public void Foo(Pos pos) { if(pos.ToString() == "First") { } }
public void CreateDome(Player p, byte type, DomeType domeType, ushort radius) { List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>(); Level level = p.level; ushort cx = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32), cy = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32), cz = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); ushort sx = (ushort)(cx - radius - 1), sy = (ushort)(cy - radius - 1), sz = (ushort)(cz - radius - 1), ex = (ushort)(cx + radius + 1), ey = (ushort)(cy + radius + 1), ez = (ushort)(cz + radius + 1); if (domeType == DomeType.Hollow) { for (ushort x = sx; x < ex; x++) for (ushort y = sy; y < ey; y++) for (ushort z = sz; z < ez; z++) if (Math.Round(Distance(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z)) == radius) if (level.GetTile(x, y, z) != type) { Pos pos = new Pos(); pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; buffer.Add(pos); } } else if (domeType == DomeType.Solid) { for (ushort x = sx; x < ex; x++) for (ushort y = sy; y < ey; y++) for (ushort z = sz; z < ez; z++) if (Math.Round(Distance(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z)) <= radius) if (level.GetTile(x, y, z) != type) { Pos pos = new Pos(); pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; buffer.Add(pos); } } Execute(p, buffer, type); }
public void Main(string[] args) { var input = File.ReadAllText("input.txt").ToCharArray(); var houses = new List<string>(); var santaPos = new Pos(0, 0); var roboSantaPos = new Pos(0, 0); var curPos = santaPos; bool isSanta = true; foreach (var direction in input) { curPos = isSanta ? santaPos : roboSantaPos; houses.Add(curPos.ToString()); Move(curPos, direction); houses.Add(curPos.ToString()); isSanta = !isSanta; } var uniquehouses = houses.Distinct().Count(); }
public SpaceType getSpaceType( Pos pos ) { if ((pos.x > (width - 1)) || (pos.x < 0) || (pos.y > (height - 1)) || (pos.y < 0)) return SpaceType.Empty; return spaces[pos.x, pos.y]; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes an inner docked control for the specified position. /// </summary> /// <param name="pos">Dock position.</param> protected virtual void SetupChildDock(Pos pos) { if (m_DockedTabControl == null) { m_DockedTabControl = new DockedTabControl(this); m_DockedTabControl.TabRemoved += OnTabRemoved; m_DockedTabControl.TabStripPosition = Pos.Bottom; m_DockedTabControl.TitleBarVisible = true; } Dock = pos; Pos sizeDir; if (pos == Pos.Right) sizeDir = Pos.Left; else if (pos == Pos.Left) sizeDir = Pos.Right; else if (pos == Pos.Top) sizeDir = Pos.Bottom; else if (pos == Pos.Bottom) sizeDir = Pos.Top; else throw new ArgumentException("Invalid dock", "pos"); if (m_Sizer != null) m_Sizer.Dispose(); m_Sizer = new Resizer(this); m_Sizer.Dock = sizeDir; m_Sizer.ResizeDir = sizeDir; m_Sizer.SetSize(2, 2); }
/// <summary> To create a ParsingFrame object.</summary> /// <param name="module">the module name. /// </param> /// <param name="ind">the index of the character within the source. /// </param> /// <param name="pos">the position of the character. /// </param> /// <param name="parser">the parser executed. /// </param> public ParsingFrame(string module, int ind, Pos pos, Parser parser) { this.ind = ind; this.module = module; this.parser = parser; this.pos = pos; }
void f() { int[] clients = m.AllPlayers(); foreach (int p in clients) { if (p == ghost) { continue; } Pos pos = new Pos(); pos.x = m.GetPlayerPositionX(p); pos.y = m.GetPlayerPositionY(p); pos.z = m.GetPlayerPositionZ(p); pos.heading = m.GetPlayerHeading(p); pos.pitch = m.GetPlayerPitch(p); history.Add(pos); } if (history.Count < 20) { return; } Pos p1 = history[0]; history.RemoveAt(0); m.SetPlayerPosition(ghost, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z); m.SetPlayerOrientation(ghost, p1.heading, p1.pitch, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Opens the menu. /// </summary> /// <param name="pos">Unused.</param> public void Open(Pos pos) { IsHidden = false; BringToFront(); Point mouse = Input.InputHandler.MousePosition; SetPosition(mouse.X, mouse.Y); }
public void CreatePyramid(Player p, byte type, PyramidType pyramidType, ushort radius, ushort verticalExpansion) { List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>(); Level level = p.level; ushort cx = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32), cy = (ushort)((p.pos[1] / 32) - 1), cz = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); ushort sx = (ushort)(cx - radius - 1), sy = cy, sz = (ushort)(cz - radius - 1), ex = (ushort)(cx + radius + 1), ey = (ushort)(cy + (radius * verticalExpansion)), ez = (ushort)(cz + radius + 1); Pos pos = new Pos(); pos.x = cx; pos.y = ey; pos.z = cz; for (ushort iy = 0; iy < verticalExpansion; iy++) for (ushort ix = cx; ix > (ushort)(cx - 2); ix--) for (ushort iz = cz; iz > (ushort)(cz - 2); iz--) if (level.GetTile(ix, (ushort)(ey + iy), iz) != type) { pos.x = ix; pos.y = (ushort)(ey + iy); pos.z = iz; buffer.Add(pos); } int temp = 0; if (pyramidType == PyramidType.Hollow) { for (ushort y = sy; y < ey; y++) { for (ushort x = sx; x < ex; x++) for (ushort z = sz; z < ez; z++) if (x == sx || x == (ushort)(ex - 1) || z == sz || z == (ushort)(ez - 1)) if (level.GetTile(x, y, z) != type) { pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; buffer.Add(pos); } temp++; if (temp == verticalExpansion) { temp = 0; sx += 1; ex -= 1; sz += 1; ez -= 1; } } } else if (pyramidType == PyramidType.Solid) { for (ushort y = sy; y < ey; y++) { for (ushort x = sx; x < ex; x++) for (ushort z = sz; z < ez; z++) if (level.GetTile(x, y, z) != type) { pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; buffer.Add(pos); } temp++; if (temp == verticalExpansion) { temp = 0; sx += 1; ex -= 1; sz += 1; ez -= 1; } } } Execute(p, buffer, type); }
public Pos GetCharacterPos(Vector2 characterPos) { Vector2 characterPosWorld = rectangleToWorld (characterPos); Pos returnPos = new Pos (); returnPos.posX = (int)characterPosWorld.x; returnPos.posY = (int)characterPosWorld.y; return returnPos; }
public bool CheckTargetInRange(Pos selfPos, Pos targetPos, int rangeGrid) { if (selfPos.posX - rangeGrid <= targetPos.posX && targetPos.posX <= selfPos.posX + rangeGrid && selfPos.posY - rangeGrid <= targetPos.posY && targetPos.posY <= selfPos.posY + rangeGrid) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Resizer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">Parent control.</param> public Resizer(ZGE.Components.ZComponent parent) : base(parent) { m_ResizeDir = Pos.Left; MouseInputEnabled = true; SetSize(6, 6); Target = parent as GUIControl; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Resizer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">Parent control.</param> public Resizer(Controls.Control parent) : base(parent) { m_ResizeDir = Pos.Left; MouseInputEnabled = true; SetSize(6, 6); Target = parent; }
public void Template1(Pos pos) { if (pos.ToString() == "First") { } Bar(() => Console.Write(pos.ToString() == "First")); }
public void CreateCone(Player p, byte type, ConeType coneType, ushort radius, ushort verticalExpansion) { List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>(); Level level = p.level; ushort cx = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32), cy = (ushort)((p.pos[1] / 32) - 1), cz = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); ushort sx = (ushort)(cx - radius - 1), sy = cy, sz = (ushort)(cz - radius - 1), ex = (ushort)(cx + radius + 1), ey = (ushort)(cy + (radius * verticalExpansion)), ez = (ushort)(cz + radius + 1); ushort tempRadius = radius; Pos pos = new Pos(); pos.x = cx; pos.y = ey; pos.z = cz; for (ushort i = 0; i < verticalExpansion; i++) if (level.GetTile(cx, (ushort)(ey + i), cz) != type) { pos.y = (ushort)(ey + i); buffer.Add(pos); } int temp = 0; if (coneType == ConeType.Hollow) { for (ushort y = sy; y < ey; y++) { for (ushort x = sx; x < ex; x++) for (ushort z = sz; z < ez; z++) if (Math.Round(Distance(cx, y, cz, x, y, z)) == tempRadius) if (level.GetTile(x, y, z) != type) { pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; buffer.Add(pos); } temp++; if (temp == verticalExpansion) { temp = 0; tempRadius--; } } } else if (coneType == ConeType.Solid) { for (ushort y = sy; y < ey; y++) { for (ushort x = sx; x < ex; x++) for (ushort z = sz; z < ez; z++) if (Math.Round(Distance(cx, y, cz, x, y, z)) <= tempRadius) if (level.GetTile(x, y, z) != type) { pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; buffer.Add(pos); } temp++; if (temp == verticalExpansion) { temp = 0; tempRadius--; } } } Execute(p, buffer, type); }
public PString(string value, int index, int endIndex, Pos pos, Pos defPos, Sidedness side, Option<object> userState) { Value = value; Index = index; EndIndex = endIndex; Pos = pos; DefPos = defPos; Side = side; UserState = userState; }
public void Draw(Pos pos, Center center = Center.None, bool fighting = false) { if (fighting) Tile.Draw("fight/" + IdFloor, pos); else { Tile.Draw("main/" + IdFloor, pos); if (IdDeco != 0) Tile.Draw("main deco/" + IdDeco, pos); } }
private string CalculatePath(GameState state, Pos goal) { Pos start = state.myHero.pos; Console.WriteLine("Begining calculating path from ({0},{1}) to ({2},{3})", start.x, start.y, goal.x, goal.y); try { List<Pos> visited = new List<Pos>(); List<PathCoord> availableTiles = new List<PathCoord>(); var first = createPathCoord(start, null, state, goal, null); availableTiles.Add(first); while (availableTiles.Any()) { // Sort availableTiles availableTiles.Sort((f1, f2) => f1.heuristic.CompareTo(f2.heuristic)); var currentVisited = availableTiles.First(); availableTiles.Remove(currentVisited); if (visited.Any(x => x.x == currentVisited.current.x && x.y==currentVisited.current.y)) { continue; } // Console.WriteLine("Visiting ({0},{1}) with heuristic {2}", currentVisited.current.x, currentVisited.current.y, currentVisited.heuristic); visited.Add(currentVisited.current); if (getDistance(currentVisited.current, goal) == 0) { string direction = Restitute(start, currentVisited); Console.WriteLine("Path found! Going {0}", direction); return direction; } else { var spreadFrom = getAvailableCoords(currentVisited, state, goal); availableTiles.AddRange(spreadFrom); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("No path found!"); return Direction.Stay; }
static string toErrorStr(ParseError err, Pos? pos) { System.Text.StringBuilder buf = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (pos.HasValue) buf.Append("line " + pos.Value.Line + ", column " + pos.Value.Column); if (err != null) { buf.Append(":\n"); showExpecting(buf, err.getExpecting()); showUnexpected(buf, err.getUnexpected()); showMessages(buf, err.getMessages()); showEncountered(buf, err.getEncountered()); } return buf.ToString(); }
private void UserControl1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.X >= minPos && e.X <= (maxPos) && e.Y >= 100 && e.Y <= 150) { pointedPos = Pos.M; if (e.X <= minPos + 20) pointedPos = Pos.L; if (e.X >= maxPos - 20) pointedPos = Pos.R; lastPoint = new Point(e.X, e.Y); this.Refresh(); } else { pointedPos = Pos.N; } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { List<Pos> stored = new List<Pos>(); Pos pos = new Pos(); int currentBlock = 0; byte type = 0; byte type2 = 0; if (args.Length != 2) { p.SendMessage("Invalid arguments!"); Help(p); return; } try { type = Blocks.NameToByte(args[0]); type2 = Blocks.NameToByte(args[1]); } catch { p.SendMessage("Could not find block specified"); return; } foreach (byte b in { if (b == type) { Point3 meep = p.level.IntToPos(currentBlock); pos.pos = meep; stored.Add(pos); } currentBlock++; } //Permissions here. p.SendMessage(stored.Count + " blocks out of " + currentBlock + " are " + Blocks.ByteToName(type)); //Blockqueue here foreach (Pos _pos in stored) { p.level.BlockChange((ushort)(_pos.pos.x), (ushort)(_pos.pos.z), (ushort)(_pos.pos.y), type2); } p.SendMessage("&4/replaceall finished!"); }
public GameObject GetClosestCharacterForEnemyCharacter(Pos selfPos, Vector2 selfPosTransform, int range) { //範囲内にいるキャラクターを取得 List<GameObject> characters = GetAroundCharacter (selfPos, range); //取得したキャラクターの中から最も近くにいるキャラクターを取得 GameObject closestCharacter = null; float distance = 9999; float closestDistance = 9999; foreach (GameObject character in characters) { distance = Vector2.Distance (selfPosTransform, character.transform.position); if (distance < closestDistance) { closestCharacter = character; closestDistance = distance; } } return closestCharacter; }
public static void Move(Pos pos, char direction) { switch (direction) { case '>': pos.X += 1; break; case '<': pos.X -= 1; break; case '^': pos.Y += 1; break; case 'v': pos.Y -= 1; break; } }
//添加消费机 private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int comport = decimal.ToInt32(ComPort.Value); int posit = decimal.ToInt32(PosId.Value); Pos pos = new Pos(comport,posit); bool posconnect = pos.IsConnected(); Poses.Add(pos); ListViewItem newpos = new ListViewItem( new string[]{ "COM"+comport, ""+posit, (posconnect?"已连接":"未连接")}, null, posconnect?System.Drawing.Color.Black:System.Drawing.Color.Gray, System.Drawing.Color.White, this.checkBox1.Font ); PosList.Items.Add(newpos); ComPort.Value++; PosId.Value++; }
public List<GameObject> GetAroundCharacter(Pos selfPos, int range) { GameObject[] characters = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag (TagName.Giant); List<GameObject> targetCharacters = new List<GameObject> (); if (characters.Length != 0) { foreach (GameObject chr in characters) { if (chr.GetComponent<Character> ().currentPos != null) { //キャラクターの座標を取得 Pos chrPos = chr.GetComponent<Character> ().currentPos; //範囲内にいればリストに追加 // print ( + "self pos" + selfPos.posX.ToString () + selfPos.posY.ToString ()); // print ( + "target pos" + chrPos.posX.ToString () + chrPos.posY.ToString ()); // print ("range is" + "X" + (selfPos.posX - range).ToString () + "to" + (selfPos.posX + range).ToString () + "Y" + (chrPos.posY - range).ToString () + "to" + (chrPos.posY + range).ToString ()); if (selfPos.posX - range <= chrPos.posX && chrPos.posX <= selfPos.posX + range && selfPos.posY - range <= chrPos.posY && chrPos.posY <= selfPos.posY + range) { targetCharacters.Add (chr); //chr.GetComponent<Character> ().childSprite.color =; } } } } return targetCharacters; }
//For the pyramid commands, Radius still refers to the distance from the center point, but is axis independant, rather than a referance to both axes public static void Pyramid(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int height, int radius, byte type, byte extType, bool invert) { List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>(); Pos temp = new Pos(); for (short yy = 0; yy <= height; yy++) for (short zz = (short)-radius; zz <= radius; zz++) for (short xx = (short)-radius; xx <= radius; xx++) { int cx = (x + xx), cy = (y + yy), cz = (z + zz); int curHeight = invert ? yy : height - yy; if (curHeight == 0) continue; double curRadius = radius * ((double)curHeight / (double)height); if (Math.Abs(xx) > curRadius || Math.Abs(zz) > curRadius) continue; byte ctile = p.level.GetTile((ushort)cx, (ushort)cy, (ushort)cz); if (ctile == 0){ temp.x = (ushort)cx; temp.y = (ushort)cy; temp.z = (ushort)cz; buffer.Add(temp); } } Draw(ref buffer, p, x, y, z, height, type, extType, invert); }
public MapSettings(string name) { = name; fast = 0; killer = 100; destroy = 0; water = 0; layer = 0; layerHeight = 3; layerCount = 10; layerInterval = 2; roundTime = 15; floodTime = 5; blockFlood = new Pos(); blockLayer = new Pos(); safeZone = new Pos[] { new Pos(), new Pos() }; }
public CString(Pos tp, string value) : base(tp, value) { }
public void Blockchange2(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type) { p.ClearBlockchange(); byte b = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z); p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, b); CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject; if (cpos.type != Block.Zero) { type = cpos.type; } List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>(); if (!cpos.vertical) { /* Courtesy of fCraft's awesome Open-Source'ness :D */ // find start/end coordinates int sx = Math.Min(cpos.x, x); int ex = Math.Max(cpos.x, x); int sy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); int ey = Math.Max(cpos.y, y); int sz = Math.Min(cpos.z, z); int ez = Math.Max(cpos.z, z); // find axis lengths double rx = (ex - sx + 1) / 2 + .25; double ry = (ey - sy + 1) / 2 + .25; double rz = (ez - sz + 1) / 2 + .25; double rx2 = 1 / (rx * rx); double ry2 = 1 / (ry * ry); double rz2 = 1 / (rz * rz); // find center points double cx = (ex + sx) / 2; double cy = (ey + sy) / 2; double cz = (ez + sz) / 2; int totalBlocks = (int)(Math.PI * 0.75 * rx * ry * rz); if (totalBlocks > { Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to spheroid " + totalBlocks + " blocks."); Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot spheroid more than " + + "."); return; } Player.SendMessage(p, totalBlocks + " blocks."); for (int xx = sx; xx <= ex; xx += 8) for (int yy = sy; yy <= ey; yy += 8) for (int zz = sz; zz <= ez; zz += 8) for (int z3 = 0; z3 < 8 && zz + z3 <= ez; z3++) for (int y3 = 0; y3 < 8 && yy + y3 <= ey; y3++) for (int x3 = 0; x3 < 8 && xx + x3 <= ex; x3++) { // get relative coordinates double dx = (xx + x3 - cx); double dy = (yy + y3 - cy); double dz = (zz + z3 - cz); // test if it's inside ellipse if ((dx * dx) * rx2 + (dy * dy) * ry2 + (dz * dz) * rz2 <= 1) { p.level.Blockchange(p, (ushort)(x3 + xx), (ushort)(yy + y3), (ushort)(zz + z3), type); } } } else { int radius = Math.Abs(cpos.x - x) / 2; int f = 1 - radius; int ddF_x = 1; int ddF_y = -2 * radius; int xx = 0; int zz = radius; int x0 = Math.Min(cpos.x, x) + radius; int z0 = Math.Min(cpos.z, z) + radius; Pos pos = new Pos(); pos.x = (ushort)x0; pos.z = (ushort)(z0 + radius); buffer.Add(pos); pos.z = (ushort)(z0 - radius); buffer.Add(pos); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 + radius); pos.z = (ushort)z0; buffer.Add(pos); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 - radius); buffer.Add(pos); while (xx < zz) { if (f >= 0) { zz--; ddF_y += 2; f += ddF_y; } xx++; ddF_x += 2; f += ddF_x; pos.z = (ushort)(z0 + zz); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 + xx); buffer.Add(pos); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 - xx); buffer.Add(pos); pos.z = (ushort)(z0 - zz); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 + xx); buffer.Add(pos); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 - xx); buffer.Add(pos); pos.z = (ushort)(z0 + xx); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 + zz); buffer.Add(pos); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 - zz); buffer.Add(pos); pos.z = (ushort)(z0 - xx); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 + zz); buffer.Add(pos); pos.x = (ushort)(x0 - zz); buffer.Add(pos); } int ydiff = Math.Abs(y - cpos.y) + 1; if (buffer.Count * ydiff > { Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to spheroid " + buffer.Count * ydiff + " blocks."); Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot spheroid more than " + + "."); return; } Player.SendMessage(p, buffer.Count * ydiff + " blocks."); foreach (Pos Pos in buffer) { for (ushort yy = Math.Min(cpos.y, y); yy <= Math.Max(cpos.y, y); yy++) { p.level.Blockchange(p, Pos.x, yy, Pos.z, type); } } } if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Init(); var top = Application.Top; // Creates the top-level window to show var win = new Window("Fencing Score Board") { X = 0, Y = 1, // Leave one row for the toplevel menu // By using Dim.Fill(), it will automatically resize without manual intervention Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; top.Add(win); // Creates a menubar, the item "New" has a help menu. var menu = new MenuBar(new MenuBarItem[] { new MenuBarItem("_File", new MenuItem [] { //new MenuItem ("_New", "Creates new file", NewFile), //new MenuItem ("_Close", "", () => Close ()), new MenuItem("_Quit", "", () => { if (Quit()) { top.Running = false; } }) }), //new MenuBarItem ("_Edit", new MenuItem [] { // new MenuItem ("_Copy", "", null), // new MenuItem ("C_ut", "", null), // new MenuItem ("_Paste", "", null) //}) }); top.Add(menu); var ms = new MemoryStream(); var hexViewer = new HexView(ms); IParseScoreMachineState parser = new FaveroStateParser(); var provider = new SerialPortProvider(data => { Debug.WriteLine(data); ms.Write(data.ToArray(), 0, data.Length); return(Task.FromResult(0)); }); var deviceTypes = new ListView(new[] { "SG", "Favero" }.ToList()); var deviceTypeFrame = new FrameView("Devices") { Height = Dim.Percent(50), Width = Dim.Percent(25), }; deviceTypeFrame.Add(deviceTypes); var ports = new ListView(provider.ListPorts().ToList()); var portFrame = new FrameView("Serial Ports") { Y = Pos.Percent(50), Height = Dim.Percent(100), Width = Dim.Percent(25), }; portFrame.Add(ports); //var connect = new Button("Open") //{ // Y = Pos.Bottom(portFrame), //}; //connect.Clicked = () => //{ // var portName = ports.Source is List<string> names ? names[ports.SelectedItem] : null; // Debug.WriteLine(portName); // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(portName)) // provider.Open(portName); //}; //portFrame.Add(connect); var scoreFrame = new FrameView("Scores") { X = Pos.Percent(25), Height = Dim.Percent(85), Width = Dim.Percent(100), }; var dataFrame = new FrameView("Data") { X = Pos.Percent(25), Y = Pos.Percent(85), Height = Dim.Percent(100), Width = Dim.Percent(100), }; win.Add(deviceTypeFrame); win.Add(portFrame); win.Add(scoreFrame); win.Add(dataFrame); //var ports = provider.ListPorts(); // foreach(var port in ports) // { // Console.WriteLine(port); // } Application.Run(); }
public class SquareOpen : Token { public SquareOpen(Pos tp) : base(tp) { }
public class CurlyClose : Token { public CurlyClose(Pos tp) : base(tp) { }
private void TriggerRecalculate(ColData.Trigger[] Triggers, List <ColData.GroupInfo> Groups, List <ColData.ColTri> Indexes, List <Pos> Vertexes, int index) { if (Triggers[index].Flag1 >= 0) { float pad = 0; TriggerRecalculate(Triggers, Groups, Indexes, Vertexes, Triggers[index].Flag1); TriggerRecalculate(Triggers, Groups, Indexes, Vertexes, Triggers[index].Flag2); Triggers[index].X1 = Math.Min(Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag1].X1, Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag2].X1) - pad; Triggers[index].Y1 = Math.Min(Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag1].Y1, Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag2].Y1) - pad; Triggers[index].Z1 = Math.Min(Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag1].Z1, Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag2].Z1) - pad; Triggers[index].X2 = Math.Max(Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag1].X2, Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag2].X2) + pad; Triggers[index].Y2 = Math.Max(Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag1].Y2, Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag2].Y2) + pad; Triggers[index].Z2 = Math.Max(Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag1].Z2, Triggers[Triggers[index].Flag2].Z2) + pad; } else { float x1 = 0f, x2 = 0f, y1 = 0f, y2 = 0f, z1 = 0f, z2 = 0f; float pad = 0; for (int i = (int)Groups[-Triggers[index].Flag1 - 1].Offset; i < Groups[-Triggers[index].Flag1 - 1].Offset + Groups[-Triggers[index].Flag1 - 1].Size; ++i) { Pos a = Vertexes[Indexes[i].Vert1], b = Vertexes[Indexes[i].Vert2], c = Vertexes[Indexes[i].Vert3]; if (x1 == 0) { x1 = Math.Min(a.X, Math.Min(b.X, c.X)) - pad; } else { x1 = Math.Min(x1, Math.Min(a.X, Math.Min(b.X, c.X))) - pad; } if (y1 == 0) { y1 = Math.Min(a.Y, Math.Min(b.Y, c.Y)) - pad; } else { y1 = Math.Min(y1, Math.Min(a.Y, Math.Min(b.Y, c.Y))) - pad; } if (z1 == 0) { z1 = Math.Min(a.Z, Math.Min(b.Z, c.Z)) - pad; } else { z1 = Math.Min(z1, Math.Min(a.Z, Math.Min(b.Z, c.Z))) - pad; } if (x2 == 0) { x2 = Math.Max(a.X, Math.Max(b.X, c.X)) + pad; } else { x2 = Math.Max(x2, Math.Max(a.X, Math.Max(b.X, c.X))) + pad; } if (y2 == 0) { y2 = Math.Max(a.Y, Math.Max(b.Y, c.Y)) + pad; } else { y2 = Math.Max(y2, Math.Max(a.Y, Math.Max(b.Y, c.Y))) + pad; } if (z2 == 0) { z2 = Math.Max(a.Z, Math.Max(b.Z, c.Z)); } else { z2 = Math.Max(z2, Math.Max(a.Z, Math.Max(b.Z, c.Z))) + pad; } } Triggers[index].X1 = x1; Triggers[index].Y1 = y1; Triggers[index].Z1 = z1; Triggers[index].X2 = x2; Triggers[index].Y2 = y2; Triggers[index].Z2 = z2; } }
public Token(Pos tp) { pos = tp; }
public virtual bool IsSolid(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block, Direction direction) { return(solid); }
public Region(Pos position, int tool, bool toolChange = false) { Position = position; Tool = tool; ToolChange = toolChange; }
public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type) { try { if (!p.level.allowguns) { } byte by = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z); p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, by); Pos bp = (Pos)p.blockchangeObject; double a = Math.Sin(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double b = Math.Cos(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double c = Math.Cos(((double)(p.rot[1] + 64) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double d = Math.Cos(((double)(p.rot[1]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double bigDiag = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(p.level.width * p.level.width + p.level.height * p.level.height) + p.level.depth * p.level.depth + p.level.width * p.level.width); List <CatchPos> previous = new List <CatchPos>(); List <CatchPos> allBlocks = new List <CatchPos>(); CatchPos pos; if (p.modeType != Block.air) { type = p.modeType; } Thread gunThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { try { if (!p.level.allowguns) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Gun use is not allowed on this level."); p.aiming = false; return; } ushort startX = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32); ushort startY = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32); ushort startZ = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * 3 * d)); pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * 3)); pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * 3 * d)); for (double t = 4; bigDiag > t; t++) { pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * t * d)); pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * t)); pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * t * d)); by = p.level.GetTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (by != Block.air && !allBlocks.Contains(pos)) { if (p.level.physics < 2 || bp.ending <= 0) { break; } else { if (bp.ending == 1) { if ((!Block.LavaKill(by) && !Block.NeedRestart(by)) && by != { break; } } else if (p.level.physics >= 3 && p.level.physics != 5) { if (by != { p.level.MakeExplosion(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1); break; } } else { break; } } } p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type); previous.Add(pos); allBlocks.Add(pos); bool comeOut = false; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == p.level) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 + 1) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 - 1) == pos.x) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 + 1) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 - 1) == pos.y) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 + 1) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 - 1) == pos.z) { if (p.level.ctfmode && !p.level.ctfgame.friendlyfire && == { comeOut = true; break; } if (p.level.ctfmode) { = - 25; if ( > 0) { pl.SendMessage("You have been shot! You have &c" + + "&g health remaining."); comeOut = true; break; } } if ((p.level.physics >= 3 && pl.level.physics != 5) && (bp.ending == 2 || bp.ending == 3)) { pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was blown up by " + p.color +, true); } else if (bp.ending == 4) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the freezegun.", false); Command.all.Find("freeze").Use(p,; } else if (bp.ending == 5) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the cagegun.", false); Command.all.Find("cage").Use(p,; } else if (bp.ending == 6) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the botgun.", false); Command.all.Find("botadd").Use(pl,; } else if (bp.ending == 7) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the maingun.", false); Command.all.Find("main").Use(pl, ""); } else if (bp.ending == 8) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the demotegun.", false); Command.all.Find("demote").Use(p,; } else if (bp.ending == 9) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the promotegun.", false); Command.all.Find("promote").Use(p,; } else if (bp.ending == 10) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the jokergun.", false); Command.all.Find("joker").Use(p,; } else if (bp.ending == 11) { try { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the kickgun.", false); Command.all.Find("kick").Use(p,; break; } catch { } } else if (bp.ending == 12) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the undogun.", false); Command.all.Find("undo").Use(pl, ""); } else if (bp.ending == 13) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the redogun.", false); Command.all.Find("redo").Use(pl, ""); } else if (bp.ending == 14) { try { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the xbangun.", false); Command.all.Find("xban").Use(p,; break; } catch { } } else if (bp.ending == 15) { Player.GlobalChat(null, pl.color + + "&g was shot by the rulesgun.", false); Command.all.Find("rules").Use(p,; } else { pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was shot by " + p.color +; } comeOut = true; // freeze, cage, bot, main, demote, promote, joker, kick, undo, redo, xban, rules"); } } } } } if (comeOut) { break; } if (t > 12 && bp.ending != 3) { pos = previous[0]; p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, Block.air); previous.Remove(pos); } if (bp.ending != 3) { Thread.Sleep(20); } } if (bp.ending == -1) { try { unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].x * 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].y * 32 + 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].z * 32), p.rot[0], p.rot[1]); } } catch { } } if (bp.ending == 3) { Thread.Sleep(400); } foreach (CatchPos pos1 in previous) { p.level.Blockchange(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, Block.air); if (bp.ending != 3) { Thread.Sleep(20); } } } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } })); gunThread.Start(); } catch { } }
public override void Setup() { Win.Title = this.GetName(); Win.Y = 1; // menu Win.Height = Dim.Fill(1); // status bar Top.LayoutSubviews(); this.tableView = new TableView() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(1), }; var menu = new MenuBar(new MenuBarItem [] { new MenuBarItem("_File", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_Open CSV", "", () => Open()), new MenuItem("_Save", "", () => Save()), new MenuItem("_Quit", "", () => Quit()), }), new MenuBarItem("_Edit", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_New Column", "", () => AddColumn()), new MenuItem("_New Row", "", () => AddRow()), new MenuItem("_Rename Column", "", () => RenameColumn()), new MenuItem("_Delete Column", "", () => DeleteColum()), new MenuItem("_Move Column", "", () => MoveColumn()), new MenuItem("_Move Row", "", () => MoveRow()), new MenuItem("_Sort Asc", "", () => Sort(true)), new MenuItem("_Sort Desc", "", () => Sort(false)), }), new MenuBarItem("_View", new MenuItem [] { miLeft = new MenuItem("_Align Left", "", () => Align(TextAlignment.Left)), miRight = new MenuItem("_Align Right", "", () => Align(TextAlignment.Right)), miCentered = new MenuItem("_Align Centered", "", () => Align(TextAlignment.Centered)), // Format requires hard typed data table, when we read a CSV everything is untyped (string) so this only works for new columns in this demo miCentered = new MenuItem("_Set Format Pattern", "", () => SetFormat()), }) }); Top.Add(menu); var statusBar = new StatusBar(new StatusItem [] { new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.O, "~^O~ Open", () => Open()), new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.S, "~^S~ Save", () => Save()), new StatusItem(Key.CtrlMask | Key.Q, "~^Q~ Quit", () => Quit()), }); Top.Add(statusBar); Win.Add(tableView); selectedCellLabel = new Label() { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(tableView), Text = "0,0", Width = Dim.Fill(), TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }; Win.Add(selectedCellLabel); tableView.SelectedCellChanged += OnSelectedCellChanged; tableView.CellActivated += EditCurrentCell; tableView.KeyPress += TableViewKeyPress; SetupScrollBar(); }
public Number(Pos tp, string value) : base(tp, value) { }
public override void Setup() { var statusBar = new StatusBar(new StatusItem[] { //new StatusItem(Key.ControlR, "~CTRL-R~ Refresh Data", () => RefreshScreen()), new StatusItem(Key.ControlQ, "~CTRL-Q~ Back/Quit", () => Quit()) }); LeftPane = new Window("Installed Apps") { X = 0, Y = 0, // for menu Width = 40, Height = Dim.Fill(), CanFocus = false, ColorScheme = Colors.TopLevel, }; try { if (STClient.GetAllInstalledApps().Items?.Count > 0) { _viewInstalledApps = STClient.GetAllInstalledApps().Items .OrderBy(t => t.DisplayName) .Select(t => new KeyValuePair <string, InstalledApp>(t.DisplayName, t)) .ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.Value); } else { SetErrorView($"You have no installed apps"); } } catch (SmartThingsNet.Client.ApiException exp) { SetErrorView($"Error calling API: {exp.Source} {exp.ErrorCode} {exp.Message}"); } catch (System.Exception exp) { SetErrorView($"Unknown error calling API: {exp.Message}"); } ClassListView = new ListView(_viewInstalledApps?.Keys?.ToList()) { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(0), Height = Dim.Fill(), // for status bar AllowsMarking = false, ColorScheme = Colors.TopLevel, }; if (_viewInstalledApps?.Keys?.Count > 0) { ClassListView.SelectedItemChanged += (args) => { ClearClass(CurrentView); var selectedItem = _viewInstalledApps.Values.ToArray()[ClassListView.SelectedItem]; CurrentView = CreateJsonView(selectedItem.ToJson()); }; } LeftPane.Add(ClassListView); HostPane = new FrameView("") { X = Pos.Right(LeftPane), //Y = Pos.Bottom(_settingsPane), Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(1), // + 1 for status bar ColorScheme = Colors.Dialog, }; Top.Add(LeftPane, HostPane); Top.Add(statusBar); if (_viewInstalledApps?.Count > 0) { CurrentView = CreateJsonView(_viewInstalledApps?.FirstOrDefault().Value?.ToJson()); } DisplayErrorView(); }
protected virtual void PostRender(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block) { }
get => new Rectangle(Pos, Size);
private bool InteractMashContainer(IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) { ItemSlot handslot = byPlayer.InventoryManager.ActiveHotbarSlot; ItemStack handStack = handslot.Itemstack; if (CompressAnimActive) { (Api as ICoreClientAPI)?.TriggerIngameError(this, "compressing", "Release the screw first to add/remove fruit"); return(false); } // Put items if (!handslot.Empty) { var hprops = getJuiceableProps(handStack); if (hprops == null) { return(false); } var pressedStack = hprops.PressedStack.ResolvedItemstack.Clone(); if (MashSlot.Empty) { MashSlot.Itemstack = pressedStack; } else if (mashStack.StackSize >= 10) { (Api as ICoreClientAPI)?.TriggerIngameError(this, "fullcontainer", "Container is full, press out juice and remove the mash before adding more"); return(false); } if (!mashStack.Equals(Api.World, pressedStack, GlobalConstants.IgnoredStackAttributes.Append("juiceableLitresLeft", "juiceableLitresTransfered", "squeezeRel"))) { (Api as ICoreClientAPI)?.TriggerIngameError(this, "fullcontainer", "Cannot mix fruit"); return(false); } float transferableLitres; int removeItems; if (hprops.LitresPerItem == null) { float availableLitres = (float)handStack.Attributes.GetDecimal("juiceableLitresLeft"); transferableLitres = (float)Math.Min(availableLitres, juiceableLitresCapacity - juiceableLitresLeft); float litresPerItem = availableLitres / handStack.StackSize; // Round down to closest full stack sizes removeItems = (int)(transferableLitres / litresPerItem); transferableLitres = removeItems * litresPerItem; if (transferableLitres > 0) { handStack.Attributes.SetDouble("juiceableLitresLeft", availableLitres - transferableLitres); } } else { float desiredTransferSizeLitres = byPlayer.Entity.Controls.Sneak ? (float)hprops.LitresPerItem : 4 * (float)hprops.LitresPerItem; transferableLitres = (float)Math.Min(desiredTransferSizeLitres, juiceableLitresCapacity - juiceableLitresLeft); removeItems = (int)(transferableLitres / hprops.LitresPerItem); } if (transferableLitres > 0) { handslot.TakeOut(removeItems); mashStack.Attributes.SetDouble("juiceableLitresLeft", juiceableLitresLeft += transferableLitres); mashStack.StackSize = 1; handslot.MarkDirty(); MarkDirty(true); renderer?.reloadMeshes(hprops, true); (byPlayer as IClientPlayer)?.TriggerFpAnimation(EnumHandInteract.HeldItemInteract); } return(true); } // Take out mash if (MashSlot.Empty) { return(false); } if (!byPlayer.InventoryManager.TryGiveItemstack(mashStack, true)) { Api.World.SpawnItemEntity(mashStack, Pos.ToVec3d().Add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); } MashSlot.Itemstack = null; renderer?.reloadMeshes(null, true); if (Api.Side == EnumAppSide.Server) { MarkDirty(true); } return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { _client = new IpcClient(new DefaultIpcEndpoint()); var answer = _client.GetRepositories(); var repositoryCount = answer?.Repositories?.Length ?? 0; if (repositoryCount == 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer?.Answer)) { Console.WriteLine(answer.Answer); } else { Console.WriteLine("No repositories yet"); } return; } _repositoriesView = new RepositoriesView(answer.Repositories); Application.Init(); var filterLabel = new Label(1, 1, "Filter: "); _filterField = new TextField("") { X = Pos.Right(filterLabel) + 2, Y = Pos.Top(filterLabel), Width = Dim.Fill(margin: 1), }; _filterField.Changed += FilterField_Changed; _repositoryList = new ListView(_repositoriesView.Repositories) { X = Pos.Left(filterLabel), Y = Pos.Bottom(filterLabel) + 1, Width = Dim.Fill(margin: 1), Height = Dim.Fill() - 2 }; var win = new KeyPreviewWindow("grr: Git repositories of RepoZ") { filterLabel, _filterField, _repositoryList }; var buttonX = Pos.Left(filterLabel); var navigationButton = new Button("Navigate") { Clicked = Navigate, X = buttonX, Y = Pos.AnchorEnd(1), CanFocus = false }; if (!CanNavigate) { navigationButton.Text = "Copy navigation command"; navigationButton.Clicked = CopyNavigationCommandAndQuit; } buttonX = buttonX + navigationButton.Text.Length + BUTTON_BORDER + BUTTON_DISTANCE; var browseButton = new Button("Browse") { Clicked = Browse, X = buttonX, Y = Pos.AnchorEnd(1), CanFocus = false }; var quitButton = new Button("Quit") { Clicked = Application.RequestStop, X = Pos.AnchorEnd("Quit".Length + BUTTON_BORDER + BUTTON_DISTANCE), Y = Pos.AnchorEnd(1), CanFocus = false }; win.Add(navigationButton, browseButton, quitButton); win.DefineKeyAction(Key.Enter, () => win.SetFocus(_repositoryList)); win.DefineKeyAction(Key.Esc, () => { if (_filterField.HasFocus) { SetFilterText(""); } else { win.SetFocus(_filterField); } }); if (args?.Length > 0) { SetFilterText(String.Join(" ", args)); } Application.Top.Add(win); Application.Run(); }
public class CurlyOpen : Token { public CurlyOpen(Pos tp) : base(tp) { }
public override void Setup() { const string IdenticalSign = "\u2261"; const string ArrowUpSign = "\u2191"; const string ArrowDownSign = "\u2193"; const string EllipsesSign = "\u2026"; const string StashSign = "\u205E"; //string text = "Hello world, how are you today? Pretty neat!\nSecond line\n\nFourth Line."; string unicode = "Τὴ γλῶσσα μοῦ ἔδωσαν ἑλληνικὴ\nτὸ σπίτι φτωχικὸ στὶς ἀμμουδιὲς τοῦ Ὁμήρου.\nΜονάχη ἔγνοια ἡ γλῶσσα μου στὶς ἀμμουδιὲς τοῦ Ὁμήρου."; string gitString = $"gui.cs master {IdenticalSign} {ArrowDownSign}18 {ArrowUpSign}10 {StashSign}1 {EllipsesSign}"; var menu = new MenuBar(new MenuBarItem [] { new MenuBarItem("_Файл", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_Создать", "Creates new file", null), new MenuItem("_Открыть", "", null), new MenuItem("Со_хранить", "", null), new MenuItem("_Выход", "", () => Application.RequestStop()) }), new MenuBarItem("_Edit", new MenuItem [] { new MenuItem("_Copy", "", null), new MenuItem("C_ut", "", null), new MenuItem("_Paste", "", null) }) }); Top.Add(menu); var label = new Label("Label:") { X = 0, Y = 1 }; Win.Add(label); var testlabel = new Label(gitString) { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(50), }; Win.Add(testlabel); label = new Label("Label (CanFocus):") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(label) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); testlabel = new Label("Стоял &он, дум великих полн") { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(50), CanFocus = true, HotKeySpecifier = new System.Rune('&') }; Win.Add(testlabel); label = new Label("Button:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(label) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var button = new Button("A123456789♥♦♣♠JQK") { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label) }; Win.Add(button); label = new Label("CheckBox:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(label) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var checkBox = new CheckBox(gitString) { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(50) }; Win.Add(checkBox); label = new Label("ComboBox:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(label) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var comboBox = new ComboBox() { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(50), }; comboBox.SetSource(new List <string> () { gitString, "Со_хранить" }); Win.Add(comboBox); comboBox.Text = gitString; label = new Label("HexView:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(label) + 2 }; Win.Add(label); var hexView = new HexView(new System.IO.MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(gitString + " Со_хранить"))) { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(60), Height = 5 }; Win.Add(hexView); label = new Label("ListView:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(hexView) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var listView = new ListView(new List <string> () { "item #1", gitString, "Со_хранить", unicode }) { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(60), Height = 3, }; Win.Add(listView); label = new Label("RadioGroup:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(listView) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var radioGroup = new RadioGroup(new ustring [] { "item #1", gitString, "Со_хранить" }, selected: 0) { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(60), }; Win.Add(radioGroup); label = new Label("TextField:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(radioGroup) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var textField = new TextField(gitString + " = Со_хранить") { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(60) }; Win.Add(textField); label = new Label("TextView:") { X = Pos.X(label), Y = Pos.Bottom(textField) + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var textView = new TextView() { X = 20, Y = Pos.Y(label), Width = Dim.Percent(60), Height = 5, Text = unicode, }; Win.Add(textView); // Move Win down to row 1, below menu Win.Y = 1; Top.LayoutSubviews(); }
public class SquareClose : Token { public SquareClose(Pos tp) : base(tp) { }
/// <summary> /// Design and show View /// </summary> public void ShowModal() { var ntop = new Toplevel(); // StatusBar var statusBar = new StatusBar(new StatusItem[] { new StatusItem(Key.Enter, "~Enter~ Backup", StartBackup), new StatusItem(Key.Esc, "~Esc~ Return", () => { Application.RequestStop(); }) }); ntop.Add(statusBar); ntop.StatusBar = statusBar; // Windows var win = new Window("Backup") { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() - 1 }; ntop.Add(win); // Header var header = new Label() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 3 }; var msg = "Path to repository : " + Program.dataManager.config.RepoPath + "\n"; msg += "Sources to backup : " + Program.dataManager.config.SourcesBackupPath + "\n"; header.Text = msg.Replace("\r", ""); win.Add(header); // Information info = new Label() { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(header), Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() - 4 }; info.Text = ""; win.Add(info); // Current current = new Label() { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(info), Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 3, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Centered }; win.Add(current); // Progressbar pBar = new ProgressBar() { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(current), Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1, Fraction = 1 }; win.Add(pBar); Application.Run(ntop); }
public class ParClose : Token { public ParClose(Pos tp) : base(tp) { }
public virtual string GetName(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block) { return(blockName); }
public class ParOpen : Token { public ParOpen(Pos tp) : base(tp) { }
public void Render(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block, MeshData meshData) { PreRender(chunk, pos, block); AddMeshData(chunk, pos, block, ref meshData); PostRender(chunk, pos, block); }
public virtual Block OnCreate(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block) { return(block); }
public virtual void OnDestroy(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block, int destroyer) { }
internal static string Show(ParseError err, Pos pos) { return toErrorStr(err, pos); }
public virtual void RandomUpdate(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block) { }
public bool InSafeZone(Pos pos) { return InSafeZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); }
protected virtual void AddMeshData(Chunk chunk, Pos pos, Block block, ref MeshData meshData) { }
public override void Setup() { var label = new Label("Insert the text to send:") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() - 6 }; Win.Add(label); var txtInput = new TextField("MockKeyPresses") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() - 5, Width = 20 }; Win.Add(txtInput); var ckbShift = new CheckBox("Shift") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() - 4 }; Win.Add(ckbShift); var ckbAlt = new CheckBox("Alt") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() - 3 }; Win.Add(ckbAlt); var ckbControl = new CheckBox("Control") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() - 2 }; Win.Add(ckbControl); label = new Label("Result keys:") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() + 1 }; Win.Add(label); var txtResult = new TextField() { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() + 2, Width = 20, }; Win.Add(txtResult); var rKeys = ""; var rControlKeys = ""; var IsShift = false; var IsAlt = false; var IsCtrl = false; txtResult.KeyPress += (e) => { rKeys += (char)e.KeyEvent.Key; if (!IsShift && e.KeyEvent.IsShift) { rControlKeys += " Shift "; IsShift = true; } if (!IsAlt && e.KeyEvent.IsAlt) { rControlKeys += " Alt "; IsAlt = true; } if (!IsCtrl && e.KeyEvent.IsCtrl) { rControlKeys += " Ctrl "; IsCtrl = true; } }; var lblShippedKeys = new Label() { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() + 3, AutoSize = true }; Win.Add(lblShippedKeys); var lblShippedControlKeys = new Label() { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() + 5, AutoSize = true }; Win.Add(lblShippedControlKeys); var button = new Button("Process keys") { X = Pos.Center(), Y = Pos.Center() + 7, IsDefault = true }; Win.Add(button); void ProcessInput() { rKeys = ""; rControlKeys = ""; txtResult.Text = ""; IsShift = false; IsAlt = false; IsCtrl = false; txtResult.SetFocus(); foreach (var r in txtInput.Text.ToString()) { var ck = char.IsLetter(r) ? (ConsoleKey)char.ToUpper(r) : (ConsoleKey)r; Application.Driver.SendKeys(r, ck, ckbShift.Checked, ckbAlt.Checked, ckbControl.Checked); } lblShippedKeys.Text = rKeys; lblShippedControlKeys.Text = rControlKeys; txtInput.SetFocus(); } button.Clicked += () => ProcessInput(); Win.KeyPress += (e) => { if (e.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Enter) { ProcessInput(); e.Handled = true; } }; }
public Literal(Pos tp, string value) : base(tp) { this.value = value; }