예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the specified component to a temporary file, loads, and then parses the exported file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        public (IParseTree tree, ITokenStream tokenStream, IDictionary <Tuple <string, DeclarationType>, Attributes> attributes) Parse(QualifiedModuleName module, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var path = _exporter.Export(_projectsProvider.Component(module));

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                // a document component without any code wouldn't be exported (file would be empty anyway).
                return(null, null, new Dictionary <Tuple <string, DeclarationType>, Attributes>());

            string code;

            if (module.ComponentType == ComponentType.Document)
                code = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8);   //We export the code from Documents as UTF8.
                code = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.Default);    //The VBE exports encoded in the current ANSI codepage from the windows settings.

                // Meh.


            var type = module.ComponentType == ComponentType.StandardModule
                ? DeclarationType.ProceduralModule
                : DeclarationType.ClassModule;
            var tokenStreamProvider = new SimpleVBAModuleTokenStreamProvider();
            var tokens       = tokenStreamProvider.Tokens(code);
            var preprocessor = _preprocessorFactory();
            var preprocessorErrorListener = new PreprocessorExceptionErrorListener(module.ComponentName, ParsePass.AttributesPass);

            preprocessor.PreprocessTokenStream(module.ComponentName, tokens, preprocessorErrorListener, cancellationToken);
            var listener = new AttributeListener(Tuple.Create(module.ComponentName, type));
            // parse tree isn't usable for declarations because
            // line numbers are offset due to module header and attributes
            // (these don't show up in the VBE, that's why we're parsing an exported file)

            var mainParseErrorListener = new MainParseExceptionErrorListener(module.ComponentName, ParsePass.AttributesPass);
            var parseResults           = new VBAModuleParser().Parse(module.ComponentName, tokens, new IParseTreeListener[] { listener }, mainParseErrorListener);

            return(parseResults.tree, parseResults.tokenStream, listener.Attributes);
예제 #2
        public (IParseTree tree, ITokenStream tokenStream, IDictionary <Tuple <string, DeclarationType>, Attributes> attributes) Parse(QualifiedModuleName module, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var code = _projectsProvider.Component(module).CodeModule.Content();
            var type = module.ComponentType == ComponentType.StandardModule
                ? DeclarationType.ProceduralModule
                : DeclarationType.ClassModule;
            var tokenStreamProvider = new SimpleVBAModuleTokenStreamProvider();
            var tokens       = tokenStreamProvider.Tokens(code);
            var preprocessor = _preprocessorFactory();
            var preprocessingErrorListener = new PreprocessorExceptionErrorListener(module.ComponentName, ParsePass.AttributesPass);

            preprocessor.PreprocessTokenStream(module.ComponentName, tokens, preprocessingErrorListener, cancellationToken);
            var listener = new AttributeListener(Tuple.Create(module.ComponentName, type));
            // parse tree isn't usable for declarations because
            // line numbers are offset due to module header and attributes
            // (these don't show up in the VBE, that's why we're parsing an exported file)

            var mainParseErrorListener = new MainParseExceptionErrorListener(module.ComponentName, ParsePass.AttributesPass);
            var parseResults           = new VBAModuleParser().Parse(module.Name, tokens, new IParseTreeListener[] { listener }, mainParseErrorListener);

            return(parseResults.tree, parseResults.tokenStream, listener.Attributes);