예제 #1
        public static void RunOption(PowerUI.MouseEvent e)
            Dom.Node targetNode = (e.target as Dom.Node);

            // Get the unique ID:
            int uniqueId;

            if (!int.TryParse(targetNode.getAttribute("unique-id"), out uniqueId))
                Dom.Log.Add("A dialogue option did not have an unique-id attribute.");

            // Get the widget:
            DialogueWidget dw = e.targetWidget as DialogueWidget;

            if (dw == null)
                Dom.Log.Add("A dialogue option tried to run but it's not inside a DialogueWidget.");

            // Great ok - we can now grab the active options entry.
            // Select the active slide with that unique ID:
            PowerSlide.DialogueSlide slide = dw.getSlide(uniqueId) as PowerSlide.DialogueSlide;

            if (slide == null)
                Dom.Log.Add("Unable to resolve a DialogueSlide from a unique-id.");

            // Get the GOTO:
            string gotoUrl = slide.slidesToGoTo;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gotoUrl))
                // Acts just like a continue does.
                // Just cue it:

            // Load it now (into the existing timeline):
            PowerSlide.Timeline.open(gotoUrl, PowerSlide.Dialogue.basePath, dw.timeline).then(delegate(object o){
                // Successfully opened it! Should already be running, but just incase:
                PowerSlide.Timeline timeline = o as PowerSlide.Timeline;

                // Start:
            }, delegate(object failure){
                // Failed!
                Dom.Log.Add("Failed to load a timeline from an option URI: " + failure);

            // dw.timeline.document.startDialogue(gotoUrl,dw.Timeline.template);

            // Kill the event:
예제 #2
        /// <summary>Called when the template is ready.</summary>
        public override void Goto(string url, Dictionary <string, object> globals)
            // Just get the timeline:
            object timelineObj;

            if (globals.TryGetValue("timeline", out timelineObj))
                // Get the timeline:
                timeline = timelineObj as PowerSlide.Timeline;
예제 #3
        public static void Cue(PowerUI.MouseEvent me)
            // The widget:
            Widgets.Widget widget = me.htmlTarget.widget;

            // Get the timeline:
            PowerSlide.Timeline tl = PowerSlide.Timeline.get(widget);

            // Cue it:
            if (tl != null)
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the dialogue at the given path. It's relative to resources://Dialogue/ by default
        /// and ".json" is appended if it contains no dot.
        /// E.g. "joey" => "resources://Dialogue/joey.json".
        /// "Hello/joey" => "resources://Dialogue/Hello/joey.json".
        /// "cdn://...joey.json" => as is.
        /// Use {language} in your path to localise the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">The widget template to use.
        /// Note that the widget doesn't need to be visual - it could, for example,
        /// manage a bunch of WorldUI's instead.</param>
        /// <param name="killRunning">Kills any open dialogue in the document.</param>
        /// <returns>A promise which runs when the dialogue loaded and started up.</returns>
        public Promise startDialogue(string startPath, string template, bool killRunning)
            if (killRunning)
                // Find all timelines in the document itself (and marked with 'isDialogue') and stop them:
                PowerSlide.Timeline current = PowerSlide.Timeline.first;

                while (current != null)
                    if (current.isDialogue && current.document == this)
                        // Kill it!

                    current = current.after;

            Promise p = new Promise();

            // Load the slides:
            PowerSlide.Dialogue.open(startPath).then(delegate(object o){
                // It's a timeline:
                PowerSlide.Timeline timeline = o as PowerSlide.Timeline;

                // Set the default template/doc:
                timeline.isDialogue = true;
                timeline.template   = template;
                timeline.document   = this;

                // Start it (which may open widgets):

                // Just resolve the promise here:
            }, p);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The same as startDialogue, only the promise this one returns runs when the dialogue is over.
        /// (It hooks up to the timelineend event triggered on the timeline itself).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">The widget template to use.
        /// Note that the widget doesn't need to be visual - it could, for example,
        /// manage a bunch of WorldUI's instead.</param>
        /// <param name="killRunning">Kills any open dialogue in the document.</param>
        /// <returns>A promise which runs when the dialogue finished.</returns>
        public Promise playDialogue(string startPath, string template, bool killRunning)
            Promise p = new Promise();

            startDialogue(startPath, template, killRunning).then(delegate(object o){
                PowerSlide.Timeline timeline = (o as PowerSlide.Timeline);

                // Add a done event handler:
                timeline.addEventListener("timelineend", delegate(PowerSlide.SlideEvent e){
                    // Ok!

                // Catch the slides cancel event (called when it was quit early):
                timeline.addEventListener("timelinecancel", delegate(PowerSlide.SlideEvent se){
                    // Resolve it now:
            }, p);
