public static ProcessParameterArray GetSomeProcessParams(string url, string sessionid) { Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); string suffix = g.ToString().Replace('-', '_'); ProcessParameterArray parameters = new ProcessParameterArray(); ProcessParameter param1 = new ProcessParameter( Name: "Batch" + suffix, Description: "a description", ContextLabel: "top", OutlineParameterName: "batch", DisplayUnit: null, Mandatory: true ); ProcessParameter param2 = new ProcessParameter( Name: "Conc" + suffix, Description: "a description", ContextLabel: "top", OutlineParameterName: "conc", DisplayUnit: null, Mandatory: true ); parameters.Add(param1); parameters.Add(param2); return(parameters); }
public override void BeforeSave() { string metaKey = "anchors," + m_End.Name + "," + m_StartPort + "," + m_EndPort; StringBuilder anchors = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < m_Anchors.Count; i++) { Anchor a = m_Anchors[i]; if (i > 0) { anchors.Append(";"); } anchors.Append(a.Origin.X.ToString()); anchors.Append("," + a.Origin.Y.ToString()); anchors.Append("," + a.Angle.ToString("0.####", GEF.CultureInfo)); anchors.Append("," + a.InputLength.ToString("0.####", GEF.CultureInfo)); anchors.Append("," + a.OutputLength.ToString("0.####", GEF.CultureInfo)); } string result = anchors.ToString(); m_Start.Base.Meta[metaKey] = result; string value = ""; if (m_Start.Base is Node) { value = "$" + m_Start.Name + "[\"" + m_StartPort + "\"]"; } else if (m_Start.Base is Variable) { value = "$" + m_Start.Name; } if (m_Start.Base is Node && m_StartPort == "") { Node nStart = m_Start.Base as Node; if (!nStart.FindNextNode(m_End.Name)) { nStart.NewNextNode(m_End.Name); } } if (m_End.Base is Node && m_EndPort != "") { Node nEnd = m_End.Base as Node; nEnd.NewParameter(m_EndPort); ProcessParameter p = nEnd.FindParameter(m_EndPort); p.Value = value; } if (m_End.Base is Variable) { Node nStart = m_Start.Base as Node; nStart.Function += "$" + m_End.Name + " = " + value + ";\n"; } }
public ProcessForm(ProcessParameter parm) { InitializeComponent(); Text = Properties.strings.str009; buttonStop.Text = Properties.strings.str010; _parm = parm; _worker.DoWork += worker_DoWork; _worker.RunWorkerCompleted += worker_RunWorkerCompleted; _worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; buttonStop.Enabled = false; }
//public override string FormatSelect(string selectedPropertiesSql, string fromSql, string whereSql, string orderBySql, string groupBySql, string havingSql, int topSelectedRecords) //{ // return base.FormatSelect(selectedPropertiesSql, fromSql, whereSql, orderBySql, groupBySql, havingSql, topSelectedRecords); //} //public override string FormatSelect(string selectedPropertiesSql, string fromSql, string whereSql, string orderBySql, string groupBySql, string havingSql, int skipSelectedRecords, int topSelectedRecords) //{ // return base.FormatSelect(selectedPropertiesSql, fromSql, whereSql, orderBySql, groupBySql, havingSql, skipSelectedRecords, topSelectedRecords); //} public override string FormatFunction(ProcessParameter processParameter, FunctionOperatorType operatorType, params object[] operands) { switch (operatorType) { case FunctionOperatorType.StartsWith: case FunctionOperatorType.Contains: var secondOperand = operands[1]; if (((OperandValue)secondOperand)?.Value is string) { var operandString = (string)((OperandValue)secondOperand).Value; var prefix = operatorType == FunctionOperatorType.Contains ? "%" : ""; return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0} ilike {1})", processParameter(operands[0]), processParameter(new ConstantValue($"{prefix}{operandString}%"))));; } break; } return(base.FormatFunction(processParameter, operatorType, operands)); }
private void buttonProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProcessParameter parm = new ProcessParameter(); parm.DistPath = textDistPath.Text; parm.UseFromDate = checkDateFrom.Checked; parm.UseToDate = checkDateTo.Checked; parm.FromDate = dateFromTimePicker.Value; parm.ToDate = dateToTimePicker.Value; parm.FileIgnore = checkIgnore.Checked; foreach (var s in listBoxSource.Items) { parm.SrcPath.Add((string)s); } ProcessForm process = new ProcessForm(parm); process.ShowDialog(this); }
public MainViewModel() { PlayTestMovieCommand = TestMovieSourcePath.Select(x => File.Exists(x)) .CombineLatest(CurrentFrame.Select(x => x == 0), (a, b) => a & b) .ToReactiveCommand(false); PlayTestMovieCommand.Subscribe(async _ => await playTestMovie(TestMovieSourcePath.Value)); var param = new ProcessParameter(); ProcessParameters.Add(param); ProcessParameters.Add(new ProcessParameter()); ProcessParameters.Add(new ProcessParameter()); ProcessParam.Value = param; PlayTestMovieCommand.Execute(); }
// vinay bhatt window id /// <summary> /// Excecute Process /// </summary> /// <param name="ctx"></param> /// <param name="AD_Process_ID"></param> /// <param name="Name"></param> /// <param name="AD_Table_ID"></param> /// <param name="Record_ID"></param> /// <param name="WindowNo"></param> /// <param name="fileType"></param> /// <param name="AD_Window_ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static ProcessReportInfo Process(Ctx ctx, Dictionary <string, string> processInfo) { ProcessReportInfo ret = new ProcessReportInfo(); MPInstance instance = null; try { instance = new MPInstance(ctx, Util.GetValueOfInt(processInfo["Process_ID"]), Util.GetValueOfInt(processInfo["Record_ID"])); } catch (Exception e) { ret.IsError = true; ret.Message = e.Message; return(ret); } if (!instance.Save()) { ret.IsError = true; ret.Message = Msg.GetMsg(ctx, "ProcessNoInstance"); return(ret); } ret.AD_PInstance_ID = instance.GetAD_PInstance_ID(); // Get Parameters (Dialog) //Check If Contaon Parameter List <GridField> fields = ProcessParameter.GetParametersList(ctx, Util.GetValueOfInt(processInfo["Process_ID"]), Util.GetValueOfInt(processInfo["WindowNo"])); if (fields.Count < 1) //no Parameter { processInfo["AD_PInstance_ID"] = ret.AD_PInstance_ID.ToString(); ret = ExecuteProcessCommon(ctx, processInfo, null); } else { ret.ShowParameter = true; ret.ProcessFields = fields; } return(ret); }
internal static ProcessReportInfo Process(Ctx ctx, int AD_Process_ID, string Name, int AD_Table_ID, int Record_ID, int WindowNo, bool csv, bool pdf) { ProcessReportInfo ret = new ProcessReportInfo(); MPInstance instance = null; try { instance = new MPInstance(ctx, AD_Process_ID, Record_ID); } catch (Exception e) { ret.IsError = true; ret.Message = e.Message; return(ret); } if (!instance.Save()) { ret.IsError = true; ret.Message = Msg.GetMsg(ctx, "ProcessNoInstance"); return(ret); } ret.AD_PInstance_ID = instance.GetAD_PInstance_ID(); // Get Parameters (Dialog) //Check If Contaon Parameter List <GridField> fields = ProcessParameter.GetParametersList(ctx, AD_Process_ID, WindowNo); if (fields.Count < 1) //no Parameter { ret = ExecuteProcess(ctx, AD_Process_ID, Name, ret.AD_PInstance_ID, AD_Table_ID, Record_ID, null, csv, pdf); } else { ret.ShowParameter = true; ret.ProcessFields = fields; } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="processServiceURL">Url</param> /// <param name="dataIn">Data to send</param> public ProcessManager(string processServiceURL, IProcessParameter <TDataIn> dataIn) : base() { ProcessServiceURL = processServiceURL; DataIn = dataIn.DirectCastSafe <ProcessParameter <TDataIn> >(); Serializer.KnownTypes.Add(dataIn.GetType()); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="processServiceURL">Url</param> /// <param name="context">Context of user, device and app</param> /// <param name="dataIn">Data to send</param> public ProcessManager(string processServiceURL, SessionContext context, TDataIn dataIn) : base() { ProcessServiceURL = processServiceURL; DataIn = new ProcessParameter <TDataIn>(context, dataIn); Serializer.KnownTypes.Add(dataIn.GetType()); }
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { Logger tlog = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); tlog.Trace("Start thread."); long fileCount = 0; long fileCountCopy = 0; try { ProcessParameter tparm = e.Argument as ProcessParameter; if (tparm == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Parameter ist null."); } BackgroundWorker tworker = sender as BackgroundWorker; List <string> createdFolder = new List <string>(); foreach (var src in tparm.SrcPath) { if (tworker.CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; throw new Exception("Cancel request detected."); } Invoke((Action <string>)JournalAddInfo, $"Process folder {src}"); foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(src, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { tlog.Trace($"Process file {file}"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file); fileCount++; if (tparm.UseFromDate) { if (tparm.FromDate > fi.LastWriteTime) { tlog.Trace($"File {file} to old."); continue; } } if (tparm.UseToDate) { if (tparm.ToDate < fi.LastWriteTime) { tlog.Trace($"File {file} to jung."); continue; } } string year = fi.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy"); string month = fi.LastWriteTime.ToString("MM"); string yearFolder = Path.Combine(tparm.DistPath, year); string monthFolder = Path.Combine(yearFolder, month); if (createdFolder.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Equals(yearFolder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { if (!Directory.Exists(yearFolder)) { tlog.Trace($"Create folder: {yearFolder}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(yearFolder); } createdFolder.Add(yearFolder); } if (createdFolder.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Equals(monthFolder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null) { if (!Directory.Exists(monthFolder)) { tlog.Trace($"Create folder: {monthFolder}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(monthFolder); } createdFolder.Add(monthFolder); } string copyFileName = Path.Combine(monthFolder, fi.Name); if (File.Exists(copyFileName)) { if (tparm.FileIgnore) { tlog.Trace($"Ignore {file} until file exists."); } else { int count = 1; string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(copyFileName); string copyFileName2 = Path.Combine(monthFolder, $"{fileName}-{count}{fi.Extension}"); while (File.Exists(copyFileName2)) { count++; if (count > 99) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many files count."); } copyFileName2 = Path.Combine(monthFolder, $"{fileName}-{count}{fi.Extension}"); } File.Copy(file, copyFileName2); string msg = $"{file} --> {copyFileName2}"; Invoke((Action <string>)JournalAddText, msg); fileCountCopy++; } } else { File.Copy(file, copyFileName); string msg = $"{file} --> {copyFileName}"; Invoke((Action <string>)JournalAddText, msg); fileCountCopy++; } } } Invoke((Action <string>)JournalAddText, $"Processed {fileCount} file(s)."); Invoke((Action <string>)JournalAddText, $"Copy {fileCountCopy} file(s)."); } catch (Exception ex) { tlog.Error(ex); } finally { tlog.Trace("End thread."); } }
public static ProcessReportInfo GeneratePrint(Ctx ctx, int AD_Process_ID, string Name, int AD_Table_ID, int Record_ID, int WindowNo, bool csv) { ProcessReportInfo ret = new ProcessReportInfo(); MPInstance instance = null; try { instance = new MPInstance(ctx, AD_Process_ID, Record_ID); } catch (Exception e) { ret.IsError = true; ret.Message = e.Message; return(ret); } if (!instance.Save()) { ret.IsError = true; ret.Message = Msg.GetMsg(ctx, "ProcessNoInstance"); return(ret); } ret.AD_PInstance_ID = instance.GetAD_PInstance_ID(); List <GridField> fields = ProcessParameter.GetParametersList(ctx, AD_Process_ID, WindowNo); if (fields.Count < 1) //no Parameter { //ReportEngine_N re = null; string lang = ctx.GetAD_Language().Replace("_", "-"); System.Globalization.CultureInfo original = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(lang); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(lang); ////////log///// string clientName = ctx.GetAD_Org_Name() + "_" + ctx.GetAD_User_Name(); string storedPath = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath, ""); storedPath += clientName; VLogMgt.Initialize(true, storedPath); //////////////// byte[] report = null; string rptFilePath = null; // ProcessReportInfo rep = new ProcessReportInfo(); try { ProcessInfo pi = new ProcessInfo(Name, AD_Process_ID, AD_Table_ID, Record_ID); pi.SetAD_User_ID(ctx.GetAD_User_ID()); pi.SetAD_Client_ID(ctx.GetAD_Client_ID()); pi.SetAD_PInstance_ID(ret.AD_PInstance_ID); //report = null; ProcessCtl ctl = new ProcessCtl(); ctl.SetIsPrintFormat(true); ctl.IsArabicReportFromOutside = false; ctl.SetIsPrintCsv(csv); Dictionary <string, object> d = ctl.Process(pi, ctx, out report, out rptFilePath); //rep = new ProcessReportInfo(); ret.ReportProcessInfo = d; ret.Report = report; ret.ReportString = ctl.ReportString; ret.ReportFilePath = rptFilePath; ret.HTML = ctl.GetRptHtml(); ret.IsRCReport = ctl.IsRCReport(); ctl.ReportString = null; //Env.GetCtx().Clear(); } catch (Exception e) { ret.IsError = true; ret.Message = e.Message; } System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = original; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = original; //return ret; //ret = ExecuteProcess(ctx, AD_Process_ID, Name, ret.AD_PInstance_ID, AD_Table_ID, Record_ID, null,true); } else { ret.ShowParameter = true; ret.ProcessFields = fields; } return(ret); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; //when an animation is done if (timeLeft < 0) { //wait until the video rendering is done and rename it if (VideoCaptureCtrl.instance.status == VideoCaptureCtrl.StatusType.STARTED) { VideoCaptureCtrl.instance.StopCapture(); while (VideoCaptureCtrl.instance.status != VideoCaptureCtrl.StatusType.FINISH) { } //wait one second for the video and audio files to merge //this number is arbitrary, feel free to experiment with the value here System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); rename(); clipCounter++; } //go to next animation if it exist if (clipCounter < clips.Length) { SwitchAnimation(); } else { cameraCounter++; //go to next camera if it exist if (cameraCounter < cameras) { clipCounter = 0; //find the camera with the name DedicatedCapture numbered camera counter GetComponentInParent <VideoCaptureCtrl>().videoCaptures[0] = GameObject.Find("DedicatedCapture (" + cameraCounter + ")").GetComponent <VideoCapture>(); SwitchAnimation(); } else { lightCounter++; //go to next light if it exist if (lightCounter < lights.Length) { clipCounter = 0; cameraCounter = 0; GetComponentInParent <VideoCaptureCtrl>().videoCaptures[0] = GameObject.Find("DedicatedCapture").GetComponent <VideoCapture>(); Transform myTransform = GameObject.Find("Directional light").transform; //add the difference in light values to the y rotational coordinate of the directional light Vector3 rot = myTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; rot = new Vector3(rot.x, rot.y + lights[lightCounter] - lights[lightCounter - 1], rot.z); myTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot); } else { characterCounter++; //go to next character if it exist if (characterCounter < characters.Count) { clipCounter = 0; cameraCounter = 0; Transform myTransform = GameObject.Find("Directional light").transform; Vector3 rot = myTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; rot = new Vector3(rot.x, rot.y + 360 - lights[lightCounter - 1], rot.z); lightCounter = 0; myTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot); GetComponentInParent <VideoCaptureCtrl>().videoCaptures[0] = GameObject.Find("DedicatedCapture").GetComponent <VideoCapture>(); characters[characterCounter - 1].SetActive(false); characters[characterCounter].SetActive(true); Init(characterCounter); } else { //switch to the next scene if all combination is done for this scene GameObject handler = GameObject.Find("handler"); ProcessParameter pp = handler.GetComponent <ProcessParameter>(); pp.finished = true; } } } } } }