예제 #1
 public void AssignJobToMachineById(int Jid, int Mid)
     // Console.WriteLine("Assigning J{0} to M{1}", PrecedenceDAG.GetJobById(Jid).ID, GetMachineByID(Mid).MachineID);
     if (Mid == 0)
         throw new Exception("Machines are 1 based");
     AssignJobToMachine(PrecedenceDAG.GetJobById(Jid), GetMachineByID(Mid));
        public void PrintJobInfo()
            Console.WriteLine("Printing job information........");
            Console.WriteLine("| id  | px  | rx | sx  | tx  | Sum | Estimated Cmax (check) |");
            Job CurrentJob;

            for (int JobID = 0; JobID < PrecedenceDAG.N; JobID++)
                CurrentJob = PrecedenceDAG.GetJobById(JobID);
                Console.WriteLine("| {0,-3} | {1,-3} | {6,-3} | {2,-3} | {3,-3} | {4,-3} | {5,-3} |", JobID, CurrentJob.MeanProcessingTime, GetEarliestStart(CurrentJob), CalcTailTime(CurrentJob), CurrentJob.MeanProcessingTime + GetEarliestStart(CurrentJob) + CalcTailTime(CurrentJob), DeterministicCmax, CurrentJob.EarliestReleaseDate);
         * private List<Job> BuildSuccessorList(Job j)
         * {
         *  throw new Exception("What uses this?");
         *  Console.WriteLine("WARNING: BuildSuccessorList is slow. Are you sure you need it?");
         *  List<Job> Succs = new List<Job>(j.Successors.Count + 1);
         *  Job MSucc = GetMachineSuccessor(j);
         *  Succs.Add(MSucc);
         *  foreach (Job v in j.Successors)
         *  {
         *      if (v != MSucc) { Succs.Add(v); }
         *  }
         *  return Succs;
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the Action (Job ==> Void) on each Job in Precedence order (topological order). Considers Machine Predecessors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PerFormAction"></param>
        public void ForeachJobInPrecOrderDo(Action <Job> PerFormAction)
            int[]       nParentsProcessed = new int[PrecedenceDAG.N + 1]; // Position i contains the number of parents of Job with ID i that have been fully updated.
            Stack <Job> AllPredDone       = new Stack <Job>();            // The jobs that will no longer change Rj are those for which all Parents have been considered.

            bool[] IsPushed  = new bool[PrecedenceDAG.N + 1];
            bool[] IsVisited = new bool[PrecedenceDAG.N + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < PrecedenceDAG.N + 1; i++)
                IsPushed[i]  = false;
                IsVisited[i] = false;

            foreach (Job j in PrecedenceDAG.Jobs)  //All jobs without predecessors can know their final Rj (it is equal to their own rj).
                if (j.Predecessors.Count == 0 &&
                    GetMachinePredecessor(j) == null)
                    IsPushed[j.ID] = true;
                    // ESS[j.ID] = j.EarliestReleaseDate; Do this as part of the action!
            Job CurrentJob = null;
            int DebugJobsPopped = 0;

            while (AllPredDone.Count > 0)
                CurrentJob = AllPredDone.Pop();
                if (IsVisited[CurrentJob.ID])
                    // Oops, found it twice.


                IsVisited[CurrentJob.ID] = true;

                Job MachineSucc = GetMachineSuccessor(CurrentJob);

                foreach (Job Child in CurrentJob.Successors)
                    Job MachinePred = GetMachinePredecessor(Child);
                    if (nParentsProcessed[Child.ID] == Child.Predecessors.Count && (MachinePred == null || IsVisited[MachinePred.ID]))
                        if (MachinePred == null)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Debug note: No machine pred for job {0}", Child.ID);
                        if (!IsPushed[Child.ID])
                            IsPushed[Child.ID] = true;
                if (MachineSucc != null && nParentsProcessed[MachineSucc.ID] == MachineSucc.Predecessors.Count)
                    if (!IsPushed[MachineSucc.ID])
                        IsPushed[MachineSucc.ID] = true;
                // missing machine arcs? NO! Machine arcs are dealt with.
            for (int i = 0; i < PrecedenceDAG.N; i++)
                if (!IsVisited[i])
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR! Printing Schedule for debugging then aborting.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Processed {0}/{1} jobs in Prec Order", DebugJobsPopped, PrecedenceDAG.N);
                    Console.WriteLine("Checking for cycles...");
                    bool Cyclesfound = false;
                    foreach (Machine M in this.Machines)
                        for (int higherindex = 1; higherindex < M.AssignedJobs.Count; higherindex++)
                            for (int lowerindex = 0; lowerindex < higherindex; lowerindex++)
                                if (PrecedenceDAG.PrecPathExists(M.AssignedJobs[higherindex], M.AssignedJobs[lowerindex]))
                                    Console.WriteLine("Cycle found on M{2}: Job {0} --Marcs--> Job {1} --Precs--> Job {0}", M.AssignedJobs[lowerindex].ID, M.AssignedJobs[higherindex].ID, M.MachineID);
                                    Cyclesfound = true;
                    if (!Cyclesfound)
                        Console.WriteLine("No cycles found");


                    Console.Write("Missed jobs: ");
                    for (int j = 0; j < PrecedenceDAG.N; j++)
                        if (!IsVisited[j])
                            Console.Write("{0}, ", j);
                    throw new Exception("Not all jobs visited!");
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a problem with precedence arcs as a DAG. Creates an assignment by iterating jobs over machines. Very naive.
        /// </summary>
        public void MakeRollingMachineAssignment()
            AssignmentDescription = "Rolling Machine Assignment";
            if (PrecedenceDAG.N <= 1)
                throw new Exception("No DAG given. Cannot build schedule without problem instance");
            int NJobsAssigned = 0;

            int[]       nParentsProcessed = new int[PrecedenceDAG.N + 1];
            Queue <Job> AllPredDone       = new Queue <Job>(); // The jobs that will no longer change Rj are those for which all Parents have been considered.

            foreach (Job j in PrecedenceDAG.Jobs)              //All jobs without predecessors can know their final Rj (it is equal to their own rj).
                if (j.Predecessors.Count == 0)

            int CandidateMachineID = 0;

            while (AllPredDone.Count > 0)
                bool DebugAssignmentSuccess = false;
                if (CandidateMachineID >= Machines.Count + 1)
                    CandidateMachineID = 1;

                Job CurrentJob = AllPredDone.Dequeue();

                for (int i = 0; i < Machines.Count; i++)
                    if (!IsFeasibleAssignment(CurrentJob, GetMachineByID(CandidateMachineID)))
                        // try the next machine:
                        if (CandidateMachineID >= Machines.Count)
                            CandidateMachineID = 0;
                        // assign to that machine
                        //IMPORTANT: Update the Queue before adding any arcs, or things may be added to the queue twice:
                        foreach (Job Succ in CurrentJob.Successors)
                            if (nParentsProcessed[Succ.ID] == Succ.Predecessors.Count)
                        //IMPORTANT: Only do this after the queue has been updated.
                        // if it is the first job on the machine, no precedence arc is needed:
                        if (GetMachineByID(CandidateMachineID).AssignedJobs.Count > 0)
                            PrecedenceDAG.AddArc(GetMachineByID(CandidateMachineID).LastJob(), CurrentJob);
                        //IMPORTANT: Only do this after the queue has been updated and after machine arcs have been updated
                        AssignJobToMachine(CurrentJob, GetMachineByID(CandidateMachineID));

                        DebugAssignmentSuccess = true;
                if (!DebugAssignmentSuccess)
                    throw new Exception("Schedulde.Build was unable to create a feasible schedule: the algorithm is bugged.");
            if (NJobsAssigned < PrecedenceDAG.N)
                throw new Exception("Not all jobs assigned");