예제 #1
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            counter = 0;
            var prefs =
                AndroidAppPreferences.Create(Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences(KeySndrApplication.AppPreferencesId, FileCreationMode.Private));

            editIpView = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.ipEditText);
            editPortView = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.portEditText);
            useCacheView = FindViewById<CheckBox>(Resource.Id.enableCache);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefs.Ip))
                editIpView.Text = prefs.Ip;
            if (prefs.Port > 0)
                editPortView.Text = prefs.Port.ToString();
            useCacheView.Checked = prefs.UseCache;

            probe = new Probe("KeySndrServer");
            probe.BeaconsUpdated += Probe_BeaconsUpdated;

            t = new Timer(1000);
            t.Elapsed += TimerOnElapsed;
            if (Intent.Extras == null || !Intent.Extras.ContainsKey("search"))
예제 #2
        public Trigger(Probe probe, PropertyInfo datumProperty, TriggerValueCondition condition, object conditionValue, bool change, bool fireRepeatedly, bool useRegularExpressions, bool ignoreFirstDatum, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan endTime)
            : this()
            if (probe == null)
                throw new Exception("Trigger is missing Probe selection.");
            else if (datumProperty == null)
                throw new Exception("Trigger is missing Property selection.");
            else if (conditionValue == null)
                throw new Exception("Trigger is missing Value selection.");
            else if (endTime <= startTime)
                throw new Exception("Trigger Start Time must precede End Time.");

            _probe = probe;
            _datumPropertyName = datumProperty.Name;
            _condition = condition;
            _conditionValue = conditionValue;
            _change = change;
            _fireRepeatedly = fireRepeatedly;
            _ignoreFirstDatum = ignoreFirstDatum;
            _startTime = startTime;
            _endTime = endTime;

            if (useRegularExpressions)
                _regularExpression = new Regex(_conditionValue.ToString());
예제 #3
 private Boolean check_and_match_probes(Probe[] probes)
     foreach (var probe in probes)
         if (!probe.probeAndMatch()) return false;
     return true;
    Probe crossover(Probe probeA, Probe probeB)
        float[] childEngineTimes = new float[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < childEngineTimes.Length; i++) {
            float r = Random.value;
            if (r < .5) {
                childEngineTimes [i] = probeA.engineTimes [i];
            } else {
                childEngineTimes [i] = probeB.engineTimes [i];
        Probe childProbe = new Probe ();
        childProbe.engineTimes = childEngineTimes;
        return childProbe;

        //		GameObject childProbe = Instantiate (probePrefab, transform.position + new Vector3 (0f, 7f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        //		childProbe.name = "ChildProbe";
        //		childProbe.GetComponent<Probe> ().engineTimes = childEngineTimes;
예제 #5
        private IList<Tuple<IValueProvider, IProbe>> Probe(IDictionary<string, string> context)
            IList<Tuple<IValueProvider, IProbe>> queryResults = new List<Tuple<IValueProvider, IProbe>>();

            foreach (var item in this._index)
                var probe = new Probe();
                foreach (var contributor in item.Item2)
                    contributor.Handle(context, probe);
                    if (probe.Exclude)
                if (!probe.Exclude)
                    queryResults.Add(new Tuple<IValueProvider, IProbe>(item.Item1, probe));
            return queryResults;
예제 #6
		private void	CubeMapSamplerSetIndex( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			Probe.Set	S = _Pixel.ParentSet;
			byte	C = 0;
			if ( S != null && S.SetIndex != -1 && (!m_IsolateSet || S.SetIndex == m_IsolatedSetIndex) )
				C = m_IsolateSet ? (byte) 255 : (byte) (255 * (1 + S.SetIndex) / m_Probe.m_Sets.Length);
			_R = _G = _B = C;
예제 #7
		private void	CubeMapSamplerEmissiveMatID( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			byte	C = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * ((1+_Pixel.EmissiveMatID) % 4) / 4 );
			_R = _G = _B = C;
예제 #8
		private void	CubeMapSamplerStaticLit( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * _Pixel.StaticLitColor.x );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * _Pixel.StaticLitColor.y );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * _Pixel.StaticLitColor.z );
예제 #9
		private void	CubeMapSamplerDistance( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			byte	C = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * 0.1f * _Pixel.Distance );
			_R = _G = _B = C;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProbePage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="probe">Probe to display.</param>
        public ProbePage(Probe probe)
            Title = "Probe";

            StackLayout contentLayout = new StackLayout
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            string type = "";

            if (probe is ListeningProbe)
                type = "Listening";
            else if (probe is PollingProbe)
                type = "Polling";

            contentLayout.Children.Add(new ContentView
                Content = new Label
                    Text              = probe.DisplayName + (type == "" ? "" : " (" + type + ")"),
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Italic,
                    TextColor         = Color.Accent,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
                Padding = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 10)

            foreach (StackLayout stack in UiProperty.GetPropertyStacks(probe))

            #region script probes
            if (probe is ScriptProbe)
                ScriptProbe scriptProbe = probe as ScriptProbe;

                Button editScriptsButton = new Button
                    Text     = "Edit Scripts",
                    FontSize = 20


                editScriptsButton.Clicked += async(o, e) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new ScriptRunnersPage(scriptProbe));

                Button shareScriptButton = new Button
                    Text     = "Share Definition",
                    FontSize = 20


                shareScriptButton.Clicked += async(o, e) =>
                    string sharePath = SensusServiceHelper.Get().GetSharePath(".json");

                    using (StreamWriter shareFile = new StreamWriter(sharePath))
                        shareFile.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(probe, SensusServiceHelper.JSON_SERIALIZER_SETTINGS));

                    await SensusServiceHelper.Get().ShareFileAsync(sharePath, "Probe Definition", "application/json");

                Button setAgentButton = new Button
                    Text              = "Set Agent" + (scriptProbe.Agent == null ? "" : ":  " + scriptProbe.Agent.Id),
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                setAgentButton.Clicked += async(sender, e) =>
                    await SetAgentButton_Clicked(setAgentButton, scriptProbe);


                Button clearAgentButton = new Button
                    Text              = "Clear Agent",
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                clearAgentButton.Clicked += async(sender, e) =>
                    if (scriptProbe.Agent != null)
                        if (await DisplayAlert("Confirm", "Are you sure you wish to clear the survey agent?", "Yes", "No"))
                            scriptProbe.Agent   = null;
                            setAgentButton.Text = "Set Agent";

                    await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Survey agent cleared.");


            #region proximity probe
            if (probe is IPointsOfInterestProximityProbe)
                Button editTriggersButton = new Button
                    Text              = "Edit Triggers",
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand


                editTriggersButton.Clicked += async(o, e) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new ProximityTriggersPage(probe as IPointsOfInterestProximityProbe));

            #region estimote probe
            if (probe is EstimoteBeaconProbe)
                EstimoteBeaconProbe estimoteBeaconProbe = probe as EstimoteBeaconProbe;

                Button editBeaconsButton = new Button
                    Text              = "Edit Beacons",
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand


                editBeaconsButton.Clicked += async(sender, e) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new EstimoteBeaconProbeBeaconsPage(estimoteBeaconProbe));

                Button setLocationButton = new Button
                    Text              = estimoteBeaconProbe.Location == null ? "Set Location" : "Location:  " + estimoteBeaconProbe.Location,
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand


                setLocationButton.Clicked += async(sender, e) =>
                    List <EstimoteLocation> locations;
                        locations = await estimoteBeaconProbe.GetLocationsFromCloudAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

                        if (locations.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("No locations present within Estimote Cloud.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Failed to set location:  " + ex.Message);


                    List <Input> inputs = await SensusServiceHelper.Get().PromptForInputsAsync("Set Location", new Input[]
                        new ItemPickerDialogInput("Location:", null, locations.Select(location => location.Name + " (" + location.Identifier + ")").ToList())
                            AllowClearSelection = true
                    }, null, true, null, null, null, null, false);

                    if (inputs == null || inputs[0]?.Value == null)
                        estimoteBeaconProbe.Location = null;
                        await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Location cleared.");

                        setLocationButton.Text = "Set Location";
                            string locationIdentifier = inputs[0].Value.ToString().Split(new char[] { '(', ')' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1];
                            estimoteBeaconProbe.Location = locations.Single(location => location.Identifier == locationIdentifier);
                            setLocationButton.Text       = "Location:  " + estimoteBeaconProbe.Location;
                        catch (Exception)
                            await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Failed to set location.");

            #region anonymization
            List <PropertyInfo> anonymizableProperties = probe.DatumType.GetProperties().Where(property => property.GetCustomAttribute <Anonymizable>() != null).ToList();

            if (anonymizableProperties.Count > 0)
                contentLayout.Children.Add(new Label
                    Text              = "Anonymization",
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Italic,
                    TextColor         = Color.Accent,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

                List <StackLayout> anonymizablePropertyStacks = new List <StackLayout>();

                foreach (PropertyInfo anonymizableProperty in anonymizableProperties)
                    Anonymizable anonymizableAttribute = anonymizableProperty.GetCustomAttribute <Anonymizable>(true);

                    Label propertyLabel = new Label
                        Text                  = anonymizableAttribute.PropertyDisplayName ?? anonymizableProperty.Name + ":",
                        FontSize              = 20,
                        HorizontalOptions     = LayoutOptions.Start,
                        VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                    // populate a picker of anonymizers for the current property
                    Picker anonymizerPicker = new Picker
                        Title             = "Select Anonymizer",
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                    anonymizerPicker.Items.Add("Do Not Anonymize");
                    foreach (Anonymizer anonymizer in anonymizableAttribute.AvailableAnonymizers)

                    anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) =>
                        Anonymizer selectedAnonymizer = null;
                        if (anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndex > 0)
                            selectedAnonymizer = anonymizableAttribute.AvailableAnonymizers[anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndex - 1];  // subtract one from the selected index since the JsonAnonymizer's collection of anonymizers start after the "None" option within the picker.

                        probe.Protocol.JsonAnonymizer.SetAnonymizer(anonymizableProperty, selectedAnonymizer);

                    // set the picker's index to the current anonymizer (or "Do Not Anonymize" if there is no current)
                    Anonymizer currentAnonymizer = probe.Protocol.JsonAnonymizer.GetAnonymizer(anonymizableProperty);
                    int        currentIndex      = 0;
                    if (currentAnonymizer != null)
                        currentIndex = anonymizableAttribute.AvailableAnonymizers.IndexOf(currentAnonymizer) + 1;

                    anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndex = currentIndex;

                    StackLayout anonymizablePropertyStack = new StackLayout
                        Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        Children          = { propertyLabel, anonymizerPicker }


                foreach (StackLayout anonymizablePropertyStack in anonymizablePropertyStacks.OrderBy(s => (s.Children[0] as Label).Text))

            Content = new ScrollView
                Content = contentLayout
 private void EndProbeSerialize(
     StreamWriter streamWriter, 
     SerializationContext serializationContext, 
     object value, 
     PropertyMetaData propertyMetaData, 
     Probe probe)
     probe.DiagnosticInfo.Length = streamWriter.Position - probe.DiagnosticInfo.Offset;
예제 #12
        private void Restart(string processMessage, string continueMessage, string progressMessage, Probe probe)
            if (ShouldProcess(processMessage))
                if (Force || yesToAll || ShouldContinue(continueMessage, "WARNING", true, ref yesToAll, ref noToAll))
                    restartTime = DateTime.Now;

                    if (probe != null)

                    ExecuteOperation(() => client.RestartProbe(probe == null ? null : new[] { probe.Id }), progressMessage, !Wait);
예제 #13
파일: NodeTest.cs 프로젝트: Greg-Rus/Linker
 public void Init()
     testNetworkObject = GameObject.Instantiate(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath ("Assets/Prefabs/Network.prefab", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
     testNetwork = testNetworkObject.GetComponent<Network> ();
     testNetworkProbe = new Probe<Network> (testNetwork);
예제 #14
        public ServerListLogic(Widget widget, ModData modData, Action <GameServer> onJoin)
            this.modData = modData;
            this.onJoin  = onJoin;

            services = modData.Manifest.Get <WebServices>();

            incompatibleVersionColor       = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("IncompatibleVersionColor");
            incompatibleGameColor          = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("IncompatibleGameColor");
            incompatibleProtectedGameColor = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("IncompatibleProtectedGameColor");
            protectedGameColor             = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("ProtectedGameColor");
            waitingGameColor             = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("WaitingGameColor");
            incompatibleWaitingGameColor = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("IncompatibleWaitingGameColor");
            gameStartedColor             = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("GameStartedColor");
            incompatibleGameStartedColor = ChromeMetrics.Get <Color>("IncompatibleGameStartedColor");

            serverList     = widget.Get <ScrollPanelWidget>("SERVER_LIST");
            headerTemplate = serverList.Get <ScrollItemWidget>("HEADER_TEMPLATE");
            serverTemplate = serverList.Get <ScrollItemWidget>("SERVER_TEMPLATE");

            noticeContainer = widget.GetOrNull("NOTICE_CONTAINER");
            if (noticeContainer != null)
                noticeContainer.IsVisible = () => showNotices;
                noticeContainer.Get("OUTDATED_VERSION_LABEL").IsVisible   = () => services.ModVersionStatus == ModVersionStatus.Outdated;
                noticeContainer.Get("UNKNOWN_VERSION_LABEL").IsVisible    = () => services.ModVersionStatus == ModVersionStatus.Unknown;
                noticeContainer.Get("PLAYTEST_AVAILABLE_LABEL").IsVisible = () => services.ModVersionStatus == ModVersionStatus.PlaytestAvailable;

            var noticeWatcher = widget.Get <LogicTickerWidget>("NOTICE_WATCHER");

            if (noticeWatcher != null && noticeContainer != null)
                var containerHeight = noticeContainer.Bounds.Height;
                noticeWatcher.OnTick = () =>
                    var show = services.ModVersionStatus != ModVersionStatus.NotChecked && services.ModVersionStatus != ModVersionStatus.Latest;
                    if (show != showNotices)
                        var dir = show ? 1 : -1;
                        serverList.Bounds.Y      += dir * containerHeight;
                        serverList.Bounds.Height -= dir * containerHeight;
                        showNotices = show;

            joinButton = widget.GetOrNull <ButtonWidget>("JOIN_BUTTON");
            if (joinButton != null)
                joinButton.IsVisible  = () => currentServer != null;
                joinButton.IsDisabled = () => !currentServer.IsJoinable;
                joinButton.OnClick    = () => onJoin(currentServer);
                joinButtonY           = joinButton.Bounds.Y;

            // Display the progress label over the server list
            // The text is only visible when the list is empty
            var progressText = widget.Get <LabelWidget>("PROGRESS_LABEL");

            progressText.IsVisible = () => searchStatus != SearchStatus.Hidden;
            progressText.GetText   = ProgressLabelText;

            var gs = Game.Settings.Game;
            Action <MPGameFilters> toggleFilterFlag = f =>
                gs.MPGameFilters ^= f;

            var filtersButton = widget.GetOrNull <DropDownButtonWidget>("FILTERS_DROPDOWNBUTTON");

            if (filtersButton != null)
                // HACK: MULTIPLAYER_FILTER_PANEL doesn't follow our normal procedure for dropdown creation
                // but we still need to be able to set the dropdown width based on the parent
                // The yaml should use PARENT_RIGHT instead of DROPDOWN_WIDTH
                var filtersPanel = Ui.LoadWidget("MULTIPLAYER_FILTER_PANEL", filtersButton, new WidgetArgs());

                var showWaitingCheckbox = filtersPanel.GetOrNull <CheckboxWidget>("WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS");
                if (showWaitingCheckbox != null)
                    showWaitingCheckbox.IsChecked = () => gs.MPGameFilters.HasFlag(MPGameFilters.Waiting);
                    showWaitingCheckbox.OnClick   = () => toggleFilterFlag(MPGameFilters.Waiting);

                var showEmptyCheckbox = filtersPanel.GetOrNull <CheckboxWidget>("EMPTY");
                if (showEmptyCheckbox != null)
                    showEmptyCheckbox.IsChecked = () => gs.MPGameFilters.HasFlag(MPGameFilters.Empty);
                    showEmptyCheckbox.OnClick   = () => toggleFilterFlag(MPGameFilters.Empty);

                var showAlreadyStartedCheckbox = filtersPanel.GetOrNull <CheckboxWidget>("ALREADY_STARTED");
                if (showAlreadyStartedCheckbox != null)
                    showAlreadyStartedCheckbox.IsChecked = () => gs.MPGameFilters.HasFlag(MPGameFilters.Started);
                    showAlreadyStartedCheckbox.OnClick   = () => toggleFilterFlag(MPGameFilters.Started);

                var showProtectedCheckbox = filtersPanel.GetOrNull <CheckboxWidget>("PASSWORD_PROTECTED");
                if (showProtectedCheckbox != null)
                    showProtectedCheckbox.IsChecked = () => gs.MPGameFilters.HasFlag(MPGameFilters.Protected);
                    showProtectedCheckbox.OnClick   = () => toggleFilterFlag(MPGameFilters.Protected);

                var showIncompatibleCheckbox = filtersPanel.GetOrNull <CheckboxWidget>("INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION");
                if (showIncompatibleCheckbox != null)
                    showIncompatibleCheckbox.IsChecked = () => gs.MPGameFilters.HasFlag(MPGameFilters.Incompatible);
                    showIncompatibleCheckbox.OnClick   = () => toggleFilterFlag(MPGameFilters.Incompatible);

                filtersButton.IsDisabled  = () => searchStatus == SearchStatus.Fetching;
                filtersButton.OnMouseDown = _ =>

            var reloadButton = widget.GetOrNull <ButtonWidget>("RELOAD_BUTTON");

            if (reloadButton != null)
                reloadButton.IsDisabled = () => searchStatus == SearchStatus.Fetching;
                reloadButton.OnClick    = RefreshServerList;

                var reloadIcon = reloadButton.GetOrNull <ImageWidget>("IMAGE_RELOAD");
                if (reloadIcon != null)
                    var disabledFrame = 0;
                    var disabledImage = "disabled-" + disabledFrame.ToString();
                    reloadIcon.GetImageName = () => searchStatus == SearchStatus.Fetching ? disabledImage : reloadIcon.ImageName;

                    var reloadTicker = reloadIcon.Get <LogicTickerWidget>("ANIMATION");
                    if (reloadTicker != null)
                        reloadTicker.OnTick = () =>
                            disabledFrame = searchStatus == SearchStatus.Fetching ? (disabledFrame + 1) % 12 : 0;
                            disabledImage = "disabled-" + disabledFrame.ToString();

            var playersLabel = widget.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("PLAYER_COUNT");

            if (playersLabel != null)
                var playersText = new CachedTransform <int, string>(c => c == 1 ? "1 Player Online" : c.ToString() + " Players Online");
                playersLabel.IsVisible = () => playerCount != 0;
                playersLabel.GetText   = () => playersText.Update(playerCount);

            mapPreview = widget.GetOrNull <MapPreviewWidget>("SELECTED_MAP_PREVIEW");
            if (mapPreview != null)
                mapPreview.Preview = () => currentMap;

            var mapTitle = widget.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("SELECTED_MAP");

            if (mapTitle != null)
                var font  = Game.Renderer.Fonts[mapTitle.Font];
                var title = new CachedTransform <MapPreview, string>(m =>
                                                                     WidgetUtils.TruncateText(m.Title, mapTitle.Bounds.Width, font));

                mapTitle.GetText = () =>
                    if (currentMap == null)
                        return("No Server Selected");

                    if (currentMap.Status == MapStatus.Searching)

                    if (currentMap.Class == MapClassification.Unknown)
                        return("Unknown Map");


            var ip = widget.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("SELECTED_IP");

            if (ip != null)
                ip.IsVisible = () => currentServer != null;
                ip.GetText   = () => currentServer.Address;

            var status = widget.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("SELECTED_STATUS");

            if (status != null)
                status.IsVisible = () => currentServer != null;
                status.GetText   = () => GetStateLabel(currentServer);
                status.GetColor  = () => GetStateColor(currentServer, status);

            var modVersion = widget.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("SELECTED_MOD_VERSION");

            if (modVersion != null)
                modVersion.IsVisible = () => currentServer != null;
                modVersion.GetColor  = () => currentServer.IsCompatible ? modVersion.TextColor : incompatibleVersionColor;

                var font    = Game.Renderer.Fonts[modVersion.Font];
                var version = new CachedTransform <GameServer, string>(s => WidgetUtils.TruncateText(s.ModLabel, modVersion.Bounds.Width, font));
                modVersion.GetText = () => version.Update(currentServer);

            var players = widget.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("SELECTED_PLAYERS");

            if (players != null)
                players.IsVisible = () => currentServer != null && (clientContainer == null || !currentServer.Clients.Any());
                players.GetText   = () => PlayersLabel(currentServer);

            clientContainer = widget.GetOrNull("CLIENT_LIST_CONTAINER");
            if (clientContainer != null)
                clientList           = Ui.LoadWidget("MULTIPLAYER_CLIENT_LIST", clientContainer, new WidgetArgs()) as ScrollPanelWidget;
                clientList.IsVisible = () => currentServer != null && currentServer.Clients.Any();
                clientHeader         = clientList.Get <ScrollItemWidget>("HEADER");
                clientTemplate       = clientList.Get <ScrollItemWidget>("TEMPLATE");

            lanGameLocations = new List <BeaconLocation>();
                lanGameProbe = new Probe("OpenRALANGame");
                lanGameProbe.BeaconsUpdated += locations => lanGameLocations = locations;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Write("debug", "BeaconLib.Probe: " + ex.Message);

예제 #15
파일: NodeTest.cs 프로젝트: Greg-Rus/Linker
 public void Init()
     testNetworkObject = GameObject.Instantiate(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath ("Assets/Prefabs/Network.prefab", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
     testNetwork = testNetworkObject.GetComponent<Network> ();
     testNetworkProbe = new Probe<Network> (testNetwork);
     testNetwork.initialize (3, 3);
     map = testNetworkProbe.getField ("networkMap") as NodeController[,];
예제 #16
파일: NodeTest.cs 프로젝트: Greg-Rus/Linker
 public void addNeighbourTest()
     INode testNode = map [1, 1];
     Vector2 testNeighbourLocalCoordinates = new Vector2 (1, 0);
     INode testNeighbour = map [2, 1];
     testNode.addNeighbour (testNeighbour);
     Probe<NodeController> testNodeProbe = new Probe<NodeController> (map[1,1]);
     NodeModel testNodeModel = testNodeProbe.getField ("nodeModel") as NodeModel;
     Assert.NotNull (testNodeModel);
     Assert.IsTrue (testNodeModel.neighbours.ContainsKey (testNeighbourLocalCoordinates));
     Assert.IsTrue (testNodeModel.neighbours.ContainsValue (testNeighbour));
     Vector2 incorrectNeighbourLocation = new Vector2 (0, 1);
     Assert.IsFalse (testNodeModel.neighbours.ContainsKey (incorrectNeighbourLocation));
 public int visit(Probe ProbeItem)
     return((ProbeItem.PropogationDelay) + 2);
예제 #18
		private void	CubeMapSamplerSetDistance( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			Probe.Set	S = _Pixel.ParentSet;
			if ( S == null || S.SetIndex == -1 || (m_IsolateSet && S.SetIndex != m_IsolatedSetIndex) )
				_R = 63;
				_G = 0;
				_B = 63;

			float	Distance2SetCenter = 0.2f * (_Pixel.Position - S.Position).Length;

			byte	C = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Distance2SetCenter );
			_R = _G = _B = C;
예제 #19
 public void Start()
     m_Probe = new Probe(BeaconModel.Types.Service, "MultiPlug", "1");
     m_Probe.BeaconsUpdated += OnNewDiscovery;
예제 #20
		private void	CubeMapSamplerSH( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			WMath.Vector	Dir = _Pixel.View;

			// Dot the SH together
			WMath.Vector	Color = WMath.Vector.Zero;
			if ( m_IsolateSet )
				float	Factor = 1.0f;
				if ( m_bShowSHDynamic )
					for ( int i=0; i < 9; i++ )
						Color += (float) _Pixel.SHCoeffs[i] * m_Probe.m_Sets[m_IsolatedSetIndex].SH[i];

					Factor = m_bNormalizeSH ? 2.0f * m_Probe.m_Sets[m_IsolatedSetIndex].SH[0].Max() : 1.0f;

				if ( m_bShowSHEmissive )
					int		EmissiveSetIndex = Math.Min( m_IsolatedSetIndex, m_Probe.m_EmissiveSets.Length-1 );
					if ( EmissiveSetIndex >= 0 )
						for ( int i=0; i < 9; i++ )
							Color += (float) _Pixel.SHCoeffs[i] * m_Probe.m_EmissiveSets[EmissiveSetIndex].SH[i];

					Factor = m_bNormalizeSH ? 2.0f * m_Probe.m_EmissiveSets[EmissiveSetIndex].SH[0].Max() : 1.0f;

//				Color *= 100.0f;
				Color *= 1.0f / Factor;
				float	Factor = 0.0f;
				if ( m_bShowSHStatic )
					for ( int i=0; i < 9; i++ )
						Color += (float) _Pixel.SHCoeffs[i] * m_SHStatic[i];
					Factor = Math.Max( Factor, m_SHStatic[0].Max() );
				if ( m_bShowSHDynamic )
					for ( int i=0; i < 9; i++ )
						Color += (float) _Pixel.SHCoeffs[i] * m_SHDynamic[i];
					Factor = Math.Max( Factor, m_SHDynamic[0].Max() );
				if ( m_bShowSHEmissive )
					for ( int i=0; i < 9; i++ )
						Color += (float) _Pixel.SHCoeffs[i] * m_SHEmissive[i];
					Factor = Math.Max( Factor, m_SHEmissive[0].Max() );
				if ( m_bShowSHOcclusion )
					for ( int i=0; i < 9; i++ )
						Color += (float) _Pixel.SHCoeffs[i] * m_SHOcclusion[i] * WMath.Vector.One;
					Factor = Math.Max( Factor, m_SHOcclusion[0] );

//				Color *= 50.0f;

				Color *= m_bNormalizeSH ? 1.0f / Factor : 1.0f;

			if ( Color.x < 0.0f || Color.y < 0.0f || Color.z < 0.0f )
				Color.Set( 1, 0, 1 );

			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Color.x );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Color.y );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Color.z );
예제 #21
        private void LoadCubeMap( FileInfo _POMCubeMap )
                Probe	NewProbe = new Probe();
                NewProbe.LoadCubeMap( _POMCubeMap );

                SelectedProbe = NewProbe;
            catch ( Exception _e )
                throw new Exception( "Error while loading cube map \"" + _POMCubeMap.Name + "\": " + _e.Message );
예제 #22
파일: Test_Z3.cs 프로젝트: yinxx/asm-dude
        public void Test_Z3_GoalsAndProbes()
            using (Context ctx = new Context())
                Solver solver = ctx.MkSolver();

                #region Print all Probes
                if (false)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ctx.ProbeNames.Length; ++i)
                        Console.WriteLine(i + ": probe " + ctx.ProbeNames[i] + "; " + ctx.ProbeDescription(ctx.ProbeNames[i]));

                     * 0: probe is-quasi-pb; true if the goal is quasi-pb.
                     * 1: probe is-unbounded; true if the goal contains integer/real constants that do not have lower/upper bounds.
                     * 2: probe is-pb; true if the goal is a pseudo-boolean problem.
                     * 3: probe arith-max-deg; max polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom.
                     * 4: probe arith-avg-deg; avg polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom.
                     * 5: probe arith-max-bw; max coefficient bit width.
                     * 6: probe arith-avg-bw; avg coefficient bit width.
                     * 7: probe is-qflia; true if the goal is in QF_LIA.
                     * 8: probe is-qfauflia; true if the goal is in QF_AUFLIA.
                     * 9: probe is-qflra; true if the goal is in QF_LRA.
                     * 10: probe is-qflira; true if the goal is in QF_LIRA.
                     * 11: probe is-ilp; true if the goal is ILP.
                     * 12: probe is-qfnia; true if the goal is in QF_NIA (quantifier-free nonlinear integer arithmetic).
                     * 13: probe is-qfnra; true if the goal is in QF_NRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic).
                     * 14: probe is-nia; true if the goal is in NIA (nonlinear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
                     * 15: probe is-nra; true if the goal is in NRA (nonlinear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
                     * 16: probe is-nira; true if the goal is in NIRA (nonlinear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
                     * 17: probe is-lia; true if the goal is in LIA (linear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
                     * 18: probe is-lra; true if the goal is in LRA (linear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
                     * 19: probe is-lira; true if the goal is in LIRA (linear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
                     * 20: probe is-qfufnra; true if the goal is QF_UFNRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic with other theories).
                     * 21: probe memory; ammount of used memory in megabytes.
                     * 22: probe depth; depth of the input goal.
                     * 23: probe size; number of assertions in the given goal.
                     * 24: probe num-exprs; number of expressions/terms in the given goal.
                     * 25: probe num-consts; number of non Boolean constants in the given goal.
                     * 26: probe num-bool-consts; number of Boolean constants in the given goal.
                     * 27: probe num-arith-consts; number of arithmetic constants in the given goal.
                     * 28: probe num-bv-consts; number of bit-vector constants in the given goal.
                     * 29: probe produce-proofs; true if proof generation is enabled for the given goal.
                     * 30: probe produce-model; true if model generation is enabled for the given goal.
                     * 31: probe produce-unsat-cores; true if unsat-core generation is enabled for the given goal.
                     * 32: probe has-patterns; true if the goal contains quantifiers with patterns.
                     * 33: probe is-propositional; true if the goal is in propositional logic.
                     * 34: probe is-qfbv; true if the goal is in QF_BV.
                     * 35: probe is-qfaufbv; true if the goal is in QF_AUFBV.
                     * 36: probe is-qfbv-eq; true if the goal is in a fragment of QF_BV which uses only =, extract, concat.
                     * 37: probe is-qffp; true if the goal is in QF_FP (floats).
                     * 38: probe is-qffpbv; true if the goal is in QF_FPBV (floats+bit-vectors).
                #endregion Print all Probes
                #region Print all Tactics
                if (false)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ctx.TacticNames.Length; ++i)
                        Console.WriteLine(i + ": tactic " + ctx.TacticNames[i] + "; " + ctx.TacticDescription(ctx.TacticNames[i]));

                     * 0: tactic qfbv; builtin strategy for solving QF_BV problems.
                     * 1: tactic qflia; builtin strategy for solving QF_LIA problems.
                     * 2: tactic qflra; builtin strategy for solving QF_LRA problems.
                     * 3: tactic qfnia; builtin strategy for solving QF_NIA problems.
                     * 4: tactic qfnra; builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems.
                     * 5: tactic qfufnra; builtin strategy for solving QF_UNFRA problems.
                     * 6: tactic add-bounds; add bounds to unbounded variables(under approximation).
                     * 7: tactic card2bv; convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit - vectors.
                     * 8: tactic degree-shift; try to reduce degree of polynomials(remark: :mul2power simplification is automatically applied).
                     * 9: tactic diff-neq; specialized solver for integer arithmetic problems that contain only atoms of the form(<= k x)(<= x k) and(not(= (-x y) k)), where x and y are constants and k is a numberal, and all constants are bounded.
                     * 10: tactic elim01; eliminate 0 - 1 integer variables, replace them by Booleans.
                     * 11: tactic eq2bv; convert integer variables used as finite domain elements to bit-vectors.
                     * 12: tactic factor; polynomial factorization.
                     * 13: tactic fix-dl - var; if goal is in the difference logic fragment, then fix the variable with the most number of occurrences at 0.
                     * 14: tactic fm; eliminate variables using fourier - motzkin elimination.
                     * 15: tactic lia2card; introduce cardinality constraints from 0 - 1 integer.
                     * 16: tactic lia2pb; convert bounded integer variables into a sequence of 0 - 1 variables.
                     * 17: tactic nla2bv; convert a nonlinear arithmetic problem into a bit-vector problem, in most cases the resultant goal is an under approximation and is useul for finding models.
                     * 18: tactic normalize - bounds; replace a variable x with lower bound k <= x with x' = x - k.
                     * 19: tactic pb2bv; convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit - vectors.
                     * 20: tactic propagate-ineqs; propagate ineqs/ bounds, remove subsumed inequalities.
                     * 21: tactic purify-arith; eliminate unnecessary operators: -, /, div, mod, rem, is- int, to - int, ^, root - objects.
                     * 22: tactic recover-01; recover 0 - 1 variables hidden as Boolean variables.
                     * 23: tactic blast-term-ite; blast term if-then -else by hoisting them.
                     * 24: tactic cofactor-term-ite; eliminate term if-the -else using cofactors.
                     * 25: tactic ctx-simplify; apply contextual simplification rules.
                     * 26: tactic der; destructive equality resolution.
                     * 27: tactic distribute-forall; distribute forall over conjunctions.
                     * 28: tactic elim-term-ite; eliminate term if-then -else by adding fresh auxiliary declarations.
                     * 29: tactic elim-uncnstr; eliminate application containing unconstrained variables.
                     * 30: tactic snf; put goal in skolem normal form.
                     * 31: tactic nnf; put goal in negation normal form.
                     * 32: tactic occf; put goal in one constraint per clause normal form (notes: fails if proof generation is enabled; only clauses are considered).
                     * 33: tactic pb-preprocess; pre - process pseudo - Boolean constraints a la Davis Putnam.
                     * 34: tactic propagate-values; propagate constants.
                     * 35: tactic reduce-args; reduce the number of arguments of function applications, when for all occurrences of a function f the i - th is a value.
                     * 36: tactic simplify; apply simplification rules.
                     * 37: tactic elim-and; convert(and a b) into(not(or(not a)(not b))).
                     * 38: tactic solve-eqs; eliminate variables by solving equations.
                     * 39: tactic split-clause; split a clause in many subgoals.
                     * 40: tactic symmetry-reduce; apply symmetry reduction.
                     * 41: tactic tseitin-cnf; convert goal into CNF using tseitin - like encoding(note: quantifiers are ignored).
                     * 42: tactic tseitin-cnf-core; convert goal into CNF using tseitin - like encoding(note: quantifiers are ignored).This tactic does not apply required simplifications to the input goal like the tseitin - cnf tactic.
                     * 43: tactic skip; do nothing tactic.
                     * 44: tactic fail; always fail tactic.
                     * 45: tactic fail-if-undecided; fail if goal is undecided.
                     * 46: tactic bit-blast; reduce bit-vector expressions into SAT.
                     * 47: tactic bv1-blast; reduce bit-vector expressions into bit - vectors of size 1(notes: only equality, extract and concat are supported).
                     * 48: tactic reduce-bv-size; try to reduce bit - vector sizes using inequalities.
                     * 49: tactic max-bv-sharing; use heuristics to maximize the sharing of bit-vector expressions such as adders and multipliers.
                     * 50: tactic nlsat; (try to) solve goal using a nonlinear arithmetic solver.
                     * 51: tactic qfnra-nlsat; builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems using only nlsat.
                     * 52: tactic sat; (try to) solve goal using a SAT solver.
                     * 53: tactic sat-preprocess; Apply SAT solver preprocessing procedures(bounded resolution, Boolean constant propagation, 2 - SAT, subsumption, subsumption resolution).
                     * 54: tactic ctx-solver-simplify; apply solver-based contextual simplification rules.
                     * 55: tactic smt; apply a SAT based SMT solver.
                     * 56: tactic unit-subsume-simplify; unit subsumption simplification.
                     * 57: tactic aig; simplify Boolean structure using AIGs.
                     * 58: tactic horn; apply tactic for horn clauses.
                     * 59: tactic horn-simplify; simplify horn clauses.
                     * 60: tactic qe-light; apply light-weight quantifier elimination.
                     * 61: tactic qe-sat; check satisfiability of quantified formulas using quantifier elimination.
                     * 62: tactic qe; apply quantifier elimination.
                     * 63: tactic vsubst; checks satsifiability of quantifier-free non - linear constraints using virtual substitution.
                     * 64: tactic nl-purify; Decompose goal into pure NL-sat formula and formula over other theories.
                     * 65: tactic macro-finder; Identifies and applies macros.
                     * 66: tactic quasi-macros; Identifies and applies quasi-macros.
                     * 67: tactic bv; builtin strategy for solving BV problems(with quantifiers).
                     * 68: tactic ufbv; builtin strategy for solving UFBV problems(with quantifiers).
                     * 69: tactic fpa2bv; convert floating point numbers to bit-vectors.
                     * 70: tactic qffp; (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FP.
                     * 71: tactic qffpbv; (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FPBV(floats+bit-vectors).
                     * 72: tactic qfbv-sls; (try to) solve using stochastic local search for QF_BV.
                     * 73: tactic subpaving; tactic for testing subpaving module.
                #endregion Print all Tactics

                BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("rax", 64);
                BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("rbx", 64);

                BoolExpr a1 = ctx.MkEq(rax, ctx.MkBV(0, 64));
                BoolExpr a2 = ctx.MkEq(rbx, rax);

                Goal goal1 = ctx.MkGoal(true, false, false);
                goal1.Assert(a1, a2);
                Console.WriteLine("goal1=" + goal1 + "; inconsistent=" + goal1.Inconsistent);

                Tactic tactic1 = ctx.MkTactic("simplify");
                // Console.WriteLine("tactic1=" + tactic1.ToString());
                ApplyResult applyResult = tactic1.Apply(goal1);

                Console.WriteLine("applyResult=" + applyResult.ToString() + "; nSubGoals=" + applyResult.NumSubgoals);

                // Console.WriteLine("AsBoolExpr=" + goal1.AsBoolExpr());

                #region Probe Tests
                if (false)
                    Probe  probe1 = ctx.MkProbe("is-qfbv");
                    double d      = probe1.Apply(goal1);
                    Console.WriteLine("d=" + d);
                #endregion Probe Tests
예제 #23
 partial void OnProbeChanging(Probe value);
예제 #24
        public Func <RegionalContext, IRegionalEndpoint> BuildVMScaleSetApp(GlobalContext context)
            var options =
                CustomResourceOptions.Merge(context.Options, new CustomResourceOptions {
                DeleteBeforeReplace = true
            var file = File.ReadAllText("./vm/vmCustomData.yaml");

            return((RegionalContext region) =>
                var location = region.Location;
                var domainName = $"rnddnplm{location}"; //TODO: random

                var publicIp = new PublicIp($"pip-{location}", new PublicIpArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    Location = location,
                    AllocationMethod = "Static",
                    DomainNameLabel = domainName,

                var loadBalancer = new LoadBalancer($"lb-{location}", new LoadBalancerArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    Location = location,
                    FrontendIpConfigurations =
                        new LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationsArgs
                            Name = "PublicIPAddress",
                            PublicIpAddressId = publicIp.Id,

                var bpepool = new BackendAddressPool($"bap-{location}", new BackendAddressPoolArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    LoadbalancerId = loadBalancer.Id,

                var probe = new Probe($"ssh-probe-{location}".Truncate(16), new ProbeArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    LoadbalancerId = loadBalancer.Id,
                    Port = 80,

                var rule = new Rule($"rule-{location}", new RuleArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    BackendAddressPoolId = bpepool.Id,
                    BackendPort = 80,
                    FrontendIpConfigurationName = "PublicIPAddress",
                    FrontendPort = 80,
                    LoadbalancerId = loadBalancer.Id,
                    ProbeId = probe.Id,
                    Protocol = "Tcp",

                var vnet = new VirtualNetwork($"vnet-{location}", new VirtualNetworkArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    Location = location,
                    AddressSpaces = { "" },

                var subnet = new Subnet($"subnet-{location}", new SubnetArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    AddressPrefix = "",
                    VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name,

                var customData = Output.All <string>(context.CosmosAccount.Endpoint,
                                                     context.CosmosAccount.PrimaryMasterKey, context.Database.Name, context.Container.Name)
                                 .Apply(values =>
                    return file.Replace("${ENDPOINT}", values[0])
                    .Replace("${MASTER_KEY}", values[1])
                    .Replace("${DATABASE}", values[2])
                    .Replace("${COLLECTION}", values[3])
                    .Replace("${LOCATION}", location);

                var scaleSet = new ScaleSet($"vmss-{location}", new ScaleSetArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    Location = location,
                    NetworkProfiles =
                        new ScaleSetNetworkProfilesArgs
                            IpConfigurations =
                                new ScaleSetNetworkProfilesIpConfigurationsArgs
                                    LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolIds ={ bpepool.Id                                         },
                                    Name = "IPConfiguration",
                                    Primary = true,
                                    SubnetId = subnet.Id,
                            Name = "networkprofile",
                            Primary = true,
                    OsProfile = new ScaleSetOsProfileArgs
                        AdminUsername = "******",
                        AdminPassword = "******",
                        ComputerNamePrefix = "lab",
                        CustomData = customData,
                    OsProfileLinuxConfig = new ScaleSetOsProfileLinuxConfigArgs
                        DisablePasswordAuthentication = false
                    Sku = new ScaleSetSkuArgs
                        Capacity = 1,
                        Name = "Standard_DS1_v2",
                        Tier = "Standard",
                    StorageProfileDataDisks =
                        new ScaleSetStorageProfileDataDisksArgs
                            Caching = "ReadWrite",
                            CreateOption = "Empty",
                            DiskSizeGb = 10,
                            Lun = 0,
                    StorageProfileImageReference = new ScaleSetStorageProfileImageReferenceArgs
                        Offer = "UbuntuServer",
                        Publisher = "Canonical",
                        Sku = "18.04-LTS",
                        Version = "latest",
                    StorageProfileOsDisk = new ScaleSetStorageProfileOsDiskArgs
                        Caching = "ReadWrite",
                        CreateOption = "FromImage",
                        ManagedDiskType = "Standard_LRS",
                        Name = "",
                    UpgradePolicyMode = "Automatic",
                                            CustomResourceOptions.Merge(options, new CustomResourceOptions {
                    DependsOn = { bpepool, rule }

                var autoscale = new AutoscaleSetting($"as-{location}", new AutoscaleSettingArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    Location = location,
                    Notification = new AutoscaleSettingNotificationArgs
                        Email = new AutoscaleSettingNotificationEmailArgs
                            CustomEmails = { "*****@*****.**" },
                            SendToSubscriptionAdministrator = true,
                            SendToSubscriptionCoAdministrator = true,
                    Profiles =
                        new AutoscaleSettingProfilesArgs
                            Capacity = new AutoscaleSettingProfilesCapacityArgs
                                Default = 1,
                                Maximum = 10,
                                Minimum = 1,
                            Name = "defaultProfile",
                            Rules =
                                new AutoscaleSettingProfilesRulesArgs
                                    MetricTrigger = new AutoscaleSettingProfilesRulesMetricTriggerArgs
                                        MetricName = "Percentage CPU",
                                        MetricResourceId = scaleSet.Id,
                                        Operator = "GreaterThan",
                                        Statistic = "Average",
                                        Threshold = 75,
                                        TimeAggregation = "Average",
                                        TimeGrain = "PT1M",
                                        TimeWindow = "PT5M",
                                    ScaleAction = new AutoscaleSettingProfilesRulesScaleActionArgs
                                        Cooldown = "PT1M",
                                        Direction = "Increase",
                                        Type = "ChangeCount",
                                        Value = 1,
                                new AutoscaleSettingProfilesRulesArgs
                                    MetricTrigger = new AutoscaleSettingProfilesRulesMetricTriggerArgs
                                        MetricName = "Percentage CPU",
                                        MetricResourceId = scaleSet.Id,
                                        Operator = "LessThan",
                                        Statistic = "Average",
                                        Threshold = 25,
                                        TimeAggregation = "Average",
                                        TimeGrain = "PT1M",
                                        TimeWindow = "PT5M",
                                    ScaleAction = new AutoscaleSettingProfilesRulesScaleActionArgs
                                        Cooldown = "PT1M",
                                        Direction = "Decrease",
                                        Type = "ChangeCount",
                                        Value = 1,
                    TargetResourceId = scaleSet.Id,

                return new AzureEndpoint(publicIp.Id);
예제 #25
        private void ElecCompList_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (elecCompList.SelectedItems.Count == 1)
                //MessageBox.Show("Select: " + elecCompList.SelectedIndex);
                switch (elecCompList.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:
                    Resistance r = new Resistance();
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(r, Mycanvas);
                    r.Move(100, 100);

                case 1:
                    Capacity c = new Capacity();
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(c, Mycanvas);
                    c.Move(100, 100);

                case 2:
                    Wire w = new Wire();
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(w, Mycanvas);
                    w.Move(100, 100);

                case 3:
                    Inductance i = new Inductance();
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(i, Mycanvas);
                    i.Move(100, 100);

                case 4:
                    OhmMeter o = new OhmMeter();
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(o, Mycanvas);
                    o.Move(100, 100);

                case 5:
                    VoltMeter ee = new VoltMeter();
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(ee, Mycanvas);
                    ee.Move(100, 100);

                case 6:
                    ElecGround eg = new ElecGround();
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(eg, Mycanvas);
                    eg.Move(100, 100);

                case 7:
                    oscilloscopeData myOscilloscopeData = new
                                                          oscilloscopeData(Brushes.Red, oscilloscopeData.Volt_Index,
                    Probe pb = new Probe(Brushes.Red, myOscilloscopeData);
                    if (!myOscilloscope.IsVisible)
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(pb, Mycanvas);
                    pb.Move(100, 100);

                case 8:
                    myOscilloscopeData = new
                                         oscilloscopeData(Brushes.Blue, oscilloscopeData.Volt_Index,
                    pb = new Probe(Brushes.Blue, myOscilloscopeData);
                    if (!myOscilloscope.IsVisible)
                    elecCompSet.AddCompAndShow(pb, Mycanvas);
                    pb.Move(100, 100);
예제 #26
 public Probe(Probe parent = null)
     this.parent = parent;
     this.diagnosticInfo = new DiagnosticInfo();
예제 #27
 protected override void PreStart()
     Probe.Tell(new ProcessActorEvent(Id, "Started"));
예제 #28
		private void	CubeMapSamplerAlbedo( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * _Pixel.Albedo.x );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * _Pixel.Albedo.y );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * _Pixel.Albedo.z );
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AddScriptTriggerPage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptRunner">Script runner to add trigger to.</param>
        public AddScriptTriggerPage(ScriptRunner scriptRunner)
            _scriptRunner = scriptRunner;

            Title = "Add Trigger";

            Probe[] enabledProbes = _scriptRunner.Probe.Protocol.Probes.Where(p => p != _scriptRunner.Probe && p.Enabled).ToArray();

            if (!enabledProbes.Any())
                Content = new Label {
                    Text = "No enabled probes. Please enable them before creating triggers.", FontSize = 20


            StackLayout contentLayout = new StackLayout
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            Label probeLabel = new Label
                Text     = "Probe:",
                FontSize = 20,
                VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

            Picker probePicker = new Picker {
                Title = "Select Probe", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            foreach (Probe enabledProbe in enabledProbes)

            contentLayout.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Children          = { probeLabel, probePicker }

            StackLayout triggerDefinitionLayout = new StackLayout
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start


            bool       allowChangeCalculation = false;
            Switch     changeSwitch           = new Switch();
            bool       allowRegularExpression = false;
            Switch     regexSwitch            = new Switch();
            Switch     fireRepeatedlySwitch   = new Switch();
            TimePicker startTimePicker        = new TimePicker {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
            TimePicker endTimePicker = new TimePicker {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            probePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) =>
                _selectedProbe         = null;
                _selectedDatumProperty = null;
                _conditionValue        = null;


                if (probePicker.SelectedIndex < 0)

                _selectedProbe = enabledProbes[probePicker.SelectedIndex];

                PropertyInfo[] datumProperties = _selectedProbe.DatumType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(p => p.GetCustomAttributes <ProbeTriggerProperty>().Any()).ToArray();

                if (datumProperties.Length == 0)

                #region datum property picker
                Label datumPropertyLabel = new Label
                    Text     = "Property:",
                    FontSize = 20,
                    VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                Picker datumPropertyPicker = new Picker {
                    Title = "Select Datum Property", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
                foreach (PropertyInfo datumProperty in datumProperties)
                    ProbeTriggerProperty triggerProperty = datumProperty.GetCustomAttributes <ProbeTriggerProperty>().First();
                    datumPropertyPicker.Items.Add(triggerProperty.Name ?? datumProperty.Name);

                triggerDefinitionLayout.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                    Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children          = { datumPropertyLabel, datumPropertyPicker }

                #region condition picker (same for all datum types)
                Label conditionLabel = new Label
                    Text     = "Condition:",
                    FontSize = 20,
                    VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                Picker conditionPicker = new Picker {
                    Title = "Select Condition", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
                TriggerValueCondition[] conditions = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TriggerValueCondition)) as TriggerValueCondition[];
                foreach (TriggerValueCondition condition in conditions)

                conditionPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (oo, ee) =>
                    if (conditionPicker.SelectedIndex < 0)

                    _selectedCondition = conditions[conditionPicker.SelectedIndex];

                triggerDefinitionLayout.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                    Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children          = { conditionLabel, conditionPicker }

                #region condition value for comparison, based on selected datum property -- includes change calculation (for double datum) and regex (for string datum)
                StackLayout conditionValueStack = new StackLayout
                    Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand


                datumPropertyPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (oo, ee) =>
                    _selectedDatumProperty = null;
                    _conditionValue        = null;


                    if (datumPropertyPicker.SelectedIndex < 0)

                    _selectedDatumProperty = datumProperties[datumPropertyPicker.SelectedIndex];

                    ProbeTriggerProperty datumTriggerAttribute = _selectedDatumProperty.GetCustomAttribute <ProbeTriggerProperty>();

                    View conditionValueStackView = null;

                    if (datumTriggerAttribute is ListProbeTriggerProperty)
                        Picker conditionValuePicker = new Picker {
                            Title = "Select Condition Value", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
                        object[] items = (datumTriggerAttribute as ListProbeTriggerProperty).Items;
                        foreach (object item in items)

                        conditionValuePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (ooo, eee) =>
                            if (conditionValuePicker.SelectedIndex < 0)

                            _conditionValue = items[conditionValuePicker.SelectedIndex];

                        conditionValueStackView = conditionValuePicker;
                    else if (datumTriggerAttribute is DoubleProbeTriggerProperty)
                        Entry entry = new Entry
                            Keyboard          = Keyboard.Numeric,
                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                        entry.TextChanged += (ooo, eee) =>
                            double value;
                            if (double.TryParse(eee.NewTextValue, out value))
                                _conditionValue = value;

                        conditionValueStackView = entry;
                        allowChangeCalculation  = true;
                    else if (datumTriggerAttribute is StringProbeTriggerProperty)
                        Entry entry = new Entry
                            Keyboard          = Keyboard.Default,
                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                        entry.TextChanged += (ooo, eee) => _conditionValue = eee.NewTextValue;

                        conditionValueStackView = entry;
                        allowRegularExpression  = true;
                    else if (datumTriggerAttribute is BooleanProbeTriggerProperty)
                        Switch booleanSwitch = new Switch();

                        booleanSwitch.Toggled += (ooo, eee) => _conditionValue = eee.Value;

                        conditionValueStackView = booleanSwitch;

                    Label conditionValueStackLabel = new Label
                        Text     = "Value:",
                        FontSize = 20,
                        VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                    conditionValueStack.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                        Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        Children          = { conditionValueStackLabel, conditionValueStackView }

                    #region change calculation
                    if (allowChangeCalculation)
                        Label changeLabel = new Label
                            Text     = "Change:",
                            FontSize = 20,
                            VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                        changeSwitch.IsToggled = false;

                        conditionValueStack.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                            Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                            Children          = { changeLabel, changeSwitch }

                    #region regular expression
                    if (allowRegularExpression)
                        Label regexLabel = new Label
                            Text     = "Regular Expression:",
                            FontSize = 20,
                            VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                        regexSwitch.IsToggled = false;

                        conditionValueStack.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                            Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                            Children          = { regexLabel, regexSwitch }

                datumPropertyPicker.SelectedIndex = 0;

                #region fire repeatedly
                Label fireRepeatedlyLabel = new Label
                    Text     = "Fire Repeatedly:",
                    FontSize = 20,
                    VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                fireRepeatedlySwitch.IsToggled = true;

                triggerDefinitionLayout.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                    Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children          = { fireRepeatedlyLabel, fireRepeatedlySwitch }

                #region start/end times
                Label startTimeLabel = new Label
                    Text     = "Start Time:",
                    FontSize = 20,
                    VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                startTimePicker.Time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);

                triggerDefinitionLayout.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                    Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children          = { startTimeLabel, startTimePicker }

                Label endTimeLabel = new Label
                    Text     = "End Time:",
                    FontSize = 20,
                    VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

                endTimePicker.Time = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);

                triggerDefinitionLayout.Children.Add(new StackLayout
                    Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                    Children          = { endTimeLabel, endTimePicker }

            probePicker.SelectedIndex = 0;

            Button okButton = new Button
                Text            = "OK",
                FontSize        = 20,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start

            okButton.Clicked += async(o, e) =>
                    _scriptRunner.Triggers.Add(new Probes.User.Scripts.Trigger(_selectedProbe, _selectedDatumProperty, _selectedCondition, _conditionValue, allowChangeCalculation && changeSwitch.IsToggled, fireRepeatedlySwitch.IsToggled, allowRegularExpression && regexSwitch.IsToggled, startTimePicker.Time, endTimePicker.Time));
                    await Navigation.PopAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync($"Failed to add trigger:  {ex.Message}");

                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log($"Failed to add trigger:  {ex.Message}", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());


            Content = new ScrollView
                Content = contentLayout
예제 #30
		private void	CubeMapSamplerNormal( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Math.Abs( _Pixel.Normal.x) );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Math.Abs( _Pixel.Normal.y) );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Math.Abs( _Pixel.Normal.z) );
			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 127 * (1.0f + _Pixel.Normal.x) );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 127 * (1.0f + _Pixel.Normal.y) );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 127 * (1.0f + _Pixel.Normal.z) );
예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts JSON to a Protocol object. Private because Protocols should always be serialized as encrypted binary codes, and this function works with unencrypted strings (it's called in service of the former).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json">JSON to deserialize.</param>
        private static void DisplayFromJsonAsync(string json)
            new Thread(() =>
                    #region allow protocols to be opened across platforms by manually editing the namespaces in the JSON
                    string newJSON;
                    switch (SensusServiceHelper.Get().GetType().Name)
                    case "AndroidSensusServiceHelper":
                        newJSON = json.Replace(".iOS", ".Android").Replace(".WinPhone", ".Android");

                    case "iOSSensusServiceHelper":
                        newJSON = json.Replace(".Android", ".iOS").Replace(".WinPhone", ".iOS");

                    case "WinPhone":
                        newJSON = json.Replace(".Android", ".WinPhone").Replace(".iOS", ".WinPhone");

                        throw new SensusException("Attempted to deserialize JSON into unknown service helper type:  " + SensusServiceHelper.Get().GetType().FullName);

                    if (newJSON == json)
                        SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("No cross-platform conversion required for service helper JSON.", LoggingLevel.Normal, typeof(Protocol));
                        SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Performed cross-platform conversion of service helper JSON.", LoggingLevel.Normal, typeof(Protocol));
                        json = newJSON;

                    Protocol protocol             = null;
                    ManualResetEvent protocolWait = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                    // always deserialize protocols on the main thread (e.g., since a looper might be required for android)
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                            protocol = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Protocol>(json, SensusServiceHelper.JSON_SERIALIZER_SETTINGS);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Error while deserializing protocol:  " + ex.Message, LoggingLevel.Normal, typeof(Protocol));


                    if (protocol == null)
                        SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Failed to deserialize protocol.", LoggingLevel.Normal, typeof(Protocol));
                        SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Failed to deserialize protocol.");
                        Action <Protocol> StartProtocol = p =>
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                                if (!(App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Last() is ProtocolsPage))
                                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new ProtocolsPage());

                                p.StartWithUserAgreement("You just opened a protocol named \"" + p.Name + "\" within Sensus." + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.StartupAgreement) ? "" : " Please read the following terms and conditions."));

                        Protocol existingProtocol = SensusServiceHelper.Get().RegisteredProtocols.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == protocol.Id);

                        if (existingProtocol == null)
                            Probe.GetAllAsync(probes =>
                                // add any probes for the current platform that didn't come through when deserializing. for example, android has a listening WLAN probe, but iOS has a polling WLAN probe. neither will come through on the other platform when deserializing, since the types are not defined.
                                List <Type> deserializedProbeTypes = protocol.Probes.Select(p => p.GetType()).ToList();

                                foreach (Probe probe in probes)
                                    if (!deserializedProbeTypes.Contains(probe.GetType()))
                                        SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Adding missing probe to protocol:  " + probe.GetType().FullName, LoggingLevel.Normal, typeof(Protocol));

                                // reset the random time anchor -- we shouldn't use the same one that someone else used

                                // reset the storage directory
                                protocol.StorageDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), protocol.Id);
                                if (!Directory.Exists(protocol.StorageDirectory))


                        else if (existingProtocol.Running)
                            SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Protocol \"" + existingProtocol.Name + "\" is already running.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Failed to deserialize/display protocol from JSON:  " + ex.Message, LoggingLevel.Normal, typeof(Protocol));
                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Failed to deserialize and/or display protocol.");
예제 #32
		private void	CubeMapSamplerFaceIndex( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			byte	C = (byte) (_Pixel.FaceIndex & 0xFF);
			_R = _G = _B = C;
예제 #33
 protected override void PostStop()
예제 #34
		private void	CubeMapSamplerNeighborProbeID( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			byte	C = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * ((1+_Pixel.NeighborProbeID) % 4) / 4 );
			_R = _G = _B = C;
예제 #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProbePage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="probe">Probe to display.</param>
        public ProbePage(Probe probe)
            Title = "Probe";

            StackLayout contentLayout = new StackLayout
                Orientation     = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            string type = "";

            if (probe is ListeningProbe)
                type = "Listening";
            else if (probe is PollingProbe)
                type = "Polling";

            contentLayout.Children.Add(new ContentView
                Content = new Label
                    Text              = probe.DisplayName + (type == "" ? "" : " (" + type + ")"),
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Italic,
                    TextColor         = Color.Accent,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
                Padding = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 10)

            foreach (StackLayout stack in UiProperty.GetPropertyStacks(probe))

            #region script probes
            if (probe is ScriptProbe)
                ScriptProbe scriptProbe = probe as ScriptProbe;

                Button editScriptsButton = new Button
                    Text     = "Edit Scripts",
                    FontSize = 20


                editScriptsButton.Clicked += async(o, e) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new ScriptRunnersPage(scriptProbe));

                Button shareScriptButton = new Button
                    Text     = "Share Definition",
                    FontSize = 20


                shareScriptButton.Clicked += async(o, e) =>
                    string sharePath = SensusServiceHelper.Get().GetSharePath(".json");

                    using (StreamWriter shareFile = new StreamWriter(sharePath))
                        shareFile.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(probe, SensusServiceHelper.JSON_SERIALIZER_SETTINGS));

                    await SensusServiceHelper.Get().ShareFileAsync(sharePath, "Probe Definition", "application/json");

            #region proximity probe
            if (probe is IPointsOfInterestProximityProbe)
                Button editTriggersButton = new Button
                    Text              = "Edit Triggers",
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand


                editTriggersButton.Clicked += async(o, e) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new ProximityTriggersPage(probe as IPointsOfInterestProximityProbe));

            #region estimote probe
            if (probe is EstimoteBeaconProbe)
                Button editBeaconsButton = new Button
                    Text              = "Edit Beacons",
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand


                editBeaconsButton.Clicked += async(sender, e) =>
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new EstimoteBeaconProbeBeaconsPage(probe as EstimoteBeaconProbe));

            #region anonymization
            List <PropertyInfo> anonymizableProperties = probe.DatumType.GetProperties().Where(property => property.GetCustomAttribute <Anonymizable>() != null).ToList();

            if (anonymizableProperties.Count > 0)
                contentLayout.Children.Add(new Label
                    Text              = "Anonymization",
                    FontSize          = 20,
                    FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Italic,
                    TextColor         = Color.Accent,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

                List <StackLayout> anonymizablePropertyStacks = new List <StackLayout>();

                foreach (PropertyInfo anonymizableProperty in anonymizableProperties)
                    Anonymizable anonymizableAttribute = anonymizableProperty.GetCustomAttribute <Anonymizable>(true);

                    Label propertyLabel = new Label
                        Text              = anonymizableAttribute.PropertyDisplayName ?? anonymizableProperty.Name + ":",
                        FontSize          = 20,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start

                    // populate a picker of anonymizers for the current property
                    Picker anonymizerPicker = new Picker
                        Title             = "Select Anonymizer",
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                    anonymizerPicker.Items.Add("Do Not Anonymize");
                    foreach (Anonymizer anonymizer in anonymizableAttribute.AvailableAnonymizers)

                    anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) =>
                        Anonymizer selectedAnonymizer = null;
                        if (anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndex > 0)
                            selectedAnonymizer = anonymizableAttribute.AvailableAnonymizers[anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndex - 1];  // subtract one from the selected index since the JsonAnonymizer's collection of anonymizers start after the "None" option within the picker.

                        probe.Protocol.JsonAnonymizer.SetAnonymizer(anonymizableProperty, selectedAnonymizer);

                    // set the picker's index to the current anonymizer (or "Do Not Anonymize" if there is no current)
                    Anonymizer currentAnonymizer = probe.Protocol.JsonAnonymizer.GetAnonymizer(anonymizableProperty);
                    int        currentIndex      = 0;
                    if (currentAnonymizer != null)
                        currentIndex = anonymizableAttribute.AvailableAnonymizers.IndexOf(currentAnonymizer) + 1;

                    anonymizerPicker.SelectedIndex = currentIndex;

                    StackLayout anonymizablePropertyStack = new StackLayout
                        Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        Children          = { propertyLabel, anonymizerPicker }


                foreach (StackLayout anonymizablePropertyStack in anonymizablePropertyStacks.OrderBy(s => (s.Children[0] as Label).Text))

            Content = new ScrollView
                Content = contentLayout
예제 #36
		private void	CubeMapSamplerSetAlbedo( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			Probe.Set	S = _Pixel.ParentSet;
			if ( S == null || S.SetIndex == -1 || (m_IsolateSet && S.SetIndex != m_IsolatedSetIndex) )
				_R = _G = _B = 0;

			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * S.Albedo.x );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * S.Albedo.y );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * S.Albedo.z );
예제 #37
 private void FlashChartDataCountAsync(Probe probe)
     SensusServiceHelper.Get().FlashNotificationAsync("Displaying " + probe.MaxChartDataCount + " point" + (probe.MaxChartDataCount == 1 ? "" : "s") + ".", false, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
예제 #38
		private void	CubeMapSamplerSetNormal( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			Probe.Set	S = _Pixel.ParentSet;
			if ( S == null || S.SetIndex == -1 || (m_IsolateSet && S.SetIndex != m_IsolatedSetIndex) )
				_R = _G = _B = 0;

			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Math.Abs( S.Normal.x) );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Math.Abs( S.Normal.y) );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Math.Abs( S.Normal.z) );
			_R = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 127 * (1.0f + S.Normal.x) );
			_G = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 127 * (1.0f + S.Normal.y) );
			_B = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 127 * (1.0f + S.Normal.z) );
예제 #39
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            Menu menu = new Menu();

              context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

              //StringBuilder response = this.GetResponse();
            // Create and register new channel
            this.channel_ = new IiopClientChannel();

            ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(this.channel_, false);

            //Accessing the target object provided by TEM service
            this.tem_ =

            DataAcquisitionController[] dacs = this.tem_.get_DACs();

            if (0 < dacs.Length)
              menu.Dacs = new List<DAC>();

              foreach (DataAcquisitionController dac in dacs)
            DAC dac_element = new DAC();
            dac_element.Name = dac.name;
            dac_element.Probes = new List<Probe>();
            this.probes_ = dac.get_probe_instances();
            if (0 < this.probes_.Length)
              foreach (ProbeInstance probe in this.probes_)
                Probe probe_element = new Probe();
                probe_element.Name = probe.inst_name;
                probe_element.Einode_Name = probe.einode_name;
                probe_element.Uuid = probe.inst_uuid;
                probe_element.Type_Name = probe.inst_type_name;


              StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
              JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();

예제 #40
		private void	CubeMapSamplerSetSamples( Probe.Pixel _Pixel, out byte _R, out byte _G, out byte _B )
			Probe.Set	S = _Pixel.ParentSet;
			if ( S == null || S.SetIndex == -1 || S.EmissiveMatID != -1 || (m_IsolateSet && S.SetIndex != m_IsolatedSetIndex) )
				_R = 0;
				_G = 0;
				_B = 0;

// 			float	Distance2SetCenter = 0.2f * (_Pixel.Position - S.Position).Length;
// 			byte	C = (byte) Math.Min( 255, 255 * Distance2SetCenter );

			byte	C = (byte) (255 * (1+_Pixel.ParentSetSampleIndex) / S.Samples.Length);

			_R = _G = _B = C;
예제 #41
 public IsolatedPingWindow(Probe pingItem)
     pingItem.IsolatedWindow = this;
     DataContext             = pingItem;
 private void EndProbeDeserialize(
     StreamReader streamReader, 
     SerializationContext serializationContext, 
     PropertyMetaData propertyMetaData, 
     object deserializedObject, 
     Probe probe)
     probe.DiagnosticInfo.Length = streamReader.Position - probe.DiagnosticInfo.Offset;
     probe.DiagnosticInfo.Value = deserializedObject;
예제 #43
        public void Clone()
            MachineModel original = new MachineModel();

            Endstop endstop = new Endstop
                Triggered = true,
                Type      = EndstopType.MotorStallAny,
                Probe     = 0


            Probe probe = new Probe
                DisablesBed   = true,
                DiveHeight    = 45.6F,
                Inverted      = true,
                MaxProbeCount = 4,
                RecoveryTime  = 0.65F,
                Speed         = 456,
                Threshold     = 678,
                Tolerance     = 0.42F,
                TravelSpeed   = 500,
                TriggerHeight = 1.23F,
                Type          = ProbeType.Switch,
                Value         = 45


            MachineModel clone = (MachineModel)original.Clone();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, original.Sensors.Endstops.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Endstops[0].Triggered, clone.Sensors.Endstops[0].Triggered);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Endstops[0].Type, clone.Sensors.Endstops[0].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Endstops[0].Probe, clone.Sensors.Endstops[0].Probe);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, original.Sensors.Probes.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].DisablesBed, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].DisablesBed);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].DiveHeight, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].DiveHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Inverted, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Inverted);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].MaxProbeCount, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].MaxProbeCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].RecoveryTime, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].RecoveryTime);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].SecondaryValues, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].SecondaryValues);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Speed, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Speed);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Threshold, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Threshold);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Tolerance, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Tolerance);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].TravelSpeed, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].TravelSpeed);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].TriggerHeight, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].TriggerHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Type, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Value, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Value);

            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Endstops[0].Triggered, clone.Sensors.Endstops[0].Triggered);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Endstops[0].Type, clone.Sensors.Endstops[0].Type);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Endstops[0].Probe, clone.Sensors.Endstops[0].Probe);

            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].DisablesBed, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].DisablesBed);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].DiveHeight, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].DiveHeight);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Inverted, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Inverted);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].MaxProbeCount, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].MaxProbeCount);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].RecoveryTime, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].RecoveryTime);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].SecondaryValues, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].SecondaryValues);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Speed, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Speed);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Threshold, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Threshold);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Tolerance, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Tolerance);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].TravelSpeed, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].TravelSpeed);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].TriggerHeight, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].TriggerHeight);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Type, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Type);
            Assert.AreNotSame(original.Sensors.Probes[0].Value, clone.Sensors.Probes[0].Value);