public void TestHashSet() { Random rnd = new Random(); int TEST_TIMES = 10000; int ARRAY_SIZE = 128; for (int i = 0; i < TEST_TIMES; i++) { HashSet <IPosition> set = new HashSet <IPosition>(); int[] xs = new int[ARRAY_SIZE]; int[] ys = new int[ARRAY_SIZE]; PositionStruct[] pss = new PositionStruct[ARRAY_SIZE]; for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) { xs[j] = rnd.Next(); ys[j] = rnd.Next(); pss[j] = new PositionStruct(xs[j], ys[j]); set.Add(new Position(xs[j], ys[j])); } for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) { Assert.IsTrue(set.Contains(new Position(xs[j], ys[j])), "new Position(x,y) not in set"); Assert.IsTrue(set.Contains(pss[j]), "PositionStruct-Array not in set"); Assert.IsTrue(set.Contains(new PositionStruct(xs[j], ys[j])), "new PositionStruct(x,y) not in set"); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AreaStruct areaStruct = new AreaStruct(); PositionStruct positionStruct = new PositionStruct(); string movementLetter = ""; try { InputValidator inputValidator = new InputValidator(); inputValidator.MaxPositionValidate(out areaStruct.x, out areaStruct.y); inputValidator.StartPositionValidate(out positionStruct.x, out positionStruct.y, out positionStruct.Direction); inputValidator.MovementLettersValidate(out movementLetter); RoverSystem system = new RoverSystem(); Area area = system.CreateArea(areaStruct.x, areaStruct.y); RoverPosition currentPosition = system.SetCurrentPosition(positionStruct.x, positionStruct.y, positionStruct.Direction); Rover rover = system.CreateRover(area, currentPosition, movementLetter); system.MoveRover(rover); Console.WriteLine($"Last position of the rover:{rover.RoverPosition.X} {rover.RoverPosition.Y} {rover.RoverPosition.Direction.ToString()}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
//横向和纵向处理 public void cancleBegin() { //数组每一行代表要消除的一组 posToCancel = new PositionStruct[20][]; //要消除的组的个数 groupsToCancle = 0; //存储每一组要消除的个数 numToCancel = new int[20]; PositionStruct startHori; startHori.i = 0; startHori.j = 0; PositionStruct startVert = startHori; //横向处理 for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { cancelProcessHori(startHori, fruit_types, ROWS, COLS, posToCancel, numToCancel, ref groupsToCancle); startHori.i++; } //纵向处理 for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++) { cancelProcessVert(startVert, fruit_types, ROWS, COLS, posToCancel, numToCancel, ref groupsToCancle); startVert.j++; } Debug.Log("groups to be cancled: " + groupsToCancle); }
public void TestAlloc() { int TEST_TIMES = 1000; int MIN_SIZE = 32; int MAX_SIZE = 512; ConcurrentCachedPositonPool pool = new ConcurrentCachedPositonPool(16); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_TIMES; i++) { int size = rnd.Next(MIN_SIZE, MAX_SIZE); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { int x = rnd.Next(MIN_POSITION, MAX_POSITION); int y = rnd.Next(MIN_POSITION, MAX_POSITION); Position answer = pool.AllocPosition(x, y); Position sample_p = new Position(x, y); Assert.IsTrue(sample_p.GetHashCode() == answer.GetHashCode()); Assert.IsTrue(sample_p.Equals(answer)); Assert.IsTrue(answer.Equals(sample_p)); Assert.IsTrue(sample_p == answer); Assert.IsTrue(answer == sample_p); PositionStruct sample_ps = new PositionStruct(x, y); Assert.IsTrue(sample_ps.GetHashCode() == answer.GetHashCode()); Assert.IsTrue(sample_ps.Equals(answer)); Assert.IsTrue(answer.Equals(sample_ps)); } pool.FreeAllPosition(); } pool.FreeAllPosition(); }
/// <summary> /// Token class used by the lexer in Batch Parser /// </summary> internal Token(LexerTokenType tokenType, PositionStruct begin, PositionStruct end, string text, string filename) { TokenType = tokenType; Begin = begin; End = end; Text = text; Filename = filename; }
public BatchParserSqlCmdTests() { bpcmd = new BatchParserSqlCmd(); testPOS = new PositionStruct(); bpcmd.SetVariable(testPOS, "variable1", "test1"); bpcmd.SetVariable(testPOS, "variable2", "test2"); bpcmd.SetVariable(testPOS, "variable3", "test3"); }
public static PositionStruct GetPosition(Vector3 Input) { var Result = new PositionStruct(); Result.RawInWorld = Input; Result.BlockInWorld = Vector3Int.FloorToInt(Input); Result.ChunkInWorld = Vector3Int.FloorToInt(Input / 16f) * 16; Result.BlockInChunk = Result.BlockInWorld - Result.ChunkInWorld; return(Result); }
public string GetVariable(PositionStruct pos, string name) { if (variables.ContainsKey(name)) { return(variables[name]); } else { return(null); } }
//纵向消除处理 public void cancelProcessVert(PositionStruct start, int[][] fruit_types, int rows, int cols, PositionStruct[][] posToCancel, int[] numToCancel, ref int groupsToCancle) { PositionStruct init = start; //注意引用传参 ref groupsToCancle PositionStruct next = cancelGroupVert(init, fruit_types, rows, cols, posToCancel, numToCancel, ref groupsToCancle); while (!posEqual(init, next)) //当init和next不相等时, 继续进行横向比较, 当到达边界时, 二者必相等 { init = next; next = cancelGroupVert(init, fruit_types, rows, cols, posToCancel, numToCancel, ref groupsToCancle); } }
public void SetVariable(PositionStruct pos, string name, string value) { outputString.AppendFormat("Setting variable {0} to [{1}]\n", name, value); if (value == null) { variables.Remove(name); } else { variables[name] = value; } }
//判断两个PositionStruct A和B是否相等 public bool posEqual(PositionStruct A, PositionStruct B) { int Ai = A.i; int Aj = A.j; int Bi = B.i; int Bj = B.j; if (Ai == Bi && Aj == Bj) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public string GetJsonDataToSave() { var positionData = new PositionStruct { x = spawnPosition.Value.x, y = spawnPosition.Value.y, z = spawnPosition.Value.z }; var data = new PlayerData { playerPosition = positionData, stamina = playerStatsManager.Stamina, health = playerStatsManager.Health }; var dataToSave = JsonUtility.ToJson(data); return(dataToSave); }
/// <summary> /// Set environment or internal variable /// </summary> public override void SetVariable(PositionStruct pos, string name, string value) { if (variableSubstitutionDisabled) { return; } if (value == null) { if (internalVariables.ContainsKey(name)) { internalVariables.Remove(name); } } else { internalVariables[name] = value; } }
public BatchParserAction Go(TextBlock batch, int repeatCount) { string textWithVariablesResolved; string textWithVariablesUnresolved; LineInfo lineInfoVarsResolved; LineInfo lineInfoVarsUnresolved; batch.GetText(true, out textWithVariablesResolved, out lineInfoVarsResolved); batch.GetText(false, out textWithVariablesUnresolved, out lineInfoVarsUnresolved); outputString.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "*** Execute batch ({0})\n", repeatCount); if (string.Compare(textWithVariablesUnresolved, textWithVariablesResolved, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) { outputString.AppendLine("Text with variables not resolved:"); outputString.AppendLine(textWithVariablesResolved); outputString.AppendLine("Text with variables not resolved:"); outputString.AppendLine(textWithVariablesUnresolved); int i = 0; outputString.AppendLine("Mapping from resolved string to unresolved:"); while (i <= textWithVariablesResolved.Length) { PositionStruct pos = lineInfoVarsResolved.GetStreamPositionForOffset(i); string character = i < textWithVariablesResolved.Length ? ("" + textWithVariablesResolved[i]).Replace("\n", @"\n").Replace("\r", @"\r") : "EOF"; outputString.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Pos [{0}] {1}:{2} \"{3}\"", i, BatchParserTests.GetFilenameOnly(pos.Filename), pos.Offset, character); outputString.AppendLine(); i++; } } else { outputString.AppendLine("Batch text:"); outputString.AppendLine(textWithVariablesUnresolved); } outputString.AppendLine(); return(BatchParserAction.Continue); }
/// <summary> /// Looks for any environment variable or internal variable. /// </summary> public override string GetVariable(PositionStruct pos, string name) { if (variableSubstitutionDisabled) { return(null); } string value; // Internally defined variables have higher precedence over environment variables. if (!internalVariables.TryGetValue(name, out value)) { value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()[name] as string; } if (value == null) { RaiseScriptError(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.EE_ExecutionError_VariableNotFound, name), ScriptMessageType.FatalError); RaiseHaltParser(); // TODO: Halt the parser, should get/set variable have ParserAction.Abort/Continue (like original?) } return(value); }
public virtual void SetVariable(PositionStruct pos, string name, string value) { throw new NotImplementedException("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
public void SetVariable(PositionStruct pos, string name, string value) { outputString.AppendFormat("Setting variable {0} to [{1}]\n", name, value); batchParserSqlCmd.SetVariable(pos, name, value); }
public string GetVariable(PositionStruct pos, string name) { return(batchParserSqlCmd.GetVariable(pos, name)); }
private string GetPositionString(PositionStruct pos) { return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}:{1} [{2}]", pos.Line, pos.Column, pos.Offset)); }
//纵向处理 public PositionStruct cancelGroupVert(PositionStruct start, int[][] fruit_types, int rows /*水果行数*/, int cols /*水果列数*/, PositionStruct[][] posToCancel, int[] numToCancel, ref int grpToCancle) //按引用传递grouptsToCancle参数, 参见 { //是否进行下一轮比较 bool flag = true; int sameNum = 0; PositionStruct currpos = start; if (currpos.i >= rows - 1) //如果比较已经到达边界, 就停止比较 { flag = false; return(currpos); } //next (vertical) position of fruit PositionStruct nextpos = currpos; //struct is value type, thus the values of nextpos are copies rather than referenced!! nextpos.i++; int currType = fruit_types[currpos.i][currpos.j]; //move vertically int nextType = fruit_types[nextpos.i][nextpos.j]; PositionStruct[] tmppos = new PositionStruct[20]; //用来暂存要消除的水果位置 tmppos[0] = currpos; while (flag) { //循环比较当前位置的水果和右侧水果是否相同, 相同就继续向右比较, 注意值为-1时表示空 if (currType != -1 && currType == nextType) { Debug.Log("Vertically same fruit found, position: i = " + nextpos.i + "; j = " + nextpos.j); sameNum++; tmppos[sameNum] = nextpos; //把下一个水果的位置放入待消除数组 if (nextpos.i < rows - 1) //判断是否到达边界 { //向下移动一格 nextpos.i += 1; nextType = fruit_types[nextpos.i][nextpos.j]; } else //如果比较到达边界, 就停止比较 { flag = false; } } else //如果下一个元素不同, 就停止下一轮比较 { flag = false; } } //如果超过2个水果种类与第1个相同, 就把这些水果的位置存入posToCancel数组 if (sameNum >= 2) { Debug.Log("sameNum: " + sameNum); posToCancel[grpToCancle] = tmppos; numToCancel[grpToCancle] = sameNum + 1; //记录该组的长度 grpToCancle += 1; //更新要消除的组数 } return(nextpos); }