protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { base.OnStartup(e); this.Properties["bgStartup"] = false; if (e != null && e.Args.Count() > 0) { if (e.Args[0] == "-bg") { this.Properties["bgStartup"] = true; } } Configs configs = new Configs(); PresetFilters presets = new PresetFilters(); OrganisationSyncer organisationSyncer = new OrganisationSyncer(); TrayApp trayApp = new TrayApp(organisationSyncer, configs); Logger logger = new Logger(); BackgroundOrganiser backgroundOrganiser = new BackgroundOrganiser(new DirectoryModel()); ForegroundOrganiser foregroundOrganiser = new ForegroundOrganiser(new DirectoryModel()); BackgroundView backgroundView = new BackgroundView(); ForegroundView foregroundView = new ForegroundView(); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterInstance <Configs>("configs", configs); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterInstance <PresetFilters>("presets", presets); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterInstance <OrganisationSyncer>("organisationSyncer", organisationSyncer); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterInstance <BackgroundOrganiser>("backgroundOrganiser", backgroundOrganiser); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterInstance <ForegroundOrganiser>("foregroundOrganiser", foregroundOrganiser); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterType <BackgroundView>(); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterType <ForegroundView>(); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterType <PresetsView>(); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterInstance <TrayApp>("trayApp", trayApp); DependencyFactory.Container.RegisterInstance <Logger>("logger", logger); }
public ForegroundViewModel(TrayApp trayApp, PresetFilters presets, OrganisationSyncer organisationSyncer, ForegroundOrganiser fgOrganiser, Logger logger) { _trayApp = trayApp; _presets = presets; _organisationSyncer = organisationSyncer; _fgOrganiser = fgOrganiser; _logger = logger; OnInitialise(); }
public BackgroundViewModel(TrayApp trayApp, PresetFilters presets, Configs configs, OrganisationSyncer organisationSyncer, BackgroundOrganiser bgOrganiser) { _trayApp = trayApp; _configs = configs; _presets = presets; _organisationSyncer = organisationSyncer; _bgOrganiser = bgOrganiser; OnInitialise(); }
public void PresetTypeExistsTest() { PresetFilters target = new PresetFilters(); string presetName = "AreYouMockingMe"; List <string> types = new List <string>() { "Yes" }; target.AddPreset(presetName, types); Assert.IsTrue(target.PresetTypeExists(presetName, "Yes"), "Added type does not appear to exist"); }
public void PresetExistsTest() { PresetFilters target = new PresetFilters(); string presetName = "MockedYouOut"; List <string> types = new List <string>() { "Mocking" }; target.AddPreset(presetName, types); Assert.IsTrue(target.PresetExists(presetName), "Added preset does not appear to exist"); }
public void RemovePresetTypeTest() { PresetFilters target = new PresetFilters(); string presetName = "MockingBird"; List <string> types = new List <string>() { "MockING" }; target.AddPreset(presetName, types); target.RemovePresetType(presetName, "MockING"); Assert.IsFalse(target.PresetTypeExists(presetName, "MockING"), "Added type does not appear to exist"); }
public void GetPresetTypesTest() { PresetFilters target = new PresetFilters(); string presetName = "MockedOut"; List <string> types = new List <string>() { "Mocking" }; target.AddPreset(presetName, types); List <string> returnTypes = target.GetPresetTypes(presetName); Assert.IsTrue(returnTypes.Contains("Mocking"), "Added type has not been found"); }
public void AddPresetTest() { bool condition = false; PresetFilters target = new PresetFilters(); string presetName = null; List <string> types = null; try { target.AddPreset(presetName, types); } catch (ArgumentException AEx) { condition = true; } Assert.IsTrue(condition); condition = true; presetName = "MockPreset"; types = new List <string>() { "mp3" }; try { target.AddPreset(presetName, types); } catch (ArgumentException AEx) { condition = false; } Assert.IsTrue(condition); }
public void EditPresetsTest() { PresetFilters target = new PresetFilters(); string presetName = "MockedUp"; List <string> types = new List <string>() { "Mocking" }; target.AddPreset(presetName, types); List <string> newTypes = new List <string>() { "Mark" }; string newName = "Marking"; target.EditPresets(presetName, newName, newTypes); Assert.IsTrue(target.PresetExists("Marking"), "Preset name has not been changed"); Assert.IsTrue(target.PresetTypeExists("Marking", "Mark"), "New types have not been added"); }
public void AddPresetTypeTest() { PresetFilters target = new PresetFilters(); string presetName = "MockPreset"; string type = string.Empty; //Empty string should throw exception bool shouldThrowException = false; try { target.AddPresetType(presetName, type); } catch (ArgumentException AEx) { shouldThrowException = true; } Assert.IsTrue(shouldThrowException); type = "mp4"; // valid filetype, should not throw exception bool shouldNotThrowException = true; try { target.AddPresetType(presetName, type); } catch (ArgumentException AEx) { shouldNotThrowException = false; } Assert.IsTrue(shouldNotThrowException); }