public JObject Fill(PrescriptionType pt) { if (pt is null) { return(null); } var prescriptionType = new JObject( new JProperty("id", pt.Id), new JProperty("name", pt.Name)); return(prescriptionType); }
public ActionResult AddPrescriptionType(AddPrescriptionTypeViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } var db = new ApplicationDbContext(); var type = new PrescriptionType { Type = model.Type }; db.PrescriptionTypes.Add(type); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("AddPrescription")); }
public void RemoveWord(int length, int numberOfLetter, PrescriptionType prescriptionType) { foreach (ISentence sentence in this.GetSentences()) { List <Word> words = sentence.Items.OfType <Word>() .Where(item => item.Length == length && item.Length > numberOfLetter).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Count(); i++) { AlphabetItem alphabetItem = Alphabet.GetAlpabetItem(words[i].Items[0]); if (alphabetItem.Equals(default(AlphabetItem)) == false && alphabetItem.PrescriptionType == prescriptionType) { sentence.RemoveItem(words[i]); } } } }
public bool Remove() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { Log.Info(TAG, "Remove: Attempting to Remove Medication with ID - " + ID.ToString()); var sql = @"DELETE FROM [Medication] WHERE ID = " + ID.ToString(); sqlDatabase.ExecSQL(sql); Log.Info(TAG, "Remove: Removed Medication with ID " + ID.ToString()); if (MedicationSpread != null && MedicationSpread.Count > 0) { foreach (var spread in MedicationSpread) { Log.Info(TAG, "Remove: Removing Spread with ID - " + spread.ID.ToString()); spread.Remove(); } if (PrescriptionType != null) { Log.Info(TAG, "Remove: Removing Prescription Type with ID - " + PrescriptionType.ID.ToString()); PrescriptionType.Remove(); PrescriptionType = new Prescription(); } sqlDatabase.Close(); return(true); } } Log.Error(TAG, "Remove: SQLite database is null or was not open - remove failed"); return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Remove: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } return(false); } }
public bool Save() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { if (IsNew) { Log.Info(TAG, "Save: New Medication item to Save..."); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("MedicationName", MedicationName.Trim()); values.Put("TotalDailyDosage", TotalDailyDosage); ID = (int)sqlDatabase.Insert("Medication", null, values); Log.Info(TAG, "Save: Successfully saved - ID - " + ID.ToString()); IsNew = false; IsDirty = false; if (MedicationSpread != null && MedicationSpread.Count > 0) { foreach (var spread in MedicationSpread) { spread.Save(spread.ID, ID); Log.Info(TAG, "Save (insert): Saved Medication Spread with ID - " + spread.ID.ToString()); } } if (PrescriptionType != null) { PrescriptionType.Save(ID); Log.Info(TAG, "Save (insert): Saved Prescription Type ID - " + ID.ToString()); } } if (IsDirty) { Log.Info(TAG, "LoadMedicationSpreads: Exisitng Medication to Update with ID - " + ID.ToString()); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("MedicationName", MedicationName.Trim()); values.Put("TotalDailyDosage", TotalDailyDosage); string whereClause = "ID = ?"; sqlDatabase.Update("Medication", values, whereClause, new string[] { ID.ToString() }); Log.Info(TAG, "Save (update): Updated Medication with ID - " + ID.ToString()); IsDirty = false; if (MedicationSpread != null && MedicationSpread.Count > 0) { foreach (var spread in MedicationSpread) { spread.Save(spread.ID, ID); Log.Info(TAG, "Save (update): Saved Medication Spread with ID - " + spread.ID.ToString()); } } if (PrescriptionType != null) { PrescriptionType.Save(ID); Log.Info(TAG, "Save (Update): Saved Prescription type with ID - " + PrescriptionType.ID.ToString()); } } sqlDatabase.Close(); return(true); } } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Save: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } return(false); } }
public Prescription(PrescriptionType type, string from, string to) { Type = type; NamespaceFrom = from; NamespaceTo = to; }
public AlphabetItem(char item, LetterType letterType, PrescriptionType prescriptionType) { _item = item; _letterType = letterType; _prescriptionType = prescriptionType; }