private void FillFiles(string[] filePaths, string folderName) { this.label1.Text = folderName; var counter = 1; for (int i = 0; i < _bindingSource.Count; i++) { if (((Row)_bindingSource[i]).Path == null) { _bindingSource.RemoveAt(i); } } foreach (var filePath in filePaths) { ProcessingLabel.Text = counter + " sur " + filePaths.Length; ProcessingLabel.Refresh(); var date = Metadata.GetDate(filePath); var newDate = Metadata.ExtractNewDate(filePath); _bindingSource.Add(new Row { Path = filePath, CurrentDate = date, ExpectedDate = newDate }); counter++; } this.dataGridView.DataSource = _bindingSource; this.status.Text = "Ready"; this.status.ForeColor = Color.Black; }
private void FillFiles(string[] filePaths, string folderName) { this.label1.Text = folderName; var counter = 1; foreach (var filePath in filePaths) { ProcessingLabel.Text = counter + " sur " + filePaths.Count(); ProcessingLabel.Refresh(); string fileName = filePath; string prefix = folderName.Split('-').First() + "-"; string file = fileName.Split('\\').Last(); string path = fileName.Replace(file, ""); string extension = "." + file.Split('.').Last(); string zeroToAdd = ""; if (filePaths.Count() > 100) { if (counter < 10) { zeroToAdd = "00"; } else if (counter < 100) { zeroToAdd = "0"; } else { zeroToAdd = ""; } } else if (filePaths.Count() >= 10) { zeroToAdd = counter < 10 ? "0" : ""; } else if (filePaths.Count() < 11) { zeroToAdd = "0"; } file = prefix + zeroToAdd + counter; this.dataGridView.Rows.Add(fileName, path + file + extension); counter++; } }
private void ChangeDateTimeButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.status.Text = "Ongoing"; this.status.ForeColor = Color.Gray; var counter = 1; foreach (var g in from DataGridViewRow g in this.dataGridView.Rows where g.Cells[0].Value != null && g.Cells[1].Value != null select g) { ProcessingLabel.Text = counter + " sur " + (this.dataGridView.RowCount - 1); ProcessingLabel.Refresh(); Metadata.ChangeDateTime((string)g.Cells[0].Value, (DateTime)g.Cells[2].Value); counter++; } this.status.Text = "DONE"; this.status.ForeColor = Color.ForestGreen; this.ReloadDates(); }
private void RenameButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // First use basic file names to avoid conflicts var count = 0; foreach (var g in from DataGridViewRow g in this.dataGridView.Rows where g.Cells[0].Value != null && g.Cells[1].Value != null select g) { var fileName = (string)g.Cells[0].Value; File.Move(fileName, fileName + "__" + count); count++; } // Then update to the final name count = 0; foreach (var g in from DataGridViewRow g in this.dataGridView.Rows where g.Cells[0].Value != null && g.Cells[1].Value != null select g) { ProcessingLabel.Text = count + 1 + " sur " + (this.dataGridView.Rows.Count - 1); ProcessingLabel.Refresh(); File.Move((string)g.Cells[0].Value + "__" + count, (string)g.Cells[1].Value); count++; } }