예제 #1
        public List <PlayerLMSSummaryReturn> GetPlayerLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code, int playerstatusfilter)
             * the gameid and code passed must correlate or they may be something malicious going on. so we stop
             * the response ASAP and throw an exception AND WE DO NOT CATCH IT, which should be picked up by Elmah. Exception handling here
             * have to be improved big-time
            ProbeValidate.ValidateGameCodeVersusId(gameid, code);

                //update player statuses for a game.

                DateTime dateTimeNowUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var       db        = new ProbeDataContext();
                Game      game      = db.Game.Find(gameid);
                ProbeGame probeGame = new ProbeGame(game);

                //Get information about question that most recently passed the deadline and the next question after that
                long questionIdForMostRecentQuestion = probeGame.GetMostRecentQuestionPassedDeadline(dateTimeNowUTC);

                int mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed = ProbeConstants.ValueIntNone;

                DateTime mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (questionIdForMostRecentQuestion != ProbeConstants.NoPrimaryKeyId)
                    mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed      = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionNumber;
                    mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionDeadlineDT;

                //NOTE: playerstatusfilter = 0 is ALL players; = 1 ACTIVE players; = 2 INACTIVE players
                var result = db.Database.SqlQuery <PlayerLMSSummaryData>
                                 ("exec GetPlayerLMSSummary " + gameid + ',' + playerstatusfilter).ToList();

                List <PlayerLMSSummaryReturn> reportData = new List <PlayerLMSSummaryReturn>();
                foreach (PlayerLMSSummaryData row in result)
                    PlayerLMSSummaryReturn plsr = new PlayerLMSSummaryReturn
                        PlayerName                          = row.PlayerName,
                        PlayerId                            = row.PlayerId,
                        PlayerStatus                        = row.PlayerStatus,
                        PlayerGameReason                    = row.PlayerGameReason,
                        QuestionNbrLastSubmitted            = row.QuestionNbrLastSubmitted - 1, //convert to base 0 element
                        MostRecentQuestionNbrDeadlinePassed = mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed    = mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        }//public PlayerLMSSummaryReturn GetPlayerLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code)
예제 #2
        public List <PlayerLMSDetailReturn> GetPlayerLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code, long playerid)
             * the gameid and code passed must correlate or they may be something malicious going on. so we stop
             * the response ASAP and throw an exception AND WE DO NOT CATCH IT, which should be picked up by Elmah. Exception handling here
             * have to be improved big-time
            ProbeValidate.ValidateGameCodeVersusId(gameid, code);

                //update player statuses for a game.

                //NOTE: playerstatusfilter = 0 is ALL players; = 1 ACTIVE players; = 2 INACTIVE players
                var result = db.Database.SqlQuery <PlayerLMSDetailData>
                                 ("exec GetPlayerLMSDetail " + gameid + ',' + playerid).ToList();

                bool firstNullSelection = true;
                List <PlayerLMSDetailReturn> reportData = new List <PlayerLMSDetailReturn>();
                foreach (PlayerLMSDetailData row in result)
                    //Will serialize all selections that ARE NOT null OR (the first selection that is NULL and the PlayerGameReason is DEADLINE). That would be the question
                    //that the player just missed the deadline on
                    if (row.SelectedChoices != null ||
                        !row.PlayerStatus && row.SelectedChoices == null && row.PlayerGameReason == Player.PlayerGameReasonType.ANSWER_REASON_DEADLINE && firstNullSelection)
                        PlayerLMSDetailReturn pldr = new PlayerLMSDetailReturn
                            PlayerName       = row.PlayerName,
                            PlayerId         = row.PlayerId,
                            PlayerStatus     = row.PlayerStatus,
                            PlayerGameReason = row.PlayerGameReason,
                            QuestionId       = row.QuestionId,
                            Question         = row.Question,
                            OrderNbr         = row.OrderNbr,
                            SelectedChoices  = row.SelectedChoices,
                            CorrectChoices   = row.CorrectChoices


                        if (row.SelectedChoices == null)
                            firstNullSelection = false;
                    }//if (row.SelectedChoices != null)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        }//public PlayerLMSSummaryReturn GetPlayerLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code)
예제 #3
        public GameLMSSummaryReturn GetGameLMSSummaryData(long gameid, string code)
             * the gameid and code passed must correlate or they may be something malicious going on. so we stop
             * the response ASAP and throw an exception AND WE DO NOT CATCH IT, which should be picked up by Elmah. Exception handling here
             * have to be improved big-time
            ProbeValidate.ValidateGameCodeVersusId(gameid, code);

                DateTime dateTimeNowUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var       db        = new ProbeDataContext();
                Game      game      = db.Game.Find(gameid);
                ProbeGame probeGame = new ProbeGame(game);

                //update player statuses for a game.
                ProbeGame.UpdateAllGamePlayerStatuses(game, dateTimeNowUTC);

                //Get information about question that most recently passed the deadline and the next question after that
                long questionIdForMostRecentQuestion = probeGame.GetMostRecentQuestionPassedDeadline(dateTimeNowUTC);
                if (questionIdForMostRecentQuestion != ProbeConstants.NoPrimaryKeyId)
                    int      mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed          = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionNumber;
                    DateTime mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = probeGame.GetProbeGameQuestionDeadline(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).QuestionDeadlineDT;
                    string   mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = db.Question.Find(questionIdForMostRecentQuestion).Name;

                    int nextQuestionNbr = (mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed + 1 <= probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines.Count) ? mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed + 1 : mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed;
                    ProbeGameQuestionDeadline nextpgqd =
                        probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines.Where(pgqd => pgqd.QuestionNumber == nextQuestionNbr).FirstOrDefault();
                    DateTime nextQuestionDeadline = nextpgqd.QuestionDeadlineDT;
                    string   nextQuestionName     = db.Question.Find(nextpgqd.QuestionId).Name;

                    int gameNbrQuestions = probeGame.Game.GameQuestions.Count();
                    mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed--; //calibrate to element 0 base. it was at element 1 base
                    nextQuestionNbr--;             //calibrate to element 0 base. it was at element 1 base

                    //Will return -1 if there are no questions submitted yet
                    int maxQuestionNbrSubmitted = probeGame.GetMaxQuestionNbrSubmitted();

                    GameStatusType gameStatusType = GameStatusType.UNKNOWN;
                    if (ProbeValidate.IsGameStartPassed(game) && (mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed < probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines.Count - 1))
                        gameStatusType = GameStatusType.ACTIVE;
                        gameStatusType = GameStatusType.COMPLETED;

                    GameLMSSummaryReturn gsdr = new GameLMSSummaryReturn
                        GameStatus         = gameStatusType,
                        GameNbrQuestions   = gameNbrQuestions,
                        NbrPlayers         = probeGame.NbrPlayers,
                        NbrPlayersActive   = probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        NbrPlayersInactive = probeGame.NbrPlayers - probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        MostRecentQuestionNbrDeadlinePassed  = mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed,
                        NextQuestionNbr         = nextQuestionNbr,
                        NextQuestionName        = nextQuestionName,
                        NextQuestionDeadline    = nextQuestionDeadline,
                        MaxQuestionNbrSubmitted = maxQuestionNbrSubmitted


                    //We send back a reduced set of information when the game is not active and it hasn't even started
                    int            gameNbrQuestions                     = probeGame.Game.GameQuestions.Count();
                    GameStatusType gameStatusType                       = GameStatusType.UNKNOWN;
                    int            mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed          = ProbeConstants.ValueIntNone;
                    string         mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = ProbeConstants.ValueStringNone;
                    DateTime       mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = DateTime.MinValue;
                    int            nextQuestionNbr                      = ProbeConstants.ValueIntNone;
                    string         nextQuestionName                     = ProbeConstants.ValueStringNone;
                    DateTime       nextQuestionDeadline                 = DateTime.MinValue;

                    if (ProbeValidate.IsGameStartPassed(game))
                        //no most recent question deadline passed. However there is a next question deadline (first question
                        //of the game
                        gameStatusType       = GameStatusType.STARTEDNOQUESTIONPASSED;
                        nextQuestionNbr      = 0;
                        nextQuestionDeadline = probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines[0].QuestionDeadlineDT;
                        nextQuestionName     = db.Question.Find(probeGame.ProbeGameQuestionDeadlines[0].QuestionId).Name;
                        gameStatusType = GameStatusType.NOTSTARTED;

                    int maxQuestionNbrSubmitted = probeGame.GetMaxQuestionNbrSubmitted();

                    GameLMSSummaryReturn gsdr = new GameLMSSummaryReturn
                        //We will provide information about any players that have submitted already even if the first question's deadline hasn't been reached.
                        GameStatus         = gameStatusType,
                        GameNbrQuestions   = gameNbrQuestions,
                        NbrPlayers         = probeGame.NbrPlayers,
                        NbrPlayersActive   = probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        NbrPlayersInactive = probeGame.NbrPlayers - probeGame.NbrPlayersActive,
                        MostRecentQuestionNbrDeadlinePassed  = mostRecentQuestionNbrPassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed = mostRecentQuestionNameDeadlinePassed,
                        MostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed     = mostRecentQuestionDeadlinePassed,
                        NextQuestionNbr         = nextQuestionNbr,
                        NextQuestionName        = nextQuestionName,
                        NextQuestionDeadline    = nextQuestionDeadline,
                        MaxQuestionNbrSubmitted = maxQuestionNbrSubmitted

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        }//public GameLMSSummaryReturn