public void UpdateCatenary() { int probability = reduceCatenary.value ? 0 : 100; for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { NetInfo info = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (info == null) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < info.m_lanes.Length; j++) { if (info.m_lanes[j] != null && info.m_lanes[j].m_laneProps != null) { NetLaneProps.Prop[] props = info.m_lanes[j].m_laneProps.m_props; if (props == null) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < props.Length; k++) { if (props[k] != null && props[k].m_prop != null && props[k].m_segmentOffset != 1f && props[k]"powerline")) { props[k].m_probability = probability; } } } } } }
public void UpdateDisasterProperties(bool isSet) { int prefabsCount = PrefabCollection <DisasterInfo> .PrefabCount(); for (uint i = 0; i < prefabsCount; i++) { DisasterInfo di = PrefabCollection <DisasterInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (di == null) { continue; } if (di.m_disasterAI as EarthquakeAI != null) { if (isSet && NoCracks) { ((EarthquakeAI)di.m_disasterAI).m_crackLength = 0; ((EarthquakeAI)di.m_disasterAI).m_crackWidth = 0; } else { ((EarthquakeAI)di.m_disasterAI).m_crackLength = 1000; ((EarthquakeAI)di.m_disasterAI).m_crackWidth = 100; } } } }
private IEnumerable <NetInfo> EnumeratePrefabs() { for (uint c = 0; c < PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .PrefabCount(); c++) { yield return(PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetPrefab(c)); } }
private void CreateNewVehicleAI <TPrefab, TAI>(Action <TAI> runner) where TPrefab : VehicleInfo where TAI : VehicleAI { if (runner == null) { return; } var prefabCount = PrefabCollection <TPrefab> .PrefabCount(); for (uint i = 0; i < prefabCount; i++) { var prefab = PrefabCollection <TPrefab> .GetPrefab(i); var ai = prefab.GetAI(); if (ai is TAI) { // Remove the "old" AI // And create a new one (literally the same AI type) // Then run the "runner" on it which can do things like updating capacities // And ticket prices. Object.Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <TAI>()); var newAi = prefab.gameObject.GetComponent <TAI>(); runner(newAi); prefab.m_vehicleAI = newAi; newAi.InitializeAI(); } } }
private void LoadTrackedPrefabs() { for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { CitizenInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <CitizenInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (prefab == null) { continue; } string name = prefab.GetLocalizedTitle(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { continue; } if (!_settings.Animals.Contains(name)) { continue; } if (_prefabs.ContainsKey(name)) { continue; } _prefabs.Add(name, (int)i); } }
private static void UpdateData(TreeManager tm, SimulationManager.UpdateMode mode) { Singleton<LoadingManager>.instance.m_loadingProfilerSimulation.BeginLoading("TreeManager.UpdateData"); if (TreeUnlimiter.Mod.DEBUG_LOG_ON == true) { Debug.Log("[TreeUnlimiter::LimitTreeManager::UpdateData()] calling Ensure Init"); } LimitTreeManager.Helper.EnsureInit(3); for (int i = 1; i < LimitTreeManager.Helper.TreeLimit; i++) { if (tm.m_trees.m_buffer[i].m_flags != 0 && tm.m_trees.m_buffer[i].Info == null) { tm.ReleaseTree((uint)i); } } int num = PrefabCollection<TreeInfo>.PrefabCount(); int num1 = 1; while (num1 * num1 < num) { num1++; } for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { TreeInfo prefab = PrefabCollection<TreeInfo>.GetPrefab((uint)j); if (prefab != null) { prefab.SetRenderParameters(j, num1); } } ColossalFramework.Threading.ThreadHelper.dispatcher.Dispatch(() => { tm.GetType().GetField("m_lastShadowRotation", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(tm, new Quaternion()); tm.GetType().GetField("m_lastCameraRotation", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(tm, new Quaternion()); }); tm.m_infoCount = num; Singleton<LoadingManager>.instance.m_loadingProfilerSimulation.EndLoading(); }
public static IEnumerable <NetInfo> IterateRoadPrefabs() { int prefabCount = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .PrefabCount(); int loadedCount = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .LoadedCount(); //Log.Debug($"IterateRoadPrefabs: prefabCount={prefabCount} LoadedCount={loadedCount}",false); for (uint i = 0; i < loadedCount; ++i) { NetInfo info = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetLoaded(i); if (!info) { Log.Warning("Skipping Bad prefab with null info"); continue; } else if (info.m_netAI == null) { Log.Warning("Skipping Bad prefab with null info.m_NetAI"); continue; } if (!(info.m_netAI is RoadBaseAI)) { continue; } yield return(info); } // end for }
private List <BuildingItem> GetBuildingItemList(Configuration.Theme theme) { List <BuildingItem> list = new List <BuildingItem>(); // List of all growables prefabs Dictionary <string, BuildingItem> buildingDictionary = new Dictionary <string, BuildingItem>(); for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { BuildingInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (prefab != null && prefab.m_placementStyle == ItemClass.Placement.Automatic) { BuildingItem item = new BuildingItem(); item.prefab = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetPrefab(i); buildingDictionary.Add(, item); if (!BuildingVariationManager.instance.IsVariation( { list.Add(item); } } } // Combine growables with buildings in configuration Configuration.Building[] buildings = theme.buildings.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < buildings.Length; i++) { if (buildingDictionary.ContainsKey(buildings[i].name)) { // Associate building with prefab BuildingItem item = buildingDictionary[buildings[i].name]; item.building = buildings[i]; if (!list.Contains(item)) { list.Add(item); } } else { // Prefab not found, adding building without prefab if (buildings[i].dlc != null && !Steam.IsDlcInstalled(Convert.ToUInt32(buildings[i].dlc))) { continue; } BuildingItem item = new BuildingItem(); item.building = buildings[i]; list.Add(item); } } // Sorting list.Sort(BuildingCompare); return(list); }
private void FindAllPrefabs() { List <PrefabData> prefabDataList1 = new List <PrefabData>(); List <PrefabData> prefabDataList2 = new List <PrefabData>(); List <PrefabData> prefabDataList3 = new List <PrefabData>(); List <PrefabData> prefabDataList4 = new List <PrefabData>(); List <PrefabData> prefabDataList5 = new List <PrefabData>(); List <PrefabData> prefabDataList6 = new List <PrefabData>(); List <PrefabData> prefabDataList7 = new List <PrefabData>(); for (int index = 0; index < PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(); ++index) { VehicleInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)index); if ((Object)prefab != (Object)null && !VehiclePrefabs.IsTrailer(prefab) && (prefab.m_class.m_service == ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport && prefab.m_class.m_level == ItemClass.Level.Level1)) { switch (prefab.m_class.m_subService) { case ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportBus: prefabDataList1.Add(new PrefabData(prefab)); continue; case ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportMetro: prefabDataList2.Add(new PrefabData(prefab)); continue; case ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportTrain: prefabDataList3.Add(new PrefabData(prefab)); continue; case ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportShip: prefabDataList4.Add(new PrefabData(prefab)); continue; case ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportPlane: prefabDataList5.Add(new PrefabData(prefab)); continue; case ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportTaxi: prefabDataList6.Add(new PrefabData(prefab)); continue; case ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportTram: prefabDataList7.Add(new PrefabData(prefab)); continue; default: continue; } } } this._busPrefabData = prefabDataList1.ToArray(); this._metroPrefabData = prefabDataList2.ToArray(); this._trainPrefabData = prefabDataList3.ToArray(); this._shipPrefabData = prefabDataList4.ToArray(); this._planePrefabData = prefabDataList5.ToArray(); this._taxiPrefabData = prefabDataList6.ToArray(); this._tramPrefabData = prefabDataList7.ToArray(); }
private void DebugOutput() { for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <RadioChannelInfo> .PrefabCount(); ++i) { String message = ""; RadioChannelInfo info = PrefabCollection <RadioChannelInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (info == null) { continue; } message += "[ChannelInfo] " + info + "\n"; message += "Schedule:\n"; if (info.m_stateChain != null) { foreach (RadioChannelInfo.State s in info.m_stateChain) { message += "\t" + s.m_contentType + " " + s.m_minCount + " - " + s.m_maxCount + "\n"; } } message += "Content:\n"; for (uint j = 0; j < PrefabCollection <RadioContentInfo> .PrefabCount(); ++j) { RadioContentInfo content = PrefabCollection <RadioContentInfo> .GetPrefab(j); if (content == null) { continue; } if (content.m_radioChannels != null) { if (content.m_radioChannels.Contains(info)) { message += "\t[ContentInfo] " + content + " " + content.m_fileName + "\n"; } } } CSLMusicMod.Log(message); } for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <DisasterInfo> .PrefabCount(); ++i) { DisasterInfo info = PrefabCollection <DisasterInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (info == null) { continue; } CSLMusicMod.Log("[DisasterContext] Disaster name: " +; } }
public static void StoreAll() { DefaultOptions.Clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { DefaultOptions.Store(PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(i)); } DebugUtils.Log("Default values stored"); }
private static void EndRenderingImpl(TreeManager tm, RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo) { unsafe { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F5) && Event.current.control) { DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, string.Format("TreeLimit: TreeCount={0}, TreeLimit={1}, CanPlaceMoreTrees={2}", tm.m_treeCount, LimitTreeManager.Helper.TreeLimit, tm.CheckLimits())); Array32<TreeInstance> mTrees = tm.m_trees; DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, string.Format("TreeLimit: ArraySize={0}, ItemCount={1}, UnusedCount={2}", mTrees.m_size, mTrees.ItemCount(), mTrees.GetType().GetField("m_unusedCount", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(mTrees))); } FastList<RenderGroup> mRenderedGroups = Singleton<RenderManager>.instance.m_renderedGroups; for (int i = 0; i < mRenderedGroups.m_size; i++) { RenderGroup mBuffer = mRenderedGroups.m_buffer[i]; if ((mBuffer.m_instanceMask & 1 << (tm.m_treeLayer & 31)) != 0) { int mX = mBuffer.m_x * 540 / 45; int mZ = mBuffer.m_z * 540 / 45; int num = (mBuffer.m_x + 1) * 540 / 45 - 1; int mZ1 = (mBuffer.m_z + 1) * 540 / 45 - 1; for (int j = mZ; j <= mZ1; j++) { for (int k = mX; k <= num; k++) { uint mTreeGrid = tm.m_treeGrid[j * 540 + k]; int num1 = 0; while (mTreeGrid != 0) { tm.m_trees.m_buffer[mTreeGrid].RenderInstance(cameraInfo, mTreeGrid, mBuffer.m_instanceMask); mTreeGrid = tm.m_trees.m_buffer[mTreeGrid].m_nextGridTree; int num2 = num1 + 1; num1 = num2; if (num2 < LimitTreeManager.Helper.TreeLimit) { continue; } CODebugBase<LogChannel>.Error(LogChannel.Core, string.Concat("Invalid list detected!\n", Environment.StackTrace)); break; } } } } } int num3 = PrefabCollection<TreeInfo>.PrefabCount(); for (int l = 0; l < num3; l++) { TreeInfo prefab = PrefabCollection<TreeInfo>.GetPrefab((uint)l); if (prefab != null && prefab.m_lodCount != 0) { TreeInstance.RenderLod(cameraInfo, prefab); } } } }
public static void MaterialCache() { Log.Info("BENCHMARK> MaterialCache started ... "); materialList = new List <Material>(); int count = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .PrefabCount(); int loadedCount = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .LoadedCount(); for (uint i = 0; i < loadedCount; ++i) { NetInfo info = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetLoaded(i); if (info?.m_netAI != null && NetInfoExt.GetCanHideCrossings(info)) { foreach (var nodeInfo in info.m_nodes) { if (nodeInfo?.m_nodeMaterial == null || nodeInfo.m_directConnect) { continue; } var nodeMaterial = nodeInfo.m_nodeMaterial; // processed and cache material var material2 = MaterialUtils.HideCrossings(nodeMaterial, null, info); // add to cached material list. materialList.Add(nodeMaterial); } } } // end for int totalCollisions = 0; foreach (var material in materialList) { totalCollisions += CountCollisions(material); } float averageCollisions = totalCollisions / (float)materialList.Count; Log.Info($"BENCHMARK> totalCollisions={totalCollisions} averageCollisions={averageCollisions}"); Log.Info($"BENCHMARK> peforming cache speed benchmark:"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { foreach (var material in materialList) { // its possible for some arguments to be null only if the material is cached already. var material2 = MaterialUtils.HideCrossings(material, null, null); } } Log.Info($"BENCHMARK> Done peforming cache speed benchmark {1000 * materialList.Count} times "); }
private void readVehicles(bool global, bool force = false) { if (TransportLinesManagerMod.instance != null && TransportLinesManagerMod.debugMode) { TLMUtils.doLog("PrefabCount: {0} ({1})", PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(), PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .LoadedCount()); } if (PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .LoadedCount() == 0) { TLMUtils.doErrorLog("Prefabs not loaded!"); return; } loadPrefixConfigList(global); }
public static void Postfix(ref RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo) { ItemClass.Availability availability = ToolManager.instance.m_properties.m_mode; FastList <RenderGroup> fastList = RenderManager.instance.m_renderedGroups; int num1 = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Props") | 1 << RenderManager.instance.lightSystem.m_lightLayer; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < fastList.m_size; ++index1) { RenderGroup renderGroup = fastList.m_buffer[index1]; if ((renderGroup.m_instanceMask & num1) != 0) { int minX = renderGroup.m_x * 270 / 45; int minZ = renderGroup.m_z * 270 / 45; int maxX = (renderGroup.m_x + 1) * 270 / 45 - 1; int maxZ = (renderGroup.m_z + 1) * 270 / 45 - 1; for (int index2 = minZ; index2 <= maxZ; ++index2) { for (int index3 = minX; index3 <= maxX; ++index3) { int gridKey = index2 * 270 + index3; List <PropContainer> list = PropUnlimiterManager.instance.GetPropsInGrid(gridKey); if (list != null) { foreach (PropContainer instance in list) { if (instance.extras.ContainsKey("accx") && instance.extras.ContainsKey("accy") && instance.extras.ContainsKey("accz")) { RenderProp(cameraInfo, instance); } else { instance.propInstance.RenderInstance(cameraInfo, 0, renderGroup.m_instanceMask); } } } } } } } for (int index = 0; index < PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .PrefabCount(); ++index) { PropInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)index); if (prefab != null && prefab.m_lodCount != 0) { PropInstance.RenderLod(cameraInfo, prefab); } } }
/* Load road netinfos */ public void Populate(bool keepSelection = false) { NetInfo lastSelection = null; if (keepSelection) { try { lastSelection = Value; } catch { keepSelection = false; } } var count = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .PrefabCount(); m_dictionary = new SortedDictionary <StringWithLaneCount, NetInfo>(); bool freeCursor = UIWindow2.instance?.toolOnUI is FreeCursorTool; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { var prefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (prefab != null) { //Debug.Log($"Prefab {prefab.GetUncheckedLocalizedTitle()}, fl {prefab.m_hasBackwardVehicleLanes}, bl {prefab.m_hasForwardVehicleLanes}, car flag {(prefab.m_vehicleTypes & VehicleInfo.VehicleType.Car) != 0}"); if (IsEligible(prefab, freeCursor)) { StringWithLaneCount slc = new StringWithLaneCount(prefab); //beautified = (prefab.m_forwardVehicleLaneCount + prefab.m_backwardVehicleLaneCount) + "_" + beautified; if (m_dictionary.ContainsKey(slc)) { slc.Name += " [" + i + "]"; } m_dictionary[slc] = prefab; //Debug.Log("Loaded prefab: " + slc.Name + " ,underground: " + prefab.m_netAI.IsUnderground() + " ,overground: " + prefab.m_netAI.IsOverground()); } } } UpdateListWithPrefab(null); /* It seems that this code is there twice. (In this method and in the UpdateListWithPrefab method.) Yes, basically it is... :( */ if (keepSelection) { int i = Array.IndexOf(m_netInfos, lastSelection); if (i > -1 && i < m_netInfos.Length) { selectedIndex = i; } } }
public static void BuildVehicleInfoDictionary() { m_prefabs.Clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { VehicleInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (prefab != null) { m_prefabs[] = prefab; } } }
void itemsDropdown_eventSelectedIndexChanged(UIComponent component, int value) { for (uint i = 0; i <= PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { var prefab = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if ( == itemsDropdown.selectedValue) { GameObject.FindObjectOfType <BuildingTool>().m_prefab = prefab; GameObject.FindObjectOfType <BuildingTool>().enabled = true; modesDropdown.selectedValue = prefab.m_placementMode.ToString(); } } }
void propToolDropdown_eventSelectedIndexChanged(UIComponent component, int value) { for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { var prefab = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if ((prefab != null) && == propToolDropdown.selectedValue) { var netTool = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PropTool>(); netTool.m_prefab = prefab; netTool.enabled = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Collects prefabs of the specified prefab type. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TPrefab">The type of the prefab.</typeparam> /// <returns> /// A sequence of assets of the specified type. /// </returns> public static IEnumerable <PrefabInfo> Collect <TPrefab>() where TPrefab : PrefabInfo { int count = PrefabCollection <TPrefab> .PrefabCount(); for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { PrefabInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <TPrefab> .GetPrefab(i); if ((UnityEngine.Object)prefab != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { yield return(prefab); } } }
public static void PatchEveryBuildingAI() { prefabCount = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .PrefabCount(); for (int i = 0; i < prefabCount; ++i) { prefab = PrefabCollection <BuildingInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)i); if (prefab != null) { component = prefab.GetComponent <BuildingAI>(); if (component != null) { Type currentAiType = component.GetType(); Type newAiType = null; if (currentAiType == typeof(ResidentialBuildingAI)) { newAiType = typeof(MyResidentialBuildingAI); } else if (currentAiType == typeof(CommercialBuildingAI)) { newAiType = typeof(MyCommercialBuildingAI); } else if (currentAiType == typeof(IndustrialBuildingAI)) { newAiType = typeof(MyIndustrialBuildingAI); } else if (currentAiType == typeof(IndustrialExtractorAI)) { newAiType = typeof(MyIndustrialExtractorAI); } else if (currentAiType == typeof(OfficeBuildingAI)) { newAiType = typeof(MyOfficeBuildingAI); } if (newAiType != null) { BuildingAI buildingAI = (BuildingAI)prefab.gameObject.AddComponent(newAiType); buildingAI.m_info = prefab; prefab.m_buildingAI = buildingAI; buildingAI.InitializePrefab(); } } } } }
internal static List <string> LoadBasicAssets(CitizenWealthDefinition definition) { var basicAssetsList = new List <string>(); for (uint num = 0u; num < (ulong)PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(); num += 1u) { VehicleInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(num); if (!(prefab == null) && definition.isFromSystem(prefab) && !VehicleUtils.IsTrailer(prefab)) { basicAssetsList.Add(; } } return(basicAssetsList); }
private void RemoveUnsupportedContent() { // Apply filtering after loading for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <RadioChannelInfo> .PrefabCount(); ++i) { RadioChannelInfo info = PrefabCollection <RadioChannelInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (info == null) { continue; } RemoveUnsupportedContent(info); } }
internal static List <string> LoadBasicAssets(ServiceSystemDefinition definition) { List <string> basicAssetsList = new List <string>(); for (uint num = 0u; (ulong)num < (ulong)((long)PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount()); num += 1u) { VehicleInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(num); if (!(prefab == null) && definition.isFromSystem(prefab) && !IsTrailer(prefab)) { basicAssetsList.Add(; } } return(basicAssetsList); }
internal static List <string> LoadBasicAssets(ref TransportSystemDefinition definition) { var basicAssetsList = new List <string>(); TLMUtils.doLog("LoadBasicAssets: pre prefab read"); for (uint num = 0u; num < (ulong)PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(); num += 1u) { VehicleInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(num); if (!(prefab == null) && definition.IsFromSystem(prefab) && !VehicleUtils.IsTrailer(prefab)) { basicAssetsList.Add(; } } return(basicAssetsList); }
public static IEnumerable <DisasterInfo> GetDisasterInfos() { var numPrefabs = PrefabCollection <DisasterInfo> .PrefabCount(); for (var i = 0; i < numPrefabs; i++) { var disasterInfo = PrefabCollection <DisasterInfo> .GetPrefab((uint)i); if (disasterInfo == null || == DisasterInfoNames.GenericFlood) { continue; } yield return(disasterInfo); } }
private IEnumerator Store() { while (PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(0) == null) { yield return(null); } DefaultOptions.Clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { DefaultOptions.Store(PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(i)); } DebugUtils.Log("Default values stored"); Destroy(gameObject); }
/// <summary> /// Looks up the custom assets placed in the city. /// </summary> void LookupSimulationAssets <P>(HashSet <string> packages, HashSet <string> assets) where P : PrefabInfo { try { int n = PrefabCollection <P> .PrefabCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Add(PrefabCollection <P> .PrefabName((uint)i), packages, assets); } } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogException(e); } }
private List <T> GetInfos() { var list = new List <T>(); uint num = 0u; while (num < (ulong)PrefabCollection <T> .PrefabCount()) { T prefabInfo = PrefabCollection <T> .GetPrefab(num); if (prefabInfo != null) { list.Add(prefabInfo); } num += 1u; } return(list); }
public static void StoreAllModded() { if (m_modded.Count > 0) { return; } for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++) { VehicleInfo prefab = PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .GetPrefab(i); if (prefab != null && !m_modded.ContainsKey( { m_modded.Add(, new DefaultOptions(prefab)); } } }