private void Update() { policeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (policeTimer <= 0) { if (currentPoliceState == PoliceState.Normal) { SetPoliceAnimator(PoliceState.Speed); currentPoliceState = PoliceState.Speed; } else { SetPoliceAnimator(PoliceState.Normal); currentPoliceState = PoliceState.Normal; } } thievTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (thievTimer <= 0) { if (currentThievState == ThiefState.Normal) { currentThievState = ThiefState.Speed; SetThiefAnimator(ThiefState.Speed); } else { currentThievState = ThiefState.Normal; SetThiefAnimator(ThiefState.Normal); } } }
private IEnumerator CheckPatrolStatus() { while (true) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.5f)); if (this.CurrentState != PoliceState.Patrolling) { break; } if (this._myCamera.IsVisibleFrom(this._player.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>())) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: I can see the player",; this._lastSeenPlayer = Time.time; this._renderer.material.color = this.ChaseColor; this._sirenSound.Play(); this.CurrentState = PoliceState.Chasing; continue; } if (this._navAgent.remainingDistance <= 1f) { //Debug.Log("Patrol Complete - Setting state to Resting"); this.CurrentState = PoliceState.Resting; continue; } } }
void DoStepOutside() { m_CurrentForward = Vector3.back; m_DelayBeforeStepOut -= Time.deltaTime; if ((m_CollisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Below) == 0) { m_CurrentSpeed.y -= m_Gravity * Time.deltaTime; } if (m_DelayBeforeStepOut <= 0.0f) { m_CurrentSpeed = m_CurrentForward * m_StepOutSpeed; if (transform.position.z <= 0.0f) { m_CurrentState = PoliceState.e_Patrolling; EnterPatrol(); Vector3 newPosition = transform.position; newPosition.z = 0.0f; transform.position = newPosition; m_CurrentSpeed.z = 0.0f; } } }
private IEnumerator CheckChaseStatus() { while (true) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.1f)); if (this.CurrentState != PoliceState.Chasing) { break; } while (true) { if (this._myCamera.IsVisibleFrom(this._player.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>())) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: I can see the player",; this._lastSeenPlayer = Time.time; } if (Time.time - this._lastSeenPlayer > this.LosePlayerTime) { //Debug.Log("Lost the suspect - Taking a break"); this._sirenSound.Stop(); this.CurrentState = PoliceState.Resting; break; } this.Chase(); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(this.LosePlayerTime / 10f)); } } }
private void CheckStateChange() { if (this._lastState == this.CurrentState) { return; } this._lastState = this.CurrentState; this.StopAllCoroutines(); switch (this.CurrentState) { case PoliceState.Patrolling: this.Patrol(); this.StartCoroutine("CheckPatrolStatus"); break; case PoliceState.Resting: this.StartCoroutine("CheckRestStatus"); this.Rest(); break; case PoliceState.None: this.CurrentState = PoliceState.Patrolling; break; case PoliceState.Chasing: this.StartCoroutine("CheckChaseStatus"); this.Chase(); break; } }
private void Update() { alcoholAdmited = alcoholMeter.AlcoholLevel; float distance = Vector3.Distance(_player.position, transform.position); if (distance <= lookRadius) { currentState = PoliceState.Track; } if(distance <= lookRadius && alcoholMeter.AlcoholLevel > 90) { currentState = PoliceState.Follow; } else { currentState = PoliceState.Wait; } //if(distance <= lookRadius) if (currentState == PoliceState.Follow) { transform.position += transform.forward * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; lookAt(); } if (currentState == PoliceState.Track) { lookAt(); } if (currentState == PoliceState.Wait) { } }
IEnumerator UpdateTarget () { while (true) { if(target == null) state = PoliceState.Returning; if (state == PoliceState.Following) { if(!InPatrolArea()) state = PoliceState.Returning; else if(Vector3.Distance (target.position, transform.position) > attackDistance) nav.SetDestination (ObstacleDetection () ? target.position : target.position + new Vector3 (Random.Range(1f, 2f), 0.5f, Random.Range(1f, 2f))); else transform.forward = Vector3.Normalize(target.transform.position);//nav.SetDestination(target.position); } else if (state == PoliceState.Returning) { if(transform.position == home) state = PoliceState.Waiting; else nav.SetDestination (home); } else { nav.destination = transform.position; } yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Police"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="drawing">The drawing.</param> /// <param name="position">The position.</param> /// <param name="actualTile">The actual tile.</param> /// <param name="player">The player.</param> public Police(Texture2D drawing, Vector2 position, Tile actualTile, PlayableCharacter player) : base(drawing, position, actualTile) { this.drawing = drawing; this.position = position; this.actualTile = actualTile; this.state = new NormalState(this); this.player = player; }
public IEnumerator TakeStatement() { dialogueText.SetActive(true); source.clip = talkingSounds[Random.Range(0, talkingSounds.Length - 1)]; source.Play(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(statementDurationSeconds)); state = new PoliceLeaveHouse(this, state.chaseState); FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>().setInteracting(false); Destroy(dialogueText); }
void Start () { state = PoliceState.Waiting; nav = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent> (); healthScript = GetComponent<HealthScript_00> (); moraleManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("MoraleManager").GetComponent<MoraleManager_00>(); nav.speed = Random.Range (MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED); nav.angularSpeed = Random.Range (MIN_ANGULAR_SPEED, MAX_ANGULAR_SPEED); nav.acceleration = Random.Range (MIN_ACCELERATION, MAX_ACCELERATION); StartCoroutine (UpdateTarget ()); }
void DoMantle() { m_MantleTimer -= Time.deltaTime; m_CurrentSpeed.y = 0.0f; if (m_MantleTimer <= 0.0f) { m_CurrentState = PoliceState.e_Patrolling; transform.position += transform.up * m_MantleOffset.y + m_CurrentForward * m_MantleOffset.x; } }
public IEnumerator DealWithDoor() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitSecondsBetweenDoorThumpAttempts)); if (currentDoorThumps < numDoorThumpsToAttempt) { state = new PoliceThumpingDoor(this, state.chaseState); } else { state = new PoliceSmashingState(this, state.chaseState); } }
private IEnumerator CheckRestStatus() { while (true) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(this._restScheduleTime / 3f)); if (this.CurrentState != PoliceState.Resting) { break; } if (Time.time - this._restStartTime > this._restScheduleTime) { //Debug.Log("Rest Complete - Starting a new patrol"); this.CurrentState = PoliceState.Patrolling; continue; } } }
void DoTackle() { if (m_DiveChargeTimer > 0.0f) { m_DiveChargeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_DiveChargeTimer <= 0.0f) { m_CurrentSpeed.x = m_CurrentForward.x * m_DiveSpeed; m_DiveTimer = m_DiveTime; m_HitBox.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Source.PlayOneShot(AttackClips[Random.Range(0, AttackClips.Length)]); } } else if (m_DiveTimer > 0.0f) { m_DiveTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_DiveTimer <= 0.0f) { m_HitBox.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_GetUpTimer = m_GetUpTime; m_CurrentSpeed.x = 0.0f; } } else if (m_GetUpTimer > 0.0f) { m_GetUpTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_GetUpTimer <= 0.0f) { m_CurrentState = PoliceState.e_Patrolling; EnterPatrol(); } } }
// Use this for initialization public override void Start() { base.Start(); FindObjectOfType <Instruction>().Police(); state = new PoliceArriving(this, new ChaseRoom1(state)); roomOfPlayer = FindObjectOfType <PlayerRoom>(); goToPostitions = new Transform[roomOfPlayer.Rooms.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < roomOfPlayer.Rooms.Length; i++) { //Child of 1 and 3 has more accurate position, bit hacky if (i != 1 && i != 3) { goToPostitions[i] = roomOfPlayer.Rooms[i].transform; } else { goToPostitions[i] = roomOfPlayer.Rooms[i].transform.GetChild(0); } } }
public void SetPoliceAnimator(PoliceState _state) { policeRenderer.SetActive(true); police.SetBool("Speed", false); police.SetBool("Normal", false); switch (_state) { case PoliceState.None: policeRenderer.SetActive(false); break; case PoliceState.Speed: police.SetBool("Speed", true); break; case PoliceState.Normal: police.SetBool("Normal", true); break; default: break; } policeTimer += waitToChangeAnim; }
public MoveState(PoliceState p) { policeState = p; }
/// <summary> /// Checks the state change. /// </summary> private void CheckStateChange() { if (Player.StarPower) state = new ScaredState(this); else if (Player.Armed) state = new UrgeToArrestState(this); //check if Gru is on the same X or Y and if there is a wall in the way else if (player.actualTile.GetPosition().X == this.actualTile.GetPosition().X) { Tile tempTile = this.actualTile; if (player.actualTile.GetPosition().Y < this.actualTile.GetPosition().Y) { //Checks if there is a wall between the police and Gru while (player.actualTile != tempTile) { if (tempTile.TopTile == null) { return; } tempTile = tempTile.TopTile; } } else { //Checks if there is a wall between the police and Gru while (player.actualTile != tempTile) { if (tempTile.BotomTile == null) { return; } tempTile = tempTile.BotomTile; } } state = new ChasingState(this); } else if (player.actualTile.GetPosition().Y == this.actualTile.GetPosition().Y) { Tile tempTile = this.actualTile; if (player.actualTile.GetPosition().X < this.actualTile.GetPosition().X) { //Checks if there is a wall between the police and Gru while (tempTile != null && player.actualTile != tempTile) { if (tempTile != null && tempTile.LeftTile == null) { return; } tempTile = tempTile.LeftTile; } } else { //Checks if there is a wall between the police and Gru while (player.actualTile != tempTile) { if (tempTile.RightTile == null) { return; } tempTile = tempTile.RightTile; } } state = new ChasingState(this); } else { state = new NormalState(this); } }
public void SetTarget(Transform t) { target = t; state = PoliceState.Following; }
public ChaseRoom5(PoliceState p) : base(p) { }