public void RegisterPosKeyAndEvent(int keyValue, int keyCode, string content, Thickness margin, int row, int col, int accessKey, string eventClass) { PosButton btn = new PosButton(); btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle1"); btn.Height = 75; btn.KeyValue = keyValue; btn.KeyCode = keyCode; btn.Content = content; // btn.FontSize = 12; btn.Margin = margin; btn.AccessKeyValue = accessKey; btn.KeyClass = eventClass; btn.Focusable = false; Grid.SetRow(btn, row); Grid.SetColumn(btn, col); this.MyGrid.Children.Add(btn); btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); PosEvent posEvent = assembly.CreateInstance(eventClass) as PosEvent; PosContext.Instance.KeysById.Add(keyCode.ToString(), posEvent); } catch (System.NullReferenceException exNull) { Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "Invalid class name " + eventClass, exNull); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), ex.ToString(), ex); } }
void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; //MessageBox.Show(posButton.KeyCode.ToString()); string keyCode = posButton.KeyCode.ToString(); Hashtable table = PosContext.Instance.KeysById; PosEvent posEvent1 = (PosEvent)table[keyCode]; if (posEvent1 != null) { // posEvent1.Engage(posButton.KeyValue); if (posEvent1.isDialog) { PosContext.Instance.PosKeyValue = posButton.KeyValue; PosDialogEvent posDialog = posEvent1 as PosDialogEvent; posDialog.PushState(posDialog.StartState); PosEventStack.Instance.PushEvent(posEvent1); PosEventStack.Instance.NextEvent(); } else { posEvent1.Engage(posButton.KeyValue); } } }
void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; PosContext.Instance.InputLine = posButton.Sku; new EnterKey().Engage(0); }
void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; // object keyValue = posButton.Tag; // MessageBox.Show(posButton.KeyCode.ToString()); string keyCode = posButton.KeyCode.ToString(); Hashtable table = PosContext.Instance.KeysById; PosEvent posEvent1 = (PosEvent)table[keyCode]; if (posEvent1 != null) { //posEvent1.Engage(posButton.KeyValue); if (posEvent1.isDialog) { PosContext.Instance.PosKeyValue = posButton.KeyValue; PosDialogEvent posDialog = posEvent1 as PosDialogEvent; posDialog.PushState(posDialog.StartState); //Assume "0" as the default state PosEventStack.Instance.PushEvent(posEvent1); PosEventStack.Instance.NextEvent(); } else { posEvent1.Engage(posButton.KeyValue); } } //PnlInput input = PosContext.Instance.PosPrompt as PnlInput; //input.InputControl.Focus(); //_contrainer.get }
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 public void RegisterPosKeyAndEvent(int keyValue, int keyCode, string content, Thickness margin, int row, int col, int accessKey, string eventClass, string buttonStyle, int span) { PosButton btn = new PosButton(); //btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle"); btn.Style = (Style)FindResource(buttonStyle); btn.KeyValue = keyValue; btn.KeyCode = keyCode; btn.Content = content; btn.FontSize = 14; btn.Margin = new Thickness(1, 1, 1, 1); //margin; btn.AccessKeyValue = accessKey; btn.KeyClass = eventClass; btn.Focusable = false; // btn.Width = ; btn.Height = 77; Grid.SetColumnSpan(btn, span); Grid.SetRow(btn, row); Grid.SetColumn(btn, col); this.KeyPadGrid.Children.Add(btn); btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); this.RegisterEvent(keyCode, eventClass); }
public void LoadControls() { // PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Clear(); int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(this.MyGrid); if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UIElement child = (UIElement)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this.MyGrid, i); if (child is PosButton) { PosButton posBtn = child as PosButton; try { PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Add(posBtn.AccessKeyValue, posBtn); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Unable to add poskey " + posBtn.KeyClass.ToString()); } } } } }
public void RegisterControlEvent(int keyValue, int keyCode, string eventClass) { PosButton posBtn = new PosButton(); posBtn.KeyValue = keyValue; posBtn.KeyCode = keyCode; posBtn.KeyClass = eventClass; alphaPosConrols.Add(posBtn); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> public void AddPosKeys(int subMenuID, string menuName) { this.txtBlockMenuName.Text = menuName; // PosKey posKey = new PosKey(); // posKey.Panel_id = subMenuID; // posKey.Config_no = PosSettings.Default.Configuration; //PosContext.Instance.Config.ConfigNo; // try // { EclipsePos.Data.Item item = new EclipsePos.Data.Item(); item.Organization_no = PosSettings.Default.Organization; item.Item_group = this.ItemGroup; DataSet data = item.LoadByItemGroup(this.ItemGroup); DataTable dt = data.Tables[0]; int rowNum = 0; int colNum = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ++rowNum; PosButton btn = new PosButton(); btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle"); btn.Content = dr["short_Desc"].ToString(); btn.FontSize = 12; // btn.AccessKeyValue = int.Parse(dr["plu"].ToString()); btn.Sku = dr["sku"].ToString(); btn.Margin = new Thickness(3, 0, 3, 5); btn.Focusable = false; btn.Height = 60; // btn.Width = 100; // btn.KeyText = dr["param"].ToString(); Grid.SetRow(btn, rowNum); Grid.SetColumn(btn, colNum); if (rowNum == 8) { ++colNum; rowNum = 0; } this.MyGrid.Children.Add(btn); btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); } }
void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; PosContext.Instance.InputLine = posButton.ItemGroup; EjSalesPerson ej = new EjSalesPerson(); ej.States().PushState(EjSalesPerson.GET_SALES_PERSON); PosEventStack.Instance.PushEvent(ej); PosEventStack.Instance.NextEvent(); //new EnterKey().Engage(0); }
void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; // ItemGroupDetailsView itemGroupDetails = new ItemGroupDetailsView(); // LeftMenuView leftMenu = _container.Resolve<LeftMenuView>(); ItemGroupDetailsView itemGroupDetails = _container.Resolve <ItemGroupDetailsView>(); itemGroupDetails.ItemGroup = posButton.ItemGroup; itemGroupDetails.AddPosKeys(999, "Items"); PosContext.Instance.CurrentPosDisplay.LoadItemGroupDetailPanel(itemGroupDetails); _container.Teardown(itemGroupDetails); }
public void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; string keyCode = posButton.KeyCode.ToString(); Hashtable table = PosContext.Instance.KeysById; PosEvent posEvent1 = (PosEvent)table[keyCode]; if (posEvent1 != null) { posEvent1.Engage(posButton.KeyValue); } }
public void AddPosKeysTemp() { PosButton btn = new PosButton(); // btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle"); btn.FontSize = 12; btn.Name = "F1"; btn.Content = "Banquet"; // btn.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; btn.Margin = new Thickness(2, 2, 2, 2); btn.Height = 75; Grid.SetColumn(btn, 0); Grid.SetRow(btn, 0); this.TableGroupGrid.Children.Add(btn); }
public void RegisterPosKeyAndEvent(int keyValue, string content, Thickness margin, int row, int col) { PosButton btn = new PosButton(); btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle"); btn.KeyValue = keyValue; btn.Content = content; btn.Height = 75; btn.Margin = margin; btn.Focusable = false; Grid.SetRow(btn, row); Grid.SetColumn(btn, col); this.MyGrid.Children.Add(btn); btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); }
public void LoadControls() { // PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Clear(); int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(this.TableGroupGrid); if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UIElement child = (UIElement)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this.TableGroupGrid, i); if (child is PosButton) { PosButton posBtn = child as PosButton; PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Add(posBtn.AccessKeyValue, posBtn); } } } }
void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; //MessageBox.Show(posButton.KeyCode.ToString()); string keyCode = posButton.KeyCode.ToString(); Hashtable table = PosContext.Instance.KeysById; PosEvent posEvent1 = (PosEvent)table[keyCode]; if (posEvent1 != null) { posEvent1.Engage(posButton.KeyValue); } //PnlInput input = PosContext.Instance.PosPrompt as PnlInput; //input.InputControl.Focus(); }
public void AddClearPosKey() { PosButton btn = new PosButton(); btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("ClearKeyButtonStyle"); btn.KeyValue = 0; btn.KeyCode = 32; btn.Content = " "; btn.FontSize = 14; btn.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 12, 12); btn.AccessKeyValue = 46; btn.KeyClass = "EclipsePos.Apps.PosEvents.ClearKey"; btn.Height = 47; btn.Width = 80; btn.Content = "Clear"; Grid.SetRow(btn, 0); Grid.SetColumn(btn, 0); this.TableGroupGrid.Children.Add(btn); btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); PosEvent posEvent = assembly.CreateInstance("EclipsePos.Apps.PosEvents.ClearKey") as PosEvent; PosContext.Instance.KeysById.Add(btn.KeyCode, posEvent); } catch (System.NullReferenceException exNull) { //Logger.Error("FrmMain.cs", "Invalid class name " + eventClass); } catch (Exception ex) { //Logger.Error("FrmMain.cs", ex.ToString()); } }
public void LoadControls() { // PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Clear(); int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(this.RightGrid); if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UIElement child = (UIElement)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this.RightGrid, i); if (child is PosButton) { PosButton posBtn = child as PosButton; try { PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Add(posBtn.KeyCode, posBtn); } catch (Exception e) { // MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } } } } foreach (Object obj in alphaPosConrols) { PosButton btn = obj as PosButton; try { PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Add(btn.KeyCode, btn); } catch { } } }
// public string SelectedItem() // { // DataRowView data = this.logListView.SelectedItem as DataRowView; // return data["sku"].ToString(); // } void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PosButton posButton = sender as PosButton; this.LogViewFunctions(posButton.KeyValue); //MessageBox.Show(posButton.KeyCode.ToString()); /* * string keyCode = posButton.KeyCode.ToString(); * * Hashtable table = PosContext.Instance.KeysById; * PosEvent posEvent1 = (PosEvent)table[keyCode]; * if (posEvent1 != null) * { * posEvent1.Engage(posButton.KeyValue); * } * * //PnlInput input = PosContext.Instance.PosPrompt as PnlInput; * //input.InputControl.Focus(); * */ }
/* * public void KeyPressed(int key) * { * // MessageBox.Show("Key Down" ); * //.KeyDown(key); * //if (EventTypes == KeyboardEventType.DownUp) * // KeyUp(key); * // System.Windows.Forms.Keys keys = (Keys)key; * //if (key == 131072 ) return; * * int keyCode = key; //posKeyboard.PosKeyData; * //MessageBox.Show("ON data event" + key.ToString()); * if (key == 162 || key == 163 ) * { * modifier = 131072; * return; * } * else * { * key += modifier; * modifier = 0; * } * * * try * { * Hashtable table = PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl; * * if (table.ContainsKey(keyCode) ) * { * object obj = table[keyCode]; * if (obj is PosButton ) * { * PosButton btn = obj as PosButton; * * //btn.Invoke(new MenuLoadEvent(this.MenuLoadHandler), new object[]{btn} ); * if (btn.IsEnabled) * { * if (btn.KeyClass.Trim().Length > 0 ) * { * Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); * PosEvent posEvent = assembly.CreateInstance(btn.KeyClass) as PosEvent; * //posEvent.Engage(btn.KeyValue); * posEvent.PromptText = btn.KeyText; * if (posEvent != null) * { * * if (posEvent.isDialog) * { * PosContext.Instance.PosKeyValue = btn.KeyValue; * PosDialogEvent posDialog = posEvent as PosDialogEvent; * posDialog.PushState(posDialog.StartState); //Assume "0" as the default state * PosEventStack.Instance.PushEvent(posEvent); * PosEventStack.Instance.NextEvent(); * } * else * { * posEvent.Engage(btn.KeyValue); * } * * } * } * } * else * { * PosContext.Beep(500, 500); * } * } * } * else * { * PosContext.Beep(500, 500); * } * } * catch(Exception e2) * { * MessageBox.Show(e2.ToString()); * } * * } */ //Event handler for platform invoke public void MenuLoadHandler(PosButton btn) { // btn.PerformClick(); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> public void AddPosKeys(int subMenuID, string menuName) { this.txtBlockMenuName.Text = menuName; PosKey posKey = new PosKey(); posKey.Panel_id = subMenuID; posKey.Config_no = PosSettings.Default.Configuration; //PosContext.Instance.Config.ConfigNo; DataSet data = posKey.LoadBySubMenu(); DataTable dt = data.Tables[0]; int rowNum = 0; int colNum = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ++rowNum; PosButton btn = new PosButton(); btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle"); // btn.Height = 60; // btn.Width = 100; btn.KeyValue = int.Parse(dr["key_val"].ToString()); btn.KeyCode = int.Parse(dr["key_code"].ToString()); btn.KeyClass = dr["key_class"].ToString(); btn.Content = dr["param"].ToString(); //dr["image"].ToString(); btn.AccessKeyValue = int.Parse(dr["attr"].ToString()); // btn.FontSize = 12; btn.Margin = new Thickness(5, 0, 5, 10); btn.Focusable = false; btn.KeyText = dr["param"].ToString(); btn.Tag = "..\\..\\Images\\" + dr["image"].ToString().Trim(); Grid.SetRow(btn, rowNum); Grid.SetColumn(btn, colNum); if (rowNum == 8) { ++colNum; rowNum = 0; } // Grid.SetColumn(btn, 3); // Grid.SetColumn(btn, 0); /* * if (dr["flags"].ToString().Trim().Length > 0) * { * try * { * Image img = new Image(); * BitmapImage src = new BitmapImage(); * src.BeginInit(); * src.UriSource = new Uri(Environment.CurrentDirectory +"\\Images\\"+dr["flags"].ToString().Trim(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); * src.EndInit(); * img.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; * img.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; * img.Source = src; * img.Width = 25; * img.Height = 25; * Grid.SetRow(img, rowNum); * Grid.SetColumn(img, 1); * this.MyGrid.Children.Add(img); * } * catch * { * } * } * */ TextBlock txtBlock = new TextBlock(); txtBlock.Text = dr["param"].ToString(); // txtBlock.FontSize = 16; txtBlock.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 0, 0); txtBlock.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify; txtBlock.Foreground = Brushes.White; Grid.SetColumn(txtBlock, 0); Grid.SetRow(txtBlock, rowNum); this.MyGrid.Children.Add(btn); //this.MyGrid.Children.Add(txtBlock); btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); string eventClass = dr["key_class"].ToString(); try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); PosEvent posEvent = assembly.CreateInstance(eventClass) as PosEvent; posEvent.PromptText = txtBlock.Text; PosContext.Instance.KeysById.Add(dr["key_code"].ToString(), posEvent); // PosContext.Instance.KeysByControl.Add(btn, posEvent); } catch (System.NullReferenceException exNull) { Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "Invalid class name " + exNull.ToString() + exNull); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), ex.ToString(), ex); } } this.KeyDisable(); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> public void AddPosKeys(int subMenuID, string menuName) { this.txtBlockMenuName.Text = menuName; // PosKey posKey = new PosKey(); // posKey.Panel_id = subMenuID; // posKey.Config_no = PosSettings.Default.Configuration; //PosContext.Instance.Config.ConfigNo; // try // { EclipsePos.Data.ItemGroup itemGroup = new EclipsePos.Data.ItemGroup(); itemGroup.Organization_no = PosSettings.Default.Organization; DataSet data = itemGroup.LoadByOrganization(); DataTable dt = data.Tables[0]; int rowNum = 0; int colNum = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ++rowNum; PosButton btn = new PosButton(); btn.Height = 60; // btn.Width = 95; btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle"); btn.Content = dr["group_name"].ToString(); btn.ItemGroup = dr["group_id"].ToString(); btn.FontSize = 12; // btn.AccessKeyValue = int.Parse(dr["attr"].ToString()); btn.Margin = new Thickness(3, 0, 3, 5); btn.Focusable = false; // btn.KeyText = dr["param"].ToString(); Grid.SetRow(btn, rowNum); Grid.SetColumn(btn, colNum); if (rowNum == 8) { ++colNum; rowNum = 0; } this.MyGrid.Children.Add(btn); btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); /* * string eventClass = dr["key_class"].ToString(); * * try * { * Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); * PosEvent posEvent = assembly.CreateInstance(eventClass) as PosEvent; * PosContext.Instance.KeysById.Add(dr["key_code"].ToString(), posEvent); * * } * catch (System.NullReferenceException exNull) * { * Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "Invalid class name " + exNull.ToString() + exNull); * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), ex.ToString(), ex); * } * */ } // this.KeyDisable(); // } // catch // { // } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> public void AddPosKeys(int subMenuID, string menuName) { //this.txtBlockMenuName.Text = menuName; PosKey posKey = new PosKey(); posKey.Panel_id = subMenuID; posKey.Config_no = PosSettings.Default.Configuration; //PosContext.Instance.Config.ConfigNo; DataSet data = posKey.LoadBySubMenu(); DataTable dt = data.Tables[0]; int colNum = 0; int rowNum = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { PosButton btn = new PosButton(); btn.Style = (Style)FindResource("GlassyButtonStyle1"); btn.Height = 75; btn.KeyValue = int.Parse(dr["key_val"].ToString()); btn.KeyCode = int.Parse(dr["key_code"].ToString()); btn.AccessKeyValue = int.Parse(dr["attr"].ToString()); btn.Content = dr["key_text"].ToString(); btn.KeyClass = dr["key_class"].ToString(); btn.Tag = "..\\..\\Images\\" + dr["image"].ToString().Trim(); btn.Margin = new Thickness(2, 2, 2, 2); btn.Focusable = false; Grid.SetRow(btn, rowNum); Grid.SetColumn(btn, colNum++); this.MyGrid.Children.Add(btn); if (colNum > 5) { colNum = 0; ++rowNum; } btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click); //Register key in PosContext; //Create events string eventClass = dr["key_class"].ToString(); try { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); PosEvent posEvent = assembly.CreateInstance(eventClass) as PosEvent; if (!PosContext.Instance.KeysById.ContainsKey(dr["key_code"].ToString())) { PosContext.Instance.KeysById.Add(dr["key_code"].ToString(), posEvent); } } catch (System.NullReferenceException exNull) { Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "Invalid class name " + eventClass); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), ex.ToString()); } } this.KeyDisable(); }