// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (playerHealth.health == 0)
            Cursor.lockState      = CursorLockMode.None;
            healthbarHolder.alpha = Powers_AnimMath.Slide(healthbarHolder.alpha, 0, 0.02f);
            deathUI.alpha         = Powers_AnimMath.Slide(deathUI.alpha, 1, 0.02f);

            if (!killcountGotten)
                Powers_PlayerMovement moveScript = playerHealth.GetComponent <Powers_PlayerMovement>();
                killcount.text       = "KILLCOUNT: " + moveScript.killCount;
                killcountShadow.text = "KILLCOUNT: " + moveScript.killCount;
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (!particlesSpawned) //Check to make sure projectile isnt getting destroyed
            //grab player movement or turret AI script
            Powers_PlayerMovement player = other.GetComponent <Powers_PlayerMovement>();

            if (player) //check if player movement script is null. if not, then we have a player
                Powers_HealthSystem playerHealth = player.GetComponent <Powers_HealthSystem>();
                if (playerHealth)
