예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// AddEntityToScriptGuidsPool needs to be called from the RawFrameRender,
        /// otherwise it crashes, TLS issues I'm guessing
        /// so that's why we do this nasty workaround...
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetAllPickupsOnRawFrameRender(object sender, GraphicsEventArgs e)
            Pool *pickupPool = PickupsPoolInstance;
            EntitiesScriptGuidsPool *entitiesPool = EntitiesScriptGuidsPoolInstance;

            List <uint> pickups = new List <uint>();

            for (uint i = 0; i < pickupPool->size; i++)
                if (entitiesPool->IsFull())

                if (pickupPool->IsValid(i))
                    IntPtr address = pickupPool->GetAddress(i);

                    if (address != IntPtr.Zero)

            result = pickups;
            Game.RawFrameRender -= GetAllPickupsOnRawFrameRender;
예제 #2
파일: Pool.cs 프로젝트: DotLab/Futilef
 public static void Decon(Pool *self)
                 #if FDB
예제 #3
파일: Pool.cs 프로젝트: DotLab/Futilef
        public static void Init(Pool *self, int len)
                        #if FDB
            Should.NotNull("self", self);
            Should.GreaterThanZero("len", len);
            self->type = Type;
            self->len = len;
            byte *arr = self->arr = (byte *)Mem.Malloc(len);
            self->shift = 0;

            // sentinel
            int *head = (int *)arr;
            head[0] = -1;                  // sentinelHead.prev = -1;
            head[1] = HeadSize + TailSize; // sentinelhead.next = HeadSize + TailSize;
            head[2] = 0;                   // sentinelHead.size = 0;
            head[3] = -1;                  // sentinelTail.size = -1;  // to prevent merging
//			Fdb.Dump(arr, len);
            //               sentinel              firstFree             sentinel
            int size = len - HeadSize - TailSize - HeadSize - TailSize - HeadSize;
            SetFreeMeta((int *)(arr + HeadSize + TailSize), 0, -1, size);

            // sentinel
            head    = (int *)(arr + len - HeadSize);
            head[0] = -1;              // prev = -1 will prevent merging
            head[1] = -1;
            head[2] = 0;

                        #if FDB
예제 #4
        public void Dispose()
            PtrIntDict.Decon(nodeDict); Mem.Free(nodeDict); nodeDict         = null;
            Pool.Decon(spritePool); Mem.Free(spritePool); spritePool         = null;
            PtrLst.Decon(spritePtrLst); Mem.Free(spritePtrLst); spritePtrLst = null;

            Debug.Log("Clean up GPC");
예제 #5
파일: Pool.cs 프로젝트: DotLab/Futilef
        public static void Free(Pool *self, void *ptr)
                        #if FDB
            Should.InRange("ptr", ptr, self->arr, self->arr + self->len);
            byte *arr = self->arr;
//			Fdb.Dump(arr, self->len);

            int *head = (int *)ptr - 3;
            SetFreeMetaAndInsert(arr, head, head[2]);
                        #if FDB
            MergeRight(arr, head);
                        #if FDB
            MergeLeft(arr, head);
                        #if FDB
예제 #6
파일: Pool.cs 프로젝트: DotLab/Futilef
        public static void Clear(Pool *self)
            int   len = self->len;
            byte *arr = self->arr;

            // sentinel
            int *head = (int *)arr;

            head[0] = -1;                  // sentinelHead.prev = -1;
            head[1] = HeadSize + TailSize; // sentinelhead.next = HeadSize + TailSize;
            head[2] = 0;                   // sentinelHead.size = 0;
            head[3] = -1;                  // sentinelTail.size = -1;  // to prevent merging
            //			Fdb.Dump(arr, len);
            //               sentinel              firstFree             sentinel
            int size = len - HeadSize - TailSize - HeadSize - TailSize - HeadSize;

            SetFreeMeta((int *)(arr + HeadSize + TailSize), 0, -1, size);

            // sentinel
            head    = (int *)(arr + len - HeadSize);
            head[0] = -1;              // prev = -1 will prevent merging
            head[1] = -1;
            head[2] = 0;
예제 #7
    void OnEnable()

                #if GPC_TEST
        nodePool = Pool.New();

        nodeLst = PtrLst.New();
        PtrLst.Push(&nodePool->dependentLst, nodeLst);

        var sprite = (TpSprite *)Pool.Alloc(nodePool, sizeof(TpSprite));
        TpSprite.Init(sprite, Res.GetSpriteMeta(10001));

        var container = (Group *)Pool.Alloc(nodePool, sizeof(Group));
        PtrLst.Push(&nodePool->dependentLst, &container->childLst);

        PtrLst.Push(nodeLst, sprite);
        Vec4.Set(sprite->color, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        Vec2.Set(sprite->scl, .015f, .015f);

        var arr = (TpSprite **)nodeLst->arr;
        for (int i = 0, len = nodeLst->count; i < len; i += 1)
            Node.Draw(arr[i], null, false);


        gpc = new GpController(Camera.main);

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
            gpc.SetCamAttr(CamAttr.Position, 0f, 0f);
            gpc.SetCamAttr(CamAttr.Zoom, 5f);

            gpc.AddImg(1, 10001);
            gpc.SetImgInteractable(1, (phase, x, y) => Debug.LogFormat("hit img1: phase {0}, x {1}, y {2}", phase, x, y));
            gpc.SetImgAttr(1, ImgAttr.Position, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            gpc.SetImgAttr(1, ImgAttr.Rotation, 0f);
            gpc.SetImgAttr(1, ImgAttr.Alpha, 1f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(1, ImgAttr.Scale, 1f, EsType.ElasticOut, 0.01f, 0.01f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(1, ImgAttr.Tint, 1.5f, EsType.ElasticOut, 1f, 0.5f, 1f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(1, ImgAttr.Position, 2f, EsType.ElasticOut, 2f, -1f, 0f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(1, ImgAttr.Tint, 1.5f, EsType.ElasticOut, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(1, ImgAttr.Position, 2f, EsType.ElasticOut, -2f, 2f, 0f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(1, ImgAttr.Rotation, 1.5f, EsType.ElasticOut, Mathf.PI * 2.5f);

            gpc.SetCamAttrEased(CamAttr.Zoom, 1.5f, EsType.ElasticOut, 2f);
            gpc.SetCamAttrEased(CamAttr.Position, 2f, EsType.ElasticOut, -2f, 2f);

            gpc.AddImg(2, 10001);
            gpc.SetImgInteractable(2, (phase, x, y) => Debug.LogFormat("hit img2: phase {0}, x {1}, y {2}", phase, x, y));
            gpc.SetImgAttr(2, ImgAttr.Position, 0f, 0f, -5f);
            gpc.SetImgAttr(2, ImgAttr.Rotation, 0f);
            gpc.SetImgAttr(2, ImgAttr.Scale, 0.1f, 0.1f);
            gpc.SetImgAttr(2, ImgAttr.Alpha, 1f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(2, ImgAttr.Scale, 1f, EsType.ElasticOut, 0.006f, 0.006f);
            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(2, ImgAttr.Position, 4f, EsType.ElasticOut, -2f, 2f, 0f);

            gpc.SetImgInteractable(1, null);

            gpc.SetImgId(2, 103);

            gpc.SetImgAttrEased(1, ImgAttr.Tint, 1f, EsType.ElasticOut, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);


        Application.targetFrameRate = Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate;

                #if FDB
예제 #8
파일: Pool.cs 프로젝트: DotLab/Futilef
        public static void Verify(Pool *self)
            Should.NotNull("self", self);
            Should.TypeEqual("self", self->type, Type);

            Should.GreaterThanZero("self->len", self->len);
            Should.Equal("self->HeadSize", HeadSize, 3 * sizeof(int));
            Should.Equal("self->TailSize", TailSize, sizeof(int));

            int len = Mem.Verify(self->arr);

            Should.Equal("self->len", self->len, len);

//			Fdb.Dump(self->arr, len);

            byte *arr = self->arr;
            int * head;

            head = (int *)(arr + self->len - HeadSize);
            Should.Equal("endHead->prev", head[0], -1);             // head.prev = -1
            Should.Equal("endHead->next", head[1], -1);             // head.next = -1
            Should.Equal("endHead->size", head[2], 0);              // head.size = 0

            head = (int *)arr;
            Should.Equal("firstHead->prev", head[0], -1);             // head.prev = -1
            Should.Equal("firstHead->size", head[2], 0);              // head.size = 0
            Should.Equal("firstTail->size", head[3], -1);             // tail.size = -1

            int curFree = head[1], lastFree = 0;
            var dict = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, int>();

            while (curFree != -1)
                head = (int *)(arr + curFree);
                Should.Equal("head" + curFree + "->prev", head[0], lastFree);
                Should.Equal("tail->size", *(int *)((byte *)head + HeadSize + head[2]), head[2]);
                dict.Add(curFree, head[2]);
                lastFree = curFree;
                curFree  = head[1];

            head = (int *)(arr + HeadSize + TailSize);
            int *end = (int *)(arr + self->len);

            while (head < end)
                int  pos = (int)((byte *)head - self->arr);
                int  prev = head[0], next = head[1], size = head[2];
                int *tail = (int *)((byte *)head + HeadSize + size);

                if (tail < end)
                    int tailVal = tail[0];
                    if (tailVal == -1)                        // in use
                        Should.False("dict.ContainsKey(pos)", dict.ContainsKey(pos));
                        Should.Equal("prev", prev, -1);
                        Should.Equal("next", next, -1);
                        Should.GreaterThanZero("size", size);
                    else                          // free
                        Should.True("dict.ContainsKey(pos)" + pos, dict.ContainsKey(pos));
                        Should.GreaterThanOrEqualTo("prev", prev, 0);
                        Should.GreaterThanOrEqualTo("next", next, -1);
                        Should.Equal("size", size, dict[pos]);
                else                      // head is end sentinel, no tail
                    Should.Equal("head", head, (int *)(arr + len - HeadSize));
                    Should.Equal("endHead->prev", head[0], -1);                     // head.prev = -1
                    Should.Equal("endHead->next", head[1], -1);                     // head.next = -1
                    Should.Equal("endHead->size", head[2], 0);                      // head.size = 0

                head = (int *)((byte *)head + HeadSize + size + TailSize);
            Should.Zero("dict.Count", dict.Count);
예제 #9
파일: Pool.cs 프로젝트: DotLab/Futilef
 public static void Init(Pool *self)
     Init(self, 64);
예제 #10
파일: Pool.cs 프로젝트: DotLab/Futilef
        public static void *Alloc(Pool *self, int size)
            if ((size & 0x3) != 0)                // align to 4
                size = (((size >> 2) + 1) << 2);
                        #if FDB
            Should.GreaterThanZero("size", size);
            byte *arr = self->arr;

            int *head;
            int *freeHead;
            int  freeSize;

            int curFree = 0;
            while (curFree != -1)                // foreach free block
                head = (int *)(arr + curFree);
                int blockSize = head[2];
                if (blockSize >= size)                    // found a block that can fit
                // | head | data...                              | tail |
                //        | blockSize                            |
                // | head | data... | tail | freeHead | data...  | tail |
                //        | size    |                 | freeSize |
                    freeSize = blockSize - size - TailSize - HeadSize;
                    if (freeSize > 0)                        // split
                        freeHead = (int *)((byte *)head + HeadSize + size + TailSize);
                        SetFreeMetaAndInsert(arr, freeHead, freeSize);
                        MergeRight(arr, freeHead);

                        RemoveFromFreeList(arr, head);
                        SetUsedMeta(head, size);
                        RemoveFromFreeList(arr, head);
                        SetUsedMeta(head, blockSize);
                                        #if FDB
                    return(head + 3);
                curFree = head[1];

            // expand and split
            // | data... | endHead  |
            // | data... | freeHead | data...  | freeTail | head | data... | tail | endHead |
            // | len                                                                        |
            // | oldLen             | freeSize |                 | size    |
            int oldLen = self->len, len = oldLen, minLen = oldLen + HeadSize + size + TailSize + HeadSize + TailSize;
            while (len < minLen)
                len <<= 1;
            self->len = len;
//			Fdb.Log("{0:X}", (long)arr);
//			Fdb.Log("len: {0}", Mem.Verify(arr));
            byte *oldArr = arr;
            arr = self->arr = (byte *)Mem.Realloc(arr, len);
            long shift = self->shift = arr - oldArr;
            if (shift != 0)
                var    dependentLst = &self->dependentLst;
                void **dependentArr = dependentLst->arr;
                for (int i = 0, dependentLen = dependentLst->count; i < dependentLen; i += 1)
                    PtrCollection.ShiftBase(dependentArr[i], shift);
//			Fdb.Log("{0:X}", (long)arr);
//			Fdb.Log("len: {0}", Mem.Verify(self->arr));

            freeHead = (int *)(arr + oldLen - HeadSize);
            freeSize = len - oldLen - TailSize - HeadSize - size - TailSize - HeadSize;
            SetFreeMetaAndInsert(arr, freeHead, freeSize);
//			Fdb.Dump(arr, len);
            MergeLeft(arr, freeHead);

            int *endHead = (int *)(arr + len - HeadSize);
            endHead[0] = -1;
            endHead[1] = -1;
            endHead[2] = 0;

            head = (int *)((byte *)freeHead + HeadSize + freeSize + TailSize);
            SetUsedMeta(head, size);
                        #if FDB
            return(head + 3);