예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes each poker action received from the server.
        /// Updates the game state and moves to the next node in our strategy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pa"></param>
        void ProcessAction(PokerAction pa)
            int chBegin, chCount;

            _strIndexes[_pos].GetChildrenBeginIdxAndCount(_curStrNodeIdx, out chBegin, out chCount);
            int nextStrNodeIdx = -1;

            if (pa.IsDealerAction())
                _gameState.UpdateByAction(pa, null);

                if (pa.Position >= 0 && pa.Position != _pos)
                    // This is a deal to an opponent
                    // We can skip it for games without public cards (and it is very unlikely we will have some
                    // in the future).

                int[] hand      = _deckDescr.GetIndexes(_gameState.Players[_pos].Hand);
                int   abstrCard = _chanceAbsrtractions[_pos].GetAbstractCard(hand, hand.Length);
                for (int c = 0; c < chCount; ++c)
                    int stNodeIdx           = _strIndexes[_pos].GetChildIdx(chBegin + c);
                    StrategyTreeNode stNode = new StrategyTreeNode();
                    _strategies[_pos].GetNode(stNodeIdx, &stNode);
                    if (!stNode.IsDealerAction)
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  String.Format("{0} : expected strategy child: dealer action but was: '{1}'",
                                                GetBotStateDiagText(), stNode.ToStrategicString(null)));
                    if (stNode.Card == abstrCard)
                        nextStrNodeIdx = stNodeIdx;
                        goto searchFinished;
            else // Player action
                double inPotBefore = _gameState.Players[pa.Position].InPot;
                _gameState.UpdateByAction(pa, null);
                double inPotAfter   = _gameState.Players[pa.Position].InPot;
                double actualAmount = inPotAfter - inPotBefore;
                double bestAmount   = double.MinValue;

                for (int c = 0; c < chCount; ++c)
                    int stNodeIdx           = _strIndexes[_pos].GetChildIdx(chBegin + c);
                    StrategyTreeNode stNode = new StrategyTreeNode();
                    _strategies[_pos].GetNode(stNodeIdx, &stNode);

                    if (!stNode.IsPlayerAction(pa.Position))
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  String.Format("{0} : expected strategy child: player action pos {1} but was: '{2}'",
                                                GetBotStateDiagText(), pa.Position, stNode.ToStrategicString(null)));
                    double amount = stNode.Amount;
                    switch (_amountSearchMethod)
                    case AmountSearchMethod.Equal:
                        if (FloatingPoint.AreEqual(amount, actualAmount, AMOUNT_EPSILON))
                            nextStrNodeIdx = stNodeIdx;
                            goto searchFinished;

                    case AmountSearchMethod.Closest:
                        if (Math.Abs(amount - actualAmount) < Math.Abs(bestAmount - actualAmount))
                            bestAmount     = amount;
                            nextStrNodeIdx = stNodeIdx;
            if (nextStrNodeIdx == -1)
                throw new ApplicationException(
                          String.Format("{0} : cannot find strategy action for poker action '{1}'",
                                        GetBotStateDiagText(), pa.ToGameString()));
            _curStrNodeIdx = nextStrNodeIdx;