public ActionResult Post_list_hot(int?cate_id) { PostModels postModels = new PostModels(); List <C_Post> listPost = new List <C_Post>(); postModels.ClearCache(CommonGlobal.Post + CommonGlobal.CateNews + LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName + int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberListLatestNews", "0"))); listPost = postModels.TopPostHot(CommonGlobal.CateNews, cate_id, LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName, int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberListLatestNews", "0"))); return(this.PartialView("../control/post_list_hot", listPost)); }
/// <summary> /// Posts the specified identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param> /// <param name="cate_id">The cate identifier.</param> /// <param name="cate_type">Type of the cate.</param> /// <returns>Posts the specified</returns> public ActionResult Post(int?id, int?cate_id, string cate_type) { /////post detail PostModels postModels = new PostModels(); id = RouteData.Values["id"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()) : 0; var link = RouteData.Values["Link"] != null ? RouteData.Values["Link"].ToString() : string.Empty; cate_id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["cate_id"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["cate_id"].ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cate_type)) { cate_type = CommonGlobal.CateNews; } if (id == 0) { return(this.HttpNotFound()); } else { postModels.ClearCache(CommonGlobal.Post + string.Empty + id); C_Post obj = postModels.GetbyID((int)id); if (obj.PostID == 0) { return(this.HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.Title = obj.Title + " | " + GeneralModels.GetContent(CommonGlobal.PageName, this.Lang); ////breadcrumbs string strbreadcrumbs = string.Empty; CatalogModels catalogModel = new CatalogModels(); C_Catalog cateItem = new C_Catalog(); if (cate_id == 0) { if (obj.CatelogID != null && obj.CatelogID != 0) { cate_id = obj.CatelogID; } } cateItem = catalogModel.GetbyID((int)cate_id); strbreadcrumbs = string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.RouteUrl((cate_type != CommonGlobal.CateService ? "_post_only" : "_service_only"), new { controller = "news", action = "posts" }) + "\">" + (cate_type != CommonGlobal.CateService ? App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuNews : App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuService) + "</a></li>"); if (cateItem != null) { strbreadcrumbs += string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.RouteUrl(cate_type == Web.Models.CommonGlobal.CateService ? "_service" : "_post", new { controller = "news", action = "posts", id = cate_id, Link = cateItem.Link != null ? cateItem.Link : string.Empty, cate_type = cate_type }) + "\">" + cateItem.CategoryName + "</a></li>"); ViewBag.cate_name = cateItem.CategoryName; } strbreadcrumbs += string.Format("<li>" + obj.Title + "</li>"); ViewBag.str_breadcrumbs = strbreadcrumbs; ViewBag.back_link = Url.RouteUrl(cate_type == CommonGlobal.CateService ? "_service" : "_post", new { controller = "news", action = "posts", id = cate_id, Link = cateItem.Link, cate_type = cate_type }); ViewBag.heading = obj.Title; this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Keyword, obj.Title); this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Description, this.ClearHtml(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(obj.Summary))); = id; ViewBag.cate_id = cate_id; ViewBag.cate_type = cate_type; ////// Add post cookies HttpCookie mycookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["listPostView"]; ArrayList arrListView = new ArrayList(); ////// Lấy danh sách post đã xem từ cookies if (mycookie != null) { var arr = mycookie.Value.Split(','); for (int j = 0; j < arr.Count(); j++) { arrListView.Add(arr[j]); } } else { arrListView = new ArrayList(); } if (obj.PostID != 0) { if (!Util.CheckExistInArray(obj.PostID.ToString(), arrListView)) { arrListView.Add(obj.PostID.ToString()); } ////// Lưu danh sách xuống cookies string[] arrLst = (string[])arrListView.ToArray(typeof(string)); if (mycookie != null) { HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Remove("listPostView"); mycookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6); mycookie.Value = null; HttpContext.Response.SetCookie(mycookie); } HttpCookie cookie_new = new HttpCookie("listPostView"); cookie_new.Value = string.Join(",", arrLst); cookie_new.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(6); HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie_new); } return(this.PartialView("../page/post")); } }
public ActionResult Post_list_all(string lang, string cate_type, int?cate_id, string link_text, string search, string tag, string param, int?page, int?page_size, string order, string style_list_show) { CatalogModels cateModels = new CatalogModels(); WebInfoModels web_infor = new Models.WebInfoModels(); int total_record = 0; PostModels postModels = new PostModels(); C_Catalog cate = null; ////request query string param page = Request.QueryString["page"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()) : 1; if (cate_id == null) { cate_id = RouteData.Values["id"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()) : 0; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(link_text)) { link_text = RouteData.Values["Link"] != null ? RouteData.Values["Link"].ToString() : string.Empty; } if (cate_id > 0) { cate = cateModels.GetbyID((int)cate_id); } ////get order for product list string order_by = string.Empty; string order_type = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order)) { order_by = "DateModified"; order_type = "desc"; order = order_by + ";" + order_type; } else { if (order.Contains(';')) { order_by = order.Split(';')[0]; order_type = order.Split(';')[1]; } else { order_by = "DateModified"; order_type = "desc"; order = order_by + ";" + order_type; } } postModels.ClearCache(lang + cate_type + (cate_id ?? 0) + search + tag + param + page + page_size + order_by + order_type); List <SelectListItem> orderDrop = new List <SelectListItem>(); orderDrop.AddRange(new SelectListItem[] { new SelectListItem { Selected = order == "DateModified;desc" ? true : false, Text = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderDateDesc, Value = "DateModified;desc" }, new SelectListItem { Selected = order == "DateModified;asc" ? true : false, Text = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderDateAsc, Value = "DateModified;asc" } }); List <C_Catalog> lst_parent = new List <C_Catalog>(); List <C_Catalog> lst_parent_all = new List <C_Catalog>(); if (cate == null || (cate.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuRecruitment && cate.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuBeautyTips)) { lst_parent = cateModels.GetbyParentID(0, cate_type, lang).Where(p => p.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuRecruitment && p.CategoryName != App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuBeautyTips).ToList(); foreach (var it in lst_parent) { lst_parent_all.Add(it); var lst_child = cateModels.GetbyParentID(it.CatalogID, cate_type, lang).Where(p => p.Show == true).ToList(); foreach (var child in lst_child) { lst_parent_all.Add(child); } } } var posts_view = new ViewModels.Page_posts_view(); posts_view.List_parent_category = lst_parent; posts_view.List_parent_all = lst_parent_all; posts_view.List_page_size = this.GetSizePagingPublic(page_size ?? int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberPageSizeNews", "8"))); posts_view.List_order = orderDrop; posts_view.Page_list_post = postModels.GetListPostAll(lang, cate_type, cate_id, search, tag, param, (int)page, (int)page_size, order_by, order_type, out total_record); posts_view.Total_record = total_record; if (total_record == 0 && search != string.Empty && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { posts_view.Text_search_result = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strSearchResult; } posts_view.Order = order; posts_view.Page_size = page_size ?? int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberPageSizeNews", "4")); posts_view.Style_list = style_list_show; posts_view.Cate_type = cate_type; posts_view.Cate_id = cate_id ?? 0; if (cate != null && (cate.CategoryName == App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuBeautyTips || cate.CategoryName == App_GlobalResources.Lang.mnuRecruitment)) { posts_view.Cate_name = cate.CategoryName; } else { posts_view.Cate_name = string.Empty; } posts_view.Link = link_text; posts_view.Lang = lang; posts_view.Tag = tag; posts_view.Text_search = search; posts_view.Param = param; posts_view.Parent_action = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(); posts_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(); return(this.PartialView("../control/post_list_all", posts_view)); }
public ActionResult Post_detail(int?id, int?cate_id, string back_link, string cate_type) { string url = Request.Url.ToString(); RatingModels ratingModels = new RatingModels(); PostModels postModels = new PostModels(); id = RouteData.Values["id"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(RouteData.Values["id"].ToString()) : 0; var post_view = new ViewModels.Post_detail_view(); if (id == 0) { return(this.HttpNotFound()); } else { postModels.ClearCache(CommonGlobal.Post + string.Empty + id); C_Post obj = postModels.GetbyID((int)id); if (obj.PostID == 0) { return(this.HttpNotFound()); } ////post_view.listRating = ratingModels.GetListRatingByItem(obj.PostID); ////StringBuilder _html5 = new StringBuilder(); ////for (int j = 0; j < post_view.listRating.Count; j++) ////{ //// _html5.Append("<div class=\"review-header\">"); //// _html5.Append(" <h5>" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post_view.listRating[j].name) + "</h5>"); //// _html5.Append(" <div class=\"product-rating\">"); //// _html5.Append(" <div class=\"stars\">"); //// var start = post_view.listRating[j].Rating ?? 0; //// var other = 5 - start; //// for (int jj = 0; jj < other; jj++) //// { //// _html5.Append("<span class=\"star\"></span>"); //// } //// for (int ii = 0; ii < start; ii++) //// { //// _html5.Append("<span class=\"star active\"></span>"); //// } //// _html5.Append(" </div>"); //// _html5.Append(" </div>"); //// _html5.Append("</div>"); //// _html5.Append("<div class=\"review-body\">"); //// _html5.Append(" <p>" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post_view.listRating[j].contents) + "</p>"); //// _html5.Append("</div>"); //// _html5.Append("<hr>"); ////} ////post_view.ltrRating = _html5.ToString(); ////post_view.ratingSum = ratingModels.GetRatingSumforItem(obj.PostID); ////post_view.ratingTotal = ratingModels.GetRatingTotalforItem(obj.PostID); ////StringBuilder _html6 = new StringBuilder(); ////var start_no = post_view.ratingTotal != 0 ? (post_view.ratingSum / post_view.ratingTotal) : 0; ////var other_no = 5 - start_no; ////for (int jj = 0; jj < other_no; jj++) ////{ //// _html6.Append("<span class=\"star\"></span>"); ////} ////for (int ii = 0; ii < start_no; ii++) ////{ //// _html6.Append("<span class=\"star active\"></span>"); ////} ////post_view.ratingStart = _html6.ToString(); post_view.ListOther = postModels.GetOthers(obj.PostID, obj.CatelogID ?? 0, LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName, int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberOtherNews", "3"))); CatalogModels catalogModel = new CatalogModels(); C_Catalog cateItem = new C_Catalog(); if (cate_id == 0) { if (obj.CatelogID != null && obj.CatelogID != 0) { cate_id = obj.CatelogID; } } cateItem = catalogModel.GetbyID((int)cate_id); post_view.PostID = obj.PostID; post_view.PostName = obj.PostName; post_view.Title = obj.Title; post_view.Summary = CommonGlobal.CutString(obj.Summary, 500); post_view.CatalogID = obj.CatelogID; post_view.ImagePath = obj.ImagePath; post_view.Link = obj.Link; post_view.PostContent = obj.PostContent; post_view.DateModified = obj.DateModified; post_view.IsHot = obj.IsHot; post_view.Lang = obj.Lang; post_view.Keyword = obj.Keyword; post_view.Description = obj.Description; post_view.OrderDisplay = obj.OrderDisplay; post_view.Approve = obj.Approve; post_view.Cate_id = cate_id ?? 0; post_view.Cate_type = cate_type; post_view.Url = url; } return(this.PartialView("../control/post_detail", post_view)); }