예제 #1
        public TestHelper Confirm_job()


예제 #2
        public static async Task GetStatusChange()
            PortalClient portalClient = null; //As initialized earlier

            // Repeat the polling until signer signs the document, but ensure to do this at a
            // reasonable interval. If you are processing the result a few times a day in your
            // system, only poll a few times a day.
            var change = await portalClient.GetStatusChange();

            switch (change.Status)
            case JobStatus.NoChanges:
                //Queue is empty. Additional polling will result in blocking for a defined period.

            case JobStatus.Failed:
            case JobStatus.InProgress:
            case JobStatus.CompletedSuccessfully:
                var signatureJobStatus = change.Status;
                var signatures         = change.Signatures;
                var signatureOne       = signatures.ElementAt(0);
                var signatureOneStatus = signatureOne.SignatureStatus;

            var pollingWillResultInBlock = change.NextPermittedPollTime > DateTime.Now;

            if (pollingWillResultInBlock)
                //Wait until next permitted poll time has passed before polling again.

            //Confirm the receipt to remove it from the queue
            await portalClient.Confirm(change.ConfirmationReference);
            public async Task Throws_unexpected_response_exception()
                var portalClient = new PortalClient(GetClientConfiguration())
                    HttpClient = GetHttpClientWithHandler(new FakeHttpClientHandlerForInternalServerErrorResponse())

                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <UnexpectedResponseException>(async() => await portalClient.Confirm(new ConfirmationReference(new Uri("http://cancellationuri.no"))).ConfigureAwait(false)).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #4
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            X509Certificate2 tekniskAvsenderSertifikat;
            string           scertificateThumbprint = "";
            string           sorganizationNumber    = "";
            string           sEnvironment           = "";
            string           sDebugMode             = "";
            int    iDebugMode = 0;
            string iterations = "";

            //regSubKeycatNos contains a list if all category Numbers, JobID-field name for the category and status for the category for all workflows.
            List <string> regSubKeyCatNos = new List <string>();

            //Load the values from the registry
            RegistryKey key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32);

            key = key.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE").OpenSubKey("Canon");

            if (key != null)
                sorganizationNumber    = key.GetValue("OrganizationNo").ToString();
                scertificateThumbprint = key.GetValue("CertThumbprint").ToString();
                sEnvironment           = key.GetValue("Environment").ToString();
                sDebugMode             = key.GetValue("DebugMode").ToString();
                iterations             = key.GetValue("NumberOfPolls").ToString();

                if (sDebugMode != "")
                    iDebugMode = Convert.ToInt32(sDebugMode);

                foreach (string wfName in key.GetSubKeyNames())
                    if (wfName == "OrganizationNo" || wfName == "CertThumbprint" || wfName == "PollingInterval" || wfName == "NumberOfPolls" || wfName == "Environment" || wfName == "DebugMode")

                    RegistryKey tempkey;
                    tempkey = key.OpenSubKey(wfName);
                    regSubKeyCatNos.Add(tempkey.GetValue("CategoryNo").ToString() + "|" + tempkey.GetValue("JobIDFieldName").ToString() + "|" + tempkey.GetValue("StatusFieldName").ToString());

                    if (iDebugMode > 0)
                        Library.WriteErrorLog("Loaded workflow: " + tempkey.GetValue("CategoryNo").ToString() + "|" + tempkey.GetValue("JobIDFieldName").ToString() + "|" + tempkey.GetValue("StatusFieldName").ToString());

                Library.WriteErrorLog("No workflow exists/has been configured correctly: No information stored in the registry about the certification or organization number");

            //POSTEN: initiate a portalClient
            PortalClient portalClient = null;

            Digipost.Signature.Api.Client.Core.Environment env = Digipost.Signature.Api.Client.Core.Environment.DifiTest;
            if (sEnvironment == "Production")
                env = Digipost.Signature.Api.Client.Core.Environment.Production;

                if (iDebugMode > 0)
                    Library.WriteErrorLog("!!!!!!!!!!!!Working against the prdouction environment !!!!!!");

            tekniskAvsenderSertifikat = getCertificat(scertificateThumbprint);

            //POSTEN: Create Client Configuration
            ClientConfiguration clientconfiguration = new ClientConfiguration(
                new Sender(sorganizationNumber));

            if (iDebugMode > 0)
                Library.WriteErrorLog("Client configured: " + clientconfiguration.ToString());
                Library.WriteErrorLog("Current Environment: " + clientconfiguration.Environment.ToString());

            portalClient = new PortalClient(clientconfiguration);

            //POSTEN: Do the initial poll and get a status
            JobStatusChanged jobStatusChanged = portalClient.GetStatusChange().Result;

            if (jobStatusChanged.Status == JobStatus.NoChanges)
                //Queue is empty. Additional polling will result in blocking for a defined period.
                if (iDebugMode > 0)
                    Library.WriteErrorLog("First Poll: No Change.." + " ");
                if (iDebugMode > 0)
                    Library.WriteErrorLog("Staus changed - polling jobs");

                for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(iterations); i++)
                    if (i != 0)
                        jobStatusChanged = portalClient.GetStatusChange().Result;

                        JobStatus signatureJobStatus = jobStatusChanged.Status;
                        string    docNo       = jobStatusChanged.JobReference;
                        string    tmpFileName = "";

                        if (signatureJobStatus == JobStatus.CompletedSuccessfully)
                            if (iDebugMode > 1)
                                Library.WriteErrorLog("Polling job: " + jobStatusChanged.JobId);

                            Stream pades = portalClient.GetPades(jobStatusChanged.PadesReference).Result;
                            tmpFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + jobStatusChanged.JobId + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".pdf";

                            FileStream filestream    = File.Create(tmpFileName, (int)pades.Length);
                            byte[]     bytesInStream = new byte[pades.Length];
                            pades.Read(bytesInStream, 0, bytesInStream.Length);
                            filestream.Write(bytesInStream, 0, bytesInStream.Length);


                            if (iDebugMode > 1)
                                Library.WriteErrorLog("Polling job: " + jobStatusChanged.JobId + ": Pades retrieved");

                        TheServer server = new TheServer();
                        if (iDebugMode > 0)
                            Library.WriteErrorLog("Connected to The Server");

                        TheIndexData theInData = new TheIndexData();
                        TheDocument  theDoc    = new TheDocument();
                        bool         fileSaved = false;

                        if (iDebugMode > 0)
                            Library.WriteErrorLog("Document Number from Reference: " + docNo);

                        theInData.DocNo = Convert.ToInt32(docNo);
                        string sPostenStatus   = "";
                        string statusFieldName = "";
                        statusFieldName = getStatusFieldName(theInData.CtgryNo.ToString(), regSubKeyCatNos);

                        if (iDebugMode > 0)
                            Library.WriteErrorLog("Found status field name: " + statusFieldName);
                        if (iDebugMode > 0)
                            Library.WriteErrorLog("CatNo found: " + theInData.CtgryNo.ToString());
                        if (signatureJobStatus != JobStatus.CompletedSuccessfully)
                            if (signatureJobStatus == JobStatus.Failed)
                                sPostenStatus = "Signature was either rejected or failed";
                            else if (signatureJobStatus == JobStatus.InProgress)
                                List <Signature> signStatus = new List <Signature>();
                                signStatus = jobStatusChanged.Signatures;
                                foreach (Signature sign in signStatus)
                                    string tempMail = sign.Identifier.ToContactInformation().Email.Address;

                                sPostenStatus = "Signature is in Progress";

                            if (iDebugMode > 0)
                                Library.WriteErrorLog("Updating status for document : " + docNo);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusFieldName))
                                theInData.SetValueByColName(statusFieldName, sPostenStatus);

                            if (iDebugMode > 0)
                                Library.WriteErrorLog("Status updated for document: " + docNo);
                            if (iDebugMode > 0)
                                Library.WriteErrorLog("Begin archiving the doc : " + docNo.ToString());

                            TheDocument newDoc = new TheDocument();
                            newDoc.AddStream(tmpFileName, "", 0);
                            newDoc.IndexData = theInData;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusFieldName))
                                newDoc.IndexData.SetValueByColName(statusFieldName, "Signed");

                            string testUser;
                            int    testCurrVersion;
                            newDoc.CheckOut(server, 0, out testUser, out testCurrVersion);
                            newDoc.Archive(server, Convert.ToInt32(docNo), "Added  by The Polling Service");

                            if (iDebugMode > 0)
                                Library.WriteErrorLog("Document is archived : " + docNo);

                        if (iDebugMode > 0)
                            Library.WriteErrorLog("Confirming status for JOb ID (Posten): " + jobStatusChanged.JobId);

                        //Confirming that we have recieved the JobStatusChange
                        string confStatus = portalClient.Confirm(jobStatusChanged.ConfirmationReference).Status.ToString();
                        fileSaved = true;

                        if (iDebugMode > 0)
                            Library.WriteErrorLog("Confirming status for JOb ID (Posten): " + jobStatusChanged.JobId + ":  - Confirmed: " + confStatus);

                        if (fileSaved)

                            if (iDebugMode > 0)
                                Library.WriteErrorLog("Deleting Temp-file: " + tmpFileName);
                    }catch (TooEagerPollingException eagerPollingException)
                        Library.WriteErrorLog("No more jobs to poll: " + eagerPollingException.ToString());