예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the flags for an x86 machine
        /// TODO: in the future will need to overload this method with a variant for amr32 and arm64.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <int> ParseFlags()
            uint[] raw = ProcessorInformation.CPUID(CPUIDOperation.GetProcessorInformation);
            //List of the every possible flag
            //Its impossible to do a list of enums (il2cpu errors).
            //You cannot cast by using methods like ToList()...
            //So we use the old friend "int".
            List <int> listOfFlags = new List <int>();

            uint ecx = raw[2];
            //Regular flags
            uint edx = raw[3];

            //We need to convert edx to something that can be traslated to a bit array safely
            //We can't do (int)eax
            var      edxBytes    = BitConverter.GetBytes(edx);
            BitArray bitArrayEdx = new BitArray(edxBytes);

            //See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPUID (this is where i got the information).

            mDebugger.Send("Bits parsed. Adding enums to table");
            //TODO: this gives ilcpu error
            int offset = 0;

            //Foreach bit in ea
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                //Skip reserved flags
                if (i == 10 || i == 20)
                mDebugger.Send("EDX: " + ((int)edx & (1 << i)));
                if (((int)edx & (1 << i)) > 0)
                    listOfFlags.Add(i + offset);

            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                //Skip reserved flag
                if (i == 16)
                if (((int)ecx & (1 << i)) > 0)
                    listOfFlags.Add(i + offset + 32);
            mDebugger.Send("Strings added and parsed.");
예제 #2
 public static long GetTimestamp()
     if (Stopwatch.IsHighResolution)
         // see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn553408(v=vs.85).aspx for more details
         return((long)(ProcessorInformation.GetCycleCount() / (double)ProcessorInformation.GetCycleRate() * 1000000d));
예제 #3
 public string GetVendorName()
     if (ProcessorInformation.CanReadCPUID() > 0)
         uint[] raw = ProcessorInformation.CPUID(CPUIDOperation.GetVendorID);
         uint   ebx = raw[1];
         uint   ecx = raw[2];
         uint   edx = raw[3];
         //A little more inefficient but a lot clearer
         return(ConvertIntegerToString(ebx) + ConvertIntegerToString(edx) + ConvertIntegerToString(ecx));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses multiple information using eax = 1 and the returned eax register
        /// </summary>
        public void ParseInformation()
            uint[] raw = ProcessorInformation.CPUID(CPUIDOperation.GetProcessorInformation);
            ///Position of the 96 bit signature
            uint eax = raw[0];

            //NOTE: these equations are taken from the intel manual
            //We need the AND to get only the important bits
            //Get the first 4 bits
            this.Stepping = (int)eax & 15;
            //Sum the extended model to the standard model
            //Extended model: get bits 19:16 (base zero) and shift them 4 to the left
            //Standard model: get bits 7:4.
            this.ModelNumber = (((int)eax >> 16) & 15) << 4 + ((int)eax >> 4) & 15;
            //Get bits 27:20 of the extended family
            //Get bits 11:8 of the standard family
            this.Family = (((int)eax >> 20) & 511) + (((int)eax >> 8) & 15);
예제 #5
        public Processor()
            //Old smbios calls

             * Speed = SMBIOSProcessor.CurrentSpeed;
             * ProcessorType = ParseType(SMBIOSProcessor.ProcessorType);
             * ProcessorFamily = ParseFamily(SMBIOSProcessor.ProcessorFamily);
             * SocketDesignation = SMBIOSProcessor.SocketDesignation;
             * Manufacturer = SMBIOSProcessor.ProcessorManufacturer;
             * ProcessorVersion = SMBIOSProcessor.ProcessorVersion;
             * Flags = ParseFlags(SMBIOSProcessor.CPUIDEAX, SMBIOSProcessor.CPUIDEDX);
            this.Manufacturer = GetVendorName();
            this.Flags        = ParseFlags();
            //Parses stepping, model and family
            this.Frequency = ProcessorInformation.GetFrequency();
예제 #6
        public static void SleepInternal(int ms)
            // Implementation of http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/threading/thread.cs,6a577476abf2f437,references
            // see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn553408(v=vs.85).aspx for more details

            if ((ms > 0) && (ms != Timeout.Infinite))
                double fac   = ProcessorInformation.GetCycleRate() / 1000d;
                double ticks = ms / 1000d * Stopwatch.Frequency + ProcessorInformation.GetCycleCount() * fac;

                while (ticks < ProcessorInformation.GetCycleCount() * fac)
                    new Action(() => { }).Invoke(); // execute an empty operation
            else if (ms < 0)
                throw new ThreadInterruptedException();
예제 #7
 public string GetBrandName()
     if (ProcessorInformation.CanReadCPUID() > 0)
         uint[] raw = ProcessorInformation.CPUID(CPUIDOperation.GetProcessorBrand);
         return(ConvertIntegerToString(raw[0]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[1]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[2]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[3]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[4]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[5]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[6]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[8]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[9]) +
                ConvertIntegerToString(raw[10]) +
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to get processor information
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ProcessorInformation GetProcessorInformation()
            ProcessorInformation result = null;

                ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
                    new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor");

                foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get())
                    result = new ProcessorInformation();

                    result.Caption           = queryObj["Caption"].ToString();
                    result.CurrentClockSpeed = (queryObj["CurrentClockSpeed"] != null) ? Convert.ToUInt32(queryObj["CurrentClockSpeed"]) : 0;
                    result.Description       = queryObj["Description"].ToString();
                    result.ExtClock          = (queryObj["ExtClock"] != null) ? Convert.ToUInt32(queryObj["ExtClock"]) : 0;
                    result.L2CacheSize       = (queryObj["L2CacheSize"] != null) ? Convert.ToUInt32(queryObj["L2CacheSize"]) : 0;
                    result.L3CacheSize       = (queryObj["L3CacheSize"] != null) ? Convert.ToUInt32(queryObj["L3CacheSize"]) : 0;
                    result.Manufacturer      = queryObj["Manufacturer"].ToString();
                    result.MaxClockSpeed     = (queryObj["MaxClockSpeed"] != null) ? (0.001 * (UInt32)(queryObj["MaxClockSpeed"])).ToString("0.00") + " GHz" : "n.a.";
                    result.Name                      = queryObj["Name"].ToString();
                    result.NumberOfCores             = (queryObj["NumberOfCores"] != null) ? Convert.ToUInt32(queryObj["NumberOfCores"]) : 0;
                    result.NumberOfLogicalProcessors = (queryObj["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"] != null) ? Convert.ToUInt32(queryObj["NumberOfLogicalProcessors"]) : 0;
            catch (ManagementException e)
                // Log-Exception
                DependencyFactory.Resolve <ILoggingService>(ServiceNames.LoggingService).LogException("WmiHardwareInfoService: Fehler bei der Ermittlung der CPU-Informationen", e);
                // Show exception
                DependencyFactory.Resolve <IExceptionReporterService>(ServiceNames.ExceptionReporterService).ReportException(e);

예제 #9
        static readonly IntPtr currentProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); // it returns a constant pseudo-handle, so we only need to call it once

        static unsafe void InitializeProcessorInformation()
            int cpuCores = 0, cpuThreads = 0, independentProcessors = 0;

    #if WINDOWS
            // TODO: this method only supports a maximum of 64 processors (32 on 32-bit systems), i.e. one processor group. we can use
            // GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx() to get information about all of the processor groups, but it might not even be helpful.
            // I'm not sure whether a single application can be scheduled across multiple processor groups anyway. also, that function is
            // only supported on Windows 7/2008 or later
                int length = 0;
                GetLogicalProcessorInformation(null, ref length);
                if (length != 0)
                    length /= sizeof(ProcessorInformation); // determine the number of structures from the byte length
                    ProcessorInformation[] infos = new ProcessorInformation[length];
                    fixed(ProcessorInformation *pInfos = infos)
                        // TODO: test this on a single core machine to make sure all the relevant information is returned
                        int byteLength = length * sizeof(ProcessorInformation);

                        if (GetLogicalProcessorInformation(pInfos, ref byteLength))
                            List <UIntPtr> coreMasks = new List <UIntPtr>(), independentProcessorMasks = new List <UIntPtr>();
                            // the information is returned as a list of information about features of groups of processors. the set of processors
                            // that the information relates to are represented in the ProcessorMask field, and the information describes the
                            // features shared by all of those processors. processors will usually be listed multiple times, in different sets,
                            // as different sets of processors share different features, usually overlapping with other sets
                            for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
                                ProcessorInformation info = infos[i];
                                if (info.Sharing == ProcessorSharing.Core) // if the information describes a set of hardware threads sharing a core
                                    int processorCount = BitCount((ulong)info.ProcessorMask);
                                    cpuThreads += processorCount;


                                    // treat the threads as independent processors if they don't share functional (computing) units
                                    if ((info.Relation.CoreFlags & CoreFlags.ShareFunctionalUnits) == 0)
                                        independentProcessors += processorCount;
                                        AddMasks(independentProcessorMasks, (ulong)info.ProcessorMask);
                                    else // otherwise, lump them together as a single independent processor

                            if (coreMasks.Count != 0)
                                cpuCoreMasks = coreMasks.ToArray();
                            if (independentProcessorMasks.Count != 0)
                                SystemInformation.independentProcessorMasks = independentProcessorMasks.ToArray();
            catch { } // the GetLogicalProcessorInformation call is not available on all systems
    #warning Retrieving specific CPU information has not been implemented for this OS or the approprate preprocessor flag was not set. Falling back to Environment.ProcessorCount.

            // fall back on using Environment.ProcessorCount if the information was not available
            if (cpuThreads == 0)
                cpuThreads = Math.Max(1, Environment.ProcessorCount);
            if (independentProcessors == 0)
                independentProcessors = cpuThreads;
            if (cpuCores == 0)
                cpuCores = cpuThreads;

            _cpuCores              = cpuCores;
            _cpuThreads            = cpuThreads;
            _independentProcessors = independentProcessors;
예제 #10
파일: SMBIOS.cs 프로젝트: reimashi/jotai
        public SMBIOS()
            int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
            if ((p == 4) || (p == 128))
                this.raw = null;
                this.table = null;

                string boardVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor");
                string boardName = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name");
                string boardVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version");
                this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
                  boardVendor, boardName, boardVersion, null);

                string systemVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor");
                string productName = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name");
                string productVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version");
                this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(systemVendor,
                  productName, productVersion, null, null);

                string biosVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor");
                string biosVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version");
                this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(biosVendor, biosVersion);

                this.memoryDevices = new MemoryDevice[0];
                List<Structure> structureList = new List<Structure>();
                List<MemoryDevice> memoryDeviceList = new List<MemoryDevice>();

                raw = null;
                byte majorVersion = 0;
                byte minorVersion = 0;
                    ManagementObjectCollection collection;
                    using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
                      new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI",
                        "SELECT * FROM MSSMBios_RawSMBiosTables"))
                        collection = searcher.Get();

                    foreach (ManagementObject mo in collection)
                        raw = (byte[])mo["SMBiosData"];
                        majorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMajorVersion"];
                        minorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMinorVersion"];
                catch { }

                if (majorVersion > 0 || minorVersion > 0)
                    version = new Version(majorVersion, minorVersion);

                if (raw != null && raw.Length > 0)
                    int offset = 0;
                    byte type = raw[offset];
                    while (offset + 4 < raw.Length && type != 127)

                        type = raw[offset];
                        int length = raw[offset + 1];
                        ushort handle = (ushort)((raw[offset + 2] << 8) | raw[offset + 3]);

                        if (offset + length > raw.Length)
                        byte[] data = new byte[length];
                        Array.Copy(raw, offset, data, 0, length);
                        offset += length;

                        List<string> stringsList = new List<string>();
                        if (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] == 0)

                        while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                            while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)
                                sb.Append((char)raw[offset]); offset++;
                        switch (type)
                            case 0x00:
                                this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(
                                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                                structureList.Add(this.biosInformation); break;
                            case 0x01:
                                this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(
                                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                                structureList.Add(this.systemInformation); break;
                            case 0x02:
                                this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
                         type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                                structureList.Add(this.baseBoardInformation); break;
                            case 0x04:
                                this.processorInformation = new ProcessorInformation(
                         type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                                structureList.Add(this.processorInformation); break;
                            case 0x11:
                                MemoryDevice m = new MemoryDevice(
                         type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                                structureList.Add(m); break;
                                structureList.Add(new Structure(
                         type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray())); break;

                memoryDevices = memoryDeviceList.ToArray();
                table = structureList.ToArray();
예제 #11
        public SMBIOS()
            if (OperatingSystem.IsUnix)
                this.raw   = null;
                this.table = null;

                string boardVendor  = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor");
                string boardName    = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name");
                string boardVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version");
                this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
                    boardVendor, boardName, boardVersion, null);

                string systemVendor   = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor");
                string productName    = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name");
                string productVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version");
                this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(systemVendor,
                                                               productName, productVersion, null, null);

                string biosVendor  = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor");
                string biosVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version");
                this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(biosVendor, biosVersion);

                this.memoryDevices = new MemoryDevice[0];
                List <Structure>    structureList    = new List <Structure>();
                List <MemoryDevice> memoryDeviceList = new List <MemoryDevice>();

                raw = null;
                byte majorVersion = 0;
                byte minorVersion = 0;
                try {
                    // Get bios raw information
                    ManagementObjectCollection collection;
                    using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
                               new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI",
                                                            "SELECT * FROM MSSMBios_RawSMBiosTables")) {
                        collection = searcher.Get();

                    foreach (ManagementObject mo in collection)
                        raw          = (byte[])mo["SMBiosData"];
                        majorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMajorVersion"];
                        minorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMinorVersion"];
                } catch { }

                if (majorVersion > 0 || minorVersion > 0)
                    version = new Version(majorVersion, minorVersion);

                if (raw != null && raw.Length > 0)
                    int  offset = 0;
                    byte type   = raw[offset];
                    while (offset + 4 < raw.Length && type != 127)
                        // each iteration finds the structure inforamtion which are seperated by two zero bytes

                        // first byte in structure is the type of information
                        type = raw[offset];
                        // second byte in structure is the length of the structure header
                        int    length = raw[offset + 1];
                        ushort handle = (ushort)((raw[offset + 2] << 8) | raw[offset + 3]);

                        if (offset + length > raw.Length)
                        // data is the structure header not the actual values
                        byte[] data = new byte[length];
                        Array.Copy(raw, offset, data, 0, length);
                        // moves offset to the start of the structure values
                        offset += length;

                        // moves over all the zeros after the structure header
                        List <string> stringsList = new List <string>();
                        if (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] == 0)

                        // Convert bytes to strings seperated by one zero byte, puts them in 'stringsList'
                        // Structure ends at two successive zero bytes
                        while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                            while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)
                                sb.Append((char)raw[offset]); offset++;
                        switch (type)
                        case 0x00:
                            this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.biosInformation); break;

                        case 0x01:
                            this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.systemInformation); break;

                        case 0x02: this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.baseBoardInformation); break;

                        case 0x04: this.processorInformation = new ProcessorInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.processorInformation); break;

                        case 0x07: //CPU Internal
                            //LCachenum = (data[5] ^ 0x80) + 1 //LCacheNum = data[16] - 3 //LCacheNum = (data[16] ^ 0x04) + 1
                            //LCacheSize = data[8] << 8 //LCacheSize = data[10] << 8
                            //LCacheAssociativity = 0
                            //switch (data[18]) {
                            //case 5: LCacheAssociativity = 4; break;
                            //case 7: LCacheAssociativity = 8; break;
                            //case 9: LCacheAssociativity = 12; break;

                        case 0x11: MemoryDevice m = new MemoryDevice(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(m); break;

                        default: structureList.Add(new Structure(
                                                       type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray())); break;
                            // type 8 = peripherals

                memoryDevices = memoryDeviceList.ToArray();
                table         = structureList.ToArray();
예제 #12
        public SMBIOS()
            int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;

            if ((p == 4) || (p == 128))
                this.raw   = null;
                this.table = null;

                string boardVendor  = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor");
                string boardName    = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name");
                string boardVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version");
                this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
                    boardVendor, boardName, boardVersion, null);

                string systemVendor   = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor");
                string productName    = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name");
                string productVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version");
                this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(systemVendor,
                                                               productName, productVersion, null, null);

                string biosVendor  = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor");
                string biosVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version");
                this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(biosVendor, biosVersion);

                this.memoryDevices = new MemoryDevice[0];
                List <Structure>    structureList    = new List <Structure>();
                List <MemoryDevice> memoryDeviceList = new List <MemoryDevice>();

                raw = null;
                byte majorVersion = 0;
                byte minorVersion = 0;
                try {
                    ManagementObjectCollection collection;
                    using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
                               new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI",
                                                            "SELECT * FROM MSSMBios_RawSMBiosTables")) {
                        collection = searcher.Get();

                    foreach (ManagementObject mo in collection)
                        raw          = (byte[])mo["SMBiosData"];
                        majorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMajorVersion"];
                        minorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMinorVersion"];
                } catch { }

                if (majorVersion > 0 || minorVersion > 0)
                    version = new Version(majorVersion, minorVersion);

                if (raw != null && raw.Length > 0)
                    int  offset = 0;
                    byte type   = raw[offset];
                    while (offset + 4 < raw.Length && type != 127)
                        type = raw[offset];
                        int    length = raw[offset + 1];
                        ushort handle = (ushort)((raw[offset + 2] << 8) | raw[offset + 3]);

                        if (offset + length > raw.Length)
                        byte[] data = new byte[length];
                        Array.Copy(raw, offset, data, 0, length);
                        offset += length;

                        List <string> stringsList = new List <string>();
                        if (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] == 0)

                        while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                            while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)
                                sb.Append((char)raw[offset]); offset++;
                        switch (type)
                        case 0x00:
                            this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.biosInformation); break;

                        case 0x01:
                            this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.systemInformation); break;

                        case 0x02: this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.baseBoardInformation); break;

                        case 0x04: this.processorInformation = new ProcessorInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(this.processorInformation); break;

                        case 0x11: MemoryDevice m = new MemoryDevice(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
                            structureList.Add(m); break;

                        default: structureList.Add(new Structure(
                                                       type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray())); break;

                memoryDevices = memoryDeviceList.ToArray();
                table         = structureList.ToArray();
예제 #13
        public Smbios()
            if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux)
                raw   = null;
                table = null;

                var boardVendor  = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor");
                var boardName    = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name");
                var boardVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version");
                Board = new BaseBoardInformation(
                    boardVendor, boardName, boardVersion, null);

                var systemVendor   = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor");
                var productName    = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name");
                var productVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version");
                System = new SystemInformation(systemVendor,
                                               productName, productVersion, null, null);

                var biosVendor  = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor");
                var biosVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version");
                BIOS = new BIOSInformation(biosVendor, biosVersion);

                MemoryDevices = new MemoryDevice[0];
                var structureList    = new List <Structure>();
                var memoryDeviceList = new List <MemoryDevice>();

                raw = null;
                byte majorVersion = 0;
                byte minorVersion = 0;
                    ManagementObjectCollection collection;
                    using (var searcher =
                               new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI",
                                                            "SELECT * FROM MSSMBios_RawSMBiosTables"))
                        collection = searcher.Get();

                    foreach (ManagementObject mo in collection)
                        raw          = (byte[])mo["SMBiosData"];
                        majorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMajorVersion"];
                        minorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMinorVersion"];

                if (majorVersion > 0 || minorVersion > 0)
                    version = new Version(majorVersion, minorVersion);

                if (raw != null && raw.Length > 0)
                    var offset = 0;
                    var type   = raw[offset];
                    while (offset + 4 < raw.Length && type != 127)
                        type = raw[offset];
                        int length = raw[offset + 1];
                        var handle = (ushort)((raw[offset + 2] << 8) | raw[offset + 3]);

                        if (offset + length > raw.Length)
                        var data = new byte[length];
                        Array.Copy(raw, offset, data, 0, length);
                        offset += length;

                        var stringsList = new List <string>();
                        if (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] == 0)

                        while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)
                            var sb = new StringBuilder();
                            while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0)


                        switch (type)
                        case 0x00:
                            BIOS = new BIOSInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());

                        case 0x01:
                            System = new SystemInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());

                        case 0x02:
                            Board = new BaseBoardInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());

                        case 0x04:
                            Processor = new ProcessorInformation(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());

                        case 0x11:
                            var m = new MemoryDevice(
                                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());

                            structureList.Add(new Structure(
                                                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray()));

                MemoryDevices = memoryDeviceList.ToArray();
                table         = structureList.ToArray();
예제 #14
 public static extern void GetSystemInfo(ref ProcessorInformation info);
예제 #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ProcessorInformation processor = new ProcessorInformation();

            GetSystemInfo(ref processor);
            String architecture = "";

            switch (processor.ProcessorArchitecture)
            case 0:
                architecture = "x86";

            case 5:
                architecture = "ARM";

            case 6:
                architecture = "Intel Itanium-based";

            case 9:
                architecture = "x64(AMD or Intel)";

            case 12:
                architecture = "ARM64";

                architecture = "Unknown architecture";
            Console.WriteLine("Processor architecture: {0}", architecture);
            Console.WriteLine("Processor type: {0}", processor.ProcessorType);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of CPUs: {0}", processor.NumberOfProcessors);
            Console.WriteLine("Processor level: {0}", processor.ProcessorLevel);
            Console.WriteLine("Processor revision: {0}", processor.ProcessorRevision);
            Console.WriteLine("Active processor mask: {0}", processor.ActiveProcessorMask);
            Console.WriteLine("Page size: {0}", processor.PageSize);
            Console.WriteLine("Allocation granularity: {0}", processor.AllocationGranularity);

            MemoryStatus memory = new MemoryStatus();

            memory.Length = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MemoryStatus));
            GlobalMemoryStatusEx(ref memory);
            Console.WriteLine($"\n\nThere is {memory.MemoryLoad}% of memory in use.");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {memory.TotalPhys / 1024} total KB of physical memory " +
                              $"({Math.Round(((double)memory.TotalPhys / Math.Pow(2, 30)), 2)} GB).");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {memory.AvailPhys / 1024} free  KB of physical memory" +
                              $"({Math.Round(((double)memory.AvailPhys / Math.Pow(2, 30)), 2)} GB).");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {memory.TotalPageFile / 1024} total KB of paging file" +
                              $"({Math.Round(((double)memory.TotalPageFile / Math.Pow(2, 30)), 2)} GB).");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {memory.AvailPageFile / 1024} free  KB of paging file" +
                              $"({Math.Round(((double)memory.AvailPageFile / Math.Pow(2, 30)), 2)} GB).");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {memory.TotalVirtual / 1024} total KB of virtual memory" +
                              $"({Math.Round(((double)memory.TotalVirtual / Math.Pow(2, 30)), 2)} GB).");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {memory.AvailVirtual / 1024} free  KB of virtual memory" +
                              $"({Math.Round(((double)memory.AvailVirtual / Math.Pow(2, 30)), 2)} GB).");
            Console.WriteLine($"There are {memory.AvailExtendedVirtual / 1024} free  KB of extended memory.");