public PowerAttackForm(PowerAttack attack, bool functional_template, int level, IRole role) { InitializeComponent(); Array defences = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DefenceType)); foreach (DefenceType defence in defences) { DefenceBox.Items.Add(defence); } Application.Idle += new EventHandler(Application_Idle); fAttack = attack.Copy(); fFunctionalTemplate = functional_template; fLevel = level; fRole = role; BonusBox.Value = fAttack.Bonus; DefenceBox.SelectedItem = fAttack.Defence; set_suggestion(); if (!fFunctionalTemplate) { InfoLbl.Visible = false; Height -= InfoLbl.Height; } }
private void AttackBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PowerAttack attack = this.fPower.Attack ?? new PowerAttack(); PowerAttackForm powerAttackForm = new PowerAttackForm(attack, this.fFunctionalTemplate, 0, null); if (powerAttackForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Attack = powerAttackForm.Attack; this.update_attack(); this.update_advice(); } }
protected void AreEqual(PowerAttack mp, PowerAttack ddi, string Name) { if (mp == null) { Assert.IsNull(ddi, "Attack not null " + Name); return; } else { Assert.IsNotNull(ddi, "Attack null for " + Name); } Assert.AreEqual(mp.Bonus, ddi.Bonus); Assert.AreEqual(mp.Defence, ddi.Defence); Assert.AreEqual(mp.ToString(), ddi.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Checks a text to see if there's an attack definition in it : adds it if found /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> /// <returns>PowerAttack, or null if fail</returns> protected PowerAttack TryToGetAttackFrom(string text) { Match match = _regIsAttack.Match(text); //Try to look for range ? if (match.Success) { string temp = match.Value; PowerAttack pa = new PowerAttack(); pa.Bonus = GetIntValue(temp, null); temp = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf("vs") + 3).Trim(); pa.Defence = (DefenceType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(DefenceType), temp)); return(pa); } return(null); }
private void AttackBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PowerAttack pa = fPower.Attack; if (pa == null) { pa = new PowerAttack(); } PowerAttackForm dlg = new PowerAttackForm(pa, fFunctionalTemplate, 0, null); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Attack = dlg.Attack; update_attack(); update_advice(); } }
public PowerAttackForm(PowerAttack attack, bool functional_template, int level, IRole role) { this.InitializeComponent(); foreach (DefenceType value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DefenceType))) { this.DefenceBox.Items.Add(value); } Application.Idle += new EventHandler(this.Application_Idle); this.fAttack = attack.Copy(); this.fFunctionalTemplate = functional_template; this.fLevel = level; this.fRole = role; this.BonusBox.Value = this.fAttack.Bonus; this.DefenceBox.SelectedItem = this.fAttack.Defence; this.set_suggestion(); if (!this.fFunctionalTemplate) { this.InfoLbl.Visible = false; PowerAttackForm height = this; height.Height = height.Height - this.InfoLbl.Height; } }
public static void AdjustPowerLevel(CreaturePower cp, int delta) { if (cp.Attack != null) { PowerAttack attack = cp.Attack; attack.Bonus = attack.Bonus + delta; } string str = AI.ExtractDamage(cp.Details); if (str != "") { DiceExpression diceExpression = DiceExpression.Parse(str); if (diceExpression != null) { DiceExpression diceExpression1 = diceExpression.Adjust(delta); if (diceExpression1 != null && diceExpression.ToString() != diceExpression1.ToString()) { cp.Details = cp.Details.Replace(str, string.Concat(diceExpression1, " damage")); } } } }
public Warrior(string characterType, int level) : base(characterType, level) { CurrentHealth = level * level * 10; MaxHealth = level * level * 10; Damage = 1.8; MaxDamage = Damage; Defense = 100; MaxDefense = Defense; Energy = 0; EnergyFillRate = 5; CurrentQueueSize = 0; MaxQueueSize = 3; CriticalPercentage = 15; MaxCriticalPercentage = CriticalPercentage; MissPercentage = 10; MaxMissPercentage = MissPercentage; ExperienceMultiplier = 1.0; GoldMultiplier = 1.0; attackOne = new Attack(); attackTwo = new PowerAttack(); attackThree = new Defend(); attackFour = new Crush(); }
public LevelScene(bool grantCampaignEquipment) : base() { // Defaults this.isSinglePlayer = true; // UI State UIHandler.SetUIOptions(false, false); UIHandler.SetMenu(null, false); // Create UI this.levelUI = new LevelUI(); // Generate Each Room Class this.rooms = new RoomScene[8]; for (byte roomID = 0; roomID <; roomID++) { this.rooms[roomID] = new RoomScene(this, roomID); } // If we're on single player, Systems.localServer.ResetPlayers(); // Restart the level, generate all rooms. this.RestartLevel(true); // Update Character with World Map abilities (if applicable) if (grantCampaignEquipment) { Character character = Systems.localServer.MyCharacter; CampaignState campaign = Systems.handler.campaignState; // Update Character Equipment if (campaign is CampaignState) { if (character.suit is Suit == false || !character.suit.IsPowerSuit) { Suit.AssignToCharacter(character, campaign.suit, true); } if ((character.hat is Hat == false || !character.hat.IsPowerHat) && (character.hat == null || !character.hat.IsCosmeticHat || campaign.hat != 0)) { Hat.AssignToCharacter(character, campaign.hat, true); } if ( is Shoes == false) { Shoes.AssignShoe(character,; } if (character.attackPower is PowerAttack == false) { PowerAttack.AssignPower(character, campaign.powerAtt); } if (character.mobilityPower is PowerMobility == false) { PowerMobility.AssignPower(character, campaign.powerMob); } if (character.wounds.Health < { character.wounds.SetHealth(; } if (character.wounds.Armor < campaign.armor) { character.wounds.SetArmor(campaign.armor); } } } // Play or Stop Music; }
private void Browser_Navigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e) { IRole role; if (e.Url.Scheme == "power") { if (e.Url.LocalPath == "info") { e.Cancel = true; PowerInfoForm powerInfoForm = new PowerInfoForm(this.fPower); if (powerInfoForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Name = powerInfoForm.PowerName; this.fPower.Keywords = powerInfoForm.PowerKeywords; this.update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "action") { e.Cancel = true; PowerActionForm powerActionForm = new PowerActionForm(this.fPower.Action); if (powerActionForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Action = powerActionForm.Action; this.refresh_examples(); this.update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "prerequisite") { e.Cancel = true; DetailsForm detailsForm = new DetailsForm(this.fPower.Condition, "Power Prerequisite", null); if (detailsForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Condition = detailsForm.Details; this.update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "range") { e.Cancel = true; PowerRangeForm powerRangeForm = new PowerRangeForm(this.fPower); if (powerRangeForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Range = powerRangeForm.PowerRange; this.update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "attack") { e.Cancel = true; PowerAttack attack = this.fPower.Attack ?? new PowerAttack(); int num = (this.fCreature != null ? this.fCreature.Level : 0); if (this.fCreature != null) { role = this.fCreature.Role; } else { role = null; } PowerAttackForm powerAttackForm = new PowerAttackForm(attack, this.fFromFunctionalTemplate, num, role); if (powerAttackForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Attack = powerAttackForm.Attack; this.refresh_examples(); this.update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "clearattack") { e.Cancel = true; this.fPower.Attack = null; this.refresh_examples(); this.update_statblock(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "details") { e.Cancel = true; PowerDetailsForm powerDetailsForm = new PowerDetailsForm(this.fPower.Details, this.fCreature); if (powerDetailsForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Details = powerDetailsForm.Details; this.update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "desc") { e.Cancel = true; DetailsForm detailsForm1 = new DetailsForm(this.fPower.Description, "Power Description", null); if (detailsForm1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { this.fPower.Description = detailsForm1.Details; this.update_statblock(); } } } if (e.Url.Scheme == "details") { if (e.Url.LocalPath == "refresh") { e.Cancel = true; this.refresh_examples(); this.update_statblock(); } try { int num1 = int.Parse(e.Url.LocalPath); e.Cancel = true; this.fPower.Details = this.fExamples[num1]; this.fExamples.RemoveAt(num1); if (this.fExamples.Count == 0) { this.refresh_examples(); } this.update_statblock(); } catch { } } }
private void Browser_Navigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e) { if (e.Url.Scheme == "power") { if (e.Url.LocalPath == "info") { e.Cancel = true; PowerInfoForm dlg = new PowerInfoForm(fPower); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Name = dlg.PowerName; fPower.Keywords = dlg.PowerKeywords; update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "action") { e.Cancel = true; PowerAction action = fPower.Action; PowerActionForm dlg = new PowerActionForm(action); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Action = dlg.Action; refresh_examples(); update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "prerequisite") { e.Cancel = true; DetailsForm dlg = new DetailsForm(fPower.Condition, "Power Prerequisite", null); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Condition = dlg.Details; update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "range") { e.Cancel = true; PowerRangeForm dlg = new PowerRangeForm(fPower); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Range = dlg.PowerRange; update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "attack") { e.Cancel = true; PowerAttack attack = fPower.Attack; if (attack == null) { attack = new PowerAttack(); } int level = (fCreature != null) ? fCreature.Level : 0; IRole role = (fCreature != null) ? fCreature.Role : null; PowerAttackForm dlg = new PowerAttackForm(attack, fFromFunctionalTemplate, level, role); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Attack = dlg.Attack; refresh_examples(); update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "clearattack") { e.Cancel = true; fPower.Attack = null; refresh_examples(); update_statblock(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "details") { e.Cancel = true; PowerDetailsForm dlg = new PowerDetailsForm(fPower.Details, fCreature); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Details = dlg.Details; update_statblock(); } } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "desc") { e.Cancel = true; DetailsForm dlg = new DetailsForm(fPower.Description, "Power Description", null); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { fPower.Description = dlg.Details; update_statblock(); } } } if (e.Url.Scheme == "details") { if (e.Url.LocalPath == "refresh") { e.Cancel = true; refresh_examples(); update_statblock(); } try { int index = int.Parse(e.Url.LocalPath); e.Cancel = true; fPower.Details = fExamples[index]; fExamples.RemoveAt(index); if (fExamples.Count == 0) { refresh_examples(); } update_statblock(); } catch { // Not a number } } }