예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// addon method, deliver complete Html admin site
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cp"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override object Execute(CPBaseClass cp)
     try {
         var form = new PortalFramework.ToolSimpleClass {
             title       = "Cache Tool",
             description = "Use this tool to get/store/invalidate the application's cache."
         string cacheKey   = cp.Doc.GetText("cacheKey");
         string cacheValue = cp.Doc.GetText("cacheValue");
         string button     = cp.Doc.GetText("button");
         StringBuilder formBody = new StringBuilder();
         if (button == buttonCacheGet)
             // -- Get Cache
             formBody.Append("<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " cache.getObject(" + cacheKey + ")</div>");
             object resultObj = cp.Cache.GetObject(cacheKey);
             if (resultObj == null)
                 formBody.Append("<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " NULL returned</div>");
                 try {
                     cacheValue = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resultObj);
                     formBody.Append("<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "CacheValue object returned, json serialized, length [" + cacheValue.Length + "]</div>");
                 } catch (Exception ex) {
                     formBody.Append("<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " exception during serialization, ex [" + ex + "]</div>");
             formBody.Append("<p>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Done</p>");
         else if (button == buttonCacheStore)
             // -- Store Cache
             formBody.Append("<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " cache.store(" + cacheKey + "," + cacheValue + ")</div>");
             cp.Cache.Store(cacheKey, cacheValue);
             formBody.Append("<p>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Done</p>");
         else if (button == buttonCacheInvalidate)
             // -- Invalidate
             cacheValue = "";
             formBody.Append("<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " cache.Invalidate(" + cacheKey + ")</div>");
             formBody.Append("<p>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Done</p>");
         else if (button == buttonCacheInvalidateAll)
             // -- Store Cache
             cacheValue = "";
             formBody.Append("<div>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " cache.InvalidateAll()</div>");
             formBody.Append("<p>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Done</p>");
         // Display form
             // -- cache key
             formBody.Append(cp.Html5.H4("Cache Key"));
             formBody.Append(cp.Html5.Div(cp.AdminUI.GetTextEditor("cacheKey", cacheKey, "cacheKey", false)));
             // -- cache value
             formBody.Append(cp.Html5.H4("Cache Value"));
             formBody.Append(cp.Html5.Div(cp.AdminUI.GetTextEditor("cacheValue", cacheValue, "cacheValue", false)));
         // -- assemble form
         form.body = formBody.ToString();
     } catch (Exception ex) {
예제 #2
            public override object Execute(CPBaseClass cp)
                try {
                    // -- create output form

                    var tool = new PortalFramework.ToolSimpleClass();
                    //var form = cp.AdminUI.NewToolForm();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.Doc.GetText("button")))
                        // -- process button click
                        if (cp.Doc.GetText("button").Equals(buttonCancel))
                        string uploadFile       = "";
                        string uploadFolderPath = cp.TempFiles.CreateUniqueFolder();
                        if (!cp.TempFiles.SaveUpload(uploadFormInputName, uploadFolderPath, ref uploadFile))
                            // -- upload failed
                            tool.failMessage = "Upload failed";
                            var userMessageList = new List <string>();
                            Contensive.HtmlImport.ImporttypeEnum importTypeId = (Contensive.HtmlImport.ImporttypeEnum)cp.Doc.GetInteger("importTypeId");
                            if (!Contensive.HtmlImport.Controllers.ImportController.processImportFile(cp, uploadFolderPath + uploadFile, importTypeId, cp.Doc.GetInteger("layoutId"), cp.Doc.GetInteger("pageTemplateId"), cp.Doc.GetInteger("emailTemplateId"), cp.Doc.GetInteger("emailId"), ref userMessageList))
                                tool.failMessage = "Error<br><br>" + string.Join("<br>", userMessageList);
                                tool.successMessage = "Success<br><br>" + string.Join("<br>", userMessageList);
                    // -- populate output form
                    tool.title       = "Html Importer";
                    tool.description = cp.Html5.P("This tool uploads and imports html files and converts the html to Mustache-format compatible layouts, templates and addons. See reference at the end of this document.");
                        var importTypeList = new List <string>()
                            "Import Destination set in Html File", "Layout For Addon", "Page Template", "Email Template", "Email"
                        string editRow = cp.AdminUI.GetEditRow("Select Import Type", cp.AdminUI.GetLookupListEditor("importTypeId", importTypeList, 1, "hiImportTypeid"),
                                                               "Select the type of html you are importing.", "");
                        tool.body += cp.Html5.Div(editRow, "", "hiImportType");
                        //form.Body += cp.AdminUI.GetEditRow("Select Layout", cp.AdminUI.GetLookupContentEditor("layoutId", "Layouts", cp.Doc.GetInteger("layoutId")), "(Optional) Select the Layout you want to populate with this html document. Leave blank if the target is set in a meta tag of the html document.", "hiSelectLayout");
                        string editRow = cp.AdminUI.GetEditRow("Select Layout", cp.AdminUI.GetLookupContentEditor("layoutId", "Layouts", cp.Doc.GetInteger("layoutId")),
                                                               "Select the Layout you want to populate with this html document.", "hiSelectLayout");
                        tool.body += cp.Html5.Div(editRow, "", "hiSelectLayoutId");
                        string editRow = cp.AdminUI.GetEditRow("Select Page Template", cp.AdminUI.GetLookupContentEditor("pageTemplateId", "Page Templates", cp.Doc.GetInteger("pagetemplateId")),
                                                               "Select the Page Template you want to populate with this html document. " +
                                                               "Page templates import just the html body. Head metadata and associated resources have to be manually configured.", "hiSelectPageTemplate");
                        tool.body += cp.Html5.Div(editRow, "", "hiSelectPageTemplateId");
                        string editRow = cp.AdminUI.GetEditRow("Select Email Template", cp.AdminUI.GetLookupContentEditor("emailTemplateId", "Email Templates", cp.Doc.GetInteger("emailtemplateId")),
                                                               "Select the Email Template you want to populate with this html document. " +
                                                               "Email templates import the entire html document including the head tag elements. If they are missing the system will create them.", "hiSelectPageTemplate");
                        tool.body += cp.Html5.Div(editRow, "", "hiSelectEmailTemplateId");
                        string editRow = cp.AdminUI.GetEditRow("Select Email", cp.AdminUI.GetLookupContentEditor("emailId", "Email", cp.Doc.GetInteger("emailId")),
                                                               "Select the Group, System or Conditional Email you want to populate with this html document. ", "hiSelectEmail");
                        tool.body += cp.Html5.Div(editRow, "", "hiSelectEmailId");

                    tool.body += cp.AdminUI.GetEditRow("Html Upload", cp.AdminUI.GetFileEditor(uploadFormInputName, ""), "Select the file you need to import. The file may include directives the determine the save location and Mustache replacements.");

                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H4("Instructions");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(
                        cp.Html5.P("Use this tool to upload an html file for use as a page template or layout. Page templates are used for web pages. Layouts are generic records used by add-ons to construct forms.")
                        + cp.Html5.P("Upload an html file to create or update a template or layout from that file. Upload a zip file and the files will be unzipped and all non-html files will be copied to the websites root www directory. All html files wil be imported.")
                        , "ml-4"
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("Import Type");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(
                        cp.Html5.P("Select the type of data being imported. There are two ways to set the destination, html meta tags or select manually.")
                        + cp.Html5.Ol(""
                                      + cp.Html5.Li("Meta Tag. Include in your html file a meta tag with name set to either 'layout' or 'template' and content set to the name of the record."
                                                    + "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML("<meta name=\"template\" content=\"One Column Template\">") + "</pre>"
                                                    + "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML("<meta name=\"layout\" content=\"Join Form\">") + "</pre>"
                                                    + "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML("<meta name=\"email\" content=\"Invitation Email\">") + "</pre>"
                                                    + "")
                                      + cp.Html5.Li("Manual Select. Select the template and/or layout on this form and the html will be saved to a record with the same name as the uploaded file.")
                        , "ml-4"
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-mustache-variable");
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("Mustache is a popular templating scheme. You may choose to include mustache tags in your html directly in which case the html may not render well in a browser. You can alternativly choose to set special styles outlined here and the import tool will add the Mustache tags you indicate. Reference any of the many <a href=\"https://mustache.github.io/mustache.5.html\">Mustache references online</a>.");
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("Mustache Variable");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<p>My name is <span data-mustache-variable=\"firstName\">Sample Name</span>.</p>";
                        sample += "\n<p>My name is <span>{{{firstName}}}</span>.</p>";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("Replace the content of the html tag with a Mustache Basic tag.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-mustache-section");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<ul data-mustache-section=\"staff\">"
                                  + "\n\t<li data-mustache-variable=\"name\">Sample Name</li>"
                                  + "\n\t<li data-delete>Name To Skip</li>"
                                  + "\n</ul>"
                                  + "\n<ul>"
                                  + "\n\t{{#staff}}"
                                  + "\n\t<li class=\"\">{{name}}</li>"
                                  + "\n\t{{/staff}}"
                                  + "\n</ul>";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("Add a Mustache Section around content to be removed or repeated. If the object property is false, null, or an empty list, the section is removed. If the value is true the section is included. If the value is a list the section is repeated for each item in the list.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-mustache-inverted-section");
                        string indent = "";
                        indent += cp.Html5.P("Add a Mustache Inverted Section data attrbiute around content to be included if the object property value is false.");
                        indent += "<pre>"
                                  + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(""
                                                        + "\n<div data-mustache-inverted-section=\"emptyList\">"
                                                        + "\n\t<p>No items were found.</p>"
                                                        + "\n</div>"
                                                        + "\n<div>"
                                                        + "\n\t{{^emptyList}}"
                                                        + "\n\t<p>No items were found.</p>"
                                                        + "\n\t{{/itemList}}"
                                                        + "\n</div>"
                                                        + "")
                                  + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");

                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-mustache-value");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<p>My example is <span value=\"0\" data-mustache-value=\"id\">content</span>.</p>";
                        sample += "\n<p>My example is <span value=\"{{id}}\">content</span>.</p>";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("Replace the value of the html tag with a Mustache Value tag .");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-body");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<body><span data-body>This content will be included without the span tag</span> and this copy will not be imported</body>";
                        sample += "\nThis content will be included without the span tag";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("The data-body attribute is used to locate the html to be processed. Anything outside of this region will not be processed. If a data-body attribute is found, only the html within that element will be included. If no data-body is used, the content of the entire html body tag is imported.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-layout");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<body><span data-layout=\"New-Site-Header\">This content will be saved to the layout named 'New-Site-Header' without the span tag</span> and this copy will not be imported. If a tag includes both a data-delete and a data-layout, the innter content will be saved to a layout and deleted from the html.</body>";
                        sample += "\nThis content will be included without the span tag";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("If a data-layout attribute is found, the html within that element will be saved to the named layout record.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-href");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<body><p><a href=\"MainMenu.html\" data-href=\"{{/mainmenu}}\">Click here to see the main menu.</a></p></body>";
                        sample += "\nThe html will click to MainMenu.html during design. When imported, it will click to /menumenu.";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("Adds an href to the current element, replacing what is there if it has one.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-src");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<body><image src=\"placeholder-image.jpg\" data-src=\"{{user-photo}}\"></body>";
                        sample += "\nThe html will show placeholder-image.jpg. When imported, the src will be the mustache tag {{user-photo}}.";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("Adds an src to the current element, replacing what is there if it has one.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-addon");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<span data-addon=\"content_box\">content</span>";
                        sample += "\n<span>{% \"content box\" %}</span>";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("NOTE: If the addon name contains spaces, replace each space with a _ instead. Ex. content box would be content_box. Replace the inner content of the html tag with the addon after the Mustache Addon tag.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");
                    tool.footer += cp.Html5.H5("data-delete");
                        string sample = "";
                        sample += "<p>This is in the layout.<span data-delete>This is not.</span></p>";
                        sample += "\n<p>This is in the layout.</p>";
                        string indent = "";
                        indent      += cp.Html5.P("Delete the tag that contains this class, and all child tags.");
                        indent      += "<pre>" + cp.Utils.EncodeHTML(sample) + "</pre>";
                        tool.footer += cp.Html5.Div(indent, "ml-4");

                catch (Exception ex) {
                    // -- the execute method should typically not throw an error into the consuming method. Log and return.