예제 #1
        public async Task DeployAsync(
            IRepository repository,
            ChangeSet changeSet,
            string deployer,
            bool clean,
            DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo = null,
            bool needFileUpdate     = true,
            bool fullBuildByDefault = true)
            using (var deploymentAnalytics = new DeploymentAnalytics(_analytics, _settings))
                Exception   exception    = null;
                ITracer     tracer       = _traceFactory.GetTracer();
                IDisposable deployStep   = null;
                ILogger     innerLogger  = null;
                string      targetBranch = null;

                // If we don't get a changeset, find out what branch we should be deploying and get the commit ID from it
                if (changeSet == null)
                    targetBranch = _settings.GetBranch();

                    changeSet = repository.GetChangeSet(targetBranch);

                    if (changeSet == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The current deployment branch is '{0}', but nothing has been pushed to it", targetBranch));

                string id = changeSet.Id;
                IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = null;
                    deployStep = tracer.Step($"DeploymentManager.Deploy(id:{id})");
                    // Remove the old log file for this deployment id
                    string logPath = GetLogPath(id);

                    statusFile = GetOrCreateStatusFile(changeSet, tracer, deployer);

                    ILogger logger = GetLogger(changeSet.Id);

                    if (needFileUpdate)
                        using (tracer.Step("Updating to specific changeset"))
                            innerLogger = logger.Log(Resources.Log_UpdatingBranch, targetBranch ?? id);

                            using (var writer = new ProgressWriter())
                                // Update to the specific changeset or branch
                                repository.Update(targetBranch ?? id);

                    if (_settings.ShouldUpdateSubmodules())
                        using (tracer.Step("Updating submodules"))
                            innerLogger = logger.Log(Resources.Log_UpdatingSubmodules);


                    if (clean)
                        tracer.Trace("Cleaning {0} repository", repository.RepositoryType);

                        innerLogger = logger.Log(Resources.Log_CleaningRepository, repository.RepositoryType);


                    // set to null as Build() below takes over logging
                    innerLogger = null;

                    // Perform the build deployment of this changeset
                    await Build(changeSet, tracer, deployStep, repository, deploymentInfo, deploymentAnalytics, fullBuildByDefault);

                    if (!(OSDetector.IsOnWindows() && !EnvironmentHelper.IsWindowsContainers()) && _settings.RestartAppContainerOnGitDeploy())
                        DockerContainerRestartTrigger.RequestContainerRestart(_environment, RestartTriggerReason);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    exception = ex;

                    if (innerLogger != null)

                    if (statusFile != null)
                        MarkStatusComplete(statusFile, success: false);


                    deploymentAnalytics.Error = ex.ToString();

                    if (deployStep != null)

                // Reload status file with latest updates
                statusFile = _status.Open(id);
                if (statusFile != null)
                    await _hooksManager.PublishEventAsync(HookEventTypes.PostDeployment, statusFile);

                if (exception != null)
                    throw new DeploymentFailedException(exception);

                if (statusFile != null && statusFile.Status == DeployStatus.Success && _settings.RunFromLocalZip())
                    var zipDeploymentInfo = deploymentInfo as ZipDeploymentInfo;
                    if (zipDeploymentInfo != null)
                        await PostDeploymentHelper.UpdateSiteVersion(zipDeploymentInfo, _environment, tracer);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds and deploys a particular changeset. Puts all build artifacts in a deployments/{id}
        /// </summary>
        private async Task Build(
            ChangeSet changeSet,
            ITracer tracer,
            IDisposable deployStep,
            IRepository repository,
            DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo,
            DeploymentAnalytics deploymentAnalytics,
            bool fullBuildByDefault)
            if (changeSet == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(changeSet.Id))
                throw new ArgumentException("The changeSet.Id parameter is null or empty", "changeSet.Id");

            ILogger logger = null;
            IDeploymentStatusFile currentStatus = null;
            string buildTempPath = null;
            string id            = changeSet.Id;

                logger = GetLogger(id);
                ILogger innerLogger = logger.Log(Resources.Log_PreparingDeployment, TrimId(id));

                currentStatus            = _status.Open(id);
                currentStatus.Complete   = false;
                currentStatus.StartTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                currentStatus.Status     = DeployStatus.Building;
                currentStatus.StatusText = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Status_BuildingAndDeploying, id);

                ISiteBuilder builder = null;

                // Add in per-deploy default settings values based on the details of this deployment
                var perDeploymentDefaults = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { SettingsKeys.DoBuildDuringDeployment, fullBuildByDefault.ToString() }
                var settingsProviders = _settings.SettingsProviders.Concat(
                    new[] { new BasicSettingsProvider(perDeploymentDefaults, SettingsProvidersPriority.PerDeploymentDefault) });

                var perDeploymentSettings = DeploymentSettingsManager.BuildPerDeploymentSettingsManager(repository.RepositoryPath, settingsProviders);

                string delayMaxInStr = perDeploymentSettings.GetValue(SettingsKeys.MaxRandomDelayInSec);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(delayMaxInStr))
                    int maxDelay;
                    if (!Int32.TryParse(delayMaxInStr, out maxDelay) || maxDelay < 0)
                        tracer.Trace("Invalid {0} value, expect a positive integer, received {1}", SettingsKeys.MaxRandomDelayInSec, delayMaxInStr);
                        tracer.Trace("{0} is set to {1}s", SettingsKeys.MaxRandomDelayInSec, maxDelay);
                        int gap = _random.Next(maxDelay);
                        using (tracer.Step("Randomization applied to {0}, Start sleeping for {1}s", maxDelay, gap))
                            logger.Log(Resources.Log_DelayingBeforeDeployment, gap);
                            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(gap));

                    using (tracer.Step("Determining deployment builder"))
                        builder = _builderFactory.CreateBuilder(tracer, innerLogger, perDeploymentSettings, repository);
                        deploymentAnalytics.ProjectType = builder.ProjectType;
                        tracer.Trace("Builder is {0}", builder.GetType().Name);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If we get a TargetInvocationException, use the inner exception instead to avoid
                    // useless 'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation' messages
                    var targetInvocationException = ex as System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException;
                    if (targetInvocationException != null)
                        ex = targetInvocationException.InnerException;



                    MarkStatusComplete(currentStatus, success: false);

                    FailDeployment(tracer, deployStep, deploymentAnalytics, ex);


                // Create a directory for the script output temporary artifacts
                // Use tick count (in hex) instead of guid to keep the path for getting to long
                buildTempPath = Path.Combine(_environment.TempPath, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString("x"));

                var context = new DeploymentContext
                    NextManifestFilePath     = GetDeploymentManifestPath(id),
                    PreviousManifestFilePath = GetActiveDeploymentManifestPath(),
                    IgnoreManifest           = deploymentInfo != null && deploymentInfo.CleanupTargetDirectory,
                    // Ignoring the manifest will cause kudusync to delete sub-directories / files
                    // in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory,
                    // without checking the manifest to see if the file was copied over to the destination
                    // during a previous kudusync operation. This effectively performs a clean deployment
                    // from the source to the destination directory
                    Tracer        = tracer,
                    Logger        = logger,
                    GlobalLogger  = _globalLogger,
                    OutputPath    = GetOutputPath(deploymentInfo, _environment, perDeploymentSettings),
                    BuildTempPath = buildTempPath,
                    CommitId      = id,
                    Message       = changeSet.Message

                if (context.PreviousManifestFilePath == null)
                    // this file (/site/firstDeploymentManifest) capture the last active deployment when disconnecting SCM
                    context.PreviousManifestFilePath = Path.Combine(_environment.SiteRootPath, Constants.FirstDeploymentManifestFileName);
                    if (!FileSystemHelpers.FileExists(context.PreviousManifestFilePath))
                        // In the first deployment we want the wwwroot directory to be cleaned, we do that using a manifest file
                        // That has the expected content of a clean deployment (only one file: hostingstart.html)
                        // This will result in KuduSync cleaning this file.
                        context.PreviousManifestFilePath = Path.Combine(_environment.ScriptPath, Constants.FirstDeploymentManifestFileName);


                using (tracer.Step("Building"))
                        await builder.Build(context);


                        await PostDeploymentHelper.SyncFunctionsTriggers(
                            new PostDeploymentTraceListener(tracer, logger),

                        if (_settings.TouchWatchedFileAfterDeployment())
                            TryTouchWatchedFile(context, deploymentInfo);

                        if (_settings.RunFromLocalZip() && deploymentInfo is ZipDeploymentInfo)
                            await PostDeploymentHelper.UpdatePackageName(deploymentInfo as ZipDeploymentInfo, _environment, logger);

                        FinishDeployment(id, deployStep);

                        deploymentAnalytics.VsProjectId = TryGetVsProjectId(context);
                        deploymentAnalytics.Result      = DeployStatus.Success.ToString();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MarkStatusComplete(currentStatus, success: false);

                        FailDeployment(tracer, deployStep, deploymentAnalytics, ex);

            catch (Exception ex)
                FailDeployment(tracer, deployStep, deploymentAnalytics, ex);
                // Clean the temp folder up
                CleanBuild(tracer, buildTempPath);
예제 #3
        public async Task <FetchDeploymentRequestResult> FetchDeploy(
            DeploymentInfoBase deployInfo,
            bool asyncRequested,
            Uri requestUri,
            string targetBranch)
            // If Scm is not enabled, we will reject all but one payload for GenericHandler
            // This is to block the unintended CI with Scm providers like GitHub
            // Since Generic payload can only be done by user action, we loosely allow
            // that and assume users know what they are doing.  Same applies to git
            // push/clone endpoint and zip deployment.
            if (!(_settings.IsScmEnabled() || deployInfo.AllowDeploymentWhileScmDisabled))

            // Else if this app is configured with a url in WEBSITE_USE_ZIP, then fail the deployment
            // since this is a RunFromZip site and the deployment has no chance of succeeding.
            else if (_settings.RunFromRemoteZip())

            // for CI payload, we will return Accepted and do the task in the BG
            // if isAsync is defined, we will return Accepted and do the task in the BG
            // since autoSwap relies on the response header, deployment has to be synchronously.
            bool isBackground = asyncRequested || deployInfo.IsContinuous;

            if (isBackground)
                using (_tracer.Step("Start deployment in the background"))
                    var waitForTempDeploymentCreation = asyncRequested;
                    var successfullyRequested         = await PerformBackgroundDeployment(

                    ? FetchDeploymentRequestResult.RunningAynschronously
                    : FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictDeploymentInProgress);

            _tracer.Trace("Attempting to fetch target branch {0}", targetBranch);
                return(await _deploymentLock.LockOperation(async() =>
                    if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapOngoing())
                        return FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictAutoSwapOngoing;

                    await PerformDeployment(deployInfo);
                    return FetchDeploymentRequestResult.RanSynchronously;
                }, "Performing continuous deployment", TimeSpan.Zero));
            catch (LockOperationException)
                if (deployInfo.AllowDeferredDeployment)
                    // Create a marker file that indicates if there's another deployment to pull
                    // because there was a deployment in progress.
                    using (_tracer.Step("Update pending deployment marker file"))
                        // REVIEW: This makes the assumption that the repository url is the same.
                        // If it isn't the result would be buggy either way.
                        FileSystemHelpers.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(_markerFilePath, DateTime.UtcNow);

예제 #4
        private static int PerformDeploy(
            string appRoot,
            string wapTargets,
            string deployer,
            string lockPath,
            IEnvironment env,
            IDeploymentSettingsManager settingsManager,
            TraceLevel level,
            ITracer tracer,
            ITraceFactory traceFactory,
            IOperationLock deploymentLock)
            System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GIT_DIR", null, System.EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);

            // Skip SSL Certificate Validate
            if (System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(SettingsKeys.SkipSslValidation) == "1")
                ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); };

            // Adjust repo path
            env.RepositoryPath = Path.Combine(env.SiteRootPath, settingsManager.GetRepositoryPath());

            string statusLockPath = Path.Combine(lockPath, Constants.StatusLockFile);
            string hooksLockPath  = Path.Combine(lockPath, Constants.HooksLockFile);

            IOperationLock statusLock = new LockFile(statusLockPath, traceFactory);
            IOperationLock hooksLock  = new LockFile(hooksLockPath, traceFactory);

            IBuildPropertyProvider buildPropertyProvider = new BuildPropertyProvider();
            ISiteBuilderFactory    builderFactory        = new SiteBuilderFactory(buildPropertyProvider, env);
            var logger = new ConsoleLogger();

            IRepository gitRepository;

            if (settingsManager.UseLibGit2SharpRepository())
                gitRepository = new LibGit2SharpRepository(env, settingsManager, traceFactory);
                gitRepository = new GitExeRepository(env, settingsManager, traceFactory);

            IServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = new ServerConfiguration();
            IAnalytics           analytics           = new Analytics(settingsManager, serverConfiguration, traceFactory);

            IWebHooksManager         hooksManager            = new WebHooksManager(tracer, env, hooksLock);
            IDeploymentStatusManager deploymentStatusManager = new DeploymentStatusManager(env, analytics, statusLock);
            IDeploymentManager       deploymentManager       = new DeploymentManager(builderFactory,
                                                                                     GetLogger(env, level, logger),

            var step = tracer.Step(XmlTracer.ExecutingExternalProcessTrace, new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "type", "process" },
                { "path", "kudu.exe" },
                { "arguments", appRoot + " " + wapTargets }

            using (step)
                    // although the api is called DeployAsync, most expensive works are done synchronously.
                    // need to launch separate task to go async explicitly (consistent with FetchDeploymentManager)
                    var deploymentTask = Task.Run(async() => await deploymentManager.DeployAsync(gitRepository, changeSet: null, deployer: deployer, clean: false));

#pragma warning disable 4014
                    // Track pending task
                    PostDeploymentHelper.TrackPendingOperation(deploymentTask, TimeSpan.Zero);
#pragma warning restore 4014


                    if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapEnabled())
                        string                branch     = settingsManager.GetBranch();
                        ChangeSet             changeSet  = gitRepository.GetChangeSet(branch);
                        IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = deploymentStatusManager.Open(changeSet.Id);
                        if (statusFile != null && statusFile.Status == DeployStatus.Success)
                            PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(env.RequestId, env.SiteRestrictedJwt, new PostDeploymentTraceListener(tracer, deploymentManager.GetLogger(changeSet.Id))).Wait();
                catch (Exception e)


            if (logger.HasErrors)

예제 #5
        public async Task PerformDeployment(DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo,
                                            IDisposable tempDeployment = null,
                                            ChangeSet tempChangeSet    = null)
            DateTime  currentMarkerFileUTC;
            DateTime  nextMarkerFileUTC = FileSystemHelpers.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(_markerFilePath);
            ChangeSet lastChange        = null;

                // save the current marker
                currentMarkerFileUTC = nextMarkerFileUTC;

                string targetBranch = _settings.GetBranch();

                using (_tracer.Step("Performing fetch based deployment"))
                    // create temporary deployment before the actual deployment item started
                    // this allows portal ui to readily display on-going deployment (not having to wait for fetch to complete).
                    // in addition, it captures any failure that may occur before the actual deployment item started
                    tempDeployment = tempDeployment ?? _deploymentManager.CreateTemporaryDeployment(
                        out tempChangeSet,

                    ILogger innerLogger = null;
                        ILogger logger = _deploymentManager.GetLogger(tempChangeSet.Id);

                        // Fetch changes from the repository
                        innerLogger = logger.Log(Resources.FetchingChanges);

                        IRepository repository = deploymentInfo.GetRepository();

                            await deploymentInfo.Fetch(repository, deploymentInfo, targetBranch, innerLogger, _tracer);
                        catch (BranchNotFoundException)
                            // mark no deployment is needed
                            deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset = null;

                        // set to null as Deploy() below takes over logging
                        innerLogger = null;

                        // The branch or commit id to deploy
                        string deployBranch = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentInfo.CommitId) ? deploymentInfo.CommitId : targetBranch;

                        // In case the commit or perhaps fetch do no-op.
                        if (deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset != null && ShouldDeploy(repository, deploymentInfo, deployBranch))
                            // Perform the actual deployment
                            var changeSet = repository.GetChangeSet(deployBranch);

                            if (changeSet == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentInfo.CommitId))
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Invalid revision '{0}'!", deploymentInfo.CommitId));

                            lastChange = changeSet;

                            // Here, we don't need to update the working files, since we know Fetch left them in the correct state
                            // unless for GenericHandler where specific commitId is specified
                            bool deploySpecificCommitId = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentInfo.CommitId);

                            await _deploymentManager.DeployAsync(
                                clean : false,
                                deploymentInfo : deploymentInfo,
                                needFileUpdate : deploySpecificCommitId,
                                fullBuildByDefault : deploymentInfo.DoFullBuildByDefault);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (innerLogger != null)

                        // In case the commit or perhaps fetch do no-op.
                        if (deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset != null)
                            IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = _status.Open(deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset.Id);
                            if (statusFile != null)


                    // only clean up temp deployment if successful

                // check marker file and, if changed (meaning new /deploy request), redeploy.
                nextMarkerFileUTC = FileSystemHelpers.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(_markerFilePath);
            } while (deploymentInfo.IsReusable && currentMarkerFileUTC != nextMarkerFileUTC);

            if (lastChange != null && PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapEnabled())
                IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = _status.Open(lastChange.Id);
                if (statusFile.Status == DeployStatus.Success)
                    // if last change is not null and finish successfully, mean there was at least one deployoment happened
                    // since deployment is now done, trigger swap if enabled
                    await PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(
                        new PostDeploymentTraceListener(_tracer,
예제 #6
        // key goal is to create background tracer that is independent of request.
        public static async Task <bool> PerformBackgroundDeployment(
            DeploymentInfoBase deployInfo,
            IEnvironment environment,
            IDeploymentSettingsManager settings,
            TraceLevel traceLevel,
            Uri uri,
            bool waitForTempDeploymentCreation)
            var tracer       = traceLevel <= TraceLevel.Off ? NullTracer.Instance : new CascadeTracer(new XmlTracer(environment.TracePath, traceLevel), new ETWTracer(environment.RequestId, "POST"));
            var traceFactory = new TracerFactory(() => tracer);

            var backgroundTrace = tracer.Step(XmlTracer.BackgroundTrace, new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "url", uri.AbsolutePath },
                { "method", "POST" }

            // For waiting on creation of temp deployment
            var tempDeploymentCreatedTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();

            // For determining whether or not we failed to create the deployment due to lock contention.
            // Needed for deployments where deferred deployment is not allowed. Will be set to false if
            // lock contention occurs and AllowDeferredDeployment is false, otherwise true.
            var deploymentWillOccurTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            // This task will be let out of scope intentionally
            var deploymentTask = Task.Run(() =>
                    // lock related
                    string lockPath           = Path.Combine(environment.SiteRootPath, Constants.LockPath);
                    string deploymentLockPath = Path.Combine(lockPath, Constants.DeploymentLockFile);
                    string statusLockPath     = Path.Combine(lockPath, Constants.StatusLockFile);
                    string hooksLockPath      = Path.Combine(lockPath, Constants.HooksLockFile);
                    var statusLock            = new LockFile(statusLockPath, traceFactory);
                    var hooksLock             = new LockFile(hooksLockPath, traceFactory);
                    var deploymentLock        = DeploymentLockFile.GetInstance(deploymentLockPath, traceFactory);

                    var analytics = new Analytics(settings, new ServerConfiguration(), traceFactory);
                    var deploymentStatusManager = new DeploymentStatusManager(environment, analytics, statusLock);
                    var siteBuilderFactory      = new SiteBuilderFactory(new BuildPropertyProvider(), environment);
                    var webHooksManager         = new WebHooksManager(tracer, environment, hooksLock);
                    var deploymentManager       = new DeploymentManager(siteBuilderFactory, environment, traceFactory, analytics, settings, deploymentStatusManager, deploymentLock, NullLogger.Instance, webHooksManager);
                    var fetchDeploymentManager  = new FetchDeploymentManager(settings, environment, tracer, deploymentLock, deploymentManager, deploymentStatusManager);

                    IDisposable tempDeployment = null;

                        // Perform deployment
                        deploymentLock.LockOperation(() =>

                            ChangeSet tempChangeSet = null;
                            if (waitForTempDeploymentCreation)
                                // create temporary deployment before the actual deployment item started
                                // this allows portal ui to readily display on-going deployment (not having to wait for fetch to complete).
                                // in addition, it captures any failure that may occur before the actual deployment item started
                                tempDeployment = deploymentManager.CreateTemporaryDeployment(
                                    out tempChangeSet,


                            fetchDeploymentManager.PerformDeployment(deployInfo, tempDeployment, tempChangeSet).Wait();
                        }, "Performing continuous deployment", TimeSpan.Zero);
                    catch (LockOperationException)
                        if (tempDeployment != null)

                        if (deployInfo.AllowDeferredDeployment)

                            using (tracer.Step("Update pending deployment marker file"))
                                // REVIEW: This makes the assumption that the repository url is the same.
                                // If it isn't the result would be buggy either way.
                                FileSystemHelpers.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(fetchDeploymentManager._markerFilePath, DateTime.UtcNow);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Will no-op if already set

#pragma warning disable 4014
            // Run on BG task (Task.Run) to avoid ASP.NET Request thread terminated with request completion and
            // it doesn't get chance to clean up the pending marker.
            Task.Run(() => PostDeploymentHelper.TrackPendingOperation(deploymentTask, TimeSpan.Zero));
#pragma warning restore 4014

            // When the frontend/ARM calls /deploy with isAsync=true, it starts polling
            // the deployment status immediately, so it's important that the temp deployment
            // is created before we return.
            if (waitForTempDeploymentCreation)
                // deploymentTask may return withoout creating the temp deployment (lock contention,
                // other exception), in which case just continue.
                await Task.WhenAny(tempDeploymentCreatedTcs.Task, deploymentTask);

            // If deferred deployment is not permitted, we need to know whether or not the deployment was
            // successfully requested. Otherwise, to preserve existing behavior, we assume it was.
            if (!deployInfo.AllowDeferredDeployment)
                return(await deploymentWillOccurTcs.Task);
        public async Task PerformDeployment(DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo,
                                            IDisposable tempDeployment = null,
                                            ChangeSet tempChangeSet    = null)
            DateTime  currentMarkerFileUTC;
            DateTime  nextMarkerFileUTC = FileSystemHelpers.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(_markerFilePath);
            ChangeSet lastChange        = null;

                // save the current marker
                currentMarkerFileUTC = nextMarkerFileUTC;

                string targetBranch = _settings.GetBranch();

                using (_tracer.Step("Performing fetch based deployment"))
                    // create temporary deployment before the actual deployment item started
                    // this allows portal ui to readily display on-going deployment (not having to wait for fetch to complete).
                    // in addition, it captures any failure that may occur before the actual deployment item started
                    tempDeployment = tempDeployment ?? _deploymentManager.CreateTemporaryDeployment(
                        out tempChangeSet,

                    ILogger innerLogger = null;
                    DeployStatusApiResult updateStatusObj = null;
                        ILogger logger = _deploymentManager.GetLogger(tempChangeSet.Id);

                        // Fetch changes from the repository
                        innerLogger = logger.Log(Resources.FetchingChanges);

                        IRepository repository = deploymentInfo.GetRepository();

                            await deploymentInfo.Fetch(repository, deploymentInfo, targetBranch, innerLogger, _tracer);
                        catch (BranchNotFoundException)
                            // mark no deployment is needed
                            deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset = null;

                        // set to null as Deploy() below takes over logging
                        innerLogger = null;

                        // The branch or commit id to deploy
                        string deployBranch = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentInfo.CommitId) ? deploymentInfo.CommitId : targetBranch;

                            _tracer.Trace($"Before sending {Constants.BuildRequestReceived} status to /api/updatedeploystatus");
                            if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAzureEnvironment())
                                // Parse the changesetId into a GUID
                                // The FE hook allows only GUID as a deployment id
                                // If the id is already in GUID format nothing will happen
                                // If it doesn't have the necessary format for a GUID, and exception will be thrown
                                var changeSet = repository.GetChangeSet(deployBranch);
                                updateStatusObj = new DeployStatusApiResult(Constants.BuildRequestReceived, Guid.Parse(changeSet.Id).ToString());
                                await SendDeployStatusUpdate(updateStatusObj);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _tracer.TraceError($"Exception while sending {Constants.BuildRequestReceived} status to /api/updatedeploystatus. " +
                                               $"Entry in the operations table for the deployment status may not have been created. {e}");

                        // In case the commit or perhaps fetch do no-op.
                        if (deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset != null && ShouldDeploy(repository, deploymentInfo, deployBranch))
                            // Perform the actual deployment
                            var changeSet = repository.GetChangeSet(deployBranch);

                            if (changeSet == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentInfo.CommitId))
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Invalid revision '{0}'!", deploymentInfo.CommitId));

                            lastChange = changeSet;

                            // Here, we don't need to update the working files, since we know Fetch left them in the correct state
                            // unless for GenericHandler where specific commitId is specified
                            bool deploySpecificCommitId = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentInfo.CommitId);
                            if (updateStatusObj != null)
                                updateStatusObj.DeploymentStatus = Constants.BuildInProgress;
                                await SendDeployStatusUpdate(updateStatusObj);

                            await _deploymentManager.DeployAsync(
                                clean : false,
                                deploymentInfo : deploymentInfo,
                                needFileUpdate : deploySpecificCommitId,
                                fullBuildByDefault : deploymentInfo.DoFullBuildByDefault);

                            if (updateStatusObj != null)
                                updateStatusObj.DeploymentStatus = Constants.BuildSuccessful;
                                await SendDeployStatusUpdate(updateStatusObj);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (innerLogger != null)

                        // In case the commit or perhaps fetch do no-op.
                        if (deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset != null)
                            IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = _status.Open(deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset.Id);
                            if (statusFile != null)
                                _tracer.Trace("Marking deployment as failed");
                                _tracer.Trace("Could not find status file to mark the deployment failed");

                        if (updateStatusObj != null)
                            // Set deployment status as failure if exception is thrown
                            updateStatusObj.DeploymentStatus = Constants.BuildFailed;
                            await SendDeployStatusUpdate(updateStatusObj);


                    _tracer.Trace("Cleaning up temporary deployment - fetch deployment was successful");
                    // only clean up temp deployment if successful

                // check marker file and, if changed (meaning new /deploy request), redeploy.
                nextMarkerFileUTC = FileSystemHelpers.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(_markerFilePath);
            } while (deploymentInfo.IsReusable && currentMarkerFileUTC != nextMarkerFileUTC);

            if (lastChange != null && PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapEnabled())
                IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = _status.Open(lastChange.Id);
                if (statusFile.Status == DeployStatus.Success)
                    // if last change is not null and finish successfully, mean there was at least one deployoment happened
                    // since deployment is now done, trigger swap if enabled
                    await PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(
                        new PostDeploymentTraceListener(_tracer,
예제 #8
        public async Task <IActionResult> Deploy(string id = null)
            JObject jsonContent = GetJsonContent();

            // Just block here to read the json payload from the body
            using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.Deploy(id)"))
                IActionResult result = Ok();

                    await _deploymentLock.LockOperationAsync(async() =>
                            if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapOngoing())
                                result = StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, Resources.Error_AutoSwapDeploymentOngoing);

                            DeployResult deployResult;
                            if (TryParseDeployResult(id, jsonContent, out deployResult))
                                using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.Create(id)"))
                                    CreateDeployment(deployResult, jsonContent.Value <string>("details"));

                                    // e.g if final url is "https://kudutry.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/deployments/ef52ec67fc9574e726955a9cbaf7bcba791e4e95/log"
                                    // deploymentUri should be "https://kudutry.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/deployments/ef52ec67fc9574e726955a9cbaf7bcba791e4e95"
                                    Uri deploymentUri   = kUriHelper.MakeRelative(kUriHelper.GetBaseUri(Request), new Uri(Request.GetDisplayUrl()).AbsolutePath);
                                    deployResult.Url    = deploymentUri;
                                    deployResult.LogUrl = kUriHelper.MakeRelative(deploymentUri, "log");

                                    // response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(deployResult, Request));
                                    result = Ok(ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(deployResult, Request));

                            bool clean          = false;
                            bool needFileUpdate = true;

                            if (jsonContent != null)
                                clean = jsonContent.Value <bool>("clean");
                                JToken needFileUpdateToken;
                                if (jsonContent.TryGetValue("needFileUpdate", out needFileUpdateToken))
                                    needFileUpdate = needFileUpdateToken.Value <bool>();

                            string username = null;
                            AuthUtility.TryExtractBasicAuthUser(Request, out username);

                            IRepository repository = _repositoryFactory.GetRepository();
                            if (repository == null)
                                result = NotFound(Resources.Error_RepositoryNotFound);
                            ChangeSet changeSet = null;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                                changeSet = repository.GetChangeSet(id);
                                if (changeSet == null)
                                    string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_DeploymentNotFound, id);
                                    result         = NotFound(message);

                                await _deploymentManager.DeployAsync(repository, changeSet, username, clean, deploymentInfo: null, needFileUpdate: needFileUpdate);
                            catch (DeploymentFailedException ex)
                                if (!ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request))

                                // if requests comes thru ARM, we adjust the error code from 500 -> 400
                                result = BadRequest(ex.ToString());

                            // auto-swap
                            if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapEnabled())
                                if (changeSet == null)
                                    var targetBranch = _settings.GetBranch();
                                    changeSet        = repository.GetChangeSet(targetBranch);

                                IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = _status.Open(changeSet.Id);
                                if (statusFile != null && statusFile.Status == DeployStatus.Success)
                                    await PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(
                                        new PostDeploymentTraceListener(_tracer, _deploymentManager.GetLogger(changeSet.Id)));
                        catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                            result = NotFound(ex);
                        catch (InvalidStatusException)
                            result = BadRequest("Only successful status can be active!");
                    }, "Performing deployment", TimeSpan.Zero);
                catch (LockOperationException ex)
                    return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, ex.Message));

예제 #9
        public async Task Invoke(
            HttpContext context,
            ITracer tracer,
            IGitServer gitServer,
            IDictionary <string, IOperationLock> namedLocks,
            IDeploymentManager deploymentManager,
            IRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory,
            IEnvironment environment)
            //Get the deployment lock from the locks dictionary
            var deploymentLock = namedLocks["deployment"];

            using (tracer.Step("RpcService.ReceivePack"))
                // Ensure that the target directory does not have a non-Git repository.
                IRepository repository = repositoryFactory.GetRepository();
                if (repository != null && repository.RepositoryType != RepositoryType.Git)
                    context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;

                    await deploymentLock.LockOperationAsync(() =>
                        context.Response.ContentType = "application/x-git-receive-pack-result";

                        if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapOngoing())
                            context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status409Conflict;
                            var msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Resources.Error_AutoSwapDeploymentOngoing);
                            return(context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(msg, 0, msg.Length));

                        string username = null;
                        if (AuthUtility.TryExtractBasicAuthUser(context.Request, out username))


                        // This temporary deployment is for ui purposes only, it will always be deleted via finally.
                        ChangeSet tempChangeSet;
                        using (deploymentManager.CreateTemporaryDeployment(Resources.ReceivingChanges, out tempChangeSet))
                            // to pass to kudu.exe post receive hook
                            System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.RequestIdHeader, environment.RequestId);
                                gitServer.Receive(context.Request.Body, context.Response.Body);
                                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.RequestIdHeader, null);

                    }, "Handling git receive pack", TimeSpan.Zero);
                catch (LockOperationException ex)
                    context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status409Conflict;
                    var msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ex.Message);
                    await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(msg, 0, msg.Length);
예제 #10
        public async Task HandleAutoSwapTests()
            var homePath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");
            var tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());

                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.SiteRestrictedJWT, null);
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.HttpHost, null);
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", tempPath);
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.WebSiteSwapSlotName, null);

                var autoSwapLockFile = Path.Combine(tempPath, @"site\locks", PostDeploymentHelper.AutoSwapLockFile);

                string deploymentId = Guid.Empty.ToString();

                var tracerMock = new Mock <ITracer>();

                var traceListener = new PostDeploymentTraceListener(tracerMock.Object, Mock.Of <ILogger>());

                TestTracer.Trace("Autoswap will not happen, since it is not enabled.");
                await PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(traceListener);

                tracerMock.Verify(l => l.Trace("AutoSwap is not enabled", It.IsAny <IDictionary <string, string> >()), Times.Once);

                TestTracer.Trace("Autoswap will not happen, since there is no JWT token.");
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.WebSiteSwapSlotName, "someslot");
                var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(traceListener));

                Assert.Equal("Missing X-MS-SITE-RESTRICTED-JWT env!", exception.Message);

                string jwtToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.SiteRestrictedJWT, jwtToken);
                exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(traceListener));

                Assert.Equal("Missing HTTP_HOST env!", exception.Message);

                string hostName = "foo.scm.bar";
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.HttpHost, hostName);

                TestTracer.Trace("Autoswap will be triggered");
                string newDeploymentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                string autoSwapRequestUrl = null;
                string bearerToken        = null;
                PostDeploymentHelper.HttpClientFactory = () => new HttpClient(new TestMessageHandler((HttpRequestMessage requestMessage) =>
                    autoSwapRequestUrl = requestMessage.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
                    bearerToken        = requestMessage.Headers.GetValues("Authorization").First();
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));

                Assert.True(!File.Exists(autoSwapLockFile), string.Format("File {0} should not exist.", autoSwapLockFile));

                await PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(traceListener);

                Assert.True(File.Exists(autoSwapLockFile), string.Format("File {0} should exist.", autoSwapLockFile));


                Assert.Equal("Bearer " + jwtToken, bearerToken);
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.SiteRestrictedJWT, null);
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.HttpHost, null);
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", homePath);
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.WebSiteSwapSlotName, null);
                PostDeploymentHelper.HttpClientFactory = null;
                if (Directory.Exists(tempPath))
                    Directory.Delete(tempPath, recursive: true);
예제 #11
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Deploy(string id = null)
            JObject result = GetJsonContent();

            // Just block here to read the json payload from the body
            using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.Deploy(id)"))
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                await _deploymentLock.LockHttpOperationAsync(async() =>
                        if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapOngoing())
                            throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, Resources.Error_AutoSwapDeploymentOngoing));

                        DeployResult deployResult;
                        if (TryParseDeployResult(id, result, out deployResult))
                            using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.Create(id)"))
                                CreateDeployment(deployResult, result.Value <string>("details"));

                                // e.g if final url is "https://kudutry.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/deployments/ef52ec67fc9574e726955a9cbaf7bcba791e4e95/log"
                                // deploymentUri should be "https://kudutry.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/deployments/ef52ec67fc9574e726955a9cbaf7bcba791e4e95"
                                Uri deploymentUri   = UriHelper.MakeRelative(UriHelper.GetBaseUri(Request), Request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath);
                                deployResult.Url    = deploymentUri;
                                deployResult.LogUrl = UriHelper.MakeRelative(deploymentUri, "log");

                                response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(deployResult, Request));

                        bool clean          = false;
                        bool needFileUpdate = true;

                        if (result != null)
                            clean = result.Value <bool>("clean");
                            JToken needFileUpdateToken;
                            if (result.TryGetValue("needFileUpdate", out needFileUpdateToken))
                                needFileUpdate = needFileUpdateToken.Value <bool>();

                        string username = null;
                        AuthUtility.TryExtractBasicAuthUser(Request, out username);

                        IRepository repository = _repositoryFactory.GetRepository();
                        if (repository == null)
                            throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, Resources.Error_RepositoryNotFound));
                        ChangeSet changeSet = null;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                            changeSet = repository.GetChangeSet(id);
                            if (changeSet == null)
                                string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_DeploymentNotFound, id);
                                throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message));

                        await _deploymentManager.DeployAsync(repository, changeSet, username, clean, needFileUpdate);

                        // auto-swap
                        if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapEnabled())
                            if (changeSet == null)
                                var targetBranch = _settings.GetBranch();
                                changeSet        = repository.GetChangeSet(targetBranch);

                            IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = _status.Open(changeSet.Id);
                            if (statusFile != null && statusFile.Status == DeployStatus.Success)
                                await PostDeploymentHelper.PerformAutoSwap(new PostDeploymentTraceListener(_tracer, _deploymentManager.GetLogger(changeSet.Id)));
                    catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                        throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex));
                }, "Performing deployment");

예제 #12
        public override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
            using (_tracer.Step("FetchHandler"))
                // Redirect GET /deploy requests to the Kudu root for convenience when using URL from Azure portal
                if (String.Equals(context.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                if (!String.Equals(context.Request.HttpMethod, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;

                DeploymentInfo deployInfo = null;

                // We are going to assume that the branch details are already set by the time it gets here. This is particularly important in the mercurial case,
                // since Settings hardcodes the default value for Branch to be "master". Consequently, Kudu will NoOp requests for Mercurial commits.
                string targetBranch = _settings.GetBranch();
                    var          request = new HttpRequestWrapper(context.Request);
                    JObject      payload = GetPayload(request);
                    DeployAction action  = GetRepositoryInfo(request, payload, targetBranch, out deployInfo);
                    if (action == DeployAction.NoOp)
                        _tracer.Trace("No-op for deployment.");

                    // If Scm is not enabled, we will reject all but one payload for GenericHandler
                    // This is to block the unintended CI with Scm providers like GitHub
                    // Since Generic payload can only be done by user action, we loosely allow
                    // that and assume users know what they are doing.  Same applies to git
                    // push/clone endpoint.
                    if (!_settings.IsScmEnabled() && !(deployInfo.Handler is GenericHandler || deployInfo.Handler is DropboxHandler))
                        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
                        _tracer.Trace("Scm is not enabled, reject all requests.");
                catch (FormatException ex)
                    context.Response.StatusCode = 400;

                // for CI payload, we will return Accepted and do the task in the BG
                // if isAsync is defined, we will return Accepted and do the task in the BG
                // since autoSwap relies on the response header, deployment has to be synchronously.
                bool isAsync      = String.Equals(context.Request.QueryString["isAsync"], "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                bool isBackground = isAsync || deployInfo.IsContinuous;
                if (isBackground)
                    using (_tracer.Step("Start deployment in the background"))
                        var waitForTempDeploymentCreation = isAsync;
                        await PerformBackgroundDeployment(

                    // to avoid regression, only set location header if isAsync
                    if (isAsync)
                        // latest deployment keyword reserved to poll till deployment done
                        context.Response.Headers["Location"] = new Uri(context.Request.Url,
                                                                       String.Format("/api/deployments/{0}?deployer={1}&time={2}", Constants.LatestDeployment, deployInfo.Deployer, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ssZ"))).ToString();
                    context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Accepted;

                _tracer.Trace("Attempting to fetch target branch {0}", targetBranch);
                    await _deploymentLock.LockOperationAsync(async() =>
                        if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapOngoing())
                            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict;

                        await PerformDeployment(deployInfo);
                    }, "Performing continuous deployment", TimeSpan.Zero);
                catch (LockOperationException)
                    // Create a marker file that indicates if there's another deployment to pull
                    // because there was a deployment in progress.
                    using (_tracer.Step("Update pending deployment marker file"))
                        // REVIEW: This makes the assumption that the repository url is the same.
                        // If it isn't the result would be buggy either way.
                        FileSystemHelpers.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(_markerFilePath, DateTime.UtcNow);

                    // Return a http 202: the request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
                    context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Accepted;
예제 #13
        public override void ProcessRequestBase(HttpContextBase context)
            using (Tracer.Step("RpcService.ReceivePack"))
                // Ensure that the target directory does not have a non-Git repository.
                IRepository repository = _repositoryFactory.GetRepository();
                if (repository != null && repository.RepositoryType != RepositoryType.Git)
                    context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                    if (context.ApplicationInstance != null)

                    DeploymentLock.LockOperation(() =>
                        context.Response.ContentType = "application/x-git-receive-pack-result";

                        if (PostDeploymentHelper.IsAutoSwapOngoing())
                            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict;

                        string username = null;
                        if (AuthUtility.TryExtractBasicAuthUser(context.Request, out username))


                        // This temporary deployment is for ui purposes only, it will always be deleted via finally.
                        ChangeSet tempChangeSet;
                        using (DeploymentManager.CreateTemporaryDeployment(Resources.ReceivingChanges, out tempChangeSet))
                            // to pass to kudu.exe post receive hook
                            System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.RequestIdHeader, _environment.RequestId);
                            System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.SiteRestrictedJWT, _environment.SiteRestrictedJwt);
                                GitServer.Receive(context.Request.GetInputStream(), context.Response.OutputStream);
                                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.RequestIdHeader, null);
                                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(Constants.SiteRestrictedJWT, null);
                    }, "Handling git receive pack", TimeSpan.Zero);
                catch (LockOperationException ex)
                    context.Response.StatusCode = 409;