public CreateNewsWork(PortalRepository portalRepository, CreateNewsSyndicationItemContract data, int userId, IMapper mapper) : base(portalRepository) { m_portalRepository = portalRepository; m_data = data; m_userId = userId; m_mapper = mapper; }
public NewsManager(PortalRepository portalRepository, AuthenticationManager authenticationManager, UserDetailManager userDetailManager, IMapper mapper) { m_portalRepository = portalRepository; m_authenticationManager = authenticationManager; m_userDetailManager = userDetailManager; m_mapper = mapper; }
public ActionResult Login(BL.User _User, string returnUrl) { FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( 1, // Ticket Version _User.UserName, // username associated with ticket DateTime.Now, // Date/Time issued DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), // Date/Time to expire false, // Cookie is persistant or not _User.Documenttyp, // we can also store user role FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath); // Path cookie valid for if (_User.UserName != null) { if (_User.Password != null) { Service = BL.OrganizationUtility.GetCRMService(); BL.User _verifiedUser = PortalRepository.AuthenticateUser(_User.UserName, _User.Password, _User.Documenttyp, Service); if (_verifiedUser != null) { if (_verifiedUser.UserId != Guid.Empty) { string hashTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); HttpCookie authCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hashTicket); Response.Cookies.Add(authCookie); BL.CurrentUser _cuser = new BL.CurrentUser(_verifiedUser); BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser = _verifiedUser; string name = BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserName; if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl)) { return(Redirect(returnUrl)); } return(RedirectToAction("DocumentNotes", "Document")); } } else { _User.lstDocumentType = GetDocumentType(); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Username or Password"); } else { _User.lstDocumentType = GetDocumentType(); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please Enter Password"); } } else { _User.lstDocumentType = GetDocumentType(); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please Enter Username"); } return(View(_User)); }
public ActionResult SaveChangePassword(BL.ChangePassword CP) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (Service == null) { Service = BL.OrganizationUtility.GetCRMService(); } if (BL.CurrentUser.Instance != null && BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId != Guid.Empty) { ModelState.Clear(); string Result = PortalRepository.ChangePWDAuthenticateUser(BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId.ToString(), CP.OldPassword, Service); if (Result != null) { Entity entity = new Entity("new_portaluser"); //entity.Id = ""; entity.LogicalName = "new_portaluser"; Guid contactid = new Guid(BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId.ToString()); EntityReference ContactId = new EntityReference("new_portaluser", contactid); entity.Attributes["new_portaluserid"] = ContactId.Id; entity.Attributes["new_password"] = CP.NewPassword; Service.Update(entity); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Successfully Updated"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Incorrect Old Password"); } ViewBag.LiDashboard = "class="; ViewBag.LiGetAllCasesForIncident = "class="; ViewBag.LiCreateCases = "class="; ViewBag.LiPassword = "******"; return(View("ChangePassword")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } } else { ViewBag.LiDashboard = "class="; ViewBag.LiGetAllCasesForIncident = "class="; ViewBag.LiCreateCases = "class="; ViewBag.LiPassword = "******"; return(View("ChangePassword")); } } catch (Exception) { return(Redirect("~/theme/ErrorPage.html")); } }
public void WhenGetAllFromEmptyDatabase_ThenReturnsEmptyCollection() { var repository = new PortalRepository(new DatabaseFactory()); IEnumerable<Portal> actual = repository.GetAll(); Assert.NotNull(actual); var actualList = new List<Portal>(actual); Assert.Equal(0, actualList.Count); }
public CreateFeedbackWork(IMapper mapper, PortalRepository portalRepository, CreateFeedbackContract data, FeedbackType feedbackType, int?userId = null, long?resourceVersionId = null) : base(portalRepository) { m_mapper = mapper; m_portalRepository = portalRepository; m_data = data; m_feedbackType = feedbackType; m_userId = userId; m_resourceVersionId = resourceVersionId; }
public ActionResult Dashboard() { if (BL.CurrentUser.Instance != null && BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId != Guid.Empty) { if (Service == null) { Service = BL.OrganizationUtility.GetCRMService(); } Session["Uname"] = BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.FirstName + " " + BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.LastName; ViewBag.Uname = BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserName; BL.NotesData Model = new BL.NotesData() { lstPortalUser = null, lstAssignedPortalUser = null, lstDataRow = null, lstHeaderColumn = null }; Guid DocumentId = new Guid(); EntityCollection Col = PortalRepository.GetNameWiseDocumentId("new_documentmanagementsystem", Service, BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId, BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.Documenttyp); if (Col != null && Col.Entities.Count > 0) { foreach (Entity enty in Col.Entities) { DocumentId = new Guid(enty.Attributes["new_documentmanagementsystemid"].ToString()); } } Model.IncidentId = DocumentId; //BL.DashboardData CounterData = PortalRepository.GetCounterDocumentNotesData("annotation", Service, Model.IncidentId, BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.LastName); BL.DashboardData DashData = new BL.DashboardData(); //DashData.Approved = CounterData.Approved; // DashData.Reject = CounterData.Reject; // DashData.Pending = CounterData.Pending; ViewBag.LiDashboard = "class=active"; ViewBag.LiGetAllCasesForIncident = "class="; ViewBag.LiCreateCases = "class="; ViewBag.LiPassword = "******"; return(View(DashData)); // Service = BL.CRMUtility.GetCRMService(); //List<BL.Activity> lstActivity = PortalUserRepository.GetAllActivity(Service, BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId, Guid.Empty); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } }
public ActionResult ViewTicketsNotes() { try { if (BL.CurrentUser.Instance != null && BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId != Guid.Empty && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["Id"])) { BL.NotesData Model = new BL.NotesData(); Model.IncidentId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); //if (lstTroubleTicketNotes == null || lstTroubleTicketNotes.Count <= 0) lstTroubleTicketNotes = PortalRepository.GetNotesData("annotation", Service, Model.IncidentId); if (lstTroubleTicketNotes.Count > 0 && lstTroubleTicketNotes != null) { Model.lstNotesData = lstTroubleTicketNotes; //FileStream stream = new FileStream(Model.lstNotesData.filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); //byte[] byteData = new byte[stream.Length]; //stream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length); //stream.Close(); //System.Convert.FromBase64CharArray(byteData); } //TimeZoneInfo cstZone = TimeZoneInfo.(190); //DateTime cstTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(timeUtc, cstZone); ViewBag.GetTimeZone = new Func <DateTime, string>(LocalTime); ViewBag.LiDashboard = "class="; ViewBag.LiGetAllCasesForIncident = "class=active"; ViewBag.LiCreateCases = "class="; ViewBag.LiPassword = "******"; return(View("ViewTicketsNotes", Model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("../Activity/Login")); } } catch (Exception) { return(RedirectToAction("../Activity/Login")); } }
public DeleteFeedbackWork(PortalRepository portalRepository, long feedbackId) : base(portalRepository) { m_portalRepository = portalRepository; m_feedbackId = feedbackId; }
public ActionResult TicketsEscalationNotes() { try { if (BL.CurrentUser.Instance != null && BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId != Guid.Empty && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["Id"])) { BL.NotesData Model = new BL.NotesData() { lstDataRow = null, lstHeaderColumn = null }; Model.IncidentId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); #region Incident Data // BL.NotesData AllCases = new BL.NotesData() { lstDataRow = null, lstHeaderColumn = null }; if (Service == null) { Service = BL.OrganizationUtility.GetCRMService(); } //savestatecode = Model.statecode; if (lstTroubleTicket == null || lstTroubleTicket.Count <= 0) { lstTroubleTicket = PortalRepository.GetFieldAttribute("incident", Service); } lstTroubleTicket = lstTroubleTicket.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToList(); if (lstTroubleTicket != null && lstTroubleTicket.Count > 0) { List <BL.DataRow> lstDataRowValue = new List <BL.DataRow>(); EntityCollection Col = PortalRepository.GetIdWiseEntityRecords("incident", lstTroubleTicket, Service, BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId, new Guid(BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.CompanyName), Model.IncidentId); if (Col != null && Col.Entities.Count > 0) { foreach (Entity enty in Col.Entities) { List <string> OneDataRowValue = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstTroubleTicket.Count; i++) { if (enty.Contains(lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldName) && enty.Attributes[lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldName] != null) { OneDataRowValue.Add(GetFieldValue(enty, lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldName, lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldType)); } else { OneDataRowValue.Add(""); } } lstDataRowValue.Add(new BL.DataRow() { DataRoValue = OneDataRowValue.ToArray() }); } } if (lstDataRowValue.Count > 0 && lstTroubleTicket.Count > 0) { Model = new BL.NotesData() { lstDataRow = lstDataRowValue, lstHeaderColumn = lstTroubleTicket, IncidentId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()) } } ; else { Model = new BL.NotesData() { lstDataRow = null, lstHeaderColumn = null } }; } #endregion lstTroubleTicketNotes = PortalRepository.GetNotesData("annotation", Service, Model.IncidentId); if (lstTroubleTicketNotes.Count > 0 && lstTroubleTicketNotes != null) { Model.lstNotesData = lstTroubleTicketNotes; } ViewBag.GetTimeZone = new Func <DateTime, string>(LocalTime); ViewBag.LiDashboard = "class="; ViewBag.LiGetAllCasesForIncident = "class=active"; ViewBag.LiCreateCases = "class="; ViewBag.LiPassword = "******"; return(View("TicketsEscalationNotes", Model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("../Activity/Login")); } } catch (Exception) { return(RedirectToAction("../Activity/Login")); } }
public ActionResult GetAllCasesForIncident(BL.RecordList Model) { if (BL.CurrentUser.Instance != null && BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId != Guid.Empty) { BL.RecordList AllCases = new BL.RecordList() { lstDataRow = null, lstHeaderColumn = null, statecode = 0, Usercode = 0 }; if (Service == null) { Service = BL.OrganizationUtility.GetCRMService(); } //savestatecode = Model.statecode; if (lstTroubleTicket == null || lstTroubleTicket.Count <= 0) { lstTroubleTicket = PortalRepository.GetFieldAttribute("incident", Service); } lstTroubleTicket = lstTroubleTicket.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToList(); if (lstTroubleTicket != null && lstTroubleTicket.Count > 0) { List <BL.DataRow> lstDataRowValue = new List <BL.DataRow>(); EntityCollection Col = PortalRepository.GetEntityRecords("incident", lstTroubleTicket, Service, BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId, new Guid(BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.CompanyName), Model); if (Col != null && Col.Entities.Count > 0) { foreach (Entity enty in Col.Entities) { List <string> OneDataRowValue = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstTroubleTicket.Count; i++) { if (enty.Contains(lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldName) && enty.Attributes[lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldName] != null) { OneDataRowValue.Add(GetFieldValue(enty, lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldName, lstTroubleTicket[i].FieldType)); } else { OneDataRowValue.Add(""); } } lstDataRowValue.Add(new BL.DataRow() { DataRoValue = OneDataRowValue.ToArray() }); } } if (lstDataRowValue.Count > 0 && lstTroubleTicket.Count > 0) { AllCases = new BL.RecordList() { lstDataRow = lstDataRowValue, lstHeaderColumn = lstTroubleTicket, statecode = Model.statecode } } ; else { AllCases = new BL.RecordList() { lstDataRow = null, lstHeaderColumn = null } }; } ViewBag.LiDashboard = "class="; ViewBag.LiGetAllCasesForIncident = "class=active"; ViewBag.LiCreateCases = "class="; ViewBag.LiPassword = "******"; return(View("TroubleTicket", AllCases)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("../Activity/Login")); } }
public ActionResult EditCases(Guid id) { if (BL.CurrentUser.Instance != null && BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.UserId != Guid.Empty) { BL.RecordList AllCases = new BL.RecordList() { lstData = null }; lstSite = GetSiteOnCustomer(BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.CompanyName); BL.TicketData Model; if (lstSite.Count > 0) { Model = new BL.TicketData() { lstSubject = GetSubject(), lstSite = GetSiteOnCustomer(BL.CurrentUser.Instance.VerifiedUser.CompanyName) }; } else { Model = new BL.TicketData() { lstSubject = GetSubject() }; } lstTroubleTicket1 = PortalRepository.GetIdWiseIncidentData("incident", Service, id); if (lstTroubleTicket1.Count > 0) { AllCases = new BL.RecordList() { lstData = lstTroubleTicket1 } } ; else { AllCases = new BL.RecordList() { lstData = null } }; Model.incidentid = id; Model.description = AllCases.lstData[0].description; EntityReference CustomerId = new EntityReference("account", AllCases.lstData[0].customerid); Model.customerid = CustomerId.Id.ToString(); EntityReference SiteName = new EntityReference("new_projectsite", AllCases.lstData[0].new_sitename); Model.new_name = SiteName.Id.ToString(); EntityReference ContactId = new EntityReference("contact", AllCases.lstData[0].primarycontactid); Model.primarycontactid = ContactId.Id.ToString(); EntityReference SubjectId = new EntityReference("subject", AllCases.lstData[0].subjectid); Model.subjectid = SubjectId.Id.ToString(); Model.title = AllCases.lstData[0].title; Model.PageMessage = ""; return(View("CreateCases", Model)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("../Activity/Login")); } }