예제 #1
        private List <PortalUsers> FetchData(SqlCommand cmd)
            SqlConnection      con         = cmd.Connection;
            List <PortalUsers> portalusers = null;

            using (con)
                SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                if (dr.HasRows)
                    portalusers = new List <PortalUsers>();
                    while (dr.Read())
                        PortalUsers uPortalUsers = new PortalUsers();
                        uPortalUsers.Id       = Convert.ToString(dr["id"]);
                        uPortalUsers.Username = Convert.ToString(dr["username"]);
                        uPortalUsers.Password = Convert.ToString(dr["pass_word"]);
                        uPortalUsers.UserType = Convert.ToString(dr["user_type"]);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return All Users From The Database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PortalUsers getAllUsers()
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

            cmd.Connection  = conn;
            cmd.CommandText = "getAllUsers";
            cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            PortalUsers users = new PortalUsers();

            while (reader.Read())
                PortalUser user = new PortalUser();
                user.ID        = (Int32)reader["Id"];
                user.UserName  = (String)reader["username"];
                user.Password  = (String)reader["password"];
                user.FirstName = (String)reader["firstname"];
                user.LastName  = (String)reader["lastname"];


예제 #3
        public void AddPortalUser(PortalUsers pu)
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [dbo].[portal_users] ([username],[pass_word],[user_type]) VALUES (@Username,@Password,@UserType)", DALUtil.getConnection());

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", (pu.Username == null) ? Convert.DBNull : pu.Username);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", (pu.Password == null) ? Convert.DBNull : pu.Password);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserType", (pu.UserType == null) ? Convert.DBNull : pu.UserType);
예제 #4
        public ActionResult AddPU(AllClasses ac)
            PortalUsers pU = new PortalUsers();

            pU.Username = ac.PortalUser.Username;
            pU.Password = CryptoUtility.Encrypt(ac.PortalUser.Password);
            pU.UserType = ac.PortalUser.UserType;
            new BusinessLogic().AddPU(pU);
            return(RedirectToAction("Portalusers", "Home"));
예제 #5
파일: Users.cs 프로젝트: treusch/Bulldozer
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <param name="totalRows">The total rows.</param>
        public void MapUsers(IQueryable <Row> tableData, long totalRows = 0)
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var personService = new PersonService(lookupContext);

            var rockAuthenticatedTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Get(typeof(Rock.Security.Authentication.Database)).Id;

            var staffGroupId = new GroupService(lookupContext).GetByGuid(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.Group.GROUP_STAFF_MEMBERS)).Id;

            var memberGroupRoleId = new GroupTypeRoleService(lookupContext).Queryable()
                                    .Where(r => r.Guid.Equals(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_SECURITY_GROUP_MEMBER)))
                                    .Select(r => r.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            var userLoginService  = new UserLoginService(lookupContext);
            var importedUserCount = userLoginService.Queryable().Count(u => u.ForeignId != null);

            var newUserLogins     = new List <UserLogin>();
            var newStaffMembers   = new List <GroupMember>();
            var updatedPersonList = new List <Person>();

            if (totalRows == 0)
                totalRows = tableData.Count();

            var completedItems = 0;
            var percentage     = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, $"Verifying user import ({totalRows:N0} found, {importedUserCount:N0} already exist).");

            foreach (var row in tableData.Where(r => r != null))
                var individualId = row["LinkedIndividualID"] as int?;
                var userName     = row["UserLogin"] as string;
                var userId       = row["UserID"] as int?;
                if (userId.HasValue && individualId.HasValue && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName))
                    var personKeys = GetPersonKeys(individualId, null);
                    if (personKeys != null)
                        var createdDate = row["UserCreatedDate"] as DateTime?;
                        var userEmail   = row["UserEmail"] as string;
                        var userTitle   = row["UserTitle"] as string;
                        var userPhone   = row["UserPhone"] as string;
                        var isEnabled   = row["IsUserEnabled"] as bool?;
                        var isStaff     = row["IsStaff"] as bool?;
                        var isActive    = isEnabled ?? false;

                        var user = AddUserLogin(lookupContext, rockAuthenticatedTypeId, personKeys.PersonId, userName.Trim(), null, isEnabled, false, createdDate, userId.ToString(), ImportPersonAliasId);
                        if (user != null)
                            // track the user's id and person alias for use with notes
                            PortalUsers.AddOrReplace(( int )userId, personKeys.PersonAliasId);

                            if (isStaff == true)
                                // add this user to the staff group
                                var staffMember = new GroupMember
                                    GroupId                = staffGroupId,
                                    PersonId               = personKeys.PersonId,
                                    GroupRoleId            = memberGroupRoleId,
                                    CreatedDateTime        = createdDate,
                                    CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAliasId,
                                    GroupMemberStatus      = isActive ? GroupMemberStatus.Active : GroupMemberStatus.Inactive


                            // set user login email to person's primary email if one isn't set
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userEmail) && userEmail.IsEmail())
                                var person = !updatedPersonList.Any(p => p.Id == personKeys.PersonId)
                                    ? personService.Queryable(includeDeceased: true).FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == personKeys.PersonId)
                                    : updatedPersonList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == personKeys.PersonId);

                                if (person != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(person.Email))
                                    person.Email           = userEmail.Left(75);
                                    person.EmailNote       = userTitle;
                                    person.IsEmailActive   = isEnabled != false;
                                    person.EmailPreference = EmailPreference.EmailAllowed;


                            if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                                var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                                ReportProgress(percentComplete, $"{completedItems:N0} users imported ({percentComplete}% complete).");

                            if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)
                                SaveUsers(newUserLogins, newStaffMembers);

                    LogException("User Import", $"User: {userId} - UserName: {userName} is not linked to a person or already exists.");

            if (newUserLogins.Any())
                SaveUsers(newUserLogins, newStaffMembers);

            ReportProgress(100, $"Finished user import: {completedItems:N0} users imported.");
예제 #6
파일: Notes.cs 프로젝트: lambmopy/Excavator
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <param name="totalRows">The total rows.</param>
        public void MapNotes(IQueryable <Row> tableData, long totalRows = 0)
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();

            var importedUsers = new UserLoginService(lookupContext).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                .Where(u => u.ForeignId != null)
                                .ToDictionary(t => t.ForeignId, t => t.PersonId);

            var noteList = new List <Note>();

            if (totalRows == 0)
                totalRows = tableData.Count();

            var completedItems = 0;
            var percentage     = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, $"Verifying note import ({totalRows:N0} found).");
            foreach (var row in tableData.Where(r => r != null))
                var noteType         = row["Note_Type_Name"] as string;
                var text             = row["Note_Text"] as string;
                var individualId     = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                var householdId      = row["Household_ID"] as int?;
                var noteTypeActive   = row["NoteTypeActive"] as bool?;
                var noteArchived     = row["NoteArchived"] as bool?;
                var noteTextArchived = row["NoteTextArchived"] as bool?;
                var dateCreated      = row["NoteCreated"] as DateTime?;

                // see if pre-import helper fix is present
                var noteArchivedFlag     = row["NoteArchived"] as int?;
                var noteTextArchivedFlag = row["NoteTextArchived"] as int?;
                noteArchived     = noteArchived.HasValue ? noteArchived : noteArchivedFlag > 0;
                noteTextArchived = noteTextArchived.HasValue ? noteTextArchived : noteTextArchivedFlag > 0;

                var noteExcluded = noteArchived == true || noteTextArchived == true;
                var personKeys   = GetPersonKeys(individualId, householdId);
                if (personKeys != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) && noteTypeActive == true && !noteExcluded)
                    int?creatorAliasId = null;
                    var userId         = row["NoteCreatedByUserID"] as int?;

                    if (userId.HasValue && PortalUsers.ContainsKey((int)userId))
                        creatorAliasId = PortalUsers[(int)userId];

                    var noteTypeId = noteType.StartsWith("General", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? (int?)PersonalNoteTypeId : null;
                    var note       = AddEntityNote(lookupContext, PersonEntityTypeId, personKeys.PersonId, string.Empty, text, false, false, noteType, noteTypeId, false, dateCreated,
                                                   $"Note imported {ImportDateTime}", creatorAliasId);


                    if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                        var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, $"{completedItems:N0} notes imported ({percentComplete}% complete).");
                    else if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)

            if (noteList.Any())

            ReportProgress(100, $"Finished note import: {completedItems:N0} notes imported.");
예제 #7
파일: Notes.cs 프로젝트: lambmopy/Excavator
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the contact form data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <param name="totalRows">The total rows.</param>
        public void MapContactFormData(IQueryable <Row> tableData, long totalRows = 0)
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();

            var importedCommunicationCount = new CommunicationService(lookupContext).Queryable().Count(c => c.ForeignKey != null);
            var importedNoteCount          = new NoteService(lookupContext).Queryable().Count(n => n.ForeignKey != null);

            var prayerRequestors = new Dictionary <int, Person>();

            var communicationList = new List <Communication>();
            var prayerList        = new List <PrayerRequest>();
            var noteList          = new List <Note>();

            if (totalRows == 0)
                totalRows = tableData.Count();

            var completedItems = 0;
            var percentage     = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, $"Verifying contact items ({totalRows:N0} found, {importedNoteCount + importedCommunicationCount:N0} already exist).");

            foreach (var row in tableData.Where(r => r != null))
                // ContactFormData joins to IndividualContactNotes on ContactInstItemID
                var itemForeignKey       = row["ContactInstItemID"] as int?;
                var householdId          = row["HouseholdID"] as int?;
                var itemIndividualId     = row["ContactItemIndividualID"] as int?;
                var individualId         = row["ContactIndividualID"] as int?;
                var createdDate          = row["ContactActivityDate"] as DateTime?;
                var modifiedDate         = row["ContactDatetime"] as DateTime?;
                var approvalDate         = row["ContactFormLastUpdatedDate"] as DateTime?;
                var itemType             = row["ContactFormName"] as string;
                var itemStatus           = row["ContactStatus"] as string;
                var itemCaption          = row["ContactItemName"] as string;
                var noteText1            = row["ContactNote"] as string;
                var noteText2            = row["ContactItemNote"] as string;
                var itemUserId           = row["ContactItemAssignedUserID"] as int?;
                var contactUserId        = row["ContactAssignedUserID"] as int?;
                var initialContactUserId = row["InitialContactCreatedByUserID"] as int?;
                var isConfidential       = row["IsContactItemConfidential"] as int?;
                var itemText             = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noteText1) ? $"{noteText1}<br>{noteText2}" : noteText2 ?? string.Empty;

                // look up the person this contact form is for
                var personKeys = GetPersonKeys(itemIndividualId ?? individualId, householdId);
                if (personKeys != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemCaption) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemText)))
                    var assignedUserId    = itemUserId ?? contactUserId ?? initialContactUserId ?? 0;
                    var userPersonAliasId = PortalUsers.ContainsKey(assignedUserId) ? (int?)PortalUsers[assignedUserId] : null;
                    if (itemType.Equals("Email", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        // create the recipient list for this contact
                        var recipients = new List <CommunicationRecipient> {
                            new CommunicationRecipient {
                                Status                  = CommunicationRecipientStatus.Delivered,
                                PersonAliasId           = personKeys.PersonAliasId,
                                CreatedDateTime         = createdDate ?? modifiedDate,
                                CreatedByPersonAliasId  = userPersonAliasId,
                                ModifiedByPersonAliasId = userPersonAliasId,
                                ForeignKey              = personKeys.PersonForeignId.ToString(),
                                ForeignId               = personKeys.PersonForeignId

                        // create an email record for this contact form
                        var emailSubject  = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemCaption) ? itemCaption.Left(100) : itemText.Left(100);
                        var communication = AddCommunication(lookupContext, EmailCommunicationMediumTypeId, emailSubject, itemText, false,
                                                             CommunicationStatus.Approved, recipients, false, createdDate ?? modifiedDate, itemForeignKey.ToString(), userPersonAliasId);

                    else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemCaption) && itemCaption.EndsWith("Prayer Request", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        // create a prayer request
                        Person requestor = null;
                        prayerRequestors.TryGetValue(personKeys.PersonId, out requestor);
                        if (requestor == null)
                            requestor = lookupContext.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id.Equals(personKeys.PersonId));
                            prayerRequestors.Add(personKeys.PersonId, requestor);

                        var request = AddPrayerRequest(lookupContext, null, personKeys.PersonAliasId, requestor.FirstName, requestor.LastName, requestor.Email, itemText ?? itemCaption, string.Empty,
                                                       !itemStatus.Equals("Closed", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase), false, createdDate ?? modifiedDate, approvalDate, itemForeignKey.ToString(), userPersonAliasId);
                        if (request != null)
                        //strip campus from type
                        var campusId = GetCampusId(itemType);
                        if (campusId.HasValue)
                            itemType = StripPrefix(itemType, campusId);

                        // create a note for this contact form
                        var note = AddEntityNote(lookupContext, PersonEntityTypeId, personKeys.PersonId, itemCaption, itemText, false, false, itemType,
                                                 null, false, createdDate ?? modifiedDate, itemForeignKey.ToString(), userPersonAliasId);



                    if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                        var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, $"{completedItems:N0} contact items imported ({percentComplete}% complete).");
                    else if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)


            if (communicationList.Any() || noteList.Any())

            ReportProgress(100, $"Finished contact item import: {completedItems:N0} items imported.");
예제 #8
파일: Notes.cs 프로젝트: lambmopy/Excavator
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the individual contact notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <param name="totalRows">The total rows.</param>
        public void MapIndividualContactNotes(IQueryable <Row> tableData, long totalRows = 0)
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();

            var importedNotes = new NoteService(lookupContext).Queryable().Where(n => n.ForeignId != null)
                                .ToDictionary(n => n.ForeignId, n => n.Id);
            var importedRequests = new PrayerRequestService(lookupContext).Queryable().Where(r => r.ForeignId != null)
                                   .ToDictionary(r => r.ForeignId, r => r.Id);

            var noteList = new List <Note>();
            int?confidentialNoteTypeId = null;

            if (totalRows == 0)
                totalRows = tableData.Count();

            var completedItems = 0;
            var percentage     = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, $"Verifying contact notes ({totalRows:N0} found, {importedNotes.Count:N0} already exist).");

            foreach (var row in tableData.Where(r => r != null))
                var userId           = row["UserID"] as int?;
                var individualId     = row["IndividualID"] as int?;
                var itemForeignKey   = row["ContactInstItemID"] as int?;
                var createdDate      = row["IndividualContactDatetime"] as DateTime?;
                var noteText         = row["IndividualContactNote"] as string;
                var confidentialText = row["ConfidentialNote"] as string;

                var personKeys = GetPersonKeys(individualId, null);
                if (personKeys != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noteText) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(confidentialText)))
                    int?creatorAliasId = null;
                    if (userId.HasValue && PortalUsers.ContainsKey((int)userId))
                        creatorAliasId = PortalUsers[(int)userId];

                    var noteId           = 0;
                    var noteEntityId     = personKeys.PersonId;
                    var noteEntityTypeId = PersonEntityTypeId;
                    var noteTypeId       = PersonalNoteTypeId;

                    // add a confidential note
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(confidentialText))
                        var confidential = AddEntityNote(lookupContext, noteEntityTypeId, noteEntityId, string.Empty, confidentialText, false, false,
                                                         "Confidential Note", confidentialNoteTypeId, false, createdDate, itemForeignKey.ToString());
                        confidentialNoteTypeId = confidential.NoteTypeId;


                    // this is new or an update to timeline note
                    if (importedNotes.ContainsKey(itemForeignKey))
                        noteId = importedNotes[itemForeignKey];
                    // note this as a prayer request comment
                    else if (importedRequests.ContainsKey(itemForeignKey))
                        noteEntityTypeId = PrayerRequestTypeId;
                        noteEntityId     = importedRequests[itemForeignKey];
                        noteTypeId       = PrayerNoteTypeId;

                    // add the note text
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noteText))
                        var note = AddEntityNote(lookupContext, noteEntityTypeId, noteEntityId, string.Empty, noteText, false, false,
                                                 null, noteTypeId, false, createdDate, itemForeignKey.ToString());
                        note.Id = noteId;


                    if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                        var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, $"{completedItems:N0} notes imported ({percentComplete}% complete).");
                    else if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)

            if (noteList.Any())

            ReportProgress(100, $"Finished contact note import: {completedItems:N0} notes imported.");
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the individual contact notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <param name="totalRows">The total rows.</param>
        public void TranslateIndividualContactNotes(IQueryable <Row> tableData, long totalRows = 0)
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();

            var activityTypeService   = new ConnectionActivityTypeService(lookupContext);
            var connectedActivityType = activityTypeService.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.ConnectionActivityType.CONNECTED.AsGuid());
            var assignedActivityType  = activityTypeService.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.ConnectionActivityType.ASSIGNED.AsGuid());

            var importedNotes = new NoteService(lookupContext).Queryable().Where(n => n.ForeignId != null)
                                .ToDictionary(n => n.ForeignId, n => n.Id);
            var importedConnectionRequests = new ConnectionRequestService(lookupContext).Queryable().Where(r => r.ForeignId != null)
                                             .ToDictionary(r => r.ForeignId, r => new { Id = r.Id, OpportunityId = r.ConnectionOpportunityId, ConnectorId = r.ConnectorPersonAliasId, State = r.ConnectionState });
            var importedPrayerRequests = new PrayerRequestService(lookupContext).Queryable().Where(r => r.ForeignId != null)
                                         .ToDictionary(r => r.ForeignId, r => r.Id);

            int?confidentialNoteTypeId = null;
            var noteList     = new List <Note>();
            var activityList = new List <ConnectionRequestActivity>();

            if (totalRows == 0)
                totalRows = tableData.Count();

            var completedItems = 0;
            var percentage     = (totalRows - 1) / 100 + 1;

            ReportProgress(0, $"Verifying contact notes ({totalRows:N0} found, {importedNotes.Count:N0} already exist).");

            foreach (var row in tableData.Where(r => r != null))
                var userId            = row["UserID"] as int?;
                var individualId      = row["IndividualID"] as int?;
                var relatedForeignKey = row["ContactInstItemID"] as int?;
                var itemForeignKey    = row["IndividualContactID"] as int?;
                var createdDate       = row["IndividualContactDatetime"] as DateTime?;
                var noteText          = row["IndividualContactNote"] as string;
                var confidentialText  = row["ConfidentialNote"] as string;

                var personKeys     = GetPersonKeys(individualId, null);
                int?creatorAliasId = null;
                if (userId.HasValue && PortalUsers.ContainsKey((int)userId))
                    creatorAliasId = PortalUsers[(int)userId];

                if (personKeys != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noteText) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(confidentialText)))
                    // this is a connection request comment
                    if (importedConnectionRequests.ContainsKey(relatedForeignKey))
                        var parentRequest = importedConnectionRequests[relatedForeignKey];
                        var activityType  = parentRequest.State == ConnectionState.Active ? assignedActivityType : connectedActivityType;
                        if (parentRequest != null && activityType != null)
                            var requestActivity = AddConnectionActivity(parentRequest.OpportunityId, noteText, createdDate, creatorAliasId ?? parentRequest.ConnectorId, activityType.Id, relatedForeignKey.ToString());
                            requestActivity.ConnectionRequestId = parentRequest.Id;
                    else // this is a new note or prayer request comment
                        var noteId           = 0;
                        var noteEntityId     = personKeys.PersonId;
                        var noteEntityTypeId = PersonEntityTypeId;
                        var noteTypeId       = PersonalNoteTypeId;

                        // add a confidential note
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(confidentialText))
                            var confidential = AddEntityNote(lookupContext, noteEntityTypeId, noteEntityId, string.Empty, confidentialText, false, false,
                                                             "Confidential Note", confidentialNoteTypeId, false, createdDate, relatedForeignKey.ToString());
                            confidentialNoteTypeId = confidential.NoteTypeId;


                        // this is new or an update to timeline note
                        if (importedNotes.ContainsKey(relatedForeignKey))
                            noteId = importedNotes[relatedForeignKey];
                        // this is a prayer request comment
                        else if (importedPrayerRequests.ContainsKey(relatedForeignKey))
                            noteEntityTypeId = PrayerRequestTypeId;
                            noteEntityId     = importedPrayerRequests[relatedForeignKey];
                            noteTypeId       = PrayerNoteTypeId;

                        // add the note text
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noteText))
                            var note = AddEntityNote(lookupContext, noteEntityTypeId, noteEntityId, string.Empty, noteText, false, false,
                                                     null, noteTypeId, false, createdDate, itemForeignKey.ToString());
                            note.Id = noteId;


                    if (completedItems % percentage < 1)
                        var percentComplete = completedItems / percentage;
                        ReportProgress(percentComplete, $"{completedItems:N0} notes imported ({percentComplete}% complete).");
                    else if (completedItems % ReportingNumber < 1)

            if (noteList.Any() || activityList.Any())

            ReportProgress(100, $"Finished contact note import: {completedItems:N0} notes imported.");
예제 #10
 public void AddPU(PortalUsers p)
     new PortalUsersDAL().AddPortalUser(p);