private void btnBGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int[] selRows = ((GridView)grdPOrders.MainView).GetSelectedRows(); DataRowView oPOrderID = (DataRowView)(((GridView)grdPOrders.MainView).GetRow(selRows[0])); int nPOrderID = Convert.ToInt32(oPOrderID["POrderID"]); if (nPOrderID <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("select an item for BC Generate", "Item not yet selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } POrder oPOr = null; if (nPOrderID > 0) { oPOr = db.POrders.FirstOrDefault(po => po.POrderID == nPOrderID); } PrintInvoice oPInovice = new PrintInvoice(); if (oPOr != null) { oPInovice.PrintBarcode(oPOr); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void btnCreateInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateFields() || !stbFeePercent.Validate()) { return; } SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = "faktura-sag-" + cCase.Id + ".txt"; sfd.Filter = "Text File | *.txt"; sfd.DefaultExt = "txt"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { double feePercent = Convert.ToDouble(stbFeePercent.Text) / 100; double fee = Convert.ToInt64(stbSellingPrice.Text) * feePercent; CaseController.Instance.SaveActiveCase(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(sfd.OpenFile()); writer.Write(PrintInvoice.CreatePrintInvoice(cCase, CaseController.Instance.GetDocuments(), fee)); writer.Close(); Process.Start(sfd.FileName); baseView.NextStep(); } }
private void btnPOS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int[] selRows = ((GridView)grdOrders.MainView).GetSelectedRows(); DataRowView oOrderID = (DataRowView)((GridView)grdOrders.MainView).GetRow(selRows[0]); int nOrdersID = Convert.ToInt32(oOrderID["OrderID"]); if (nOrdersID <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Select an item to generate invoice ", "item yet not selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } if (nOrdersID > 0) { _Order = db.SOrders.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SOrderID == nOrdersID); } if (_Order == null) { MessageBox.Show("select an item to generate invoice", "Item not yet selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } PrintInvoice oPriInvoice = new PrintInvoice(); oPriInvoice.print(_Order); } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot generate invoice due to " + Ex.Message); } }
public Normal(object Document, app_document_range app_range, PrintStyles PrintStyle) { if (app_range.app_document != null ? app_range.app_document.style_reciept : false || app_range.app_document != null ? app_range.app_document.id_application == App.Names.PointOfSale:false) { TicketPrint.Document_Print(app_range.app_document.id_document, Document); } else { string DocumentName = string.Empty; if (app_range != null) { DocumentName =; } else { DocumentName = "PurchaseInvoice"; } string PathFull = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\CogntivoERP\\TemplateFiles\\" + + ".rdlc"; if (Directory.Exists(PathFull) == false) { CreateFile(app_range); } DataSource DataSource = new DataSource(); /// if (PrintStyle == PrintStyles.Automatic && !app_range.use_default_printer && app_range.printer_name != null) { LocalReport LocalReport = new LocalReport(); PrintInvoice PrintInvoice = new PrintInvoice(); LocalReport.ReportPath = PathFull; // Path of the rdlc file LocalReport.DataSources.Add(DataSource.Create(Document)); PrintInvoice.Export(LocalReport); PrintInvoice.Print(app_range.printer_name); } else { DocumentViewr DocumentViewr = new DocumentViewr(); DocumentViewr.reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = PathFull; // Path of the rdlc file DocumentViewr.reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(DataSource.Create(Document)); DocumentViewr.reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = DocumentViewr }; window.ShowDialog(); } } }
public void should_call_PrintInvoice() { //arrange var request = new PrintInvoice(); //act var actual = Sut.PrintInvoice(TakeInvoice(), request); //assert Assert.AreEqual(200, actual.Code); Assert.IsEmpty(actual.Message); Assert.AreEqual("OK", actual.Status); }
/// <summary> /// Print & mail an invoice /// details: /// </summary> public ICustomResponse <bool> PrintInvoice(int invoiceId, PrintInvoice request) { return(GetCustomBool($"/invoice/{invoiceId}?action=print", request)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PrintInvoice printInvoice = new PrintInvoice(new Invoice(1, "invoice2", 120, 23.1f, .18f)); printInvoice.Print(); }
private void createInvoice() { try { string mucDichID = ""; string mucDichSD = ""; if (poorRadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "a770acf2-0f54-43ce-8695-10c7c4072c64"; mucDichSD = "Hộ nghèo"; } else if (lowIncomeRadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "7e17ce3d-ea0c-4a6a-9048-47c563991fd6"; mucDichSD = "Hộ thu nhập thấp"; } else if (sinhHoatRadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "e00f133e-f43c-4dc5-8ebb-a747200416c9"; mucDichSD = "Sinh hoạt"; } else if (hanhChinhRadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "068b5479-814c-4576-86ea-8684b07ffb4a"; mucDichSD = "Hành chính"; } else if (kinhDoanh1RadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "0cd8fc10-1369-4b21-9c59-806ada969bdb"; mucDichSD = "Kinh doanh 1"; } else if (kinhDoanh2RadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "3f4627cb-3ae3-4fcf-86e1-117b1dfcac4d"; mucDichSD = "Kinh doanh 2"; } else if (sanXuat1RadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "a8794644-b056-41dd-b515-bec60477947a"; mucDichSD = "Sản xuất 1"; } else if (sanXuat2RadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "d4770373-51bb-4d7a-90d1-327c7043cdeb"; mucDichSD = "Sản xuất 2"; } else if (sanXuat3RadioButton.Checked) { mucDichID = "422cf080-b750-411d-a895-9550b8950b66"; mucDichSD = "Sản xuất 3"; } Customer kh = new Customer(soThuTuComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(), tenKhachTextBox.Text, diaChiTextBox.Text, soHoKhauTextBox.Text, maSoThueTextBox.Text); if (!kh.edit()) { MessageBox.Show("Việc thay đổi thông tin của khách hàng đã thất bại!\nBạn hãy thử thay đổi thông tin khách hàng trong form khách hàng rồi quay lại làm lại hóa đơn.", "Lỗi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } else { Invoice hoaDon; if (congToChetCheckBox.Checked == true) { hoaDon = new Invoice(soThuTuComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(), mucDichID, int.Parse(thangComboBox.Text), int.Parse(namComboBox.Text), int.Parse(soCuTextBox.Text), int.Parse(soMoiTextBox.Text), int.Parse(soCu2TextBox.Text), int.Parse(soMoi2TextBox.Text), int.Parse(heSoNhanTextBox.Text), int.Parse(noCuTextBox.Text), 0); } else { hoaDon = new Invoice(soThuTuComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(), mucDichID, int.Parse(thangComboBox.Text), int.Parse(namComboBox.Text), int.Parse(soCuTextBox.Text), int.Parse(soMoiTextBox.Text), 0, 0, int.Parse(heSoNhanTextBox.Text), int.Parse(noCuTextBox.Text), 0); } Program.calculateInvoice(tramComboBox.Text.Split(' '), hoaDon.NewNumber, hoaDon.OldNumber, hoaDon.NewNumber2, hoaDon.OldNumber2, hoaDon.Multiplier, poorRadioButton.Checked, giaPoorLabel.Text, lowIncomeRadioButton.Checked, giaLowIncome.Text, sinhHoatRadioButton.Checked, DataTier.getPrice("e00f133e-f43c-4dc5-8ebb-a747200416c9").Split(','), hanhChinhRadioButton.Checked, giaHCLabel.Text, kinhDoanh1RadioButton.Checked, giaKD1Label.Text, kinhDoanh2RadioButton.Checked, giaKD2Label.Text, sanXuat1RadioButton.Checked, giaSX1Label.Text, sanXuat2RadioButton.Checked, giaSX2Label.Text, sanXuat3RadioButton.Checked, giaSX3Label.Text, thangComboBox.Text, namComboBox.Text, int.Parse(noCuTextBox.Text)); string title = "Hóa đơn của khách hàng số " + soThuTuComboBox.Text + ", " + tramComboBox.Text + ", tháng " + thangComboBox.Text + ", năm " + namComboBox.Text + ", mục đích " + mucDichSD; if (mucDichSD == "Sinh hoạt") { Program.fillKetQuaSH(ketQuaSH); ketQuaSH.Text = title; dialogResult = ketQuaSH.ShowDialog(); } else if (mucDichSD == "Sản xuất 3") { ketQuaSX3Form.mucDichSD = mucDichSD; Program.fillKetQuaSX3(ketQuaSX3); ketQuaSX3.Text = title; dialogResult = ketQuaSX3.ShowDialog(); } else { ketQuaMDKForm.mucDichSD = mucDichSD; Program.fillKetQuaMDK(ketQuaMDK); if (mucDichSD == "Hộ nghèo" || mucDichSD == "Hộ thu nhập thấp") { title = "Hóa đơn của khách hàng số " + soThuTuComboBox.Text + ", " + tramComboBox.Text + ", tháng " + thangComboBox.Text + ", năm " + namComboBox.Text + " (" + mucDichSD + ")"; } ketQuaMDK.Text = title; dialogResult = ketQuaMDK.ShowDialog(); } if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { if (hoaDon.createHoaDon()) { var isOldInvoice = Program.isUsingOldInvoice(); ReportClass invoice = null; if (sanXuat3RadioButton.Checked) { if (isOldInvoice) { invoice = new PrintInvoiceSX3(); invoice.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4; invoice.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Portrait; } else { invoice = new PrintInvoiceSX3_201609(); invoice.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA5; invoice.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Landscape; } Program.setSX3InvoiceParams(hoaDon.getHoaDonID(), invoice); try { if (mayInCheckBox.Checked) { invoice.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 1, 1); //MessageBox.Show("Hóa đơn đã được in.", "In hóa đơn thành công", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } if (vanBanCheckBox.Checked) { string invoiceName = "HD Số thứ tự " + soThuTuComboBox.Text + " - " + tramComboBox.Text + " - Tháng " + thangComboBox.Text + " - Năm " + namComboBox.Text + ".doc"; invoice.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.WordForWindows, pathTextBox.Text + "\\" + invoiceName); //MessageBox.Show("Hóa đơn đã được xuất ra thư mục \"" + pathTextBox.Text + "\" \nvà có tên là \"" + invoiceName + "\"", "Xuất hóa đơn thành công", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Xuất hóa đơn thất bại: " + ex.Message, "Lỗi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } invoice.Dispose(); } else { if (isOldInvoice) { invoice = new PrintInvoice(); invoice.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4; invoice.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Portrait; } else { invoice = new PrintInvoice_201609(); invoice.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA5; invoice.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Landscape; } Program.setInvoiceParams(hoaDon.getHoaDonID(), invoice); try { if (mayInCheckBox.Checked) { invoice.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 1, 1); //MessageBox.Show("Hóa đơn đã được in.", "In hóa đơn thành công", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } if (vanBanCheckBox.Checked) { string invoiceName = "HD Số thứ tự " + soThuTuComboBox.Text + " - " + tramComboBox.Text + " - Tháng " + thangComboBox.Text + " - Năm " + namComboBox.Text + ".doc"; invoice.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.WordForWindows, pathTextBox.Text + "\\" + invoiceName); //MessageBox.Show("Hóa đơn đã được xuất ra thư mục \"" + pathTextBox.Text + "\" \nvà có tên là \"" + invoiceName + "\"", "Xuất hóa đơn thành công", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Xuất hóa đơn thất bại: " + ex.Message, "Lỗi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } invoice.Dispose(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Xuất hóa đơn thất bại! Bạn hãy thử nhập lại.", "Lỗi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show("Xuất hóa đơn thất bại! Bạn hãy thử nhập lại.", "Lỗi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } clearTextBoxes(); congToChetCheckBox.Checked = false; fillSTTKH(); soMoiTextBox.Focus(); }
public void loadSalesReturnReport(int id) { try { ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource(); reportDataSource.Name = "DataSet1"; // Name of the DataSet we set in .rdlc sales_return sales_return = db.sales_return.Where(x => x.id_sales_return == id).FirstOrDefault(); List <sales_return_detail> sales_return_detail = db.sales_return_detail.Where(x => x.id_sales_return == sales_return.id_sales_return).ToList(); reportDataSource.Value = sales_return_detail .Select(g => new { id_sales_return = g.id_sales_return, id_sales_return_detail = g.id_sales_return_detail, sales_return = g.id_sales_return_detail, id_company = g.id_company, add1 =, telephone =, email =, company_name =, item_code = g.item.code, item_description =, Description = g.item.item_brand != null ? : "", quantity = g.quantity, sub_Total = g.SubTotal, sub_Total_vat = g.SubTotal_Vat, unit_cost = g.unit_cost, unit_price = g.unit_cost, unit_price_vat = g.UnitPrice_Vat, terminale_name =, code = g.sales_return.code, contact_name =, trans_date = g.sales_return.trans_date, id_vat_group = g.id_vat_group, gov_id =, Number = g.sales_return.number, }).ToList(); string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); path = path + "\\CogntivoERP"; string SubFolder = ""; SubFolder = "\\TemplateFiles"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_Return.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Return.rdlc"); } else if (!Directory.Exists(path + SubFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_Return.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Return.rdlc"); } else if (!File.Exists(path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Return.rdlc")) { File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_Return.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Return.rdlc"); } if (!sales_return.app_document_range.use_default_printer) { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Return.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); } else { try { if (sales_return.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { LocalReport report = new LocalReport(); PrintInvoice PrintInvoice = new PrintInvoice(); report.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Return.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file report.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); PrintInvoice.Export(report); PrintInvoice.Print(sales_return.app_document_range.printer_name); } else { NotSupportedException ex = new NotSupportedException(); throw ex; } } catch { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Return.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = this }; window.ShowDialog(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void loadSalesInvoiceReport(int id) { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); path = path + "\\CogntivoERP"; string SubFolder = ""; SubFolder = "\\TemplateFiles"; ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource(); try { reportDataSource.Name = "DataSet1"; // Name of the DataSet we set in .rdlc //find the all sales invoice Detail List <sales_invoice_detail> sales_invoice_detail = db.sales_invoice_detail.Where(x => x.id_sales_invoice == id).ToList(); reportDataSource.Value = sales_invoice_detail .Select(g => new { //id_sales_invoice = g.id_sales_invoice, //id_sales_invoice_detail = g.id_sales_invoice_detail, sales_invoice = g.id_sales_invoice, id_company = g.id_company, add1 =, telephone =, email =, company_name =, item_code = g.item.code, item_description =, Description = g.item.item_brand != null ? : "", quantity = g.quantity, sub_Total = g.SubTotal, sub_Total_vat = g.SubTotal_Vat, unit_cost = g.unit_cost, unit_price = g.unit_price, unit_price_vat = g.UnitPrice_Vat, terminal_name =, code = g.sales_invoice.code, customer_contact_name =, customer_code =, customer_alias =, project_name = g.sales_invoice.project != null ? : "", sales_invoice_rep_name = g.sales_invoice.sales_rep != null ? : "", trans_date = g.sales_invoice.trans_date, id_vat_group = g.id_vat_group, gov_id =, sales_invoice_contract =, sales_invoice_condition =, sales_number = g.sales_invoice.number, sales_invoice_Comment = g.sales_invoice.comment }).ToList(); //copy report to the template folder path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); path = path + "\\CogntivoERP"; SubFolder = ""; SubFolder = "\\TemplateFiles"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Sales_Invoice.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc"); } else if (!Directory.Exists(path + SubFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Sales_Invoice.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc"); } else if (!File.Exists(path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc")) { File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Sales_Invoice.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc"); } //print report as per the use_default_printer if (!sales_invoice_detail.FirstOrDefault().sales_invoice.app_document_range.use_default_printer) { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); } else { try { if (sales_invoice_detail.FirstOrDefault().sales_invoice.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { LocalReport report = new LocalReport(); PrintInvoice PrintInvoice = new PrintInvoice(); report.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file report.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); PrintInvoice.Export(report); PrintInvoice.Print(sales_invoice_detail.FirstOrDefault().sales_invoice.app_document_range.printer_name); } else { NotSupportedException ex = new NotSupportedException(); throw ex; } } catch { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = this }; window.ShowDialog(); } } } catch { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Invoice.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = this }; window.ShowDialog(); } }
public void loadSalesPackingList(int id) { try { ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource(); reportDataSource.Name = "DataSet1"; // Name of the DataSet we set in .rdlc sales_packing sales_packing = db.sales_packing.Where(x => x.id_sales_packing == id).FirstOrDefault(); List <sales_packing_detail> sales_packing_detail = db.sales_packing_detail.Where(x => x.id_sales_packing == sales_packing.id_sales_packing).ToList(); reportDataSource.Value = sales_packing_detail .Select(g => new { contact_name =, customer_address =, customer_telephone =, customer_email =, company_Name =, sales_terminal =, branch_Name =, security_user_name =, trans_date = g.sales_packing.trans_date, sales_order_Comment = g.sales_packing.comment, item_code = g.item.code, item_description =, item_brand = g.item.item_brand != null ? : "", quantity = g.quantity, }).ToList(); string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); path = path + "\\CogntivoERP"; string SubFolder = ""; SubFolder = "\\TemplateFiles"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc"); } else if (!Directory.Exists(path + SubFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc"); } else if (!File.Exists(path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc")) { File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc"); } if (!sales_packing.app_document_range.use_default_printer) { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); } else { try { if (sales_packing.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { LocalReport report = new LocalReport(); PrintInvoice PrintInvoice = new PrintInvoice(); report.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file report.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); PrintInvoice.Export(report); PrintInvoice.Print(sales_packing.app_document_range.printer_name); } else { NotSupportedException ex = new NotSupportedException(); throw ex; } } catch { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_PackingList.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = this }; window.ShowDialog(); } } } catch { } }
public void loadSalesOrderReport(int id) { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); path = path + "\\CogntivoERP"; string SubFolder = ""; SubFolder = "\\TemplateFiles"; ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource(); try { reportDataSource.Name = "DataSet1"; // Name of the DataSet we set in .rdlc sales_order sales_order = db.sales_order.Where(x => x.id_sales_order == id).FirstOrDefault(); List <sales_order_detail> sales_order_detail = db.sales_order_detail.Where(x => x.id_sales_order == sales_order.id_sales_order).ToList(); reportDataSource.Value = sales_order_detail .Select(g => new { sales_budget_number = g.sales_order.sales_budget != null ? g.sales_order.sales_budget.number : "", contact_name =, customer_address =, customer_telephone =, customer_email =, company_Name =, sales_order_terminal =, branch_Name =, order_Code = g.sales_order.code, delivery_Date = g.sales_order.delivery_date, sales_number = g.sales_order.number, order_Total = g.sales_order.GrandTotal, project_Name = g.sales_order.project != null ? : "", sales_order_representative = g.sales_order.sales_rep != null ? : "", security_user_name =, trans_date = g.sales_order.trans_date, sales_order_contract =, sales_order_condition =, DeliveryDate = g.sales_order.delivery_date, sales_order_Comment = g.sales_order.comment, item_code = g.item.code, item_description =, item_brand = g.item.item_brand != null ? : "", quantity = g.quantity, sub_Total = g.SubTotal, sub_Total_vat = g.SubTotal_Vat, unit_cost = g.unit_cost, unit_price = g.unit_price, unit_price_vat = g.UnitPrice_Vat, }).ToList(); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_Order.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc"); } else if (!Directory.Exists(path + SubFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path + SubFolder); File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_Order.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc"); } else if (!File.Exists(path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc")) { File.Copy(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\bin\\debug\\Sales_Order.rdlc", path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc"); } if (!sales_order.app_document_range.use_default_printer) { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = this }; window.ShowDialog(); } else { try { if (sales_order.app_document_range.printer_name != null) { LocalReport report = new LocalReport(); PrintInvoice PrintInvoice = new PrintInvoice(); report.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file report.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); PrintInvoice.Export(report); PrintInvoice.Print(sales_order.app_document_range.printer_name); } else { NotSupportedException ex = new NotSupportedException(); throw ex; } } catch { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = this }; window.ShowDialog(); } } } catch { reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = path + SubFolder + "\\Sales_Order.rdlc"; // Path of the rdlc file reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); reportViewer.RefreshReport(); Window window = new Window { Title = "Report", Content = this }; window.ShowDialog(); } }
public bool CheckedOut(WholeOrPartialCheckoutDto req, bool isLocked) { bool result = true; #region 验证数据 //_checkOutService.VerifyOrderInfo(req); //var checkOutOrderDTO = _checkOutService.GetCheckOutOrderDTO(req.OrderId, req.TableIds); //_checkOutService.VerifyAndCalcDetailInfo(req, checkOutOrderDTO); #endregion var userInfo = OperatorProvider.Provider.GetCurrent(); var tableList = _tableRepository.GetlistByIds(req.TableIds); //获取台号列表 var model = new CheckOutPrint() { OrderType = isLocked ? "结账单" : "预结单", RestaurantName = req.RestaurantName ?? string.Empty, CheckOutUser = userInfo.UserName, OpenUser = req.OperUserName ?? string.Empty, ReserveUser = string.Empty, PrintDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), BillDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), Market = string.Empty, PersonNum = "0", OrderNo = "", TableName = string.Join(",", tableList.Select(p => p.Name).ToArray()), ListOrderDetailDTO = req.ListOrderDetailDTO, ConAmount = req.ConAmount.ToString(), GiveAmount = req.GiveAmount.ToString(), DiscountRateNow = req.DiscountRateNow.ToString(), DiscountAmount = req.DiscountAmount.ToString(), OriginalAmount = req.OriginalAmount.ToString(), ContactPerson = req.ContactPerson }; Type type = typeof(CheckOutPrint); Type typeDetail = typeof(OrderDetailDTO); #region 打印内容 PrintInvoice print = new PrintInvoice(); var tcpClient = print.GetMyPrint(); var stream = print.BuildStream(); var inputStream = print.GetStream(tcpClient, stream); string txt = string.Empty; int left = 0; string key = string.Empty; foreach (var item in print.root.Element("Page").Elements()) { if (item.Name == "Text") { txt = item.Value; left = Convert.ToInt32(item.Attribute("Left").Value); if (txt.Contains("{{") && txt.Contains("}}")) { key = ReplaceTemplate(txt); txt = txt.Replace("{{" + key + "}}", type.GetProperty(key).GetValue(model).ToString()); } print.PrintText(inputStream, txt, left); } else if (item.Name == "Loop") { string lopValues = item.Attribute("Values").Value; if (lopValues == "Detials") { if (model.ListOrderDetailDTO.Any()) { foreach (var detail in model.ListOrderDetailDTO) { foreach (var loopItem in item.Elements("Text")) { txt = loopItem.Value; left = Convert.ToInt32(item.Attribute("Left")); if (txt.Contains("{{") && txt.Contains("}}")) { key = ReplaceTemplate(txt); txt = txt.Replace("{{" + key + "}}", typeDetail.GetProperty(key).GetValue(detail).ToString()); } print.PrintText(inputStream, txt, left); } } } } } } //inputStream.Close(); print.PrintText(inputStream, print.root.ToString(), 0); print.QieZhi(inputStream); print.DiposeStreamClient(tcpClient, inputStream); #endregion return(result); }
public void TestExcel() { //var excelApplication = new Application(); //var _WorkBook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Open( // @"d:\20100429.xlsx", // 0, // false, // 5, // "comin", // "", // false, // XlPlatform.xlWindows, // "", // true, // false, // 0, // true, // false, // false); ////excelApplication.Visible = true; ////_WorkBook.PrintPreview(true); //try //{ // _WorkBook.PrintOut( // 1, // 1, // 1, // false, // "HP Color LaserJet 2600n (Network)", // false, // false, // ""); //} //catch (Exception exception) //{ // MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); //} //finally //{ // excelApplication.Workbooks.Close(); //} var saleItemBindingList = new BindingList <SaleItem> { CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem(), CreateSaleItem() }; var printReceipt = new PrintInvoice(); printReceipt.ExcelInvoicePrintingHandler( "EPSON LQ-300+ /II ESC/P 2", @"D:\users\ysakal\private\point of sales\ezpos\source code\bin\Debug\invoice-sale.xlsx", string.Empty, "Customer", "Address", "InvoiceNumber", DateTime.Now, 10, 5, 10, saleItemBindingList, false); Assert.AreEqual(1, 1, "Test performed"); }