예제 #1
        public PeakPattern(Mat inImage, double highThresh = 180.0)
            ImageHeight   = inImage.Height;
            ImageWidth    = inImage.Width;
            highThreshold = highThresh;

            //Should text a smaller bounding box than the peak finding threshold.
            textRect = ProcessingTools.findTextEdge <Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold });

            //resultList[0] = new BitArray(ImageWidth);
            Mat croppedImage = new Mat(inImage, textRect);

            //resultList.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine<Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
            //    textRect.Top + textRect.Height / 4));
            //Console.WriteLine(textRect.Top + textRect.Height / 2);
            //resultList.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine<Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
            //    textRect.Top + textRect.Height / 2));
            //resultList.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine<Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
            //    (int)(textRect.Top + textRect.Height * 0.75)));

            resultList.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine <Bgr, double>(croppedImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
                                                                  textRect.Height / 4));
//            Console.WriteLine(textRect.Top + textRect.Height / 2);
            resultList.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine <Bgr, double>(croppedImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
                                                                  textRect.Height / 2));
            resultList.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine <Bgr, double>(croppedImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
                                                                  (int)(textRect.Height * 0.75)));
            //Console.WriteLine("Disc using lines {0}, {1}, {2}",
            //    textRect.Height / 4,
            //    textRect.Height / 2,
            //    (int)(textRect.Height * 0.75));
예제 #2
        public float ProbabilityMatch(Mat inImage, double tightThresh)
            System.Drawing.Rectangle ImageTextRect = ProcessingTools.findTextEdge <Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { tightThresh, tightThresh, tightThresh });

            float ImageRelativeWidth  = ImageTextRect.Width / (float)inImage.Width;
            float ImageRelativeHeight = ImageTextRect.Height / (float)inImage.Height;

            float pixelStdError = inImage.Width * FractionalWidthUncertainty; //Should be evaluated more systematically based on the gradient i guess.

            float StdDeviations = (ImageRelativeHeight - RelativeWidth) / pixelStdError;

            return((float)Meta.Numerics.Functions.AdvancedMath.Erfc(Math.Abs(StdDeviations) / denominator));
예제 #3
        public TextSize(Mat inImage, double looseThresh = looseThreshold, double tightThresh = tightThreshold)
            textRect = ProcessingTools.findTextEdge <Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { tightThresh, tightThresh, tightThresh });

            ImageWidth    = inImage.Width;
            RelativeWidth = (float)textRect.Width / (float)ImageWidth;

            ImageHeight    = inImage.Height;
            RelativeHeight = (float)textRect.Height / (float)ImageHeight;

            //Use looser rectangle to find the uncertainty.
            System.Drawing.Rectangle looseRect = ProcessingTools.findTextEdge <Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { looseThresh, looseThresh, looseThresh });
            FractionalWidthUncertainty  = (looseRect.Width - textRect.Width) / (float)looseRect.Width;
            FractionalHeightUncertainty = (looseRect.Height - textRect.Height) / (float)looseRect.Height;
예제 #4
        public float ProbabilityMatch(Mat inImage)
            List <BitArray> inFileResults = new List <BitArray>(3);

            var tempRect = ProcessingTools.findTextEdge <Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold });
            //tempRect.Height = textRect.Height;
            //tempRect.Width = textRect.Width;

            //inFileResults.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine<Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
            //    textRect.Top + textRect.Height / 4));
            //inFileResults.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine<Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
            //    textRect.Top + textRect.Height / 2));
            //inFileResults.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine<Bgr, double>(inImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
            //    (int)(textRect.Top + textRect.Height * 0.75)));
            //CvInvoke.Rectangle(inImage, tempRect, new Bgr(0, 0, 255).MCvScalar);
            //ImageViewer.Show(inImage, "inPlaceTest");

            Mat croppedImage = new Mat(inImage, tempRect);

            inFileResults.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine <Bgr, double>(croppedImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
                                                                     tempRect.Height / 4));
            inFileResults.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine <Bgr, double>(croppedImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
                                                                     tempRect.Height / 2));
            inFileResults.Add(ProcessingTools.testLine <Bgr, double>(croppedImage, new double[] { highThreshold, highThreshold, highThreshold },
                                                                     (int)(tempRect.Height * 0.75)));

            //Console.WriteLine("Disc using lines {0}, {1}, {2}",
            //    textRect.Height / 4,
            //    textRect.Height / 2,
            //    (int)(textRect.Height * 0.75));

            float[] DotProduct = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++)
                float MagIn  = 0;
                float MagRes = 0;
                for (int pixel = 0; pixel < resultList[0].Length; pixel++)
                    if (inFileResults[iRow].Length > pixel)
                        DotProduct[iRow] += Convert.ToInt32(inFileResults[iRow][pixel]) * Convert.ToInt32(resultList[iRow][pixel]);

                        if (inFileResults[iRow][pixel])
                        if (resultList[iRow][pixel])
                if (MagIn == 0 || MagRes == 0)
                double temp = Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(MagIn)) * Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(MagRes));
                DotProduct[iRow] /= (float)temp;

            //Return an average of the three cosines.
            return((DotProduct[0] + DotProduct[1] + DotProduct[2]) / 3.0f);