override protected Point GetClickablePointCore()
            Point pt = new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN);

            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_owner);

            // If there's no source, the element is not visible, return (double.NaN, double.NaN) point
            if (presentationSource == null)

            HwndSource hwndSource = presentationSource as HwndSource;

            // If the source isn't an HwnSource, there's not much we can do, return (double.NaN, double.NaN) point
            if (hwndSource == null)

            Rect rectElement = new Rect(new Point(0, 0), _owner.RenderSize);
            Rect rectRoot    = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(rectElement, _owner, presentationSource);
            Rect rectClient  = PointUtil.RootToClient(rectRoot, presentationSource);
            Rect rectScreen  = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(rectClient, hwndSource);

            pt = new Point(rectScreen.Left + rectScreen.Width * 0.5, rectScreen.Top + rectScreen.Height * 0.5);

예제 #2
파일: Menu.cs 프로젝트: notfarfromorion/wpf
        private bool OnEnterMenuMode(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Don't enter menu mode if someone has capture
            if (Mouse.Captured != null)

            // Need to check that ALT/F10 happened in our source.
            PresentationSource source   = sender as PresentationSource;
            PresentationSource mySource = null;

            mySource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this);
            if (source == mySource)
                // Give focus to the first possible element in the ItemsControl
                for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
                    MenuItem menuItem = ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i) as MenuItem;

                    if (menuItem != null && !(Items[i] is Separator))
                        if (menuItem.Focus())

예제 #3
        private static void GetClippedPositionOffsets(TextEditor This, ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction, out double horizontalOffset, out double verticalOffset)
            Rect characterRect = position.GetCharacterRect(direction);

            horizontalOffset = characterRect.X;
            verticalOffset   = characterRect.Y + characterRect.Height;
            FrameworkElement frameworkElement = This.TextView.RenderScope as FrameworkElement;

            if (frameworkElement != null)
                GeneralTransform generalTransform = frameworkElement.TransformToAncestor(This.UiScope);
                if (generalTransform != null)
                    TextEditorContextMenu.ClipToElement(frameworkElement, generalTransform, ref horizontalOffset, ref verticalOffset);
            for (Visual visual = This.UiScope; visual != null; visual = (VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visual) as Visual))
                frameworkElement = (visual as FrameworkElement);
                if (frameworkElement != null)
                    GeneralTransform generalTransform2 = visual.TransformToDescendant(This.UiScope);
                    if (generalTransform2 != null)
                        TextEditorContextMenu.ClipToElement(frameworkElement, generalTransform2, ref horizontalOffset, ref verticalOffset);
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(This.UiScope);
            IWin32Window       win32Window        = presentationSource as IWin32Window;

            if (win32Window != null)
                IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows).Assert();
                    handle = win32Window.Handle;
                NativeMethods.RECT rect = new NativeMethods.RECT(0, 0, 0, 0);
                SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(null, handle), ref rect);
                Point             point             = new Point((double)rect.left, (double)rect.top);
                Point             point2            = new Point((double)rect.right, (double)rect.bottom);
                CompositionTarget compositionTarget = presentationSource.CompositionTarget;
                point  = compositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(point);
                point2 = compositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(point2);
                GeneralTransform generalTransform3 = compositionTarget.RootVisual.TransformToDescendant(This.UiScope);
                if (generalTransform3 != null)
                    generalTransform3.TryTransform(point, out point);
                    generalTransform3.TryTransform(point2, out point2);
                    horizontalOffset = TextEditorContextMenu.ClipToBounds(point.X, horizontalOffset, point2.X);
                    verticalOffset   = TextEditorContextMenu.ClipToBounds(point.Y, verticalOffset, point2.Y);
예제 #4
        private void SetContainer(IInputElement newContainer)
            // unsubscribe from LayoutUpdated

            // clear cached values
            _containerPivotPoint = new Point();
            _containerSize       = new Size();
            _root = null;

            // remember the new container
            _currentContainer = newContainer;

            if (newContainer != null)
                // get the new root
                PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual((Visual)newContainer);
                if (presentationSource != null)
                    _root = presentationSource.RootVisual as UIElement;

                // subscribe to LayoutUpdated
                if (_containerLayoutUpdated != null)
        override protected Rect GetBoundingRectangleCore()
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_owner);

            // If there's no source, the element is not visible, return empty rect
            if (presentationSource == null)

            HwndSource hwndSource = presentationSource as HwndSource;

            // If the source isn't an HwnSource, there's not much we can do, return empty rect
            if (hwndSource == null)

            Rect rectElement = new Rect(new Point(0, 0), _owner.RenderSize);
            Rect rectRoot    = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(rectElement, _owner, presentationSource);
            Rect rectClient  = PointUtil.RootToClient(rectRoot, presentationSource);
            Rect rectScreen  = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(rectClient, hwndSource);

        internal override Rect GetVisibleBoundingRectCore()
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_owner);

            // If there's no source, the element is not visible, return empty rect
            if (presentationSource == null)

            HwndSource hwndSource = presentationSource as HwndSource;

            // If the source isn't an HwnSource, there's not much we can do, return empty rect
            if (hwndSource == null)

            Rect rectElement = CalculateVisibleBoundingRect(_owner);
            Rect rectRoot    = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(rectElement, _owner, presentationSource);
            Rect rectClient  = PointUtil.RootToClient(rectRoot, presentationSource);
            Rect rectScreen  = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(rectClient, hwndSource);

예제 #7
 protected unsafe virtual IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
     if (msg != 61)
         if (msg != 70)
             if (msg == 130)
                 this._hwnd = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
             PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this, false);
             if (presentationSource != null)
                 NativeMethods.RECT       rect = this.CalculateAssignedRC(presentationSource);
                 NativeMethods.WINDOWPOS *ptr  = (NativeMethods.WINDOWPOS *)((void *)lParam);
                 ptr->cx     = rect.right - rect.left;
                 ptr->cy     = rect.bottom - rect.top;
                 ptr->flags &= -2;
                 ptr->x      = rect.left;
                 ptr->y      = rect.top;
                 ptr->flags &= -3;
                 ptr->flags |= 256;
     handled = true;
     return(this.OnWmGetObject(wParam, lParam));
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the property value of FocusedElement property. The return value is validated
        /// to be in the subtree of element. If FocusedElement element is not a descendant of element this method return null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element"></param>
        /// <param name="validate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static IInputElement GetFocusedElement(DependencyObject element, bool validate)
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            DependencyObject focusedElement = (DependencyObject)element.GetValue(FocusedElementProperty);

            // Validate FocusedElement wrt to its FocusScope. If the two do not belong to the same PresentationSource
            // then sever this link between them. The classic scenario for this is when an element with logical focus is
            // dragged out into a floating widow. We want to prevent the MainWindow (focus scope) to point to the
            // element in the floating window as its logical FocusedElement.

            if (validate && focusedElement != null)
                DependencyObject focusScope = element;

                if (PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(focusScope) != PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(focusedElement))
                    SetFocusedElement(focusScope, null);
                    focusedElement = null;

예제 #9
        public void UpdateWindowPos()
            if (this._isDisposed)
            PresentationSource presentationSource = null;
            CompositionTarget  compositionTarget  = null;

            if (this.CriticalHandle != IntPtr.Zero && base.IsVisible)
                presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this, false);
                if (presentationSource != null)
                    compositionTarget = presentationSource.CompositionTarget;
            if (compositionTarget != null && compositionTarget.RootVisual != null)
                NativeMethods.RECT rc = this.CalculateAssignedRC(presentationSource);
                Rect rcBoundingBox    = PointUtil.ToRect(rc);
                UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindowAsync(this._hwnd, 5);
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindowAsync(this._hwnd, 0);
예제 #10
        private void Focus(DependencyObject focus, bool askOld, bool askNew, bool forceToNullIfFailed)
            // Make sure that the element is valid for receiving focus.
            bool isValid = true;

            if (focus != null)
                isValid = Keyboard.IsFocusable(focus);

                if (!isValid && forceToNullIfFailed)
                    focus   = null;
                    isValid = true;

            if (isValid)
                // Get the keyboard input provider that provides input for the active source.
                IKeyboardInputProvider keyboardInputProvider = null;
                DependencyObject       containingVisual      = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(focus);
                if (containingVisual != null)
                    PresentationSource source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(containingVisual);
                    if (source != null)
                        keyboardInputProvider = (IKeyboardInputProvider)source.GetInputProvider(typeof(KeyboardDevice));

                // Start the focus-change operation.
                TryChangeFocus(focus, keyboardInputProvider, askOld, askNew, forceToNullIfFailed);
예제 #11
파일: Menu.cs 프로젝트: notfarfromorion/wpf
        /// <summary>
        ///     This is the method that responds to the TextInput event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        protected override void OnTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs e)
            if (e.Handled)

            // We don't use win32 menu's, so we need to emulate the win32
            // behavior for hitting Space while in menu mode.  Alt+Space
            // will be handled as a SysKey by the DefaultWindowProc, but
            // Alt, then Space needs to be special cased here because we prevent win32.
            // from entering menu mode.  In WPF the equiv. of win32 menu mode is having
            // a main menu with focus and no menu items opened.
            if (e.UserInitiated &&
                e.Text == " " &&
                IsMainMenu &&
                (CurrentSelection == null || !CurrentSelection.IsSubmenuOpen))
                // We need to exit menu mode because it holds capture and prevents
                // the system menu from showing.
                IsMenuMode = false;
                System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this) as System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource;
                if (source != null)
                    e.Handled = true;
예제 #12
        protected override Rect GetBoundingRectangleCore()
            TextElement textElement = (TextElement)base.Owner;
            ITextView   textView    = textElement.TextContainer.TextView;

            if (textView == null || !textView.IsValid)
            Geometry tightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions = textView.GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(textElement.ContentStart, textElement.ContentEnd);

            if (tightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions == null)
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(textView.RenderScope);

            if (presentationSource == null)
            HwndSource hwndSource = presentationSource as HwndSource;

            if (hwndSource == null)
            Rect bounds     = tightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions.Bounds;
            Rect rectRoot   = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(bounds, textView.RenderScope, presentationSource);
            Rect rectClient = PointUtil.RootToClient(rectRoot, presentationSource);

            return(PointUtil.ClientToScreen(rectClient, hwndSource));
예제 #13
        private bool ComputeBoundingRectangle(out Rect rect)
            rect = Rect.Empty;

            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_owner);

            // If there's no source, the element is not visible, return empty rect
            if (presentationSource == null)

            HwndSource hwndSource = presentationSource as HwndSource;

            // If the source isn't an HwndSource, there's not much we can do, return empty rect
            if (hwndSource == null)

            Rect rectElement = _owner.Visual2DContentBounds;
            // we use VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D to transform from the containing Viewport3DVisual
            Rect rectRoot   = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(rectElement, VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(_owner), presentationSource);
            Rect rectClient = PointUtil.RootToClient(rectRoot, presentationSource);

            rect = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(rectClient, hwndSource);

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// is this visual connected to presentation source ?
        /// i.e. is it "renderable" ?
        internal static bool IsConnectedToPresentationSource(Visual visual)
            bool isConnected = false;

            isConnected = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual) != null;

예제 #15
 private void PushMenuMode(bool isAcquireFocusMenuMode)
     Debug.Assert(_pushedMenuMode == null);
     _pushedMenuMode = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this);
     Debug.Assert(_pushedMenuMode != null);
     IsAcquireFocusMenuMode = isAcquireFocusMenuMode;
예제 #16
        internal static bool IsFocusable(DependencyObject element)
            // CODE

            if (element == null)

            UIElement uie = element as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                if (uie.IsVisible == false)

            if ((bool)element.GetValue(UIElement.IsEnabledProperty) == false)

            // CODE

            bool hasModifiers = false;
            BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource = element.GetValueSource(UIElement.FocusableProperty, null, out hasModifiers);
            bool focusable = (bool)element.GetValue(UIElement.FocusableProperty);

            if (!focusable && valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.Default && !hasModifiers)
                // The Focusable property was not explicitly set to anything.
                // The default value is generally false, but true in a few cases.

                if (FocusManager.GetIsFocusScope(element))
                    // Focus scopes are considered focusable, even if
                    // the Focusable property is false.
                else if (uie != null && uie.InternalVisualParent == null)
                    PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(uie);
                    if (presentationSource != null)
                        // A UIElements that is the root of a PresentationSource is considered focusable.

예제 #17
        private void LoadedHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this);

            if (presentationSource != null && presentationSource.RootVisual is PopupRoot)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get("CannotBeInsidePopup"));
예제 #18
파일: Keyboard.cs 프로젝트: sososu/wpf
        internal static bool IsFocusable(DependencyObject element)
            // This should really be its own property, but it is hard to do efficiently.
            if (element == null)

            UIElement uie = element as UIElement;

            if (uie != null)
                if (uie.IsVisible == false)

            if ((bool)element.GetValue(UIElement.IsEnabledProperty) == false)

            // There are too many conflicting desires for whether or not
            // an element is focusable.  We need to differentiate between
            // a false default value, and the user specifying false
            // explicitly.
            bool hasModifiers = false;
            BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource = element.GetValueSource(UIElement.FocusableProperty, null, out hasModifiers);
            bool focusable = (bool)element.GetValue(UIElement.FocusableProperty);

            if (!focusable && valueSource == BaseValueSourceInternal.Default && !hasModifiers)
                // The Focusable property was not explicitly set to anything.
                // The default value is generally false, but true in a few cases.

                if (FocusManager.GetIsFocusScope(element))
                    // Focus scopes are considered focusable, even if
                    // the Focusable property is false.
                else if (uie != null && uie.InternalVisualParent == null)
                    PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(uie);
                    if (presentationSource != null)
                        // A UIElements that is the root of a PresentationSource is considered focusable.

예제 #19
        private ManipulationDevice(UIElement element) : base()
            _target       = element;
            _activeSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(element);

            _inputManager = InputManager.UnsecureCurrent;
            _inputManager.PostProcessInput += new ProcessInputEventHandler(PostProcessInput);

            _manipulationLogic = new ManipulationLogic(this);
예제 #20
        private bool ValidateVisualForCapture(DependencyObject visual)
            if (visual == null)

            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual);

            return((presentationSource != null) && (presentationSource == _activeSource));
        internal override void UpdateState(UIElement element)
            bool unhookPenContexts = true;

            // Disable processing of the queue during blocking operations to prevent unrelated reentrancy
            // which a call to Lock() can cause.
            using (element.Dispatcher.DisableProcessing())
                // See if we should be enabled
                if (element.IsVisible && element.IsEnabled && element.IsHitTestVisible)
                    PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(element as Visual);

                    if (presentationSource != null)
                        unhookPenContexts = false;

                        // Are we currently hooked up?  If not then hook up.
                        if (_penContexts == null)
                            InputManager inputManager = (InputManager)element.Dispatcher.InputManager;
                            PenContexts  penContexts  = StylusLogic.GetCurrentStylusLogicAs <WispLogic>().GetPenContextsFromHwnd(presentationSource);

                            // _penContexts must be non null or don't do anything.
                            if (penContexts != null)
                                _penContexts = penContexts;

                                lock (penContexts.SyncRoot)

                                    foreach (StylusPlugIn spi in Wrapper)
                                        spi.InvalidateIsActiveForInput(); // Uses _penContexts being set to determine active state.
                                    // NTRAID:WINDOWSOS#1677277-2006/06/05-WAYNEZEN,
                                    // Normally the Rect will be updated when we receive the LayoutUpdate.
                                    // However there could be a race condition which the LayoutUpdate gets received
                                    // before the properties like IsVisible being set.
                                    // So we should always force to call OnLayoutUpdated whenever the input is active.
                                    Wrapper.OnLayoutUpdated(this.Wrapper, EventArgs.Empty);

                if (unhookPenContexts)
        internal static void ShowFindUnsuccessfulMessage(FindToolBar findToolBar)
            string text = findToolBar.SearchUp ? SR.Get("DocumentViewerSearchUpCompleteLabel") : SR.Get("DocumentViewerSearchDownCompleteLabel");

            text = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, text, new object[]
            HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(findToolBar) as HwndSource;
            IntPtr     parentHwnd = (hwndSource != null) ? hwndSource.CriticalHandle : IntPtr.Zero;

            SecurityHelper.ShowMessageBoxHelper(parentHwnd, text, SR.Get("DocumentViewerSearchCompleteTitle"), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
예제 #23
        private Point ClientToScreen(Point point, Visual visual)
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual);

            if (presentationSource != null)
                GeneralTransform transform = visual.TransformToAncestor(presentationSource.RootVisual);
                if (transform != null)
                    point = transform.Transform(point);
            return(PointUtil.ClientToScreen(point, presentationSource));
예제 #24
        // Private Methods

        #region Private Methods

        private void LoadedHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
            PresentationSource pSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this);

            // Note that we cannot assert this condition here. The reason is that this element might have
            // been disconnected from the tree through one of its parents even while it waited for the
            // pending Loaded event to fire. More details for this scenario can be found in the
            // Windows OS Bug#1981485.
            // Invariant.Assert(pSource != null, "Loaded has fired. PresentationSource shouldn't be null");

            if (pSource != null && pSource.RootVisual is PopupRoot)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotBeInsidePopup));
예제 #25
            /// <summary>
            /// Call Win32 SetForegroundWindow to set the drop target as the foreground window.
            /// </summary>
            private void Win32SetForegroundWindow()
                PresentationSource source = null;
                IntPtr             hwnd   = IntPtr.Zero;

                source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_textEditor.UiScope);
                if (source != null)
                    hwnd = (source as IWin32Window).Handle;

                if (hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SetForegroundWindow(new HandleRef(null, hwnd));
        internal static Point ClientToScreen(UIElement relativeTo, Point point)
            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(relativeTo);

            if (presentationSource == null)
                return(new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN));
            GeneralTransform generalTransform = relativeTo.TransformToAncestor(presentationSource.RootVisual);
            Point            point2;

            generalTransform.TryTransform(point, out point2);
            Point pointClient = PointUtil.RootToClient(point2, presentationSource);

            return(PointUtil.ClientToScreen(pointClient, presentationSource));
        protected override Rect GetBoundingRectangleCore()
            UIElement uielement;
            Rect      rect = this.CalculateBoundingRect(false, out uielement);

            if (rect != Rect.Empty && uielement != null)
                HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(uielement) as HwndSource;
                if (hwndSource != null)
                    rect = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(rect, uielement, hwndSource);
                    rect = PointUtil.RootToClient(rect, hwndSource);
                    rect = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(rect, hwndSource);
예제 #28
        private void OnSourceChanged(object sender, SourceChangedEventArgs e)
            IKeyboardInputSite keyboardInputSite = ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite;

            if (keyboardInputSite != null)
                if (this._fTrusted.Value)
                    new UIPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();
                    ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite = null;
                    if (this._fTrusted.Value)
            IKeyboardInputSink keyboardInputSink = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(this, false) as IKeyboardInputSink;

            if (keyboardInputSink != null)
                if (this._fTrusted.Value)
                    new UIPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();
                    ((IKeyboardInputSink)this).KeyboardInputSite = keyboardInputSink.RegisterKeyboardInputSink(this);
                    if (this._fTrusted.Value)
예제 #29
        internal override Point GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo)

            // Validate that relativeTo is either a UIElement or a ContentElement
            if (relativeTo != null && !InputElement.IsValid(relativeTo))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            PresentationSource relativePresentationSource = null;

            if (relativeTo != null)
                DependencyObject dependencyObject = relativeTo as DependencyObject;
                DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(dependencyObject);
                if (containingVisual != null)
                    relativePresentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(containingVisual);
                if (_inputSource != null)
                    relativePresentationSource = _inputSource.Value;

            // Verify that we have a valid PresentationSource with a valid RootVisual
            // - if we don't we won't be able to invoke ClientToRoot or TranslatePoint and
            //   we will just return 0,0
            if (relativePresentationSource == null || relativePresentationSource.RootVisual == null)
                return(new Point(0, 0));

            Point curPoint = new Point(_pointerData.Info.ptPixelLocationRaw.X, _pointerData.Info.ptPixelLocationRaw.Y);

            Point ptClient   = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(curPoint, relativePresentationSource);
            Point ptRoot     = PointUtil.ClientToRoot(ptClient, relativePresentationSource);
            Point ptRelative = InputElement.TranslatePoint(ptRoot, relativePresentationSource.RootVisual, (DependencyObject)relativeTo);

예제 #30
        internal static Point ClientToScreen(UIElement relativeTo, Point point)
            GeneralTransform   transform;
            PresentationSource source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(relativeTo);

            if (source == null)
                return(new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN));
            transform = relativeTo.TransformToAncestor(source.RootVisual);
            Point ptRoot;

            transform.TryTransform(point, out ptRoot);
            Point ptClient = PointUtil.RootToClient(ptRoot, source);
            Point ptScreen = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(ptClient, source);
