public void Should_Convert_Post_Text_To_String() { var text = "this is my text"; string sut = PostText.Create(text).Value; sut.Should().Be(text); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutPostText(int id, PostText postText) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != postText.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(postText).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PostTextExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
/// <summary> /// Get thread info from the provided page. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">A web page from a forum that this adapter can handle.</param> /// <returns>Returns thread information that can be gleaned from that page.</returns> public ThreadInfo GetThreadInfo(HtmlDocument page) { if (page == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(page)); } string title; string author = string.Empty; // vBulletin doesn't show the thread author int pages = 1; HtmlNode doc = page.DocumentNode.Element("html"); // Find the page title title = doc.Element("head").Element("title")?.InnerText; title = PostText.CleanupWebString(title); var threadViewTab = page.GetElementbyId("thread-view-tab"); var pageNavControls = threadViewTab?.GetDescendantWithClass("div", "pagenav-controls"); var pageTotalSpan = pageNavControls?.GetDescendantWithClass("span", "pagetotal"); if (pageTotalSpan != null) { pages = int.Parse(pageTotalSpan.InnerText); } ThreadInfo info = new ThreadInfo(title, author, pages); return(info); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddPost(AddPostTextViewModel model, IFormFile image) { ViewBag.UserId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)?.Value; if (!ModelState.IsValid || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.postText.ShortText) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.postText.Text)) { _notification.AddWarningToastMessage("لطفا مقادیر را به درستی پر کنید"); model.groups = (await _db.GroupRepository.GetAllAsync(a => !a.IsDeleted)); return(View(model)); } if (image != null) { model.postText.Image = await _fileManager.UploadImage(image, FileManagerType.FileType.PostTextImages); } var group = _db.GroupRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == model.postText.Groups.Name); var PostText = new PostText() { GroupId = group.Id, Image = model.postText.Image, Name = model.postText.Name, ShortText = model.postText.ShortText, Text = model.postText.Text, CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, UserId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value, Groups = group }; await _db.PostTextRepository.InsertAsync(PostText); await _db.SaveChangeAsync(); _notification.AddSuccessToastMessage("پست شما با موفقیت ثبت شد"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
/// <summary> /// Get a completed post from the provided HTML div node. /// </summary> /// <param name="li">Div node that contains the post.</param> /// <returns>Returns a post object with required information.</returns> private PostComponents GetPost(HtmlNode li, IQuest quest) { if (li == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(li)); } string author; string id; string text; int number; id = li.GetAttributeValue("data-pid", ""); author = li.GetAttributeValue("data-username", ""); number = int.Parse(li.GetAttributeValue("data-index", "0")); var content = li.GetChildWithClass("div", "content"); // Get the full post text. text = PostText.ExtractPostText(content, n => false, Host); PostComponents post; try { post = new PostComponents(author, id, text, number); } catch { post = null; } return(post); }
public void Delete(PostText entity) { if (_db.Entry(entity).State == EntityState.Detached) { _db.Attach(entity); } _db.PostText.Remove(entity); }
public void Update(PostText entity) { if (_db.Entry(entity).State == EntityState.Detached) { _db.PostText.Attach(entity); } _db.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified; }
private void UORTButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ActiveStatus != null) { PostText.Text = "RT @" + ActiveStatus.User.ScreenName + ": " + ActiveStatus.Text; PostText.Select(0, 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Get a completed post from the provided HTML list item node. /// </summary> /// <param name="li">List item node that contains the post.</param> /// <returns>Returns a post object with required information.</returns> private PostComponents GetPost(HtmlNode li) { if (li == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(li)); } string author = ""; string id = ""; string text = ""; int number = 0; // ID id = li.Id.Substring("post_".Length); // Number var postCount = li.OwnerDocument.GetElementbyId($"postcount{id}"); if (postCount != null) { number = int.Parse(postCount.GetAttributeValue("name", "0")); } HtmlNode postDetails = li.Elements("div").FirstOrDefault(n => n.GetAttributeValue("class", "") == "postdetails"); if (postDetails != null) { // Author HtmlNode userinfo = postDetails.GetChildWithClass("div", "userinfo"); HtmlNode username = userinfo?.GetChildWithClass("a", "username"); author = PostText.CleanupWebString(username?.InnerText); // Text string postMessageId = "post_message_" + id; var message = li.OwnerDocument.GetElementbyId(postMessageId)?.Element("blockquote"); // Predicate filtering out elements that we don't want to include var exclusion = PostText.GetClassExclusionPredicate("bbcode_quote"); // Get the full post text. text = PostText.ExtractPostText(message, exclusion, Host); } PostComponents post; try { post = new PostComponents(author, id, text, number); } catch { post = null; } return(post); }
/// <summary> /// Get thread info from the provided page. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">A web page from a forum that this adapter can handle.</param> /// <returns>Returns thread information that can be gleaned from that page.</returns> public ThreadInfo GetThreadInfo(HtmlDocument page) { if (page == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(page)); } string title; string author; int pages; HtmlNode doc = page.DocumentNode; // Find the page title title = PostText.CleanupWebString(doc.Element("html").Element("head")?.Element("title")?.InnerText); // Find a common parent for other data HtmlNode pageContent = GetPageContent(page, PageType.Thread); if (pageContent == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find content on page."); } // Find the thread author HtmlNode titleBar = pageContent.GetDescendantWithClass("titleBar"); // Non-thread pages (such as threadmark pages) won't have a title bar. if (titleBar == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a valid forum thread."); } var pageDesc = page.GetElementbyId("pageDescription"); var authorNode = pageDesc?.GetChildWithClass("username"); author = PostText.CleanupWebString(authorNode?.InnerText); // Find the number of pages in the thread var pageNavLinkGroup = pageContent.GetDescendantWithClass("div", "pageNavLinkGroup"); var pageNav = pageNavLinkGroup?.GetChildWithClass("PageNav"); string lastPage = pageNav?.GetAttributeValue("data-last", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastPage)) { pages = 1; } else { pages = Int32.Parse(lastPage); } // Create a ThreadInfo object to hold the acquired information. ThreadInfo info = new ThreadInfo(title, author, pages); return(info); }
public void Post(PostText post) { GameObject postInstance = SpawnPost(textPostPototype); postInstance.transform.SetSiblingIndex(0); postInstance.transform.Find("ProfilePic").GetComponent <Image>().sprite = post.Author.ProfilePic; postInstance.transform.Find("Name").GetComponent <Text>().text =; postInstance.transform.Find("Message").GetComponent <Text>().text = post.Text; }
/// <summary> /// Get thread info from the provided page. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">A web page from a forum that this adapter can handle.</param> /// <returns>Returns thread information that can be gleaned from that page.</returns> public ThreadInfo GetThreadInfo(HtmlDocument page) { if (page == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(page)); } string title; string author = string.Empty; int pages = 1; HtmlNode doc = page.DocumentNode.Element("html"); // Find the page title title = PostText.CleanupWebString(doc.Element("head")?.Element("title")?.InnerText); // Find the number of pages var pagebody = page.GetElementbyId("page-body"); if (pagebody != null) { // Different versions of the forum have different methods of showing page numbers var topicactions = pagebody.GetChildWithClass("topic-actions"); if (topicactions != null) { var pagination = topicactions.GetChildWithClass("pagination"); string paginationText = pagination?.InnerText; if (paginationText != null) { Regex pageOf = new Regex(@"Page\s*\d+\s*of\s*(?<pages>\d+)"); Match m = pageOf.Match(paginationText); if (m.Success) { pages = int.Parse(m.Groups["pages"].Value); } } } else { var actionbar = pagebody.GetChildWithClass("action-bar"); var pagination = actionbar?.GetChildWithClass("pagination"); var ul = pagination?.Element("ul"); var lastPageLink = ul?.Elements("li")?.LastOrDefault(n => !n.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Split(' ').Contains("next")); if (lastPageLink != null) { pages = int.Parse(lastPageLink.InnerText); } } } ThreadInfo info = new ThreadInfo(title, author, pages); return(info); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetPostText(int id) { PostText postText = await db.PostTexts.FindAsync(id); if (postText == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(postText)); }
public void Same_String_Should_Create_The_Same_Post_Text() { var text1 = PostText.Create("this is my text").Value; var text2 = PostText.Create("this is my text").Value; using (new AssertionScope()) { text1.Should().Be(text2); text1.GetHashCode().Equals(text2.GetHashCode()).Should().BeTrue(); } }
public void Different_Strings_Should_Create_Different_Post_Texts() { var text1 = PostText.Create("this is my text").Value; var text2 = PostText.Create("this is my other text").Value; using (new AssertionScope()) { text1.Should().NotBe(text2); text1.GetHashCode().Equals(text2.GetHashCode()).Should().BeFalse(); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostPostText(PostText postText) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.PostTexts.Add(postText); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = postText.Id }, postText)); }
/// <summary> /// Get a completed post from the provided HTML div node. /// </summary> /// <param name="div">Div node that contains the post.</param> /// <returns>Returns a post object with required information.</returns> private PostComponents GetPost(HtmlNode div, IQuest quest) { if (div == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(div)); } string author = ""; string id; string text; int number = 0; // id="p12345" id = div.Id.Substring(1); var inner = div.GetChildWithClass("div", "inner"); var postbody = inner.GetChildWithClass("div", "postbody"); var authorNode = postbody.GetChildWithClass("p", "author"); var authorStrong = authorNode.Descendants("strong").FirstOrDefault(); var authorAnchor = authorStrong.Element("a"); author = PostText.CleanupWebString(authorAnchor.InnerText); // No way to get the post number?? // Get the full post text. Two different layout variants. var content = postbody.GetChildWithClass("div", "content"); if (content == null) { content = postbody.Elements("div").FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id.StartsWith("post_content", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } text = PostText.ExtractPostText(content, n => false, Host); PostComponents post; try { post = new PostComponents(author, id, text, number); } catch { post = null; } return(post); }
private async void ChangeSuggestList() { if (!(PostText.Contains("@") || PostText.Contains("#"))) { return; } ObservableCollection <string> resultSuggest = new ObservableCollection <string>(); await Task.Run(() => { int mIndex = PostText.LastIndexOf('@'); int hIndex = PostText.LastIndexOf('#'); if (mIndex > hIndex) { var s = PostText.Split('@'); string name = s[s.Count() - 1]; int i = 0; foreach (var n in MentionSuggestSourceList.Where(q => q.StartsWith(name)).Select(q => q)) { resultSuggest.Add("@" + n); if (i > 10) { break; } i++; } } else if (mIndex < hIndex) { var s = PostText.Split('#'); string name = s[s.Count() - 1]; int i = 0; foreach (var n in HashSuggestSourceList.Where(q => q.StartsWith(name)).Select(q => q)) { resultSuggest.Add("#" + n); if (i > 10) { break; } i++; } } }); SuggestList.Clear(); foreach (var r in resultSuggest) { SuggestList.Add(r); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> DeletePostText(int id) { PostText postText = await db.PostTexts.FindAsync(id); if (postText == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.PostTexts.Remove(postText); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(postText)); }
public JsonResult Post(PostText postText) { TextToScroll text = new TextToScroll(postText.Text, postText.R, postText.G, postText.B, postText.Iterations); if (_scrollingText.IsScrolling) { _scrollingText.AddText(text); } else { _scrollingText.ScrollText(text); } return(new JsonResult(text.Text)); }
private void Update() { if (postImage != null) { feed.Post(postImage); postImage = null; } if (postText != null) { feed.Post(postText); postText = null; } }
public async Task <Result <int> > Handle(EditPostCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { using (var tx = _session.BeginTransaction()) { var editor = await _session.LoadAsync <User>(request.UserID, cancellationToken); var postToEdit = await _session.QueryOver <Post>() .Fetch(SelectMode.ChildFetch, p => p.Author) .Where(p => p.ID == request.PostID) .SingleOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken); if (!postToEdit.CanBeEditedBy(editor)) { _logger.Warning("User [{NickName}({UserID})] tried to edit post {PostID} but he wasn't allowed to.", editor.Nickname, request.UserID, request.PostID); return(Result.Failure <int>($"You're not allowed to edit post {postToEdit.ID}.")); } postToEdit.UpdateText(PostText.Create(request.Text).Value); postToEdit.UpdatePicture(Picture.Create(request.PictureRawBytes, postToEdit.Picture.Identifier).Value); try { await _session.SaveAsync(postToEdit, cancellationToken); await tx.CommitAsync(cancellationToken); _logger.Information("User [{Nickname}({UserID})] edited post {PostID}.", editor.Nickname, request.UserID, request.PostID); return(Result.Success(postToEdit.ID)); } catch (ADOException ex) { await tx.RollbackAsync(cancellationToken); _logger.Error("Failed to edit post {PostID} for user [{Nickname}({UserID})]. Error message: {ErrorMessage}", request.PostID, editor.Nickname, request.UserID, ex.Message); return(Result.Failure <int>(ex.Message)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Parser for PostText /// </summary> /// <returns>Parsed PostText</returns> public PostText ParsePostText() { PostText postText = new PostText(); //Skip > token NextToken(">", "> TextChar* \"", '>'); //Parse text postText.SetText(ParseTextChars()); //Skip " token NextToken("\"", "> TextChar* \"", '"'); return(postText); }
public void ShowActiveStatus() { if (ActiveStatus != null) { PostText.Text = "@" + ActiveStatus.User.ScreenName + " "; PostText.Select(PostText.Text.Length - 1, 0); var th = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(() => { Invoke(new Action(() => { ActiveStatusView.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); })); string uri = ActiveStatus.User.ProfileImageLocation; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { using (Stream stream = wc.OpenRead(uri)) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream); Invoke(new Action(() => ActiveStatusView.SmallImageList.Images.Add(ActiveStatus.User.ScreenName, bitmap))); } } var i = new ListViewItem(new[] { ActiveStatus.User.ScreenName, ActiveStatus.Text }, ActiveStatus.User.ScreenName); Invoke(new Action(() => { ActiveStatusView.Items.Clear(); ActiveStatusView.Items.Add(i); })); })); th.Start(); } else { new Task(() => { Invoke(new Action(() => { ActiveStatusView.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); })); var i = new ListViewItem(new[] { "null", "null" }); Invoke(new Action(() => { ActiveStatusView.Items.Clear(); ActiveStatusView.Items.Add(i); })); }).Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// Parser for TextTail /// </summary> /// <returns>Parsed TextTail</returns> public TextTail ParseTextTail() { TextTail textTail = null; //Skip > token NextToken(">", "> embedding tailsymbol", '>'); //Parse text first to make type determination possible String parsedText = ParseTextChars(); //Determine TextTail type if (EmbeddingTokenStream.HasNext() && EmbeddingTokenStream.Peek(1).GetValue().ToString() == "\"") { //PostTextTail //Set PostText PostText postText = new PostText(); postText.SetText(parsedText); //Create PostTextTail and fill it PostTextTail postTextTail = new PostTextTail(); postTextTail.SetPostText(postText); //Skip Closing " NextToken("\"", "\"", '\"'); textTail = postTextTail; } else { //MidTextTail //Skip closing < tag of PreText NextToken("<", "< closing PreText", '<'); //Set MidText MidText midText = new MidText(); midText.SetText(parsedText); //Create MidTextTail object and fill it MidTextTail midTextTail = new MidTextTail(); midTextTail.SetMidText(midText); midTextTail.SetEmbed(ParseEmbed()); midTextTail.SetTextTail(ParseTextTail()); textTail = midTextTail; } return(textTail); }
public JsonPostText(PostText text) { // Set... if (text != null) { Id = text.Id; Type = text.Type; Title = text.Title; Number = text.Number; Revision = text.Revision; //TODO: When inserting a new post, don't encode the text, // not usefull since we're decoding it before send to the client. // Vérifier que les données ne sont pas deja encodé quand elle sont reçut du client d'edition. Value = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(text.Value); PostId = text.Post?.Id ?? 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Get thread info from the provided page. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">A web page from a forum that this adapter can handle.</param> /// <returns>Returns thread information that can be gleaned from that page.</returns> public ThreadInfo GetThreadInfo(HtmlDocument page) { if (page == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(page)); } string title; string author = string.Empty; // vBulletin doesn't show thread authors int pages = 1; HtmlNode doc = page.DocumentNode; // Find the page title title = doc.Element("html").Element("head").Element("title")?.InnerText; title = PostText.CleanupWebString(title); // Get the number of pages from the navigation elements var paginationTop = page.GetElementbyId("pagination_top"); var paginationForm = paginationTop.Element("form"); // If there is no form, that means there's only one page in the thread. if (paginationForm != null) { var firstSpan = paginationForm.Element("span"); var firstSpanA = firstSpan?.Element("a"); var pagesText = firstSpanA?.InnerText; if (pagesText != null) { Regex pageNumsRegex = new Regex(@"Page \d+ of (?<pages>\d+)"); Match m = pageNumsRegex.Match(pagesText); if (m.Success) { pages = int.Parse(m.Groups["pages"].Value); } } } ThreadInfo info = new ThreadInfo(title, author, pages); return(info); }
public PostDTO AddPost(IFormFile file, Post post) { CompletePostDTO completePost = new CompletePostDTO() { FileInPost = file, Post = post }; IPostHandler textPost = new PostText(postRepository, unitOfWork); IPostHandler imagePost = new PostImage(postRepository, unitOfWork, cloudinary); IPostHandler videoPost = new PostVideo(postRepository, unitOfWork, cloudinary); textPost.SetNextPostType(imagePost); imagePost.SetNextPostType(videoPost); textPost.EvaluatePost(completePost); return(mapper.Map <PostDTO>(post)); }
private void PostText_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (CommandHandled || Tweeted) { try { PostText.SelectionStart--; PostText.Text = PostText.Text.Remove(PostText.SelectionStart, 1); PostText.Text = PostText.Text.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", ""); PostText.SelectionStart = PostText.Text.Length; PostText.Update(); } catch { } finally { CommandHandled = Tweeted = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// Get thread info from the provided page. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">A web page from a forum that this adapter can handle.</param> /// <returns>Returns thread information that can be gleaned from that page.</returns> public ThreadInfo GetThreadInfo(HtmlDocument page) { if (page == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(page)); } string title; string author = string.Empty; // vBulletin doesn't show thread authors int pages = 1; HtmlNode doc = page.DocumentNode.Element("html"); // Find the page title title = PostText.CleanupWebString(doc.Element("head")?.Element("title")?.InnerText); // If there's no pagenav div, that means there's no navigation to alternate pages, // which means there's only one page in the thread. var pageNavDiv = doc.GetDescendantWithClass("div", "pagenav"); if (pageNavDiv != null) { var vbMenuControl = pageNavDiv.GetDescendantWithClass("td", "vbmenu_control"); if (vbMenuControl != null) { Regex pageNumsRegex = new Regex(@"Page \d+ of (?<pages>\d+)"); Match m = pageNumsRegex.Match(vbMenuControl.InnerText); if (m.Success) { pages = int.Parse(m.Groups["pages"].Value); } } } ThreadInfo info = new ThreadInfo(title, author, pages); return(info); }
private void SaveTextInDB(string directory, int GroupId) { var model = new PostText(); model.GroupId = GroupId; model.Text = directory; ServiceStack.Data.IDbConnectionFactory dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["db"].ConnectionString, MySqlDialect.Provider); using (IDbConnection db = dbFactory.Open()) { db.Save<PostText>(model); } }