protected override void Seed(PresentationDbContext context) { // Seed the presentations first context.Presentations.AddOrUpdate( p => p.Id, new Presentation { Id = 1, Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", Date = DateTime.Now.Date }, new Presentation { Id = 2, Name = "Second Presentation", Description = "The description for the second presentation", Date = DateTime.Now.Date } ); // Then seed some examples and FK to them using PresentationId context.Examples.AddOrUpdate( p => p.Id, // Examples for the first presentation new DataTypes { Id = 1, Double = null, Float = null, Decimal = null, Integer = null, PresentationId = 1 }, new DataTypes { Id = 2, Double = null, Float = null, Decimal = null, Integer = null, PresentationId = 1 }, //Examples for the second presentation new DataTypes { Double = null, Float = null, Decimal = null, Integer = null, PresentationId = 2 }); }
public BusinessUnitOfWork(string conString) { _dbContext = new PresentationDbContext(conString); }