = Path.Combine(_host.WebRootPath + "/img/", newfileName); await img.CopyToAsync(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create)); } else { return(new JsonResult(new { success = false, error = "Invalid Image" })); } } // prodInfo.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; var Information = new ProdInfo { CreatedById = UserId, ProdCode = prodInfo.ProdCode, ProdDescription = prodInfo.ProdDescription, ProdName = prodInfo.ProdName, ProdCategory = prodInfo.ProdCategory, CostPrice = prodInfo.CostPrice, RetailPrice = prodInfo.RetailPrice, WholePrice = prodInfo.WholePrice, CreatedDateTime = InDateTime, ImgFile = newfileName }; AddPhoto = await _db.TempProdImg.ToListAsync(); foreach (var item in AddPhoto) { var AddPhoto = new ProdImg { ImgFile = item.ImgFile, ProdId = Information.Id }; _db.ProdImg.Add(AddPhoto); } _db.TempProdImg.RemoveRange(AddPhoto); _db.ProdInfo.Add(Information); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); var Prod = _db.ProdInfo.FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.ProdCode == prodInfo.ProdCode); bool CreateProdInWh = _InveTrans.CreateProdInWh(Prod.Id, SelectedWarehouse, OpenQty); StatusMessage = "تمت اضافة مادة جديدة"; return(new JsonResult(new { success = true })); }