public void PreviewComment_Add_Empty()
            var comments = PreviewCommentActions.AddPreviewComment(null, "user", 1, 1, 1, null, out var comment);

            Assert.IsNull(comments.Single()["text"].Value <string>());
        public void PreviewComment_Add_Order()
            const string commentsValue =
                "[{ \"id\": \"abc\", \"page\": 1, \"x\": 100, \"y\": 100, \"creationDate\": \"2019.02.28. 8:00:00\" }, " +
                " { \"id\": \"def\", \"page\": 2, \"x\": 30.5, \"y\": 30.5,   \"creationDate\": \"2019.02.28. 9:00:00\" }," +
                " { \"id\": \"ghi\", \"page\": 2, \"x\": 70.5, \"y\": 70.5,   \"creationDate\": \"2019.02.28. 5:00:00\" }," +
                " { \"id\": \"jkl\", \"page\": 2, \"x\": 70, \"y\": 70,   \"creationDate\": \"2019.02.28. 6:00:00\" }," +
                " { \"id\": \"mno\", \"page\": 3, \"x\": 70, \"y\": 70,   \"creationDate\": \"2010.01.01. 1:00:00\" }," +

            AssertCommentOrder(2, 20, 20, 1);
            AssertCommentOrder(2, 20, 30, 1);
            AssertCommentOrder(2, 30.5, 30.5, 2);
            AssertCommentOrder(2, 30.7, 30.7, 2);
            AssertCommentOrder(2, 50, 50, 2);
            AssertCommentOrder(2, 70.8, 90, 4);

            void AssertCommentOrder(int page, double x, double y, int expectedIndex)
                var comments = PreviewCommentActions.AddPreviewComment(commentsValue, "user", page, x, y, "commentx", out _);

                Assert.AreEqual(6, comments.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual("commentx", comments[expectedIndex]?["text"]?.Value <string>() ?? string.Empty,
                                $"Incorrect index. Expected: {expectedIndex}.");
        public void PreviewComment_Get_Page()
            var comments = PreviewCommentActions.GetPreviewComments("[{ \"id\": \"abc\", \"page\": 1 }, " +
                                                                    " { \"id\": \"def\", \"page\": 2 }" +
                                                                    "]", 2).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual("def", comments.Single().Id);
        public void PreviewComment_Add_Long()
            // add a comment that contains more characters than it is allowed
            var comments = PreviewCommentActions.AddPreviewComment(null, "user", 1, 1, 1, new string('*', 501),
                                                                   out var comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(500, comments.Single()["text"].Value <string>().Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(500, comment.Text.Length);
        public void PreviewComment_Get_All()
            var comments = PreviewCommentActions.GetPreviewComments("[{ \"id\": \"abc\", \"page\": 1 }, " +
                                                                    " { \"id\": \"def\", \"page\": 2 }" +
                                                                    "]", -1).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, comments.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", comments[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("def", comments[1].Id);
        public void PreviewComment_Get_More()
            var comments = PreviewCommentActions.GetPreviewComments("[{ \"id\": \"abc\", \"page\": 1 }, " +
                                                                    " { \"id\": \"def\", \"page\": 2 }," +
                                                                    " { \"id\": \"ghi\", \"page\": 2 }," +
                                                                    " { \"id\": \"jkl\", \"page\": 3 }," +
                                                                    "]", 2).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, comments.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("def", comments[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("ghi", comments[1].Id);
        public void PreviewComment_Add_New()
            var comments = PreviewCommentActions.AddPreviewComment("[{ \"id\": \"abc\" }]", "user", 11, 12, 13, "def",
                                                                   out var comment);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, comments.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("def", comments.Last()["text"].Value <string>());
            Assert.AreEqual("def", comment.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("user", comment.CreatedBy);
            Assert.AreEqual(11, comment.Page);
            Assert.AreEqual(12, comment.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(13, comment.Y);
        public void PreviewComment_Get_One()
            var comment = PreviewCommentActions.GetPreviewComments("[" +
                                                                   "{ \"id\": \"abc\", \"page\": 1, \"x\": 11, \"y\": 12, \"text\": \"cmmnt\", \"createdBy\": \"usr1\", \"creationDate\": \"2019.02.27. 15:38:00\" }, " +
                                                                   "{ \"id\": \"def\", \"page\": 2 }" +
                                                                   "]", 1).Single();

            Assert.AreEqual("abc", comment.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("cmmnt", comment.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("usr1", comment.CreatedBy);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, comment.Page);
            Assert.AreEqual(11, comment.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(12, comment.Y);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2019, 02, 27, 15, 38, 0), comment.CreationDate);
        public void PreviewComment_Delete()
            // empty edge case
            var comments = PreviewCommentActions.DeletePreviewComment(null, null, out var modified);


            // no contents
            comments = PreviewCommentActions.DeletePreviewComment("null", "123", out modified);


            // empty array
            comments = PreviewCommentActions.DeletePreviewComment("[]", "123", out modified);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, comments.Count);

            // try to delete a nonexisting comment
            comments = PreviewCommentActions.DeletePreviewComment("[ { \"id\": \"123\" } ]", "456", out modified);

            Assert.AreEqual("123", comments.Single()["id"].Value <string>());

            // delete a single comment
            comments = PreviewCommentActions.DeletePreviewComment("[ { \"id\": \"123\" } ]", "123", out modified);


            // delete a comment from a list
            comments = PreviewCommentActions.DeletePreviewComment("[ { \"id\": \"123\" }, { \"id\": \"456\" } ]", "123", out modified);

            Assert.AreEqual("456", comments.Single()["id"].Value <string>());
 public void PreviewComment_Add_PageError()
     PreviewCommentActions.AddPreviewComment(null, "user", -1, -1, -1, null, out var _);
 public void PreviewComment_Add_UserError()
     PreviewCommentActions.AddPreviewComment(null, null, 1, 1, 1, null, out var _);