private async void Deletebtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dbPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "PostsQLite.db3"); var postdb = new PostDatabase(dbPath); await postdb.DeleteNoteAsync(article); await Navigation.PopAsync(); }
public PostViewModel(AlbumModel albumSelected) { postDatabase = App.Container.Resolve <PostDatabase>(); postApi = App.Container.Resolve <PostApi>(); albumModel = albumSelected; GetDatabase(); }
GetSavedPostsAsync() { string dbPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "PostsQLite.db3"); var db = new PostDatabase(dbPath); try { //Activity indicator visibility on activity_indicator.IsVisible = true; activity_indicator.IsRunning = true; refreshcon.IsVisible = false; savedPosts.IsVisible = false; var tr = await db.GetPostsAsync(); //After deserializing , we store our data in the List called ObservableCollection //Then finally we attach the List to the ListView. Seems Simple :) savedPosts.ItemsSource = tr; //We check the number of PostModelItem in the Observable Collection int i = tr.Count(); if (i > 0) { //If they are greater than Zero we stop the activity indicator activity_indicator.IsRunning = false; savedPosts.IsVisible = true; } else { savedPosts.IsVisible = false; activity_indicator.IsVisible = false; refreshcon.IsVisible = true; infolabel.Text = "No saved posts found"; } //Here we Wrap the size of the ListView according to the number of PostModelItem which have been retrieved i = (tr.Count() * heightRowsList); activity_indicator.HeightRequest = i; } catch (Exception ey) { Debug.WriteLine("" + ey); } }
private async void Savebtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dbPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "PostsQLite.db3"); var postdb = new PostDatabase(dbPath); if (await postdb.SavePostAsync(article) != 0) { savebtn.IsEnabled = false; } else { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Error saving", "OK"); savebtn.IsEnabled = true; } }
private async void ShowPost(object opost) { savebtn.IsEnabled = false; var singlepost = opost as PostModelItem; article = new Post() { ID = singlepost._id, Author = singlepost.Author, Body = singlepost.Body, Date = singlepost.Date, Intro = singlepost.Intro, Title = singlepost.Title }; MainPageContent.Title = singlepost.Title; var htmlSource = new HtmlWebViewSource { Html = @singlepost.Body }; browser.Source = htmlSource; string dbPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "PostsQLite.db3"); var postdb = new PostDatabase(dbPath); var gpost = await postdb.GetPostAsync(article.ID); if (gpost == null) { savebtn.IsEnabled = true; } else { await DisplayAlert("Warning", "Post Already Saved", "OK"); savebtn.IsEnabled = false; } }
public virtual string CreatePost(PostDatabase db, string post) { return(db.Add(post)); }
public override string CreatePost(PostDatabase db, string post) { return(db.AddLinkPost(post)); }