예제 #1
    //called when restart
    void OnEnable()
        if (objectToPick != null && programItem != null)

            PoseMsg gripper_pose = programItem.GetPose()[0].GetPose();

            objectToPick.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(gripper_pose.GetPosition().GetX(), -gripper_pose.GetPosition().GetY(), gripper_pose.GetPosition().GetZ());
            if (left_feeder)
                //rotate the object to make right move
                objectToPick.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-90f, 90f, 0f);
                //position the object to fit approximately on the feeder
                objectToPick.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(-0.30f, 0f, 0f);
                //rotate the object to make right move
                objectToPick.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-90f, -90f, 0f);
                //position the object to fit approximately on the feeder
                objectToPick.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0.30f, 0f, 0f);

예제 #2
    void Update()

        if (!_running)

        timer -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (timer <= 0)
            timer = pollRate;

            PointMsg               point  = new PointMsg(1, 2, 3);
            QuaternionMsg          quat   = new QuaternionMsg(1, 2, 3, 4);
            PoseMsg                pose   = new PoseMsg(point, quat);
            PoseWithCovarianceMsg  posec  = new PoseWithCovarianceMsg(pose);
            Vector3Msg             vec3   = new Vector3Msg(1, 2, 3);
            TwistMsg               twist  = new TwistMsg(vec3, vec3);
            TwistWithCovarianceMsg twistc = new TwistWithCovarianceMsg(twist, new double[36]);
            HeaderMsg              header = new HeaderMsg(1, new TimeMsg(1, 1), "0");

            PoseStampedMsg ps  = new PoseStampedMsg(header, pose);
            PathMsg        msg = new PathMsg(header, new PoseStampedMsg[] { ps, ps, ps });

            BoolMsg             boolmsg = new BoolMsg(true);
            StringMsg           str     = new StringMsg("This is a test");
            RegionOfInterestMsg roi     = new RegionOfInterestMsg(0, 1, 2, 3, true);
            CameraInfoMsg       caminfo = new CameraInfoMsg(header, 100, 200, "plumb_bob", new double[5], new double[9], new double[9], new double[12], 14, 123, roi);

 public MapMetaDataMsg(TimeMsg map_load_time, float resolution, uint width, uint height, PoseMsg origin)
     _map_load_time = map_load_time;
     _resolution    = resolution;
     _width         = width;
     _height        = height;
     _origin        = origin;
예제 #4
 public MapMetaDataInfoMsg(JSONNode node)
     _time       = node["map_load_time"];
     _resolution = node["resolution"].AsFloat;
     _width      = node["width"].AsInt;
     _height     = node["height"].AsInt;
     _origin     = new PoseMsg(node["origin"]);
예제 #5
 private void InitPlacePose()
     placePose     = programItem.GetPose()[0].GetPose();
     placePosition = new Vector3(placePose.GetPosition().GetX(), -placePose.GetPosition().GetY(), placePose.GetPosition().GetZ());
     //placePosition = new Vector3(placePose.GetPosition().GetX(), -placePose.GetPosition().GetY(), 0f);
     placeQuaternion = new Quaternion(-placePose.GetOrientation().GetX(), placePose.GetOrientation().GetY(), -placePose.GetOrientation().GetZ(), placePose.GetOrientation().GetW());
     upPosition      = objectToPlace.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, 0, 0.1f);
예제 #6
 public SubmapEntryMsg(JSONNode node)
     this.trajectory_id  = node["trajectory_id"].AsInt;
     this.submap_index   = node["submap_index"].AsInt;
     this.submap_version = node["submap_version"].AsInt;
     this.pose           = new PoseMsg(node["pose"]);
     this.is_frozen      = node["is_frozen"].AsBool;
 public DetectionArrayMsg(JSONNode msg) {
     header = new HeaderMsg(msg["header"]);
     origin = new PoseMsg(msg["origin"]);
     detections = new DetectionMsg[msg["detections"].Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < detections.Length; i++) {
         detections[i] = new DetectionMsg(msg["detections"][i]);
예제 #8
 public ObjInstanceMsg(string object_id, string object_type, PoseMsg pose, List <KeyValueMsg> flags, bool on_table)
     _object_id   = object_id;
     _object_type = object_type;
     _pose        = pose;
     _flags       = flags;
     _on_table    = on_table;
예제 #9
 public SubmapEntryMsg(int trajectory_id, int submap_index, int submap_version, PoseMsg pose, bool is_frozen)
     this.trajectory_id  = trajectory_id;
     this.submap_index   = submap_index;
     this.submap_version = submap_version;
     this.pose           = pose;
     this.is_frozen      = is_frozen;
 public MapMetaDataMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _map_load_time = new TimeMsg(msg["map_load_time"]);
     _resolution    = float.Parse(msg["resolution"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     _width         = uint.Parse(msg["width"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     _height        = uint.Parse(msg["height"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     _origin        = new PoseMsg(msg["origin"]);
 public SubmapTextureMsg(byte[] cells, int width, int height, float resolution, PoseMsg slice_pose)
     this.cells      = cells;
     this.width      = width;
     this.height     = height;
     this.resolution = resolution;
     this.slice_pose = slice_pose;
예제 #12
 public PoseWithCovarianceMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _pose = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     // Treat covariance
     for (int i = 0; i < msg["covariance"].Count; i++)
         _covariance[i] = double.Parse(msg["covariance"][i]);
        void AddMessage(PoseMsg message)
            m_LastMessage = message;

            if (m_IsDrawingEnabled)
예제 #14
 public override void Deserialize(JSONNode msg)
     _pose = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     // Treat covariance
     for (int i = 0; i < msg["covariance"].Count; i++)
         _covariance[i] = double.Parse(msg["covariance"][i]);
예제 #15
 public PoseWithCovarianceMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _pose       = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     _covariance = new double[msg["covariance"].Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < _covariance.Length; i++)
         _covariance[i] = double.Parse(msg["covariance"][i], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
예제 #16
 public static void GUI(this PoseMsg message, string name = "")
     if (name.Length > 0)
예제 #17
 public SemanticObjectMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _id         = msg["id"];
     _idRoom     = msg["idRoom"];
     _type       = msg["type"];
     _score      = double.Parse(msg["score"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     _pointCloud = new PointCloudMsg(msg["pointCloud"]);
     _pose       = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     _scale      = new Vector3Msg(msg["scale"]);
예제 #18
    public void sendPingerPos()
        Vector3    posTmp = pinger.transform.position;
        Quaternion rotTmp = pinger.transform.rotation;

        pingerPoint      = new PointMsg(posTmp.x, posTmp.y, posTmp.z);
        pingerQuaternion = new QuaternionMsg(rotTmp.x, rotTmp.y, rotTmp.z, rotTmp.w);
        pingerMsg        = new PoseMsg(pingerPoint, pingerQuaternion);
        obj.GetComponent <ROSInitializerSAUVC>().rosSAUVC.Publish(PingerPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), pingerMsg);
예제 #19
 public static void GUI(this PoseArrayMsg message)
     for (int Idx = 0; Idx < message.poses.Length; ++Idx)
         PoseMsg pose = message.poses[Idx];
         pose.position.GUI($"[{Idx}] Position");
 public SemanticObjectMsg(string id, ObjectHypothesisMsg[] scores, PoseMsg pose, int ndetections, String roomId, String roomType, Vector3Msg size)
     _id         = id;
     _scores     = scores;
     _pose       = pose;
     _detections = ndetections;
     _roomId     = roomId;
     _roomType   = roomType;
     _size       = size;
 public UserRGBDMsg(string name, float u, float v, float w, float h, PoseMsg pose_3d, float certainty)
     _name      = name;
     _u         = u;
     _v         = v;
     _w         = w;
     _h         = h;
     _pose_3D   = pose_3d;
     _certainty = certainty;
예제 #22
 public SemanticObjectMsg(String id, String idRoom, String type, float score, PointCloudMsg pointCloud, PoseMsg position, Vector3Msg scale)
     _id         = id;
     _idRoom     = idRoom;
     _type       = type;
     _score      = score;
     _pointCloud = pointCloud;
     _pose       = position;
     _scale      = scale;
예제 #23
 public ObjInstanceMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _object_id   = msg["object_id"];
     _object_type = msg["object_type"];
     _pose        = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     foreach (JSONNode item in msg["flags"].AsArray)
         _flags.Add(new KeyValueMsg(item));
     _on_table = bool.Parse(msg["on_table"]);
예제 #24
 public void SendPos(int id)
     if (id != 0 && id <= props.Length)
         Vector3    posTmp = props[id - 1].transform.position;
         Quaternion rotTmp = props[id - 1].transform.rotation;
         pt     = new PointMsg(posTmp.x, posTmp.y, posTmp.z);
         qt     = new QuaternionMsg(rotTmp.x, rotTmp.y, rotTmp.z, rotTmp.w);
         posMsg = new PoseMsg(pt, qt);
         obj.GetComponent <ROSInitializerSAUVC>().rosSAUVC.Publish(PosPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), posMsg);
예제 #25
    //inits poses of robot arm for drilling holes
    private void InitDrillingPoses()
        List <PoseStampedMsg> poses = programItem.GetPose();
        PoseMsg position1           = poses[0].GetPose();
        PoseMsg position2           = poses[1].GetPose();

        //robots gripper local position starts at the grippers joint (not the tip).. so place the joint position as initial position for tip before drilling
        pose1_init = new Vector3(position1.GetPosition().GetX(), -position1.GetPosition().GetY(), position1.GetPosition().GetZ());
        pose2_init = new Vector3(position2.GetPosition().GetX(), -position2.GetPosition().GetY(), position2.GetPosition().GetZ());

        //drilling_hole_1_init = true;
        drilling_State = drilling_state.INIT_DRILLING_HOLE_1;
예제 #26
                public PoseWithCovarianceMsg(PoseMsg pose, double[] covariance)
                    _pose = pose;

                    if (covariance.Length == 36)
                        _covariance = covariance;
                        _covariance = new double[36];
 public SemanticObjectMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _id     = msg["id"];
     _scores = new ObjectHypothesisMsg[msg["scores"].Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < _scores.Length; i++)
         _scores[i] = new ObjectHypothesisMsg(msg["scores"][i]);
     _pose       = new PoseMsg(msg["pose"]);
     _detections = int.Parse(msg["detections"]);
     _roomId     = msg["roomId"];
     _roomType   = msg["roomType"];
     _size       = new Vector3Msg(msg["size"]);
예제 #28
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        GameObject robot = GameObject.Find("Dalek");

        if (robot == null)
            Debug.Log("Can't find the robot???");
            PoseMsg pose = (PoseMsg)msg;
            robot.transform.position = new Vector3(pose.GetX(), 0.2f, pose.GetY());
            robot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-pose.GetTheta() * 180.0f / 3.1415f, Vector3.up);
예제 #29
    private static bool PoseSet(PoseMsg pose)
        if (pose.GetPosition().GetX() == 0f &&
            pose.GetPosition().GetY() == 0f &&
            pose.GetPosition().GetZ() == 0f &&
            pose.GetOrientation().GetX() == 0f &&
            pose.GetOrientation().GetY() == 0f &&
            pose.GetOrientation().GetZ() == 0f &&
            pose.GetOrientation().GetW() == 0f)

                public UserRGBDMsg(JSONNode msg)
                    _name      = msg["name"];
                    _u         = float.Parse(msg["u"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    _v         = float.Parse(msg["v"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    _w         = float.Parse(msg["w"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    _h         = float.Parse(msg["h"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    _pose_3D   = new PoseMsg(msg["pose_3D"]);
                    _certainty = float.Parse(msg["certainty"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    _body_part_3d = new BodyPart3DMsg[msg["body_part_3d"].Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < _body_part_3d.Length; i++)
                        _body_part_3d[i] = new BodyPart3DMsg(msg["body_part_3d"][i]);