private void OnGenerateLabels(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (View.Model.LinesToPrint == null || View.Model.LinesToPrint.Count == 0) { Util.ShowError("No lines to generate."); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Generating Labels ..."); try { View.Model.LabelsToPrint = service.GenerateLabelsToPrint(View.Model.LinesToPrint.ToList(), View.PrintLot.Text, App.curRol).Where(f => f.Product.PrintLabel == true).ToList(); View.Model.LinesToPrint = null; step = 1; View.BtnConfirm.IsEnabled = false; EnablePrintModule(); pw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Problem generating Label.\n" + ex.Message); return; } }
void View_ConfirmCountTask(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Confirming Task " + View.Model.Document.DocNumber + " ..."); //Counting Task Confirmation try { IEnumerable <CountTaskBalance> list = View.Model.CountSummary.Where(f => f.Mark == true); if (list == null || list.Count() == 0 && !View.Model.CountSummary.Any(f => f.Mark == true)) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("No records to confirm."); return; } View.Model.Document = service.ConfirmCountingTaskDocument(View.Model.Document, list.ToList(), App.curUser.UserName); pw.Close(); Util.ShowMessage("Count Task# " + View.Model.Document.DocNumber + " was Confirmed.\nPlease see confirmation Document for details."); LoadDetails(View.Model.Document); } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Error Confirming Task " + View.Model.Document.DocNumber + ".\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void OnSearchDocument(object sender, DataEventArgs <string> e) { try { ProcessWindow("Searching ...", false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Value)) { pw.Close(); LoadHistAdjustments(); return; } View.Model.Adjustments = service.SearchDocument(e.Value, new DocumentType { DocTypeID = SDocType.InventoryAdjustment }); //si encuentra un resultado lo carga if (View.Model.Adjustments != null && View.Model.Adjustments.Count == 1) { View.ListAdj.SelectedIndex = 0; LoadAdjustment(View.Model.Adjustments[0]); } pw.Close(); } catch { pw.Close(); } }
public void LoadDetails(Document histDoc) { try { pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading Document " + histDoc.DocNumber + " ..."); View.StkDetail.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; View.Model.HistData = Util.ToShowData(histDoc); View.Model.HistLines = service.GetDocumentLine(new DocumentLine { Document = histDoc }); View.Model.HistDoc = histDoc; //Loadin Cross Docks View.Model.CrossDocs = service.GetTaskDocumentRelation(new TaskDocumentRelation { TaskDoc = View.Model.HistDoc }); pw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Document could not be loaded.\n" + ex.Message); } }
void View_LoadDetails(object sender, DataEventArgs <Document> e) { if (e.Value == null) { return; } if (View.Model.Document != null && View.Model.Document.DocID == e.Value.DocID) { return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading Document " + e.Value.DocNumber + " ..."); try { LoadDetails(e.Value); pw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Document could not be loaded.\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void OnPrintLabels(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedPrinter = (Printer)View.PrinterList.SelectedItem; //if (View.Model.LabelsToPrint == null || View.Model.LabelsToPrint.Count == 0) if (View.ToPrintLabels.SelectedItems == null) { Util.ShowError("No labels selected to print."); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Printing Labels ..."); try { //Setea el template si lo escogio. LabelTemplate tplFile = View.PrintTemplate.SelectedItem != null ? ((LabelTemplate)View.PrintTemplate.SelectedItem) : null; //Si el template es Null Trata de setear el Template De receiving if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Util.GetConfigOption("RECVTPL")) && tplFile == null) { try { tplFile = service.GetLabelTemplate( new LabelTemplate { RowID = int.Parse(Util.GetConfigOption("RECVTPL")) }).First(); } catch { } } //Send Labels to Print. List <WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label> lblToPrint = new List <WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label>(); foreach (object lbl in View.ToPrintLabels.SelectedItems) { lblToPrint.Add((WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label)lbl); } if (tplFile.IsPL == true) { service.PrintLabelsFromDevice(WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT, tplFile.Header, lblToPrint); //View.Model.LabelsToPrint.ToList() } else { ReportMngr.PrintLabelsInBatch(tplFile, SelectedPrinter, lblToPrint); //View.Model.LabelsToPrint } ResetForm(); pw.Close(); Util.ShowMessage("Process Completed."); return; } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Error printing labels.\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void OnShowTicket(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { pw = new ProcessWindow("Generating Document ... "); UtilWindow.ShowDocument(View.Model.Document.DocType.Template, View.Model.HistDoc.DocID, "", false); //"PDF995" pw.Close(); } catch { pw.Close(); } }
private void LoadSourceContent(bool forced) { if (View.Model.SourceLocation != null && View.BinLocation.Text == View.Model.SourceLocation.Barcode && !forced) { return; } View.StkLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; View.StkRetail.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; View.BtnMoveLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; View.StkQtyRetail.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; View.Model.WithContent = false; View.Model.LabelsToProcess = new List <Label>(); //Obtiene lo labels sin padre y el producto suelto que este en el BIN //Obtener el Bin View.Model.SourceLocation = service.GetLocationData(View.BinLocation.Text, false); if (View.Model.SourceLocation == null) { Util.ShowError(Util.GetResourceLanguage("BIN/LABEL_SOURCE") + " " + View.BinLocation.Text + Util.GetResourceLanguage("IS_NOT_VALID")); View.BinLocation.Text = ""; return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow(Util.GetResourceLanguage("LOADING_STOCK_FOR") + View.BinLocation.Text + " ..."); //Carga los labels contenidos en el Bin o el labels LoadSourceLabels(); //Obtener el producto Suelto solo cuando es tipo if (View.Model.SourceLocation.LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.BinLocation) { LoadRetailStock(); } if (View.Model.WithContent == false) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError(Util.GetResourceLanguage("THE_LOCATION") + View.BinLocation.Text + Util.GetResourceLanguage("DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_STOCK")); } else { View.BrDestination.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //View.BinLocationD.Focus(); pw.Close(); } }
void View_ShowInitialTicket(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { pw = new ProcessWindow("Generating Document ... "); UtilWindow.ShowDocument(new LabelTemplate { Header = WmsSetupValues.CountTicketTemplate }, View.Model.Document.DocID, "", false); //"PDF995" pw.Close(); } catch { pw.Close(); } }
private void OnProcessReplenish(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ViewRepPack.DgRepList.Items.Refresh(); IList <ProductStock> list = ViewRepPack.Model.RepPackList .Where(f => f.PackStock > 0 && f.Mark == true) .ToList(); ////foreach (Object obj in ViewRepPack.DgRepList.Items) // if (((ProductStock)obj).Mark && ((ProductStock)obj).PackStock > 0) // list.Add((ProductStock)obj); if (list.Count() == 0) { Util.ShowError("No record selected."); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Creating Replenishment Order ... "); //1. Create a Replenishment order (new) Document repOrder = service.CreateReplenishOrder(list.ToList(), App.curUser.UserName, App.curLocation); pw.Close(); //Refresh Document List. ViewRepPack.UCDocList.LoadDocuments(""); Util.ShowMessage("Replenishment Order [" + repOrder.DocNumber + "] Created."); //Document to print UtilWindow.ShowDocument(repOrder.DocType.Template, repOrder.DocID, "", false); }
public BinPresenter(IUnityContainer container, IBinView view) { View = view; this.container = container; this.service = new WMSServiceClient(); View.Model = this.container.Resolve <BinModel>(); //Event Delegate View.LoadSearch += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <string> >(this.OnLoadSearch); View.New += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnNew); View.LoadData += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <Bin> >(this.OnLoadData); View.Save += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnSave); View.Delete += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnDelete); ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading ..."); View.Model.EntityList = service.GetBin(new Bin()); View.Model.Record = null; //List Height View.ListRecords.MaxHeight = SystemParameters.FullPrimaryScreenHeight - 250; pw.Close(); }
private void GridDetails_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Displaying File ..."); try { //Para el selected Item despliega el archivo. if (GridDetails.SelectedItem == null) { return; } ProcessEntityResource per = GridDetails.SelectedItem as ProcessEntityResource; if (per.Template != null) { UtilWindow.ShowDocument(per.Template, per.EntityRowID, "", false); } else if (per.File != null) { UtilWindow.ShowFile(per.File); } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.ShowError("Fiel could not be displayed.\n" + ex.Message); } finally { pw.Close(); } }
public SysUserPresenter(IUnityContainer container, ISysUserView view) { View = view; this.container = container; this.service = new WMSServiceClient(); View.Model = this.container.Resolve <SysUserModel>(); //Event Delegate View.LoadSearch += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <string> >(this.OnLoadSearch); View.New += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnNew); View.LoadData += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnLoadData); View.Save += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnSave); View.Delete += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnDelete); View.AddRol += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnAddRol); View.RemoveFromList += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnRemoveFromList); ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading ..."); View.Model.EntityList = service.GetSysUser(new SysUser()); //View.Model.Record = null; View.Model.LocationList = service.GetLocation(new Location { Company = App.curCompany }).OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToList(); View.Model.ListRol = service.GetRol(new Rol()).OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToList(); pw.Close(); }
private void PrintParentLabel(DocumentPackage parentPack) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Printing Label ... "); try { service.PrintLabelsFromDevice(WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT, WmsSetupValues.DefaultPalletLabelTemplate, new List <WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label> { parentPack.PackLabel }); } catch { } finally { pw.Close(); } /* * DocumentPackage basePack = service.GetDocumentPackage(new DocumentPackage * { * PostingDocument = curPosted, * ParentPackage = new DocumentPackage { PackID = -1 } * }).First(); * * //Acomoda el label del pallet para que salga en el Template de los packages. * WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label parentLabel = basePack.PackLabel; * * parentLabel.LabelCode = parentLabel.Barcode = "SHPMNT " + curPosted.DocNumber; * parentLabel.Package.Sequence = 0; * parentLabel.Package.Weight = 0; * parentLabel.Package.Dimension = ""; * parentLabel.Package.Pieces = 0; * parentLabel.CurrQty = 0; * parentLabel.StartQty = 0; * parentLabel.LabelID = 0; * parentLabel.Package.PackID = 0; */ }
public UnitPresenter(IUnityContainer container, IUnitView view) { View = view; this.container = container; this.service = new WMSServiceClient(); View.Model = this.container.Resolve <UnitModel>(); //Event Delegate View.LoadSearch += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <string> >(this.OnLoadSearch); View.New += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnNew); View.LoadData += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <Unit> >(this.OnLoadData); View.Save += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnSave); View.Delete += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnDelete); View.ShowOnlyGroups += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(OnShowOnlyGroups); ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading ..."); View.Model.EntityList = service.GetUnit(new Unit { Company = App.curCompany }); View.Model.Record = null; View.TxtUnitGroup.IsEnabled = false; //List Height View.ListRecords.MaxHeight = SystemParameters.FullPrimaryScreenHeight - 250; //loading Units View.Model.UnitGroupList = service.GetUnit(new Unit { Company = App.curCompany, BaseAmount = 1 }).Where(f => f.BaseAmount == 1).ToList(); pw.Close(); }
void ViewRepPack_FilterByBin(object sender, DataEventArgs <String> e) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading Records ... "); FilterData(); pw.Close(); }
public ProductPresenter(IUnityContainer container, IProductView view) { View = view; this.container = container; this.service = new WMSServiceClient(); View.Model = this.container.Resolve <ProductModel>(); //Event Delegate View.LoadSearch += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <string> >(this.OnLoadSearch); View.New += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnNew); View.LoadData += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <Product> >(this.OnLoadData); View.Save += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnSave); View.Delete += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnDelete); View.AssignBinToProduct += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <Bin> >(OnAssignBinToProduct); View.RemoveFromList += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(this.OnRemoveFromList); View.AddProductTrackOption += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(OnAddProductTrackOption); View.AddProductUnit += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(OnAddProductUnit); View.LoadUnitsFromGroup += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(OnLoadUnitsFromGroup); //View.LoadBins += new EventHandler<DataEventArgs<string>>(OnLoadBins); View.SetRequired += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <object> >(View_SetRequired); View.UnSetRequired += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <object> >(View_UnSetRequired); View.UpdateBinToProduct += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <ZoneBinRelation> >(View_UpdateBinToProduct); View.AddAlternateProduct += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(View_AddAlternateProduct); View.AddProductAccount += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <ProductAccountRelation> >(View_AddProductAccount); View.UpdateProductAccount += new EventHandler <DataEventArgs <object> >(View_UpdateProductAccount); //View.SetIsMain += new EventHandler<DataEventArgs<object>>(View_SetIsMain); //View.UnSetIsMain += new EventHandler<DataEventArgs<object>>(View_UnSetIsMain); ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading ..."); View.Model.EntityList = service.GetProductApp(new Product { Company = App.curCompany, Reference = App.curLocation.LocationID.ToString() }, 25); View.Model.Record = null; View.Model.StatusList = App.EntityStatusList; //Load Pick Methods View.Model.PickMethods = App.PickMethodList; view.Model.TemplateList = service.GetLabelTemplate(new LabelTemplate { LabelType = new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.ProductLabel } }); view.Model.TemplateList.Add(new LabelTemplate()); //List Height View.ListRecords.MaxHeight = SystemParameters.FullPrimaryScreenHeight - 250; View.Model.CurAltern = new ProductAlternate(); //USE CASN if (Util.GetConfigOption("USECASN").Equals("T")) { View.TbItmCasN.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } pw.Close(); }
//Encargada de obtener el cruce entre el purchase document y los sales document //Involucrados en el proceso cross dock; private void OnCrossDockPreview(object sender, EventArgs e) { View.BtnStep1.IsEnabled = false; //Obteniendo el Balance DocumentBalance docBalance = new DocumentBalance { Document = View.Model.Document, Node = View.Model.Node, Location = App.curLocation }; ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow(""); pw.Show(); try { //Obteniendo el cruce de documentos. View.Model.CrossDockBalance = service.GetCrossDockBalance(docBalance, View.Model.AssignedDocs.ToList()) .Where(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Notes)) .OrderBy(f => f.Notes).ToList(); //Mostrando el Warning de not suppied if apply if (View.Model.CrossDockBalance != null && View.Model.CrossDockBalance.Where(f => f.Notes == "Qty not supplied").Count() > 0) { View.TxtWarning.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } //Ocultando el expander superior View.ExpDocs.IsExpanded = false; //Visible the second panel View.ExpResult.IsExpanded = true; View.ExpResult.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; pw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Problem generating the Cross Dock preview.\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void imgTicket_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (lvOrders.SelectedItem == null) { Util.ShowError("Please select a record."); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Generating Document ... "); //Open the Document Ticket try { UtilWindow.ShowDocument(CurDocumentType.Template, ((Document)lvOrders.SelectedItem).DocID, "", false); pw.Close(); } catch { pw.Close(); } }
private void Btn_Guardar_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Mostrar ventana de Cargando... ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Procesando registros...por favor espere..."); SaveDetails(sender, e); pw.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; pw.Close(); }
void View_CreateNewTask(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create the new Count Task y la Selecciona. Igual que create Empty document ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Creating New Counting Task ..."); try { Document document = new Document { DocType = docType, CrossDocking = false, IsFromErp = false, Location = App.curLocation, Company = App.curCompany, Date1 = DateTime.Today, CreatedBy = App.curUser.UserName }; document = service.CreateNewDocument(document, true); View.Model.DocumentList.Add(document); View.DgDocument.Items.Refresh(); pw.Close(); Util.ShowMessage("Task Document " + document.DocNumber + " created."); View.ExpSetup.IsExpanded = true; //LoadDetails(document); View.CboToDo.IsEnabled = true; View.CboToDo.SelectedIndex = -1; View.Model.Document = document; } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Document could not be created. \n" + ex.Message); } }
private void Btn_Guardar_Click_11(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Mostrar ventana de Cargando... ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Procesando registros...por favor espere..."); SaveDetailsReciclaje(sender, e); //Cierro ventana de Cargando... pw.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; pw.Close(); fUpload.IsEnabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Mostrar el otro campo y eliminar los seriales. /// Falta programar el metodo en el PRESENTER! /// Los parametros son Cliente y numero del documento. /// OK!. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btn_BuscarSeriales_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Mostrar ventana de Cargando... ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Buscando registros...por favor espere..."); //Metodo. BuscarSeriales(sender, e); pw.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; pw.Close(); //Mostrar el Border details. Border_2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
void View_ShowShipTkt(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow(Util.GetResourceLanguage("GENERATING_DOCUMENT")); Document document = service.GetDocument(new Document { CustPONumber = View.Model.CurDoc.DocNumber }).First(); UtilWindow.ShowDocument(document.DocType.Template, document.DocID, "", true); pw.Close(); }
private void Btn_Guardar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Mostrar ventana de Cargando... ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Procesando registros...por favor espere..."); SaveDetails(sender, e); //Cierro ventana de Cargando... pw.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; pw.Close(); Btn_Copiar.IsEnabled = true; btn_confirmar.IsEnabled = false; }
private void chkRep_Checked_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Mostrar ventana de Cargando... ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Replicando registros...por favor espere..."); //Replica la informacion de la primera linea en las demas. ReplicateDetails(sender, e); //Cierro ventana de Cargando... pw.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; pw.Close(); chkRep.IsChecked = false; }
private void MovingLabeledProduct() { //recorre la lista de labels y producto seleccionado y lo mueve al destino ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow(Util.GetResourceLanguage("MOVING_LABELED_PRODUCT")); string error = ""; Label curLabel = null; foreach (Label label in View.LvLabelsToMove.SelectedItems) { try { label.ModifiedBy = App.curUser.UserName; curLabel = service.ChangeLabelUbication(label, View.Model.DestLocation); if (!curLabel.Notes.Contains("Change OK!")) { error += label.LabelCode + ": " + curLabel.Notes + "\n"; } //error += "On label " + label.LabelCode + " " + curLabel.Notes + "\n"; } catch (Exception ex) { error += Util.GetResourceLanguage("FOR_LABEL") + label.LabelCode + ": " + ex.Message + "\n";; continue; } //Add in Moved List View.Model.LabelsMoved.Add(label); //Remove from Original List View.Model.LabelsToProcess.Remove(label); } //refresh //View.LvLabelsToMove.Items.Refresh(); //View.LvLabelsMoved.Items.Refresh(); //recarga los source labels //if (View.Model.SourceLocation.LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel) //LoadSourceLabels(); //ResetToNext(); pw.Close(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Util.ShowError(Util.GetResourceLanguage("PROCESS_COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS") + "\n\n" + error); } }
private void ShowTicket(Document document) { if (document == null) { return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow(Util.GetResourceLanguage("GENERATING_DOCUMENT")); UtilWindow.ShowDocument(document.DocType.Template, document.DocID, "", true); pw.Close(); }
void View_FilterByBin(object sender, DataEventArgs <string> e) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading Bins ... "); //Obtiene el rango de Bins String[] binRange = e.Value.Split(':'); try { // CAA [2010/07/07] Nuevos filtros de busqueda DictionaryEntry operatorItem = (DictionaryEntry)View.BFilters.cboStrComp.SelectedItem; switch (operatorItem.Key.ToString()) { case "between (range)": View.Model.AvailableBin = oriAvailableBin.Where(f => f.Location.LocationID == App.curLocation.LocationID && f.BinCode.ToUpper().CompareTo(binRange[0].ToUpper()) >= 0).ToList(); View.Model.AvailableBin = View.Model.AvailableBin.Where(f => f.BinCode.ToUpper().CompareTo(binRange[1].ToUpper()) <= 0).ToList(); break; case "endswith": View.Model.AvailableBin = oriAvailableBin.Where(f => f.Location.LocationID == App.curLocation.LocationID && f.BinCode.ToUpper().EndsWith(binRange[0].ToUpper())).ToList(); break; case "startswith": View.Model.AvailableBin = oriAvailableBin.Where(f => f.Location.LocationID == App.curLocation.LocationID && f.BinCode.ToUpper().StartsWith(binRange[0].ToUpper())).ToList(); break; case "contains": View.Model.AvailableBin = oriAvailableBin.Where(f => f.Location.LocationID == App.curLocation.LocationID && f.BinCode.ToUpper().Contains(binRange[0].ToUpper())).ToList(); break; case "equal": View.Model.AvailableBin = oriAvailableBin.Where(f => f.Location.LocationID == App.curLocation.LocationID && f.BinCode.ToUpper().Equals(binRange[0].ToUpper())).ToList(); break; case "notcontains": View.Model.AvailableBin = oriAvailableBin.Where(f => !f.BinCode.ToUpper().Contains(binRange[0].ToUpper()) && f.Location.LocationID == App.curLocation.LocationID).ToList(); break; default: break; } // View.Model.AvailableBin = oriAvailableBin.Where(f => f.BinCode.ToUpper().CompareTo(binRange[0].ToUpper()) >= 0).ToList(); // View.Model.AvailableBin = View.Model.AvailableBin.Where(f => f.BinCode.ToUpper().CompareTo(binRange[1].ToUpper()) <= 0).ToList(); // HideBins(); View.LvAssigned.Items.Refresh(); View.LvAvailable.Items.Refresh(); } catch { } finally { pw.Close(); } }
private void PutAwayPendingQuantities() { if (PutAway == null) { Util.ShowError("Put away location could not be resolved."); return; } try { pw = new ProcessWindow("Receiving Product ..."); service.ReceiptAtOnce(View.Model.Document, PutAway, View.Model.Node); RefreshBalance(View.Model.Document); pw.Close(); Util.ShowMessage("Pending quantities for document " + View.Model.Document.DocNumber + " was received."); View.Model.AnyReceived = true; } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Product could not be received. \n" + ex.Message); } }
private void PrintParentLabel(DocumentPackage parentPack) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Printing Label ... "); try { service.PrintLabelsFromDevice(WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT, WmsSetupValues.DefaultPalletLabelTemplate, new List<WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label> { parentPack.PackLabel }); } catch { } finally { pw.Close(); } /* DocumentPackage basePack = service.GetDocumentPackage(new DocumentPackage { PostingDocument = curPosted, ParentPackage = new DocumentPackage { PackID = -1 } }).First(); //Acomoda el label del pallet para que salga en el Template de los packages. WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label parentLabel = basePack.PackLabel; parentLabel.LabelCode = parentLabel.Barcode = "SHPMNT " + curPosted.DocNumber; parentLabel.Package.Sequence = 0; parentLabel.Package.Weight = 0; parentLabel.Package.Dimension = ""; parentLabel.Package.Pieces = 0; parentLabel.CurrQty = 0; parentLabel.StartQty = 0; parentLabel.LabelID = 0; parentLabel.Package.PackID = 0; */ }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //If Print all selected imprime toda la lista, si no imprime el seleccionado. ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Printing Labels ... "); try { if (ckPrintAll.IsChecked == true) { Util.PrintShipmentPackLabels(curPosted); //PrintParentLabel(); return; } //Definicion del Template a Imprimier DocumentPackage curPack = ((DocumentPackage)sourceTree.SelectedItem); if (curPack == null || curPack.PackLabel.LabelID == 0) { Util.ShowError("No Pallet/Box selected."); return; } if ((curPack.ParentPackage == null || curPack.ParentPackage.PackID == 0)) //&& curPack.ChildPackages != null && curPack.ChildPackages.Count > 0) //Parent label PrintParentLabel(curPack); else //Imprime solo el Label que se selecciono. service.PrintLabelsFromDevice(WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT, WmsSetupValues.DefaultPackLabelTemplate, new List<WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label> { curPack.PackLabel }); } catch (Exception ex) { Util.ShowError(ex.Message); } finally { pw.Close(); } }
private void sourceTree_SelectedItemChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> e) { if (sourceTree.SelectedItem == null) { sourceTree.Items.Refresh(); destTree.Items.Refresh(); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Loading Packages ..."); try { bool canDelete = false; curPack = ((DocumentPackage)sourceTree.SelectedItem); PackDetailsSN = new List<WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label>(); PackDetails1 = new List<ProductStock>(); stkOparations.Visibility = stkSN.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; gridPack.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; brMove.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnNew.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //btnNewBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //COMETARIADO PORQUE DEB TRAER EL DEL ROOT CUANDO EL ID SEA CERO //if (curPack.PackID == 0) //{ // gridPack.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; // brMove.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; // return; //} #region cuando es el package normal if (curPack.PackID > 0) { //Si es un pallet bloquear el move Package btnMovePack.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (curPack.ChildPackages != null && curPack.ChildPackages.Count > 0) btnMovePack.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; PackDetails1 = service.GetLabelStock(curPack.PackLabel); if (curPack.PackLabel != null && curPack.PackLabel.LabelID != 0) PackDetailsSN = service.GetUniqueTrackLabels(new WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label { FatherLabel = curPack.PackLabel, //((DocumentPackage)sourceTree.SelectedItem).PackLabel, LabelType = new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.UniqueTrackLabel } }); if (PackDetailsSN.Count == 0 && PackDetails1.Count == 0 && (curPack.ChildPackages == null || curPack.ChildPackages.Count == 0)) canDelete = true; imgDel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (canDelete) imgDel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //Si esta cerrado no deja hacer operaciones. stkOparations.Visibility = stkSN.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (curPack.IsClosed == true) stkOparations.Visibility = stkSN.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; curPieces = 0; curPack.Pieces = GetCurrentPieces(curPack); if (curPack.IsClosed != true) { try { UpdatePackages(); } catch { } } destTree.Items.Refresh(); } #endregion #region cuando es el package root else { //Permite pallet btnNew.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //if (curPack.ChildPackages != null && curPack.ChildPackages.Count > 0) btnMovePack.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; PackDetails1 = service.GetLabelStock(rootPackage.PackLabel); if (rootPackage.PackLabel != null && rootPackage.PackLabel.LabelID != 0) PackDetailsSN = service.GetUniqueTrackLabels( new WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label { FatherLabel = rootPackage.PackLabel, LabelType = new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.UniqueTrackLabel } }); //if (PackDetailsSN.Count == 0 && PackDetails1.Count == 0 && (curPack.ChildPackages == null || curPack.ChildPackages.Count == 0)) //canDelete = false; imgDel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //if (canDelete) //imgDel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //Si esta cerrado no deja hacer operaciones. stkOparations.Visibility = stkSN.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //if (curPack.IsClosed == true) //stkOparations.Visibility = stkSN.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; curPieces = 0; curPack.Pieces = GetCurrentPieces(rootPackage); //if (curPack.IsClosed != true) //{ // try { UpdatePackages(); } // catch { } //} destTree.Items.Refresh(); } #endregion } catch { } finally { pw.Close(); } }
private void btnNew_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (sourceTree.SelectedItem == null) { Util.ShowError("No source package selected to create the new package inside."); return; } curPack = sourceTree.SelectedItem as DocumentPackage; newPack = new DocumentPackage { ParentPackage = curPack, CreatedBy = App.curUser.UserName, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Document = curPack.Document }; string pkgType = "B"; if (((Button)sender).Name == "btnNew") pkgType = "P"; //Adicionar el Package a la vista original newPack = service.CreateNewPackage(curPack.Document, App.curUser, true, curPack, pkgType); newPack.PostingDocument = curPack.PostingDocument; newPack.PostingDate = curPack.PostingDate; newPack.PostingUserName = curPack.PostingUserName; //Adicionar info para el arbol en el device //Level -1, 0, 1, 2 //restrict level 3 //PackagePath PLT1 # 102047 //SubSequence //CurrentDesc PLT1/BOX1 if (newPack.ParentPackage == null) { newPack.Level = 0; newPack.SubSequence = Packages[0].ChildPackages.Count+1; try { if (newPack.PackageType == "P") { newPack.CurrentDesc = "PLT" + newPack.SubSequence.ToString(); newPack.PackDescExt = "PLT" + newPack.SubSequence.ToString() + " # " + newPack.PackLabel.LabelCode; } else if (newPack.PackageType == "B") { newPack.CurrentDesc = "BOX" + newPack.SubSequence.ToString(); newPack.PackDescExt = "BOX" + newPack.SubSequence.ToString() + " # " + newPack.PackLabel.LabelCode; } } catch { } } else { newPack.Level = newPack.ParentPackage.Level + 1; try { newPack.SubSequence = newPack.ParentPackage.ChildPackages.Count + 1; } catch { newPack.SubSequence = 1; } try { newPack.PackagePath = newPack.ParentPackage.CurrentDesc + " # " + newPack.PackLabel.LabelCode; } catch {} try { if (newPack.PackageType == "B") { newPack.CurrentDesc = newPack.ParentPackage.CurrentDesc + "/BOX" + newPack.SubSequence; newPack.PackDescExt = "BOX" + newPack.SubSequence.ToString() + " # " + newPack.PackLabel.LabelCode; } } catch { } } service.UpdateDocumentPackage(newPack); if (curPack.ChildPackages == null) curPack.ChildPackages = new List<DocumentPackage>(); curPack.ChildPackages.Add(newPack); sourceTree.Items.Refresh(); destTree.ItemsSource = sourceTree.ItemsSource; destTree.Items.Refresh(); //Si es una caja, Nivel 2 Inprime el label. if (newPack.ParentPackage != null && newPack.ParentPackage.PackID != 0) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Printing Package Label ..."); try { service.PrintLabelsFromDevice(WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT, WmsSetupValues.DefaultPackLabelTemplate, new List<WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label> { newPack.PackLabel }); } catch { } finally { pw.Close(); } } }
private void imgTicket_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (lvOrders.SelectedItem == null) { Util.ShowError("Please select a record."); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Generating Document ... "); //Open the Document Ticket try { UtilWindow.ShowDocument(CurDocumentType.Template , ((Document)lvOrders.SelectedItem).DocID, "", false); pw.Close(); } catch { pw.Close(); } }
private void imgPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.Document == null) return; if (this.cboPrinter.SelectedItem == null) { Util.ShowError("Please select a Printer."); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Sending to Print ..."); try { PrinterControl.PrintDocumentsInBatch(new List<Document> { this.Document }, (Printer)this.cboPrinter.SelectedItem); //(new WMSServiceClient()).PrintDocumentsInBatch(new List<Document> { this.Document }, // ((Printer)this.cboPrinter.SelectedItem).PrinterPath, null); if (NewStatus != null) { this.Document.DocStatus = NewStatus; (new WMSServiceClient()).UpdateDocument(this.Document); } } catch { } finally { pw.Close(); } }
private void GridDetails_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Displaying File ..."); try { //Para el selected Item despliega el archivo. if (GridDetails.SelectedItem == null) return; ProcessEntityResource per = GridDetails.SelectedItem as ProcessEntityResource; if (per.Template != null) UtilWindow.ShowDocument(per.Template, per.EntityRowID, "", false); else if (per.File != null) UtilWindow.ShowFile(per.File); } catch (Exception ex) { Util.ShowError("Fiel could not be displayed.\n" + ex.Message); } finally { pw.Close(); } }