예제 #1
 protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
     // Show thumbnails panel initially, focus in preview pane, and ensure consistent UI state:
예제 #2
        protected override void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

            if (PreviewPane != null)            // && !PreviewPane.IsOpen)
예제 #3
        protected override void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (PreviewPane != null)
예제 #4
        protected override void OnClick()

            if (PreviewPane != null)
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adjusts the visual cues and state of the controls associated with the find text functionality
 /// depending on whether a search was successful or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="success">True for successful search, false otherwise.</param>
 private void FindAdjustDisplay(bool success)
     if (success)
         this.rtbFindText.ForeColorTextBox = SystemColors.ControlText;
         this.rtbFindText.ForeColorTextBox = Color.Red;
     FindSetButtonsState(true, success);
예제 #6
 private void C1RibbonPrintPreviewForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
     if (!PreviewPane.Focused)
         if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape && e.Modifiers == Keys.None)
         else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Add && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control)
         else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Subtract && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control)
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for all occurrences of a text in the preview pane.
        /// Highlights the first occurrence and ensures that it is shown in the preview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The search text.</param>
        /// <param name="matchCase">Indicates whether to perform a case-sensitive search.</param>
        /// <returns>True if at least one occurrence was found, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Find(string text, bool matchCase)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            _findArgs            = new C1TextSearchArgs();
            _findArgs.Text       = text;
            _findArgs.IgnoreCase = !matchCase;
            _finds       = PreviewPane.TextSearchAll(_findArgs);
            _findCurrent = _finds != null && _finds.Length > 0 ? 0 : -1;
            if (_findCurrent != -1)
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Searches for the next occurrence of a text in the preview pane.
 /// Highlights the found occurrence and ensures that it is shown in the preview.
 /// If there are no more occurrences of the search text in the specified direction,
 /// wraps to the beginning or end of the document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">The search text.</param>
 /// <param name="matchCase">Indicates whether to perform a case-sensitive search.</param>
 /// <param name="up">Indicates whether to search up or down in the document.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the next occurrence was found, false otherwise.</returns>
 public bool FindNext(string text, bool matchCase, bool up)
     if (_finds == null || _finds.Length == 0)
         return(Find(text, matchCase));
         if (!up)
             if (_findCurrent >= _finds.Length)
                 _findCurrent = 0;
             if (_findCurrent < 0)
                 _findCurrent = _finds.Length - 1;
         if (_findCurrent >= 0 && _findCurrent < _finds.Length)
예제 #9
        private void ApplyChanges(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (PreviewPane.BackgroundImage == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No changes were made.", "Operation Aborted");

            ACResult result = ApplyConfirmation.ShowConfirmation();

            if (result == ACResult.IGNORE)


            int width  = int.Parse(tbCWidth.Text);
            int height = int.Parse(tbCHeight.Text);

            if (width < 640 || width > 7680)
                width = 800;

            if (height < 480 || height > 4320)
                height = 600;

            string newBGPath = PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation + "\\background";

            ChangeProgress(loaddlg, 25);

            if (!Directory.Exists(newBGPath))

            newBGPath += "\\HLBC";

            if (!Directory.Exists(newBGPath))

            Bitmap[,] newBmps = PreviewPane.ChopNewImage(width, height);
            ChangeProgress(loaddlg, 50);

            string[] newBmpsLocations = PreviewPane.NewBitmapLocations;
            ChangeProgress(loaddlg, 75);

            int bmpWCount = newBmps.GetLength(0);
            int bmpHCount = newBmps.Length;
            int x         = 0;
            int y         = 0;

            string backgroundLayoutContents = "resolution\t" + width + "\t" + height + "\n";
            string errorMsg = string.Empty;

            foreach (var bmpLoc in newBmpsLocations)
                string bmpRelPath = PreviewPanel.RemoveExtraSpaces(bmpLoc).Split()[0];
                string bmpPath    = PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation.Remove(PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation.Length - 9, 9) + "\\" + bmpRelPath;
                backgroundLayoutContents += bmpLoc + "\n";

                    newBmps[x, y].Save(bmpPath + ".bmp");
                    Surface surf = Surface.LoadFromFile(bmpPath + ".bmp", ImageLoadFlags.TARGA_LoadRGB888);
                    surf.SaveToFile(ImageFormat.TARGA, bmpPath, ImageSaveFlags.Default);
                    errorMsg += "File has been probably corrupted: " + bmpPath + "\n";

                // cleanup!!!
                File.Delete(bmpPath + ".bmp");

                if (++x >= bmpWCount)
                    x = 0;

                    if (++y >= bmpHCount)

            ChangeProgress(loaddlg, 100);

            if (errorMsg.Length > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Background Change Failed! Permission to write to file was denied.\n" + errorMsg, "File IO Error");

            switch (result)
            case ACResult.BACKUP:
                if (File.Exists(PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation + "\\BackgroundLayout.txt"))
                    int cr = 1;

                    while (File.Exists(PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation + "\\BackgroundLayout_v" + cr + ".txt"))

                    string bgLines = File.ReadAllText(PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation + "\\BackgroundLayout.txt");
                    File.WriteAllText(PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation + "\\BackgroundLayout_v" + cr + ".txt", bgLines);

                    MessageBox.Show("Backup saved as: BackgroundLayout_v" + cr + ".txt", "Backup Saved");
                    MessageBox.Show("BackgroundLayout.txt was not found inside the resources folder. Backup is unnecessary.", "Backup Skipped");

                File.WriteAllText(PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation + "\\BackgroundLayout.txt", backgroundLayoutContents);

            case ACResult.OVERWRITE:
                File.WriteAllText(PreviewPane.BackgroundLocation + "\\BackgroundLayout.txt", backgroundLayoutContents);

            MessageBox.Show("Successfully Changed Background Layout!\r\nDon't forget to match the in-game resolution with your newly created background.", "Changes Saved");
예제 #10
 private void Show_Preview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Wires up user commands controlling the preview (file operations, zoom and so on),
        /// and performs a few other initialization actions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Most user actions are wired up via C1Command "commands" (components of type C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command),
        /// in the following manner:
        /// <para>
        /// The C1CommandHolder contains the list of all supported commands, such as 'open',
        /// 'save', 'zoom in' and so on, with self-explanatory names (e.g. cmdFileOpen).
        /// Most commands perform a single action without any parameters.
        /// The few that do perform parameterized actions use C1Command.UserData property
        /// to accept the parameters. For instance cmdFileOpen command optionally accepts
        /// a fileName/reportName pair.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// For each ribbon button, its Click event is bound to the appropriate command's PerformClick method.
        /// The actual action is then bound to the command's Click event.
        /// On most commands, two other events are also bound:
        /// - CommandStateQuery updates the command's enabled state;
        /// - EnabledChanged (invoked only when the enabled state of the command actually changes)
        /// updates the button's enabled state. This event is not bound for commands that do not
        /// have associated buttons (e.g. cmdZoomIn/cmdZoomOut are only bound to keys).
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Some buttons (such as 'portrait orientation') have a pressed state, which reflects the current
        /// state of the preview. The pressed state of buttons is updated by the PreviewPane.PropertyChanged
        /// event handler, which minimizes overhead.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected void InitPreviewCommands()
            // Hide the search tab in the left tab control (it is not used, and is here only for
            // backwards compatibility - FindHelper and status bar search controls are used instead):
            this.dtpSearch.TabVisible = false;
            this.ptspMain.Visible     = false;

            // Ensure command holder uses ribbon's visual style:
            C1.Win.C1Command.VisualStyle vs;
            if (Enum.TryParse <C1.Win.C1Command.VisualStyle>(this.rbnMain.VisualStyle.ToString(), true, out vs))
                this._cmdHolder.VisualStyle = vs;

            this.ZoomSliderScale = new ZoomSliderScale(
                (int)(PreviewPane.MinZoomFactor * 100),
                (int)(PreviewPane.MaxZoomFactor * 100));
            this.rtbZoom.TickFrequency = ZoomSliderScale.SliderValue(1);

            this.KeyPreview = true;
            this.KeyDown   += new KeyEventHandler(C1RibbonPrintPreviewForm_KeyDown);

            this.rbnProgress.Visible          = false;
            this.PreviewPane.LongOperation   += new C1.C1Preview.LongOperationEventHandler(PreviewPane_LongOperation);
            this.PreviewPane.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PreviewPane_PropertyChanged);

            // connect toolbar buttons to commands:
            this.rbtnAbout.Click         += (s, e) => this.cmdAbout.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnOpen.Click          += (s, e) => this.cmdFileOpen.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnOpen2.Click         += (s, e) => this.cmdFileOpen.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnSave.Click          += (s, e) => this.cmdFileSave.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnSave2.Click         += (s, e) => this.cmdFileSave.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnClose2.Click        += (s, e) => this.cmdFileClose.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnNew2.Click          += (s, e) => this.cmdFileNew.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnExit.Click          += (s, e) => this.cmdExit.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnPrint.Click         += (s, e) => this.cmdPrint.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnPrint2.Click        += (s, e) => this.cmdPrint.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnRefresh.Click       += (s, e) => this.cmdRefresh.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnPageSetup.Click     += (s, e) => this.cmdPageSetup.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnPageSetup2.Click    += (s, e) => this.cmdPageSetup.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnPageLandscape.Click += (s, e) => this.cmdPageLandscape.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnPagePortrait.Click  += (s, e) => this.cmdPagePortrait.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnZoom100.Click       += (s, e) => this.cmdZoom100.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnZoomFitPage.Click   += (s, e) => cmdZoomFitPage.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnZoomFitWidth.Click  += (s, e) => cmdZoomFitWidth.PerformClick();

            this.rbtnFirstPage.Click    += (s, e) => this.cmdGoFirst.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnLastPage.Click     += (s, e) => this.cmdGoLast.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnPreviousPage.Click += (s, e) => this.cmdGoPrev.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnNextPage.Click     += (s, e) => this.cmdGoNext.PerformClick();

            this.rbtnHistoryBack.Click += (s, e) => this.cmdHistoryPrev.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnHistoryNext.Click += (s, e) => this.cmdHistoryNext.PerformClick();

            this.rbtnHandTool.Click       += (s, e) => this.cmdMouseModeHand.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnTextSelectTool.Click += (s, e) => this.cmdMouseModeSelect.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnZoomInTool.Click     += (s, e) => this.cmdMouseModeZoomIn.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnZoomOutTool.Click    += (s, e) => this.cmdMouseModeZoomOut.PerformClick();

            this.rbtnViewSinglePage.Click            += (s, e) => this.cmdPageViewSingle.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnViewContinuous.Click            += (s, e) => this.cmdPageViewContinuous.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnViewPagesFacing.Click           += (s, e) => this.cmdPageViewTwoUp.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnViewPagesFacingContinuous.Click += (s, e) => this.cmdPageViewTwoUpContinuous.PerformClick();

            this.rbtnFind.Click      += (s, e) => this.cmdFind.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnFindAgain.Click += (s, e) => this.cmdFindNext.PerformClick();

            this.rgZoom.DialogLauncherClick += (s, e) => this.cmdZoomDialog.PerformClick();
            this.rbtnZoom.Click             += (s, e) => this.cmdZoomDialog.PerformClick();

            // commands:
            this.cmdAbout.Click += (s, e) => (new AboutForm()).ShowDialog(this);
            // this.cmdHelp.Click += (s, e) => (new AboutForm()).ShowDialog(this);

            this.cmdFileOpen.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdFileOpen.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnOpen.Enabled = this.rbtnOpen2.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdFileOpen.Click             += (s, e) => { FileOpen((C1Command)s); PreviewPane.Focus(); };

            this.cmdFileSave.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy && PreviewPane.Document != null;
            this.cmdFileSave.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnSave.Enabled = this.rbtnSave2.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdFileSave.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.FileSave();

            this.cmdFileClose.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy && (s_openWindows.Count > 1 || PreviewPane.Document != null);
            this.cmdFileClose.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => rbtnClose2.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdFileClose.Click             += (s, e) => FileClose();

            this.cmdFileNew.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = true;
            this.cmdFileNew.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => rbtnNew2.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdFileNew.Click             += (s, e) => FileNew(null);

            this.cmdExit.Click += (s, e) => FileExit();

            this.cmdPrint.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy && (s_openWindows.Count > 1 || PreviewPane.Document != null);
            this.cmdPrint.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnPrint.Enabled = this.rbtnPrint2.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPrint.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.Print();

            this.cmdRefresh.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy && PreviewPane.Document != null && PreviewPane.Reflowable;
            this.cmdRefresh.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnRefresh.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdRefresh.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.Reflow();

            this.cmdPageSetup.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled =
                !PreviewPane.Busy && PreviewPane.Document != null && PreviewPane.Reflowable && PreviewPane.CanSetPageSettings;
            this.cmdPageSetup.EnabledChanged += (s, e) => this.rbtnPageSetup.Enabled = this.rbtnPageSetup2.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPageSetup.Click          += (s, e) => PreviewPane.PageSetup();

            this.cmdPageLandscape.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled =
                !PreviewPane.Busy && PreviewPane.Document != null && PreviewPane.Reflowable && PreviewPane.CanSetPageSettings;
            this.cmdPageLandscape.EnabledChanged += (s, e) => this.rbtnPageLandscape.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPageLandscape.PressedChanged += (s, e) => this.rbtnPageLandscape.Pressed = ((C1Command)s).Pressed;
            this.cmdPageLandscape.Click          += (s, e) => SetPageOrientation(true);

            this.cmdPagePortrait.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled =
                !PreviewPane.Busy && PreviewPane.Document != null && PreviewPane.Reflowable && PreviewPane.CanSetPageSettings;
            this.cmdPagePortrait.EnabledChanged += (s, e) => this.rbtnPagePortrait.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPagePortrait.PressedChanged += (s, e) => this.rbtnPagePortrait.Pressed = ((C1Command)s).Pressed;
            this.cmdPagePortrait.Click          += (s, e) => SetPageOrientation(false);

            this.cmdZoom100.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = Document != null && !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdZoom100.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnZoom100.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdZoom100.Click             += (s, e) =>
            { PreviewPane.PageLayout = C1.Win.C1Preview.PageLayoutEnum.Normal; PreviewPane.ZoomMode = ZoomModeEnum.ActualSize; };

            this.cmdZoomFitPage.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = Document != null && !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdZoomFitPage.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnZoomFitPage.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdZoomFitPage.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.ZoomMode = ZoomModeEnum.WholePage;

            this.cmdZoomFitWidth.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = Document != null && !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdZoomFitWidth.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnZoomFitWidth.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdZoomFitWidth.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.ZoomMode = ZoomModeEnum.PageWidth;

            this.cmdZoomIn.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.DoZoomIn();
            this.cmdZoomIn.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = Math.Round(PreviewPane.ZoomFactor, 2) < PreviewPane.MaxZoomFactor;
            // this.cmdZoomIn.EnabledChanged += (s, e) => rbtnZoomIn.Enabled = cmdZoomIn.Enabled;

            this.cmdZoomOut.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.DoZoomOut();
            this.cmdZoomOut.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = Math.Round(PreviewPane.ZoomFactor, 2) > PreviewPane.MinZoomFactor;
            // this.cmdZoomOut.EnabledChanged += (s, e) => rbtnZoomOut.Enabled = cmdZoomOut.Enabled;

            this.cmdGoFirst.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = PreviewPane.StartPageIdx > 0;
            this.cmdGoFirst.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnFirstPage.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdGoFirst.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.StartPageIdx = 0;

            this.cmdGoLast.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = PreviewPane.StartPageIdx < PreviewPane.Pages.Count - 1;
            this.cmdGoLast.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnLastPage.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdGoLast.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.StartPageIdx = int.MaxValue;

            this.cmdGoPrev.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = PreviewPane.StartPageIdx > 0;
            this.cmdGoPrev.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnPreviousPage.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdGoPrev.Click             += (s, e) => -- PreviewPane.StartPageIdx;

            this.cmdGoNext.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = PreviewPane.StartPageIdx < PreviewPane.Pages.Count - 1;
            this.cmdGoNext.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnNextPage.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdGoNext.Click             += (s, e) => ++ PreviewPane.StartPageIdx;

            this.cmdGoPageNo.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = PreviewPane.Pages.Count > 0;
            this.cmdGoPageNo.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => rebPageNo.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdGoPageNo.Click             += (s, e) => GoToPage();

            this.cmdHistoryPrev.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy && PreviewPane.CurrentHistoryEntryIndex > 0;
            this.cmdHistoryPrev.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnHistoryBack.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdHistoryPrev.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.HistoryBack();

            this.cmdHistoryNext.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy && PreviewPane.CurrentHistoryEntryIndex < PreviewPane.ViewHistory.Count - 1;
            this.cmdHistoryNext.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnHistoryNext.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdHistoryNext.Click             += (s, e) => PreviewPane.HistoryForward();

            this.cmdMouseModeHand.Click    += (s, e) => PreviewPane.MouseMode = MouseModeEnum.Hand;
            this.cmdMouseModeSelect.Click  += (s, e) => PreviewPane.MouseMode = MouseModeEnum.Select;
            this.cmdMouseModeZoomIn.Click  += (s, e) => PreviewPane.MouseMode = MouseModeEnum.Zoom;
            this.cmdMouseModeZoomOut.Click += (s, e) => PreviewPane.MouseMode = MouseModeEnum.ZoomOut;

            this.cmdPageViewSingle.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnViewSinglePage.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPageViewSingle.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdPageViewSingle.Click             += (s, e) => pageView_Click(s, e);

            this.cmdPageViewContinuous.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnViewContinuous.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPageViewContinuous.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdPageViewContinuous.Click             += (s, e) => pageView_Click(s, e);

            this.cmdPageViewTwoUp.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnViewPagesFacing.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPageViewTwoUp.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdPageViewTwoUp.Click             += (s, e) => pageView_Click(s, e);

            this.cmdPageViewTwoUpContinuous.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnViewPagesFacingContinuous.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdPageViewTwoUpContinuous.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdPageViewTwoUpContinuous.Click             += (s, e) => pageView_Click(s, e);

            this.cmdZoomDialog.EnabledChanged    += (s, e) => this.rbtnZoom.Enabled = ((C1Command)s).Enabled;
            this.cmdZoomDialog.CommandStateQuery += (s, e) => e.Enabled = !PreviewPane.Busy;
            this.cmdZoomDialog.Click             += (s, e) => ShowZoomDialog();