protected void WeekChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList ddlWeekList = (DropDownList)sender; int weekNum = int.Parse(ddlWeekList.SelectedValue); MemberExercisePlan myPlan; if (Session["MPID"] != null) { int mPlanId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["MPID"]); myPlan = dbAccess.GetMemberExercisePlan(mPlanId); } else { myPlan = dbAccess.GetCurrentMemberPlanOrStartingPlan(memberId); } PrizeExercisePlan plan = dbAccess.GetExercisePlan(myPlan.ExercisePlanId); lblPlanInfo.Text = "Plan " + plan.PlanName + " from " + PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(myPlan.StartDate) + " to " + PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(myPlan.EndDate.Value); LoadFoodPlanWeek(memberId, myPlan, weekNum); }
private void BindGrid() { using (DIYPTEntities db = new DIYPTEntities()) { db.Database.Connection.Open(); { var languages = from a in db.MemberPlanWeekResults join b in db.PrizeMembers on a.MemberId equals b.UmbracoId join c in db.MemberExercisePlanWeeks on a.MemberExercisePlanWeekId equals c.Id join d in db.MemberExercisePlans on c.MemberExercisePlanId equals d.Id join e in db.PrizeExercisePlans on d.ExercisePlanId equals e.Id where a.MemberId == memberId && d.Status.EndsWith("P") orderby d.StartDate descending, c.StartDate select new { Memberid = a.MemberId, Firstname = b.Firstname, Surname = b.Surname, Week = c.Week, Status = c.Status, StartDate = c.StartDate, EndDate = c.EndDate, PlanName = e.PlanName, EndWeight = a.EndWeight, EndWaist = a.EndWaist, EndBodyFat = a.EndBodyFat, EndChest = a.EndChest, EndHip = a.EndHip, EndHeartRate = a.EndHeartRate, FrontPhoto = a.FrontPhoto, BackPhoto = a.BackPhoto, SidePhoto = a.SidePhoto, Tasks = a.Tasks, }; GridView1.DataSource = languages.ToList(); GridView1.DataBind(); MemberExercisePlan myPlan = null; MemberExercisePlanWeek myPlanWeek = null; if (Session["MPID"] != null) { int mPlanId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["MPID"]); myPlan = dbAccess.GetMemberExercisePlan(mPlanId); } else { myPlan = dbAccess.GetCurrentMemberPlanOrStartingPlan(memberId); myPlanWeek = dbAccess.GetCurrentMemberPlanWeek(memberId); } this.btnSave.Enabled = false; if (myPlan != null) { this.btnSave.Enabled = true; var memberPlanWeeks = from a in db.MemberExercisePlanWeeks where a.MemberExercisePlanId == myPlan.Id orderby a.Week select new { WeekText = a.Week, WeekNum = a.Week }; ddlWeek.DataValueField = "WeekNum"; ddlWeek.DataTextField = "WeekText"; ddlWeek.DataSource = memberPlanWeeks.ToList(); ddlWeek.DataBind(); int weekNum = -1; if (myPlanWeek != null) { weekNum = myPlanWeek.Week; } PrizeExercisePlan plan = dbAccess.GetExercisePlan(myPlan.ExercisePlanId); lblPlanInfo.Text = "Plan " + plan.PlanName + " from " + PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(myPlan.StartDate) + " to " + PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(myPlan.EndDate.Value); LoadFoodPlanWeek(memberId, myPlan, weekNum); } } db.Database.Connection.Close(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int memberId = PrizeMemberAuthUtils.GetMemberID(); var exercisePlan = dbAccess.GetCurrentMemberPlanOrStartingPlan(memberId); if (exercisePlan == null) { PrizeMember member = PrizeMemberAuthUtils.GetMemberData(memberId); PrizeMemberPlanManager planMan = new PrizeMemberPlanManager(); Response.Redirect(planMan.GetEmptyPlanJumpURL(member)); } MemberExercisePlanWeek memberPlanWeek; if (Request["MemberPlanWeekID"] != null) { int memberPlanWeekId; int.TryParse(Request["MemberPlanWeekID"], out memberPlanWeekId); memberPlanWeek = dbAccess.GetMemberPlanWeekById(memberPlanWeekId); } else { memberPlanWeek = dbAccess.GetCurrentMemberPlanWeek(memberId); } if (memberPlanWeek == null) { divMealPlanContent.Visible = false; divNotStarted.Visible = true; return; } int iWeekNum = memberPlanWeek.Week; lblWeekNum.Text = "Week " + iWeekNum; divMainMealPlan.Attributes.Add("class", "tab-inner-content nodisplay wk" + iWeekNum); lblDateDuration.Text = PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(memberPlanWeek.StartDate) + " - " + PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(memberPlanWeek.EndDate); MemberExercisePlan memberPlan = dbAccess.GetCurrentMemberPlan(memberId); if (memberPlan == null) { return; } PrizeExercisePlan plan = dbAccess.GetExercisePlan(memberPlan.ExercisePlanId); if (plan == null) { return; } lblPlanProgram.Text = plan.PrizePlanProgram.Name; MemberExercisePlanWeek prevWeek = dbAccess.GetMemberPlanWeekByMemberPlanAndWeek(memberPlan.Id, memberPlanWeek.Week - 1); if (prevWeek != null) { int prevWeekNum = iWeekNum - 1; weekPre.NavigateUrl = "/my-account/meal-plan?MemberPlanWeekID=" + prevWeek.Id; weekPre.Text = "Week " + (memberPlanWeek.Week - 1); } else { weekPre.Attributes.Add("class", "no-arrow"); } MemberExercisePlanWeek nextWeek = dbAccess.GetMemberPlanWeekByMemberPlanAndWeek(memberPlan.Id, memberPlanWeek.Week + 1); if (nextWeek != null) { weekNext.NavigateUrl = "/my-account/meal-plan?MemberPlanWeekID=" + nextWeek.Id; weekNext.Text = "Week " + (memberPlanWeek.Week + 1); } else { weekNext.Attributes.Add("class", "no-arrow"); } MemberFoodPlanWeek foodWeek = dbAccess.GetMemberFoodPlanWeek(memberId, memberPlanWeek.MemberExercisePlanId, memberPlanWeek.Week); if (foodWeek == null) { return; } if (foodWeek.Food1 == null || foodWeek.Food1.Equals("")) { this.colories.Visible = false; } else { lblFood1.Text = foodWeek.Food1; } if (foodWeek.Food2 == null || foodWeek.Food2.Equals("")) { this.protein.Visible = false; } else { lblFood2.Text = foodWeek.Food2; } if (foodWeek.Food3 == null || foodWeek.Food3.Equals("")) { this.carbo.Visible = false; } else { lblFood3.Text = foodWeek.Food3; } if (foodWeek.Food4 == null || foodWeek.Food4.Equals("")) { this.fats.Visible = false; } else { lblFood4.Text = foodWeek.Food4; } if (foodWeek.Food5 != null) { string[] sPersentage = foodWeek.Food5.Split(';'); if (sPersentage.Length > 0) { lblFood5.Text = sPersentage[0]; if (sPersentage.Length > 1) { lblFood6.Text = sPersentage[1]; if (sPersentage.Length > 2) { lblFood7.Text = sPersentage[2]; } } } } }
protected void LoadWeeklyInfo(int memberID, PrizeExercisePlanWeek planWeek, MemberExercisePlanWeek memberPlanWeek) { dayNumber = PrizeCommonUtils.GetSystemDate().GetDayOfWeek(); int memberId = PrizeMemberAuthUtils.GetMemberID(); using (DIYPTEntities db = new DIYPTEntities()) { db.Database.Connection.Open(); lblDateDuration.Text = PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(memberPlanWeek.StartDate) + " - " + PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(memberPlanWeek.EndDate); for (int i = 0; i < lblDates.Count; i++) { lblDates[i].Text = PrizeCommonUtils.ParseShortDateToEnglish(memberPlanWeek.StartDate.AddDays(i)); HyperLink linkDay = FindControl("linkDay" + (i + 1)) as HyperLink; if (linkDay != null && planWeek != null) { linkDay.NavigateUrl = (String.Format("{0}?PlanWeekId={1}&MemberPlanWeekId={2}&PlanDayNumber={3}", PrizeConstants.URL_MEMBER_DAY_VIEW, planWeek.Id, memberPlanWeek.Id, i + 1)); } else if (planWeek == null) { //Orientation week linkDay.NavigateUrl = "/orientation/day-" + (i + 1); labels[i].Text = "Orientation day " + (i + 1); } } if (planWeek == null) { lblWeekNum.Text = "Week 0"; PrizeDataAccess dba = new PrizeDataAccess(); if (dba.MemberInOrientation(PrizeMemberAuthUtils.GetMemberID())) { topInfo.Visible = false; } db.Database.Connection.Close(); return; } int iWeekNum = memberPlanWeek.Week; lblWeekNum.Text = "Week " + iWeekNum; string[] planWeekDesc = planWeek.Description.Split('\n'); bool bEquipmentSession = false; if (strEquipments == null) { strEquipments = new List <string>(); } for (int i = 0; i < planWeekDesc.Length; i++) { string[] strKeyValue = planWeekDesc[i].Split(':'); if (strKeyValue != null && strKeyValue.Length > 1) { if ((i == 1) && (strKeyValue[0].IndexOf("phase", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)) { lblTrainingPhase.Text = strKeyValue[1]; continue; } if ((i == 2) && (strKeyValue[0].IndexOf("phase duration", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 || (strKeyValue[0].IndexOf("training duration", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0))) { lblDuration.Text = strKeyValue[1]; continue; } if (strKeyValue[0].IndexOf("equipment", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { bEquipmentSession = true; strEquipments.Clear(); continue; } } if (bEquipmentSession && Regex.Matches(planWeekDesc[i], @"[a-zA-Z]").Count > 0) { strEquipments.Add(planWeekDesc[i]); continue; } } if (strEquipments != null && strEquipments.Count > 0) { string tempLiteral = "<ul class='equipment-list'>"; foreach (var e in strEquipments) { if (e != " ") { tempLiteral += "<li>" + e + "</li>"; } } tempLiteral += "</ul>"; equipmentLiteral.Text = tempLiteral; equipmentLiteralMobile.Text = tempLiteral; equipmentDiv.Visible = true; } DataSet myPlan = dbAccess.GetExercisePlanInfo((int)planWeek.ExercisePlanId); if (myPlan.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { db.Database.Connection.Close(); return; } this.lblGoal.Text = myPlan.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProgramName"].ToString(); LoadDailyInfo(memberId, planWeek); //PrizePlanProgram myProgram = (from c in db.PrizePlanPrograms // where c.Id == planWeek.ExercisePlanId // select c).FirstOrDefault(); db.Database.Connection.Close(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int.TryParse(Request["PlanWeekId"], out iPlanWeekId); int.TryParse(Request["PlanDayNumber"], out iDay); int.TryParse(Request["MemberPlanWeekId"], out memberPlanWeekId); MemberExercisePlanWeek memberPlanWeek = dbAccess.GetMemberPlanWeekById(memberPlanWeekId); if (memberPlanWeek != null) { lblDate.Text = PrizeCommonUtils.ParseDateToEnglish(memberPlanWeek.StartDate.AddDays(iDay - 1)); } lblDayNum.Text = "" + iDay; lblDayTypeName.Text = PrizeConstants.STR_NO_TRAINNING; DataSet ds = dbAccess.GetMemberWeeklyInfo(iPlanWeekId); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { int iWeekDay = (int)row[0]; if (iWeekDay == iDay) { lblDayTypeName.Text = (String)row[2]; } } if (lblDayTypeName.Text.ToLower() == PrizeConstants.STR_NO_TRAINNING.ToLower()) { divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divRest.Visible = true; } lblDay.Text = PrizeCommonUtils.ParseWeekDayToEnglish(iDay); MemberExercisePlan myPlan = dbAccess.GetMemberExercisePlan(memberPlanWeek.MemberExercisePlanId); if (iDay > 1) { preDay.NavigateUrl = (String.Format("{0}?PlanWeekId={1}&MemberPlanWeekId={2}&PlanDayNumber={3}", PrizeConstants.URL_MEMBER_DAY_VIEW, iPlanWeekId, memberPlanWeekId, iDay - 1)); preDay.Text = "Previous Day"; } else { MemberExercisePlanWeek prevWeek = dbAccess.GetMemberPlanWeekByMemberPlanAndWeek(myPlan.Id, memberPlanWeek.Week - 1); if (prevWeek != null) { preDay.NavigateUrl = (String.Format("{0}?PlanWeekId={1}&MemberPlanWeekId={2}&PlanDayNumber={3}", PrizeConstants.URL_MEMBER_DAY_VIEW, iPlanWeekId, prevWeek.Id, 7)); preDay.Text = "Previous Day"; } else { preDay.Attributes.Add("class", "no-arrow"); } } if (iDay < 7) { nextDay.NavigateUrl = (String.Format("{0}?PlanWeekId={1}&MemberPlanWeekId={2}&PlanDayNumber={3}", PrizeConstants.URL_MEMBER_DAY_VIEW, iPlanWeekId, memberPlanWeekId, iDay + 1)); nextDay.Text = "Next Day"; } else { MemberExercisePlanWeek nextWeek = dbAccess.GetMemberPlanWeekByMemberPlanAndWeek(myPlan.Id, memberPlanWeek.Week + 1); if (nextWeek != null) { nextDay.NavigateUrl = (String.Format("{0}?PlanWeekId={1}&MemberPlanWeekId={2}&PlanDayNumber={3}", PrizeConstants.URL_MEMBER_DAY_VIEW, iPlanWeekId, nextWeek.Id, 1)); nextDay.Text = "Next Day"; } else { nextDay.Attributes.Add("class", "no-arrow"); } } InitPageControls(); DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; PrizeDataAccess db = new PrizeDataAccess(); var memberExercisePlan = db.GetCurrentMemberPlanOrStartingPlan(PrizeMemberAuthUtils.GetMemberID()); if (memberExercisePlan != null) { var exercisePlan = db.GetExercisePlan(memberExercisePlan.ExercisePlanId); if (exercisePlan != null) { if (exercisePlan.PlanName.ToLower().Contains("home") && (exercisePlan.PlanName.ToLower().Contains("intermediate") || exercisePlan.PlanName.ToLower().Contains("advanced")) ) { DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = true; } } } switch (lblDayTypeName.Text.Trim()) { case "Time to celebrate": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divRest.Visible = true; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; break; case "30min brisk walk": case "Brisk walk": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divWalk.Visible = true; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; break; case "30-60min weekend physical activity": case "Weekend physical activity": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divWeekend.Visible = true; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; break; case "Own 1hr cardio": case "Own training": case "Own cardio": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divCardio.Visible = true; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; break; case "Milestone workout = 20x pushups, squats, situps": case "Milestone workout 2": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divSquat.Visible = true; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; break; case "Milestone workout = 20 pushups & make your bed": case "Milestone workout 1": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divPushup.Visible = true; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; break; case "Measurement day and rest": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; divMeasurement.Visible = true; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; break; case "Milestone workout = 20 star jumps & make your bed": divWarmup.Visible = divCooldown.Visible = divLegend.Visible = false; DivAdvanceEquipment.Visible = false; //divMeasurement.Visible = true; break; default: break; } LoadDailyInfo(iPlanWeekId, iDay); // nextDay.Text = "Next day tuesday"; // nextDay.NavigateUrl = "/tuesday#?"; }