예제 #1
        string GetUpcomingGames()
            WeightedVote[]  votes       = context.GetModule <PollModule>().GetWeightedVotes("next");
            PollDiagramData diagramdata = new PollDiagramData(votes);
            DiagramItem     nextgame    = diagramdata.GetItems().FirstOrDefault();

        public override void ExecuteCommand(IChatChannel channel, StreamCommand command)
            string pollkey;

            if (command.Arguments.Length == 0)
                Logger.Info(this, $"Starting heuristic poll result estimation for '{command.User}'");
                ActivePoll leadingpoll = module.GetMostActivePoll();
                if (leadingpoll == null)
                    SendMessage(channel, command.User, "Since no one voted for anything i can't show you any poll.");

                SendMessage(channel, command.User, $"You seem to be too lazy to tell me which poll you want to know something about. I just guess you want to see poll '{leadingpoll.Name}' since it is the most active poll.");
                pollkey = leadingpoll.Name;
                pollkey = command.Arguments[0];

            Poll poll = module.GetPoll(pollkey);

            if (poll == null)
                SendMessage(channel, command.User, $"There is no poll named '{pollkey}'");

            PollDiagramData data = new PollDiagramData(module.GetWeightedVotes(pollkey));

            string message = $"Results for {pollkey}: {string.Join(", ", data.GetItems(100).Where(r => r.Count > 0).Select(r => $"{r.Item} [{r.Count}]"))}";

            SendMessage(channel, command.User, message);