public IEnumerator PreloadWithPreloadList() { var preloadBundleNames = loader.GetWholeBundleNames(); var preloadList = new PreloadList("PreloadWithPreloadList", preloadBundleNames); var doneCount = 0; yield return(assetBundlePreloader.Preload( loader, preloadList, (willLoadBundleNames, proceed, cancel) => { proceed(); }, progress => { doneCount++; }, () => { // do nothng. }, (code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { Debug.LogError("failed to download, code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, (preloadFailedAssetBundleName, code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { Debug.LogError("failed to download, name:" + preloadFailedAssetBundleName + " code:" + code); } )); WaitUntil(() => doneCount == preloadBundleNames.Length, () => { throw new TimeoutException("not yet done. doneCount:" + doneCount); }); }
/** * download assetBundles by the preloadList, then download assetBundles. * this feature will download "not downloaded" assetBundles only. * * onBeforePreloading: * you can set the Action to this param for getting "will be download assetBundles names". * then if execute proceed(), download will be started. * else, execute cancel(), download will be cancelled */ public static void AssetBundle_PreloadByList(PreloadList preloadList, Action <string[], Action, Action> onBeforePreloading, Action <double> progress, Action done, Action <int, string, AutoyaStatus> preloadListDownloadFailed, Action <string, int, string, AutoyaStatus> bundleDownloadFailed, int maxParallelCount, double timeoutSec = 0) { var cont = CheckAssetBundlesFeatureCondition( (code, reason) => { preloadListDownloadFailed((int)code, reason, new AutoyaStatus()); } ); if (!cont) { return; } Action <AssetBundleLoader> act = loader => { autoya.mainthreadDispatcher.Commit( autoya._assetBundlePreloader.Preload( loader, preloadList, onBeforePreloading, progress, done, preloadListDownloadFailed, bundleDownloadFailed, maxParallelCount ) ); }; autoya.mainthreadDispatcher.Commit( autoya.PreloaderCoroutine(act, preloadListDownloadFailed) ); }
public IEnumerator PreloadAssetBundleWithGeneratedPreloadList() { yield return(GetAssetBundleList()); var done = false; var lists = Autoya.AssetBundle_AssetBundleLists(); var mainAssetsList = lists.Where(list => list.identity == "main_assets").FirstOrDefault(); NotNull(mainAssetsList); var preloadList = new PreloadList("test", mainAssetsList); // rewrite. set 1st content of bundleName. preloadList.bundleNames = new string[] { preloadList.bundleNames[0] }; Autoya.AssetBundle_PreloadByList( preloadList, (willLoadBundleNames, proceed, cancel) => { proceed(); }, progress => { }, () => { done = true; }, (code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { Fail("should not be failed. code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, (failedAssetBundleName, code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { }, 1 ); yield return(WaitUntil( () => done, () => { throw new TimeoutException("not yet done."); } )); }
// 特定のjsonで記述された「アセットバンドル情報をまとめたリスト」をダウンロードするサンプル // IEnumerator Start() { /* * this is sample of "preload assetBundles feature". * the word "preload" in this sample means "download assetBundles without use." * preloaded assetBundles are stored in storage cache. no difference between preloaded and downloaded assetBundles. * case2:get preloadList from web, then get described assetBundles. */ Autoya.AssetBundle_DownloadAssetBundleListsIfNeed(status => { }, (code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { }); // wait downloading assetBundleList. while (!Autoya.AssetBundle_IsAssetBundleFeatureReady()) { yield return(null); } var assetBundleLists = Autoya.AssetBundle_AssetBundleLists(); // create sample preloadList which contains all assetBundle names in assetBundleList. var assetBundleNames = assetBundleLists.SelectMany(list => list.assetBundles).Select(abInfo => abInfo.bundleName).ToArray(); var newPreloadList = new PreloadList("samplePreloadList", assetBundleNames); Autoya.AssetBundle_PreloadByList( newPreloadList, (willLoadBundleNames, proceed, cancel) => { proceed(); }, progress => { Debug.Log("progress:" + progress); }, () => { Debug.Log("preloading all listed assetBundles is finished."); // then, you can use these assetBundles immediately. without any downloading. Autoya.AssetBundle_LoadAsset <GameObject>( "Assets/Demo/____ASSET_BUNDLES/unitychan_std/Prefabs/UnityChan_Std.prefab", (assetName, prefab) => { Debug.Log("asset:" + assetName + " is successfully loaded as:" + prefab); // instantiate asset. Instantiate(prefab); }, (assetName, err, reason, status) => { Debug.LogError("failed to load assetName:" + assetName + " err:" + err + " reason:" + reason); } ); Autoya.AssetBundle_LoadAsset <GameObject>( "Assets/Demo/____ASSET_BUNDLES/unitychan_crs/Prefabs/UnityChan_Crs.prefab", (assetName, prefab) => { Debug.Log("asset:" + assetName + " is successfully loaded as:" + prefab); // instantiate asset. Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(1f, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); }, (assetName, err, reason, status) => { Debug.LogError("failed to load assetName:" + assetName + " err:" + err + " reason:" + reason); } ); }, (code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { Debug.LogError("preload failed. code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, (downloadFailedAssetBundleName, code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { Debug.LogError("failed to preload assetBundle:" + downloadFailedAssetBundleName + ". code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, 10 // 10 parallel download! you can set more than 0. ); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { // need to wait finish authentication. while (!Autoya.Auth_IsAuthenticated()) { yield return(null); } /* * this is sample of "preload assetBundles feature". * * the word "preload" in this sample means "download assetBundles without use." * preloaded assetBundles are stored in storage cache. no difference between preloaded and downloaded assetBundles. * * case1:generate preloadList from assetBundleList, then get described assetBundles. */ Autoya.AssetBundle_DownloadAssetBundleListsIfNeed(status => { }, (code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { }); // wait downloading assetBundleList. while (!Autoya.AssetBundle_IsAssetBundleFeatureReady()) { yield return(null); } /* * let's preload specific assetBundle into device storage. */ // get assetBundleList. var assetBundleLists = Autoya.AssetBundle_AssetBundleLists(); // create sample preloadList which contains all assetBundle names in assetBundleList. var assetBundleNames = assetBundleLists.SelectMany(list => list.assetBundles).Select(abInfo => abInfo.bundleName).ToArray(); var newPreloadList = new PreloadList("samplePreloadList", assetBundleNames); Autoya.AssetBundle_PreloadByList( newPreloadList, (willLoadBundleNames, proceed, cancel) => { proceed(); }, progress => { Debug.Log("progress:" + progress); }, () => { Debug.Log("preloading all listed assetBundles is finished."); // then, you can use these assetBundles immediately. without any downloading. Autoya.AssetBundle_LoadAsset <GameObject>( "Assets/AutoyaTests/RuntimeData/AssetBundles/MainResources/textureName1.prefab", (assetName, prefab) => { Debug.Log("asset:" + assetName + " is successfully loaded as:" + prefab); // instantiate asset. Instantiate(prefab); }, (assetName, err, reason, status) => { Debug.LogError("failed to load assetName:" + assetName + " err:" + err + " reason:" + reason); } ); }, (code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { Debug.LogError("preload failed. code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, (downloadFailedAssetBundleName, code, reason, autoyaStatus) => { Debug.LogError("failed to preload assetBundle:" + downloadFailedAssetBundleName + ". code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, 10 // 10 parallel download! you can set more than 0. ); }
public IEnumerator UpdateListWithOnMemoryAssetsThenPreloadLoadedChangedAsset() { var done = false; Autoya.AssetBundle_DownloadAssetBundleListsIfNeed( status => { done = true; }, (code, reason, asutoyaStatus) => { Fail("UpdateListWithOnMemoryAssets failed, code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); } ); yield return(WaitUntil( () => done, () => { throw new TimeoutException("faild to get assetBundleList."); } )); True(Autoya.AssetBundle_IsAssetBundleFeatureReady()); UnityEngine.Object[] loadedAssets = null; // 全てのABをロード yield return(LoadAllAssetBundlesOfMainAssets(objs => { loadedAssets = objs; })); True(loadedAssets != null); // var guids = loadedAssets.Select(a => a.GetInstanceID()).ToArray(); var loadedAssetBundleNames = Autoya.AssetBundle_AssetBundleLists().Where(list => list.identity == "main_assets").FirstOrDefault().assetBundles.Select(a => a.bundleName).ToArray(); // 1.0.1 リストの更新判断の関数をセット var listContainsUsingAssetsAndShouldBeUpdate = false; Autoya.Debug_SetOverridePoint_ShouldRequestNewAssetBundleList( (basePath, identity, ver) => { var url = basePath + identity + "/" + AssetBundlesSettings.PLATFORM_STR + "/" + ver + "/" + identity + ".json"; return(Autoya.ShouldRequestOrNot.Yes(url)); } ); Autoya.Debug_SetOverridePoint_ShouldUpdateToNewAssetBundleList( condition => { if (condition == Autoya.CurrentUsingBundleCondition.UsingAssetsAreChanged) { listContainsUsingAssetsAndShouldBeUpdate = true; } return(true); } ); // 1.0.1リストを取得 Autoya.Http_Get( "" + AuthSettings.AUTH_RESPONSEHEADER_RESVERSION + "=main_assets:1.0.1", (conId, data) => { // pass. }, (conId, code, reason, status) => { Fail(); } ); yield return(WaitUntil( () => listContainsUsingAssetsAndShouldBeUpdate, () => { throw new TimeoutException("failed to get response."); }, 10 )); True(Autoya.AssetBundle_AssetBundleLists().Where(list => list.identity == "main_assets").FirstOrDefault().version == "1.0.1"); // preload all. var preloadDone = false; var preloadList = new PreloadList("dummy", loadedAssetBundleNames); Autoya.AssetBundle_PreloadByList( preloadList, (preloadCandidateBundleNames, go, stop) => { // all assetBundles should not be download. on memory loaded ABs are not updatable. True(preloadCandidateBundleNames.Length == 0); go(); }, progress => { }, () => { preloadDone = true; }, (code, reason, status) => { Fail("code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, (failedAssetBundleName, code, reason, status) => { Fail("failedAssetBundleName:" + failedAssetBundleName + " code:" + code + " reason:" + reason); }, 5 ); yield return(WaitUntil( () => preloadDone, () => { throw new TimeoutException("failed to preload."); }, 10 )); }