//calculate price and apply the discount depending how far in the future the booking is made for private void calculatePrice(DateTime bookeddate, bool remove) { PricesDB pdb = new PricesDB(db); int baserate = pdb.getBase(); if (bookeddate > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(3) && bookeddate < DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6)) { currentDiscount = pdb.getMedDiscount(); //medium discount applied } else if (bookeddate >= DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6)) { currentDiscount = pdb.getMaxDiscount(); //max discount applied } else { currentDiscount = pdb.getMinDiscount(); //min discount applied } currentprice = baserate * (1 - currentDiscount / 100); if (remove)//check if we want to remove the cost { finalprice -= currentprice * 5; childsprice -= currentprice * 5; } else { finalprice += currentprice * 5; childsprice += currentprice * 5; } totalpricelbl.Visible = true; totalpricelbl.Text = "Total Price: £" + (finalprice).ToString("00.00");//calculate cost and display on a label }
//setup the prices on load private void setPrices() { PricesDB pdb = new PricesDB(db); Base.Value = pdb.getBase(); MinD.Value = pdb.getMinDiscount(); MedD.Value = pdb.getMedDiscount(); MaxD.Value = pdb.getMaxDiscount(); }
private void btnapply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Changing prices will affect bookings, are you sure?", "Prices", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) // update the price is answer is yes { PricesDB pdb = new PricesDB(db); pdb.updateValues(Convert.ToInt32(Base.Value), Convert.ToInt32(MinD.Value), Convert.ToInt32(MedD.Value), Convert.ToInt32(MaxD.Value)); messagelbl.Visible = true; } }
//create table to show the bookings for that week private void createTableforBooking(DateTime now, bool cancel) { table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("Kid Name"); table.Columns.Add("Mon"); table.Columns.Add("Tues"); table.Columns.Add("Weds"); table.Columns.Add("Thurs"); table.Columns.Add("Friday"); MiscDB miscdb = new MiscDB(db); List <List <string> > data = miscdb.BookingDays(now, cancel); foreach (List <string> current in data) { table.Rows.Add(current[0] + " " + current[1]); } amountlbl.Text = "Booking amount: " + data.Count.ToString(); WeekView.DataSource = table; WeekView.AllowUserToAddRows = false; int x = 0; int daysbooked = 0; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in WeekView.Rows) //need to loop through the rows in order to color the cells accordingly { List <string> current = data[x]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (current[i + 2] == "1") { row.Cells[i + 1].Style.BackColor = Color.LimeGreen; //green for booked daysbooked++; //count the number of days booked } else { row.Cells[i + 1].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;//red for not booked } } x++; } PricesDB pdb = new PricesDB(db); revenue = data.Count * pdb.getBase(); revenuelbl.Text = "Estimated revenue: £" + ((data.Count * pdb.getBase()) * daysbooked).ToString(); //not including discounts WeekView.Enabled = false; }
//calculate the price to pay including discounts private void setPrice(List <DateTime> dates) { double discount = 0; string discountApplied = ""; PricesDB pdb = new PricesDB(db); int baseprice = pdb.getBase(); //reduce load on db double price = 0; foreach (DateTime date in dates) { if (date >= DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6)) { discount = pdb.getMaxDiscount(); discountApplied = discount.ToString() + "%"; } else if (date > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(3) && date < DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6)) { discount = pdb.getMedDiscount(); discountApplied = discount.ToString() + "%"; } else { discount = pdb.getMinDiscount(); discountApplied = discount.ToString() + "%"; } price += (baseprice) * (1 - (discount / 100) * 5); } if (discount == 0) { discountlbl.Text = "Discount Applied: None"; } else { discountlbl.Text = "Discount Applied: " + discountApplied; } totalpricelbl.Text = "Total Price: £" + price.ToString("00.00"); }